HomeMy WebLinkAboutInitial Plan; Zoning Review IPZ2006006 - Signed Application, ,0
City of Huntington Beach
Planning Department
2000 Main Street
Huntington Beach, CA 92648
(714) 536-5271
, 0 Planning Commission
o Zoning Administrator
iT Staff Review
o Design Review
Applicant or Authorized jent (
;;218'5 I /VeW/'111 S+
nta t Person)
;# /I~
Mailing Address
City State Zip
Telel2hone Number: 71'1 3:21 c9£i
Fax Number: 71'-/ 9&f t7hf
Mai!ipg Adfress I A
JlvkJ1/nr Lb. Beqch~ en. 9Jtit
City J State / Zip
Telel2hone Number: 711 :5.1" jI L Z
Fax Number:
E-mail Address:
EXISTING USE: R.etg iI -fo h ,): t'J1Ce S.f-o re /1r'C/1/,zJ-I /
• StreetAddress: ____ 'b_'-\_C\_I __ ;s-r--:--_t-_~_~ __ A __ /._')_v_e __ __:_---_______ _
• Nearest MajorIntersection: /V&/a 11 d sS f ttJ4 d Aile. /1 J.. £
Assessor's Parcel Number(s): __ ->1_5=' ...;.\_-_, -'-\_O--"5=-_--_~.=;;...3~.~---_-• Lot Area: ______ _
• Tract: ___________ -___ Block: ________ Lot: ________ _
I, (Pdn! Propel1y Owner's name) 13 A R. B fl all e. {!oNt.( ~ I AI , am the property owner of the subject
property and have read and der tand a statements includ'ng the filing requirements on the reverse side of this application. I hereby
authorize I'! • to act as my representative and to
bind me in all matters concerning this application. I her by firm under penalty of perjury that the foregoing statements, facts and
attachments are true and correct. I understand that this applica ion for entitlement or variance may be denied, modified or approved with
conditions and that such conditions or modifications must be satisfied prior to issuance ofbuHding permits.
Signature 0["£ 14.. «< i ~ Cth1J4.;. f-2 8-tJ (. QA a "d \5 11k. 9-/l,NJC
Property Owner . Date AuthOrized Agent a
APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS: (ColllPlete/submit the following circled items prior to submittal and return this application
/ with your submittal)
I ~. This applica~n must be typed or printed and filled in completely.
/ ~ If the applicant is not the property owner, the property owner shall designate the applicant as the authorized agent to act on his/her
behalf and both shall sign this application.
'3. Proof of property ownership, e.g., deed, title insurance policy.
· 4. Chain of title indicating prior ownership and date of lot creation, Certificate of Compliance, or copy of recorded map.
· 5. Environmental Assessment Form if determined necessary per California Environmental Quality Act (see attached).
• 6. Planning Commission: Twelve (12) preliminary site plans, floor plans and building elevations (and for new construction submit
preliminary grading plans) a maximum of 24" X 36" in size. Upon acceptance and scheduling of hearing date, eight (8) additional
full sized sets, two (2) sets of plans reduced to 8· 1/2" X 11" and one (1) set of plans colored to illustrate the design and
development concept of the project shall be submitted. Other plans may be required depending on the complexity of the project.
. 7. Zoning Administrator: Twelve (12) sets of site plans, floor plans and building elevations (and f~ew..Q.Qll~truction submit
preliminary grading plans) a maximum of24" X 36" in size, and one (1) set of plans reduced tc(!-}l2" ~J_e.) Other plans may be
required depending on the complexity of the project. PI \I:f3( 5'.) ~ Staff Review or Design Review: Twelve-(-l-2-) sets of site plans, floor plans and building elevations a maximum of 24" X 36\! in
size. A materials palette, preliminary landscape plans, and colored elevations of all proposed walls are also required for design
review. (No additional plans required for PC/ZA projects requiring Design Review).
