HomeMy WebLinkAboutInitial Plan; Zoning Review IPZ2006006 - Supporting Documents• This is a notification to the customers of Landmark Liquor. That will be posted one week prior to paving the parking lot. On M9nday, October 23 rd• Landmark 'Liquor will be paving the parking lot. This \ should take about three days., I would like all my customers to know that we will be open for business during this time of ' constrnctiQ'n and every effort will be made so tJtat parking will be available for you. The paving of-fhe parking lot is,,for your convenience and safety. At this time, you may park o~ I ask you to , , tak~ ,care when exiting your vehicle and, , entering the prop~rty. For your Safety I ask that you try to,st~y out of the construction area and follow any request by the co~strri.ction creW that they may ask of you. If you have any' questions, please feel free to ,ask my staff or ',myself. Thank you for your patronage ;Ufe; Sincerely Barbara Conklin ChCl~e )/t'w/a'1J sf WJ J;Awfr;. ;tv't-r m 09/27/2006 15:17 IMPERIAL PAVING PAGE 01/01 CUSTOMER: RJMURPHY e IMPERIAL PAIIIIIG ell, IND. 13.555 E. Imperial Hwy. Whittier, Califomia, 90605 (562) 944<00975 FAX: (562) 944-0984 C-8 C~12-286S10 Proposal & Contract Proposal: Dllt~; 1724 9/2712006 21851 NEWLAND ST. HUNtINGTON BEACH, CA 92646 Phone: (714) 321·6954 Attention: RICHAR.D PAX; (714) 96943764 ===~::.---"~-.-----=-.:.;:.~===-.. , ... :;::. === .-... == ...... =. == ... :~ .. ,,===-:-~.---':--:;:-.. --.. -.-----::. 11m hereby lIo~e to t'umlsllllllllloor, mIter/III "nd equlpme/lt forma complelion, I" a good workmlln "k~ mannor, offhe work described below: Job Address: NEWLAND AND A TLANT A, HUNTINGTON BEACH JtIW At " ,..111 " .. Jl rei -Itt!R1 No. Description . Quantity UlM Total Price §gl::!ed~l!l1 1 REMOVE OAMAGEO ASPHALT, CONCRErE: AND HAUL 1.0 LS AWAY. 2 F'ORM, POUR AND FINISH 8" THICK CONCRETE FLOW 175.0 SF LINE AND PLANTER CURB. 3 PAVE ENTIRE LOT WITH 4" ASPHALT CONCRETE AVG. 10,227.0 SF 4 REser WHEeL STOPS ANO RESTRIPE LOT PER EXISTING 1.0 lS LAYOUT. 5 FURNISH AND sET (1) HANDICAP SIGN AND POST. 1.0 lS _""'~ __ ~'R_ Tom\ ~ $36,085.00 ~otal Pt(lPOSi\j Prl~e: $36,085.00 ] SQeoial COMitlons~ 1 PRICE GOOD FOR 30 DAVS. 2 EXCLUDES ENGINEERED T.C. PLANS, RESIDENT NOTIt=JCATIONS, POSTING OF NO PARKING SIGNS. ~ eXCLuoes PERMITS, ENGIN~ERING, LICENS~ OR TESTING. 4 NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR BREAKAGE OF WH~EL SlOPS DURING REMOVAL OR REPLACeMENT. 5 ADDITIONAL. CHARGES MAY APPLY IF" WET, MOIST OR POOR SUBGRAOE CONDITIONS ARE ENCOUNTERED. 6 IF ADDITIONAL WHeeLSi'OPS ARE REQUIRED ADD $25.00 FOR 4' WHSEiLSTOPS AND $35.00 FOR 6' WHEElSTOPS INSTALLED. 7. If;' ASPHALT IS THICKER THAN ESTIMATED ADDITIONAL CHARGES MAY APPLY. Note: Wep.t!s & Clrac:ks aremallJtemmc~problp.m.thereforelmperlaIP{!.vingCompat.ly e~nnot guaml1tee they will Not mappear. ACCEPTANCE (By Ownm, Agent, or General Contractor) l/we accept the within proposal. YOU are authorIZed to perform the work !;:omprehended hereu!\tler and Itwa aglt'!e to pay the said amount in aeoornan~ with the \elms set forth. All of tile terms on the reverse slele are incorporated heraln and mllde a part hereof, RJMURPHY Date: Imperial Paving Co., Ine -_ ..... ---... ,,---.... ----.. ,~ ..... -- ({ Ii 'AJAr __ =Bums _"_.". _ ...... __ .... __ .. _~'----Aoceptod By: 1112 % S~RVlCE CHARGE PER MONTH APPLIED TO ALL PAS; DUE BAI..ANCES fl. * Page 1 of1 l/4 ':>::/:APplicant: , , , I' ,: :'; .• :.:0.,:: I' ~ ~ , ,; i>, .: i'YSOARD of Ion I· ·p~Djustrrl~IlTS:·" <CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH·CALIFORNIA ' 'r . ' , .',' . ', .... : p. O. 80X 190·92648 PHONE (714) 536·5271 .;' " "/ ,,: ~ , NO. 76-43 (Iri Conj~juP76-49) " ' ' norbert E. Riley :-,.:,,' 211 Via Lido Nord , Newport Beach, californi~' \" "\'~'" Request: ." )',)< J'. " .. " ,< '., " ~ To permit a t;.bj,xteen (13) ~'space reduction in the required ePrkjn~in :lieu of SectIon 9793.l(a) of the Huntington Beach Ordin- ;' " "" '/ , , Date of Approval: ance Code and to per~it an approximately ~ven (11) {QQ!: encroachment into the rp.C}uire:d ~ifty (50) foot e~~.tior. side y~~ The subject ~roperty is located at the north- west corner of Newland Street and Atlanta Avenue in a C4, High\'Iay Conunercial