9. Preliminary Grading Plan with all existing and proposed grades as well as all walls/fences shown on plan. ~ Plans conforming to the following requirements:
I(a) Draw to scale (minimum scale 1/8"= I' or I\!= 30'); indicate scale; indicate dimensions of building and floor uses; and north
direction arrow. Plans shall be oriented so that north points to the top of the page.
" (b) Plot the entire parcel and dimension all pertinent data such as easements, driveways, landscaping, parking, fencing; and
distances to all property lines. Indicate any grade differential between adjacent properties, alleys, or streets.
J (c) Depict existing property improvements on abutting parcels and across streets andlor alleys within fifty (50) feet of the subject
parcel. Improvements should include location and dimension of parking, landscaping, driveways, building layouts and uses,
windows and entryway locations and any other information useful to analyze the project.
'*' (d) Plot all existing and proposed physical features, fences/walls, and structures on the subject property and abutting properties.
(Window locations on adjacent properties required for all Residential Infill properties.)
I (e) Dimension to the nearest intersecting street and identify all street names.
" (1) Dimension height of all structures from the highest adjacent curb to the top of slab and to the roof peak on all elevations.
'" (g) Building elevations shall depict all sides of building and indicate colors and materials proposed.
cI (h) Locate and dimension existing and proposed reciprocal driveway access and parking.
i (i) Include a legend (locate in lower right corner of the site plan) which lists the name, address, and phone number of the recorded
owner and the applicant.
"" U) Identify the legal description of the subject property on the site plan .
• (k) Label existing and proposed uses of each room on floor plan .
•• (1) Dimension section drawings for walls, grade differential, and buildings .
.. (m) Provide a zoning conformance matrix on the cover sheet of the site. The matrix shall include information on how the project
complies with all aspects of the Huntington Beach Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance.
(n) Fold all plans to a maximum size of 8·1/2\! X 14\! (lower right corner out).
II. Public notification requirements for Coastal Development Permit, Variance, Conditional Use Permit, Zoning Map Amendment,
Precise Plan Street Alignment, General Plan Amendment, and Sign Code Exception (See attached sheet).
,12. A letter from the Property Owner Association or Architectural Committee, if applicable, shall be submitted indicating that the
/~ proposed project has been approved, denied, or that the CC&R's do not require Association or Committee review. II~ All entitlements require photographs of the subject site and surrounding properties.
~ All P~anning Co~ission applications requir~ slides or digita~ photographs ?fthe subjec~ site ~n~ surr~unding ~roperties .. rJ ~ A wntten narrative of the proposed use or proJect. The narratlve shall contam the followmg mmlmum mformatton: '
(a) Description of project and services, including proposed use, square footage, hours and days of operation, number of '
employees, and other information as appropriate.
(b) Reasons for initiating this application.
(c) Description of surrounding uses to the north, south, east and west.
(d) Description of population served by the proposed use or project.
(e) A signed statement declaring whether the project site is.Q! is not located within a Hazardous Waste and Substance site
pursuant to Section 65962.5 of the Government Code. (Site information is available from the Planning Department).
16. A massing model for all commercial development and for all residential developments often (10) units or more (three [3] units or
more in redevelopment project areas). Models shall be submitted prior to sending out the public hearing. Models can be simple
and have a minimum scale 1/8\!:; I' or 1"= 30'.
17. Draft Affordable Housing Plan for residential projects with three (3) or more units.
18. In order to support findings for approval for a Variance, respond to the following on a separate page:
(a) What exceptional circumstances apply to the subject property (including size, shape, topography, location or surroundings)
that deprive it of privileges normally enjoyed?
(b) Explain why the request will not constitute a grant of special privilege.
(c) Why is this request necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of one or more substantial property rights when compared
with other properties in the same zoning designation?
(d) State reasons why the granting of the request will not be materially detrimental to the public welfare.
19. Entertainment permit requests shall be accompanied by evidence of review and conceptual approval by the Police Department.