District. September 29, 1976., FINDINGS OF TIlE BOARD: L The lot. size and configuration' arid 'the ratio of uead storage , and office space to working floor area justifies the requested , reduction in parking spaces.' ' 2. The granting of the Conditional Exception [or the setback en- croachment is consistent with the intent of the Planning Commis- sion and the City Council to provide co~ncrcial development with the least possible effect upon the abutting uses for the following reasons: a. The requested location of the building will have less effect upon the ~rivacv of adiacent residents than would siting the building farth'Jr back on the property, which wuultl f:./l!Llllil. windows looking directly into the abuttlng rear yards. b. The present location will provide more landscaping along the property lines, further screening the project from the adjacent residences. (~(: /, ,3. The granting of the Conditional Exception will not adversely \~~;;":,:,:,, affect the Master Plan of the City of lIt1ntington Beach. ' 1,';/,<' . It'" ' , , 1;~"':,"~~l,ri~:.J'~{\("l"';'~~~ \,.~ .. :.;,\,,:~Ii':',"" , ',< '. ,', ' , : -~ / " ' : ")1 , I' ~ " ':! , ,.',\' "'-<, )< . ,' .. ' .' ." ....... ' . .':, :;:(" ,'":{,F,; ".' ~9rantin9 of a,Conditlonar<El(c~' " h, ii:; not ',be mil'tcrially:,' '>,: ,.:.":,,: ' , ime,ntalto the, 'publlc wel"far~ {'':'' ,«, "ious"'to,' property ,in', ',' ::«:::";;}!~~ :'"",'," """"".,',' .'" .,' .... e .• same .. ·zOne· elassif icaHons :'({":'~,;l~~;~t\:':::'.· •• '." .....•.••..................• ,; ... , ........... , .. '" '."' •• 'J;! ",,:l'~:;:,:<fThe revised plot plan' received,"arid :;dilt:ed:: September 23",1916,' ':';; ',,::";',:\«" ','sha11 be the approved layout 'I',' ,:':,':':',:"1":,;;"":"'::"'-": ' " ",,;:.-( : C': ..... . ... . .. :.""fi/f!1\~·~;.. .. , .. ,.. . . ..... , . :~ be :advised that the ,Board,"of;:~Zonln'g~jAdjustments:rcviews "the,;": ,:::< 'conceptual plan ,as a basic request "fcii<Emti'tlement:of the ,use applied--'/ , '>:'fo'r> in relation to the'vicinity,ir(which;~rit~l~:Lproposed.' Thcconcep-,,:<;~~' , ,1;;',:tuaT" plan should not be construed ',as, a:,p'r_ec'is'e plan reflecting con-, ':: :;:,;::;' formance,to all Ordinance Code req'ulrements~,:>,{;.',' '_' ,',' -, - J "j < <.~ _', ~ :,~,;~,: ~"{<:~; :',< ;, :,;~' _<' ". ' . ' ,., . _ .' ',., :'. .,< I:: ,_ ·:~:'~'~'~.~<~I:':,:'.~~)~~~:~{:,~~~:{~:/!~,:: ',";', <~;{< ~, \ . \ ~ , " , ~, ,;, ' ',: ~' :; I: ,~,,"It';:is' ;xecommended that you immedia t:ely:,:'i'-tirstle' completion of the :, :: . ::",;,;-' Conditions 'of Approval and addres(·,all~:r,equ.irements of the Huntington ,. , Beach Ordinance Code in order to expedite:J:.he, proceosing of your , , ,/: ,"::;t~tal application. " ',,' :i,:,Ji',~,.·:;":c;,:);,::\;~~~,~~;.;,:/, ' ',', ' "'" ' ) '~', ,,': ' , , ,', J:lt '~',)t"~,!.:::>:~:~,',",:--: '><;'~' ,':,"", ' ~ " , ',", , ,', '" ,.' .' .. ' .:, r~,~,~~~:::~,~~\1:':'~:'{::::'~:P;~J:;;'::.~~'!"~~'}":' , ,"; I, _, '" ,::,' ,,;" \ .',,' ,'?:.:/:,::I ,hereby certify, that Conditional~"t1se:,~P,e,i:mit::,~o.' 76~t13 was approved ~::~,)Lby"the Boat:d, of Zoning,1\dj~stmeri~~,Fo£:(~>~e,;::Cr~y; of; trunting~on' Beach, :'1):,,: California, ,:on ,September 29, ,1976,' ,upon') th,e, ,f0t:egol.ng condl.tions and lJ'A~' ci~a~~ons. ..•..•... . ',; ,,;,~{,: ,', . . . .:': -~~~...> ..... ' amesW. PalIn, secretary Board" of Zoning Adjustments ',,'" , ,':::df' -' r,~ '" ' ,_3 __ ) ,', <. ,,--,., « •• , \, '.' ~ < ~':., " ., ','.' . '.', ~>: -,-' ' ~." ' , ~ .:: ;.' ' . ),' ','i ' " " ,~ " " , " ". ' . ':,~, , ~ , "," (, ' BOARD of zoninG ADJUSTmenTS CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH·CALIFORNIA P. O. BOX lQO·?'lMA PHONE (714) 5J(·-.5271 USE PEruo1l'l' NO. ?(i-.~19 (II: Conj./CE 76-43) Applicant: Request: Location: Date of Approval: Ecrbcrt E. Riley 2Ll Via Lido Nord Newport Deaeh, California '1'0 pc'rmit the constr.uction of il 7900 SqU;ll:(~ foot commercial Dlli.lcil ng pursuant to S('ct:l.on 9472 of the Iluntin<)ton Beach Ordinance Code. The subject property is located at the northwest corner of Newland Street and Atlantu Avenue in a C4, Highw.1Y Conunercial District. September 29, 1976 FINDINGS OF' 'I'lIE BOAHO: 1. The establishment, maintenance, and operation of the usc will not be dc~rimental to: a. The general welfare of persons residing or working in the vicinity; b. Property and improvements in the vicinity of such usc or ",,',:; '.;, bui Iding . ~J:~::~;(.~"" ,,2.' The granting of a Use Permit will net adversely affect. tlw Master Plan of the City of Huntington Beach. ~',,, The proposal is consistent with the City I S General Plan of L.:lI1d ,":,'Use' " ::', J" :' ., ISSUANCE OF BUILDING PERMITS: , ::Th'~,,,,conceptuCil ,plot plan received September 23, 1976, shall '<:the approved layout, subject to the modification described "'in:" ': '. ' ! II ", '. '" " :':'The"dri~eway widths shall be modified to the standnrds of : ;~~h~Department of Public Works as may be determined by " '''"the' .. Traffic Engineer. , " ",',,' :'. , ,; CONDI'PIOm; '.W APPHO.)- Septembor 29, 1976 UP 76-49 Page 2 In its npprova] ilC lion I tlw I.\oa rd of Zon in9 Adj tiS tments consid(~rnd the following issues relating to the conceptual plan: • Trtlffic circulation and drives; • Parking layout; Lot nrcni • Lot width and lot". depth; • Type of us(' and its t:el':ltion to property and i.mprovements in the .:i.mmcdiatc v i.~: n j tYi • Past admini sLra t.l.v!:", act.ion re<Jnrc.ii ng this proper l:y. 2. The following planH shall be submitted: t1. 1\ lnnd!->cilpinq ilnd .i.::ri.g<tti.on plan nh':lll b(~ 3ubmittpd to the Dcpnrt.Inc:nt of Buildinq and CommulIJ.ty DcV(~lopmcnt. Selic1 plan shall comply with Article 979 of the lIunLinqton Beach Orc1i.nnncc Code nncJ landscaping specificat.ions on fj le in the Department of Public Works. b. 1\ t"oof.';.op mechanical equipment f,Greenin9 plan sha 11 b(· submi t Led to the Sec ro tary of the DOcl reI. Said p 1 un shall j ndi c() t.e scn~(ltl.i n9 of all rooftop mcdwn.lca 1 eqllipl1\(~nt. i\l1d slla 11 de 1. i.lleDte the type of mnteri<ll proposQd to screon [~nid equiprnen t. 3. Soil and compilction reports Bhull be submitted by a certifin(] soils engineer. Said rcports shall be submitted to the Dcpart- mcwt of: Btdldiny and Community Development. and shall b(~ subject to appro".:l} by that Depar.tment. 4. Fire protection systems, including automatic sprinkler systems, st.:lndpipe systems, fire hydrants, fire ulm:m systems, ~\I\d nny other required fire })rotection and detection devices or systems 3ha11 comply \..,ith the specifications of the Huntington 13ei.1ch Fire Code. Pinns for such systems and devices shall b0 submitted to the Fire Department nnd shall be subject to ~pproval by the Dcpart~~nts of Fire and Public Works. 5. 1\11 applicable fees shall be paid prior to ; :~suance of build- ing permits. TO BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO FINAL INSPECT~ON: :'':,::~:.l. Construction of t!le approaches t.o the l)rojecl shu J.l be completed , ':'. '. ": pursuant: to sta'.ldards and requirernent:g of the Department of .<';' Public Works. '. u"',,, ...... \.nu.· CONCITIONS : :',' . \,:,,'{ {,.' :', , ',':~ig.ht ~(8) foot high masonry block \oIn11 8h.:111 be constructed ~::,: the north and west property lines vi: s·,,\:-ject project. of operation shall not oxtend beyc.'llrl 12: 00 midn.i.qht and Saturday n'ights, nor hcyond 11:01' r.m. on other '\ ,I, e) CONDITIONS OF AprROVA~ -UP 76-49 September 29, 1976 Page 3 3. 'rhe dcsiCJnutcd sp<,cj fic t1:';en Eor porti.ons of t1w b1.li lclinq designated to be usec1 for offices, stora9C ilIH] deild i11·ei\!~ shall be the ('111] y npprovcd uses for those areas, bilsed lIpon the approved plan und the reduced parkin9 provided. 4. The 15-gallon trees to be planted along the west and north property lines of ~311b:ject property shull be shown upon I:h0- landscuping and improvement plun, and the species tllercof approved by the Street 'l'ree Superintendent prior to occupallcy of the usc. 5. No sit-down area sh.1J.l be provided \'lithin l:he facility in con- junction with the deli/take-out area. 6. On on-site liqhtinq plan shall be submitted to t:I'.(~ D(~I'.:lrtmenl of Bui I dinq ,'Ind Communi ty Development prior to iSHU,1llCn of bui.ld.i.n9 penni!.:fl, t.O ilssurc that no lightinq is directed upon abutting properties. 7. '1'he trush enclosure area nnd ice vendinq machine enclosure wal] shall be of similnr materials to those used within the struc- ture, to assure compatibility of colors and materials. 