20. Photographs of all existing signs on the subject property and at surrounding businesses.
21. Design Review checklist(s).
FOR YOUR INFORM A TION: Staff may deem other submittal infonnation necessary. Completion of the application does not presume approval of
the application. Such approval is discretionary with the Director, Zoning Administrator or the Planning Commission. The Zoning Administrator or
Planning Commission may deny, modify or conditional1y approve the application. The Design Review Board's action is a recommendation to the
Director, Zoning Administrator, or Planning Commission unless the application has been submitted for Design Review Board final approval.
All entitlement decisions are final unless appealed within ten (10) days of such decision. The appeal shal1 be in writing specifying the areas of
aggrievement. In no case shall building permits, certificates of occupancy, or licenses be issued until the appeal period has elapsed. All applicable
fees shall accompany appeals. All applications shall become null and void if the approved use or project has not been initiated within one (1) year
from the approval date unless a later date is granted.
g:\fOlms\pJmming\genappJ • Revised; June 21, 2005
Plan Checked By AN~~ GloN'ZA\.JC"C:... Telephone: (714)536-5271 or _____ Plan Check No. _____ _
Date loflOJo:>'4 Job Address -e~ I A11.A-NTJ4. Plan Dated: ______ _
Entitlement No(s). ___________________ Expiration Date _____________ _
Review Body: Planning Commission Zoning Administrator ___ Design Review Board ___ Director ___ _
Proposed Use -............JA$¥/J4c::.l:..--------------------------------
1. Legal Description: Lot Block __ Tract _____________ _
2. Assessor's Parcel Number (s) 1.6 1.. ... iOb -2.01 DM ,~ Zone --'C;;;..C::s-,.,;:;..-____ _
3. General Plan Designation CN --F1. General Plan Sub Area Requirements _________ _
4. Existing Lot Size _ Dedication Required Yes/No (alley, comer, street) Net Lot Size ________ _
5. Proposed Total Building Floor Area fJ/!T _Proposed Number Units __ N.:../f...I.P<=:..:-_________ _
6. Environmental Status: Study required? 't(f[) Exempt (sec. '5:00 \ class L EAlEIR number -----
7. Coastal Zone: y/0 Appealable/Nonappealable area Exempt Categorical exclusion (sec. class )
8. §2@cia~Clrcle if applicable) Residentiallnfill cN6~ur Design Overlay Redevelopment Earthquake ~
((jfp, a Seismic Liquefaction FAA Historic
Plan Check per HB Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance and General Plan
See Page 2
Page 2
Aisle Ways
g:plerce\plncheck\page2_ Non-Residential.doc 06/12/00
: ;" -~, Ill"
~, ' -City of Huntington 'Beach
October 5, 2006
Richard 1. Murphy
21851 Newland St., #116
Huntington Beach, CA 92646
Dear Applicant:
Initial Plan Zoning Review 2006-006
8491 Atlanta Avenue
Barbara Conklin
8491 Atlanta Ave.
Huntington Beach, CA 92646
October 5,2006
Andrew Gonzales
Thank you for submitting your entitlement to the City of Huntington Beach, Planning Department. The
assigned Project Planner is responsible for processing your entitlement and will be responsible for the
following tasks:
-/ Reviewing your entitlement for completeness;
-/ Evaluating the project for conformance with the General Plan;
-/ Reviewing plans for compliance with the Zoning Code, Design Guidelines, and applicable City
-/ Preparation of environmental documents pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA);
-./ Analyzing the site plan layout and, if applicable, the floor plans and elevations;
-/ Evaluating the project for compatibility with, and potential impacts to, surrounding uses/structures;
-/ Coordinating issues related to the Fire Dept., Public Works Dept., Building and Safety Dept., etc.;
-/ Obtaining other City department's comments relative to the project;
-/ Coordinating any necessary community meetings;
-/ Preparing a staff report and recommendation (approval/denial) with suggested findings and conditions of
-/ Scheduling the project for a public hearing; and
-/ Assisting you with any follow-up actions and/or conditions of approval.