8. No [utun~ use of this buildinq for any other purpose shilll be allowed until a Bubsoquont application lWfl be(}n fi led and approved for such Uf,e, to assure that adequate par.kinq cnn be provided on the site. 9. No deJ,iveries shall take place flt any time other than betwnen the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m. The Department of Building and Community Development: will perform a comprehensive plun check, relating to all Ordinance Code requirements upon submittal of your completed structural drawings. Please be advised that the Board of Zoning Adjustments reviews the conceptual pla'1 as ,1 basie request for enti tlernellt of the us(~ app,U cd ,:~, for in relation to the vicinity in which it is proposed. The con-' ",' ceptual plan should not be construed as II precise plan reflectinCJ 'conformance to all Ordinance Code requriements. '('is .recommended that you immediately pursue completion of the Condi ti ons f:'l\pproval and address all roquirements of the Huntington Beach Ordinance in,order to expedite the processing of your total application. ",1 '\) ,:,certify that Use Permit No. 76-49 was approved by the Board of ustments of the City of Huntington Deach, California, on :;elPt1et,loe:r: ;29'" 1976, upon the foregoing conditions and ci tat.ions. '*' Minutes, H.B. Board cezonin9 Adjustments September 29, 1976 '(:l~;tl ,,~ ~ , .... Page 3 b. The present locatio~ will provide more landscaping along Lhe property lines, further screening the project from the adjacent residences. 3. 'l'hc gran ti nq of the Conditional Exception will not adversely affect the Master Plan of the City of Huntington Beach. 4. 'The granting of ~ Conditional Exception will not be materially detrimental to the puhlic welfare, or injurious to property in the same zone classifications. CONDITIONS OF APPHOVAL: -----------_._-_.- 1. The revised plot plan received and dated September 23, 1976, shall be the approved layout. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: PALIN, CROSBY, LIPPS NONE NONE To permit the construction of a 7900 square foot commercial building pursuant to Section 9472 of the Huntington Beach Ordin- ance Code, located at the northwest corner of Newland Street and Atlanta Avenue in a C4, Highway Commercial District. Chairman Crosby informed the Board that this request is a Catcg- ori~~l Exemption, Class V, Section l5l03(c), California Environ- mental Quality Act, 1970. The Chairman opened the public hearing. Mr. Riley and Chuck < ;~": . ,Robinson were present to represent the application, and disc~ssed ;'~,;.~i,:,;;?;:~:<, :'. .;the· project for the Board I s information. There being no other ~,"', .. : :'.: ' ..persons to speak on the proposed project, the public hearing was ;;:~.:'.' ',\::.; .. "," closed :~~' '<f" ,"~l!t,:>,,~,:.;~.,:, ,. "~~ansuing Board review took into consideration the parking /" . , t.ibn-"and encroachment approved under CE 76-43, as well as ing , and screening, access to the use, and hours of . 'and deliveries. ': ," - Y:'PALIN AND SECOND BY CROSBY USE PERl-lIT NO. 76-49 , ',' FOTJLOWING FINDINGS AND CONDITIONS, BY THE '.', , , . ,',"', )' ,. BZA 9-29-76 Page 3 ~; ," : ~ , ',,' Minutes, H.B. Board -r~ Zoninr~u Ad:iustments September 29, 1976 Page. 4 FINDINGS OF THE BOARD: e .t.', r.'1· ., ) , 1. The establishment, maintenance, and operation of the use will not be detrimental to: B. The general welfare of persons residing or working in the vicinity; b. Property and improvements in the vicinity of such use or building. 2. The granting of a Use Permit will not adversely affect the M~ster Plan of the City of Huntington Beach. 3. The proposal is consistent v.'ith the City's General Plan of Land Use. CONDITIONS OF Jl.PPHOVl\L: A. TO BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF BUILDING PERMITS: 1. The conceptual plot plan received S(:!pl:en'.bcr 23, 1976, shall be the approved layout, subject to the modification described herein: a. '1'he driveway widths shall be modified to the standards of the Department of Public Works as may be determined by the Traffic Engineer. In its approval action, the Board of Zoning Adjustments considered the following issues relating to the conceptual plan: • Traffic cir.culation and drives; Parking layout; . Lot area~ Lot width and lot depth; Type of use and its relation to property and improvements in the irnmed:i.ate vicinity; •. Pa~~ .cidministrative action regarding this property. , • ~ ",'1\ <. ' " < ' , . "~\'.: ~ .. 2 •. The, following plans shall be sUbmitted: ~' , ' .,' .. ' ;,:,,",a:; .. ··J\,:landscaping and irrigation plan shall be submitted to .: .... ; .. :.::.' the. Department of Building and Community Development • . Said plan shall comply with Article 979 of the Huntington . ·~': .... "'B·~.fic:h ,.ordinance Code and landscaping specifications on file .'. "i:';: .. the, Department of Public Works. ' ,.',' ',' :. , ,': 'I: 't":"", .' .' 'roof'top mechanical equipment screening plan shall be ." submi tted to the Secretary of the Board. Said plan shall , .,' ~, " <' • r , BZA 9-29-76 Page 4 't . \J~~,~;).~r~~~~t{til: I~l/'\.'~'~/~~.' t',' :r(>~<l,t, .. :;'·, .,', ,,,,<,-,:" ".,', Minutes, 11.13. Board of Zoning Adjustments September 29, 1976 Page 5 indicate screening of all rooftop mechanicul equipment and shall del.ineate the type of material proposed to screen said equi pnl~nt. 3. Soil and compaction reports shall be submitted by a certified Boils cnqineer. Said reports shall be submitted to the Depart- ment of nuilding and Conununity Development unci shall be subject tc approval by that Department. 4. Fire protection syst0ms, including automatic sprinkler systemo, Rtnnclpipe systems, fire hydrants, fire alarm systems, and any other required fire protection and detection devices or Gyutcms shall comply w.i.th the specificntions of the Huntington Beilch Fire Code. Pinns for such systems and devices shall be submitted to the Fire Depnrtmenl and shall be SUbject to approvnl by the Dcpart~]nts of Fire and Public Works. 5. All Dpplic~ble fees shall be paid prior to issuance of build- ing permits. D. TO BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO FINAL INSPECTION: 1. Construction (l1' tile approaches to tlw project shiJll he completed pursuant to standards and requirements of the Department of Public Works. C. GLNERAL CONDI'l'IONS: 1. An eight (8) foot high masonry block wall shall be constructed along the north and west property lines of subject project. ., .. , 3. The hours of operation shall not extend beyond 12:00 miriniqht all F'rid3y and Saturday nights, nor beyond 11:00 p.m. on other nights. The designated specific uses fcr portions of the building designated to be used for offices, storage and dea1 areas . shall be the only approved uses for those areas, blsed upon the approved plan and the reduced parking provided. The 15-gallon trees to be planted along the west a~d north property lines of subject property shall be shown upon the .... :':)andscaping and improvement plan, and the species thereof .' ·.· ... ct'pproved. by the Street Tree Superintendent pri.or to occupancy . ::Of. \t.~~;,,use. si·t:·down area shall be provided wi thin the facility in con-'~tfon wlththe deli/take-out area. ", " ':r, "I "of"',' . ',,'H' :/ .)', ' '9-29-76 Page 5 J' " .-......... --, "" . i"',ll ... ~~ ~t~ Minutos, 11. B. Board of "Joning AdjustmE.mts September 29, 1916 Page 6 6. An on-site lighting plan shall be submitted to the Department of Building and Community Development plior to iAsuancc of buildi.ng p(~rrnit:s, to assure that no liilh1.~:1q 1.S d.ircct0.d upon abuttin9 properties. 7. The trash Cllclosure area anct icc vending machj.ne cnclouure wall shelll be of r,imilar mat.er.ials to those twed within the stnH':- ture, to assure compatibility of color~ and materials. 8. 9. No future usc of this building for any other purpose shall be allowed until a suhsequent application has be~n filed and approved for Huch usc, to assure thut ad(-~quate parki n9 can be provided on the site. No deliveries shall take place at any time other than between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m. 'AYES: PALIN, CROSBY, LIPPS NONE NOES: ABSENT: NONE ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 76-134 ,'. ~pplicant: Forest Q]_~2 ~To permit construction of a 1480 square foot addition to an existing ,'real. estate office pursuant to Section 9471 of the Huntington Beach "Ordinance Code, located on the northwest corner of. Edinger Avenue and :,:Edwards Street in a C4, Highway Commercial District. '~hairman Crosby informed the Board that this request is covered by 'Negative Declnration No. 76-85. , . was present to represent the application. review found the application to be in conformance with applicable proviDions. MOTION BY CROSBY AND SECOND BY LIPPS THE BOARD ADOPTED NEGATIVE 1,1.1:1\:.' .... on'RATION NO. 76-85 BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: ";CROS1.W AND SECOND BY PALIN ADMINISTRA'l'IVE REVIEW NO. , . WITH iTHE E'OLLOWING CONDITIONS, BY 'l'HE FOLLOWING , " .. / J Phone Fax City of Huntington Beach 2000 MAIN STREET CALI FORNIA 92648 536-5271 374-1540 DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING October 30, 2006 Application: Applicant: Property Owner: Request: Project Location: Dear Mr. Murphy: INIITIAL PLAN ZONING REVIEW NO. 06-06 (ATLANTA AVENUE PARKING LOT REPAVING/RESTRIPING) Richard J. Murphy 21851 Newland Street, Unit No. 116 Huntington Beach, CA 92646 Barbara Conklin 8491 Atlanta Avenue Huntington Beach, CA 92646 Review of conceptual plans for the repaving and restriping of an existing parking lot. 8491 Atlanta Avenue, Huntington Beach, CA 92646 The Planning Department has completed the review of your application for Initial Plan, Zoning & Review. The comments provided in this letter reflect Planning Department review only and are limited to the information provided with the application submittal. Additional issues, which may be of concern to other departments, are not addressed as a part of this application. Please note that additional issues may be identified following submittal of complete plans and/or application for entitlements. The following is provided for you information: Zoning/General Plan: • The project site is located within the CG (General Commerical) zoning district. The General Plan designation for the subject property is CN-F1 (Commercial Neighborhood -0.35 maximum floor area ratio). Required Permits/Entitlements: • A building permit is required for the proposed project. When re-striping, parking stalls shall be double striped as depicted in Huntington Beach Zoning & Subdivision Ordinance (HBZSO) Section 231.14 Parking Space Dimensions, Diagram A. • Code Requirements: • Huntington Beach Zoning & Subdivision Ordinance (HBZSO) Section 231.26{C) requires that existing off-street parking areas that were approved at a reduced dimension (e.g. width, length, aisle width) may be reconstructed and re-striped or only restriped at their previous reduced dimension. According to Conditional Exception Application No. 76-43, the subject site had been conditionally approved to improve the site with a thirteen (13) parking space reduction. The aforementioned parking space reduction entailed twenty-seven (27) parking stalls, four (4) of which are parallel parking stalls located adjacent to the site's northerly property line. Therefore it is the determination of Planning Staff that the applicant adheres to the previously approved parking layout by restoring the four (4) parking stalls absent from the submitted site plan, maintain the total net site area of landscaping, and restripe the parking lot per the City's parking requirements. • The proposed repaving and restriping shall comply with the comments imposed by the Fire Department memorandum concerning this application, dated October 23, 2006 (See Attached). • The proposed repaving and restriping shall comply with the comments imposed by the Public Works Department memorandum concerning this application, dated October 26, 2006 (See Attached). Copies of the Huntington Beach Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance may be obtained from the City Clerk's Office or via the City's web site www.cLhuntington-beach.ca.us. Thank you for submitting your Initial Planning, Zoning and Review application. Please call me at (714) 374-1547 if you have any questions regarding the information in this letter. Sincerely, ~G~r Assistant Planner Attachments: Memo from the Fire Department, dated October 23, 2006 Memo from the Public Works Department, dated October 26, 2006. c: Barbara Conklin, Property Owner Herb Fauland -Acting Planning Manager File > . PLANNING DEPARTMENT DEVELOPMENT REVIEW REQUEST RECEIVED OCT 13 2006 TO: Steve Bogart, Public Works Lee Caldwell, Fire . -~ ... ,,--'"""QTMDt'I" Gerald Caraig, Building Lt. Chuck Thomas, Police Det. Erik Krause, Police Dave Dominguez, Community Services David Biggs, Economic Development FROM: ANDREW GONZALES Ext: 1547 DATE: OCTOBER 12,2006 o PC o ZA o DRB ~ STAFF PETITION(S): REQUEST(S): LOCATION: ZONE:' Planning Application No. 2006-0252; Initial Plan, Zoning and Review No. 2006-006 (Parking Lot RepavingIRestriping) To review a parking lot repaving and restriping plan. 8491 Atlanta Avenue (Northwest comer of Atlanta Avenue and Newland Street) CG (General Commercial District) GENERAL PLAN: CN-FI (Commercial Neighborhood -0.35 Maximum Permitted Density) EXISTING USE: Retail-Liquor/Convenience Store Please submit your concerns and recommended changes or conditions in writing on or before October 27, 2006. COMMENTS: (Use attachments or back side of sheet if necessary) ""FlR» -c.~~.,.", • "'C.IL""t\-\(S:>'-"\~ ).~"I"<= ;'r:l.~ t.A..,Jc, +5 Z. " ~ \ ~"t. I-r M.GC! T.s ""'Tt'i t, ~(\)\ .. r:t\t(;f'"'C..~ ~ 'Fa\,\ .. F".t~­ Ac.c.GS"S -ro \L'-t:tS nu'I:.'-'~'r~. /tJo b1-""!.ur.. -\\4~ o(L Tu~ ARUu~u lt~Qu-:c.R(;\:) nGtl4v'!>c;:. -n.\~ 1=-:r.(tb l.IA\~~ :rs U.u~~v'L \ 'S~' ::t~ LCvV(b'l \-\. n.('t.t: ?\'t.~~c:..n.s; -Cu ~~~ \'1,'\C:, c\l\5'1 I w~S7 LA..-Je 0 l>c-~ A l z.~ 'f ~v1" It :t:s tv~"T A ~Qv'l ~ h.~c...\1' RESPONSE BY: L. CA~LJt ... Ll... Extension~S") I Attachments: 1, Plans 2, Narrative City of Huntington Beach OCT 232006 TO: PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT INTERDEPARTMENTAL COMMUNICATION Andrew Gonzales, Assistant Planner FROM: James Wagner, Associate Civil Engineer DATE: ~ctober 26, 2006 SUBJECT: IPZA 0606 (8491 Atlanta Avenue)-Landmark Liquor Paving Project Planning Application No. 2006-0252 -Development Requirements Public Works has reviewed the Paving Plan for 8491 Atlanta Avenue (the Northwest comer of Atlanta and Newland Street) dated October 5, 2006. The following Public Works comments are provided for your use for further study of the project: 1. Street Parking is prohibited on the north side of Atlanta Avenue along the project frontage. The curb along the Atlanta Avenue frontage of the project is painted red. (Vehicle Code) 2. Street Parking is prohibited on west side of Newland Street along the project frontage and to the north of the project. Newland Street has a bike lane that shall not be obstructed. (V ehicle Code) 3. Work in the public right-of-way including construction of the existing driveway approaches on Atlanta Avenue and Newland Street and public sidewalks shall have plans submitted to Public Works for review and approval prior to start of that phase of work. All construction in the right-of-way will require an encroachment permit and shall be constructed per current City standards. (MC 12.38.010) 4. Comply with appropriate sections of AQMD Rule 403, particularly to minimize fugitive dust and noise to surrounding areas. (AQMD Rule 403) 5. All construction materials, wastes, grading or demolition debris, piles of soils, aggregates, soil amendments, etc. shall be properly covered, stored and secured to prevent transport into the street and surface or ground waters by wind, rain, tracking, tidal erosion or dispersion. (DAMP) INFORMATION ON SPECIFIC CODE REQUIREMENTS These code requirements are provided for reference. This is not a complete list of all code requirements applicable to this project. I. An Encroachment Permit is required for all work within the City'S right-of-way. (MC 12.38.010/MC 14.36.030) D;\Documents and Settings\gonzalea\Local Seuings\Temporary Internet Files\OLKE9\IPZR 06-06 (8491 Atlanta) -Dev Reql.doc Page 1 of 1 Gonzales, Andrew From: Wagner, Jim Sent: Thursday, October 26,20065:29 PM To: Gonzales, Andrew Cc: Davis, Chris; Elliott, Terri; Hardy, Johan; Stachelski, Bob; Bogart, Steve Subject: IPZA 0606 (8491 Atlanta Avenue)-Landmark Liquor Paving Project Planning Application No. 2006- 0252 -Development Requirements Good Afternoon- Attached is the subject development requirement for your use. A paper copy will be sent to you via interoffice mail this afternoon. If you have any questions please call. THX Jim Wagner X5467 10/30/2006 Gonzales, Andrew From: Elliott, Terri Sent: Tuesday, October 24, 2006 6:50 PM Wagner, Jim; Davis, Chuck Gonzales, Andrew; Stachelski, Bob To: Cc: Subject: RE: Initial Plan, Zoning and Review 2006-006, (8491 Atlanta Ave) The issue to be addressed is whether or not traffic will allow parking on Newland and Atlanta during the time of paving the parking lot. -----Original Message----- From: Wagner, Jim Sent: Monday, October 23,20061:24 PM To: Davis, Chuck Cc: Elliott, Terri; Gonzales, Andrew; Stachelski, Bob Subject: RE: Initial Plan, Zoning and Review 2006-006, (8491 Atlanta Ave) Good Afternoon- The letter to his customers is suggesting parking in red painted curb area on Atlanta. I believe this project has to be piecemealed to provide on-site parking during the re-paving or close for a few days. Also the striping plans are vague but I believe that would be Building Departments call. I'll see what the Traffic Division comments are before I finalize our comments to Andrew. THX Jim Wagner Associate Civil Engineer Public Works Department City of Huntington Beach 714-536-5467 (Direct) 714-536-5431 (Dept.) 714-374-1573 (Fax) -----Original Message----- From: Davis, Chuck Sent: Monday, October 23,200611:11 AM To: Wagner, Jim Cc: Elliott, Terri Subject: Initial Plan, Zoning and Review 2006-006, (8491 Atlanta Ave) Jim, I spoke with Andrew Gonzales and we in Public Works have no Nexus that would allow us to ask for anything. There may be a Code Enforcement issue with regard to landscape requirements. That would only be to require the applicant to bring their site up to their original landscape approved level, however. Other than that there is nothing else. CD 1 Gonzales, Andrew From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Good Afternoon- Wagner, Jim Monday, October 23, 2006 1 :24 PM Davis, Chuck Elliott, Terri; Gonzales, Andrew; Stachelski, Bob RE: Initial Plan, Zoning and Review 2006-006, (8491 Atlanta Ave) The letter to his customers is suggesting parking in red painted curb area on Atlanta. I believe this project has to be piecemealed to provide on-site parking during the re-paving or close for a few days. Also the striping plans are vague but I believe that would be Building Departments call. I'll see what the Traffic Division comments are before I finalize our comments to Andrew. THX Jim Wagner Associate Civil Engineer Public Works Department City of Huntington Beach 714-536-5467 (Direct) 714-536-5431 (Dept.) 714-374-1573 (Fax) -----Original Message----- From: Davis, Chuck Sent: Monday, October 23,200611:11 AM To: Wagner, Jim Cc: Elliott, Terri Subject: Initial Plan, Zoning and Review 2006-006, (8491 Atlanta Ave) Jim, I spoke with Andrew Gonzales and we in Public Works have no Nexus that would allow us to ask for anything. There may be a Code Enforcement issue with regard to landscape requirements. That would only be to require the applicant to bring their site up to their original landscape approved level, however. Other than that there is nothing else. CD 1 Caldwell, Lee W. From: Sent: To: Subject: Gonzales, Andrew Friday, October 13, 200610:37 AM Caldwell, Lee W. Re: Review of parking plan at 8491 Atlanta Avenue Recently I routed a parking lot repaving and restriping plan for 8491 Atlanta Avenue for your review and comment. Through some research I recently discovered that on a previous approved plan the parking lot had been approved with four (4) parallel parking stalls to the north of the building, which I just routed to you today (10/13/06). The applicant had initially expressed their desire to include these stalls in the submitted parking plan, which Planning Staff initially discouraged due to the inadequate aisle width. The previous plans illustrates that the parking layout had been approved with a 13 parking space reduction when the site was developed. Since this site was approved with this parking layout, would you see a problem with the applicant maintaining the previously approved parking layout? Andrew Gonzales, Assistant Planner Planning Department City of Huntington Beach (714) 374-1547 Fax (714) 374-1540 1 '0 .... ~ (J) 6 ~ I ..-10 ~ ~ ~ o C\I <3 of 0) c 5 1'MtS IW'WASPRI!PAMD F()RORAMGECOUMTY ASSESSOR DfPT, PtlfIIIOSES ONLY, MASSes. 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