HomeMy WebLinkAboutLimited Sign Permit LSP2006001 - Notice of action Letter with Findings & Conditions of Approvalr Phone Fax 536-5271 374-1540 NOTICE OF ACTION January 29, 2007 SUBJECT: APPLICANTI PROPERTY OWNER: REQUEST: LOCATION: DATE OF ACTION: LIMITED SIGN PERMIT NO. 06-01 (BEACH AND HElL POLE SIGN) Sossie Khatchikian, 1387 N Sinaloa Avenue, Pasadena, CA 91104 To allow an existing non-conforming 20-foot high, 144-square foot freestanding sign on Beach Boulevard to remain for a maximum two-year period. 16520 Beach Boulevard, Huntington Beach January 29, 2007 On January 29, 2007 the Planning Director of the City of Huntington Beach took action and conditionally approved your request. Included in this letter are the findings and conditions of approval for this application. FINDINGS OF APPROVAL-LIMITED SIGN PERMIT NO. 06-01 1. Due to unique circumstances, the sign's immediate removal will result in a substantial hardship for the applicant. The applicant is requesting permission to allow the existing sign to remain so that its removal and replacement can be budgeted. 2. The sign will not adversely affect other lawfully erected signs in the area and will not result in visual clutter due to the fact that are no freestanding signs in close proximity to the existing sign. 3. The sign will not be detrimental to properties located in the vicinity because the current non- conforming sign does not conflict with traffic visibility on Heil Avenue. The sign will identify the building correctly.and will allow visitors in the general area to easily locate the property. 4. The sign will be in keeping with the character of the surrounding area because the current sign has been refaced to complement the building it represents. G:\Nguyen\Umited Sign Permit\16520 Beach--Freestanding Sign\Notice of Action.doc Limited Sign Permit No. 06-01 January 29, 2007 , Page 2 of 3 5. The sign will not obstruct vehicular or pedestrian traffic visibility and will not be a hazardous distraction. The sign is located beyond the traffic sight angle visibility triangle and does not conflict with impede pedestrian traffic on Heil Avenue. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL-LIMITED SIGN PERMIT NO. 06-01 1. Limited Sign Permit No. 06-01 shall be valid for up to two years, (retroactive from April 18, 2006 to April 18, 2008). At that time the existing 20-foot high, 144-square foot freestanding sign on Beach Boulevard shall be removed. 2. Within 30 days of the date of action, the applicant shall file a cash bond in the amount of $3,000.00 with the City for the purpose of indemnifying the City for any and all costs incurred in the removal of the existing 20-foot high, 144-square foot freestanding sign on Beach Boulevard. If the sign is not made to conform with the applicable provisions of the sign ordinance after two (2) years from April 18, 2004, the city of Huntington Beach or its agents or employees may enter on the property where said signs are located and remove said signs and the cost of removal shall be deducted from the cash bond and summarily forfeited and paid over to the City of Huntington Beach, and the remainder, if any, returned to the person depositing the bond. 3. The Director reserves the right to rescind this Limited Sign Permit approval in the event of any violation of the terms of the applicable zoning laws. Any such decision shall be preceded by notice to the applicant and a public hearing and shall be based on specific findings. Under the provisions of the Huntington Beach Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance, the action taken by the Department of Planning is final unless an appeal is filed to the Planning Commission by you or by an interested party. A person desiring to appeal the decision shall file a written notice of appeal to the Secretary of the Planning Commission within ten calendar days of the date of the Planning Department's action. The notice of appeal shall include the name and address of the appellant, the decision being appealed, and the grounds for the appeal. A filing fee of $494 shall also accompany the notice of appeal. Said appeal must be in writing and must set forth in detail the action and grounds by which the applicant or interested party deems himself aggrieved. The last day for filing an appeal and paying the filing fee for the above noted application is February 5, 2007. If you have any questions, please contact Tess Nguyen, Associate Planner at (714) 374-1744 or the Planning Department Planning and Zoning Information Counter at (714) 536-5271. Sincerely, Scott Hess, Acting Director of Planning by: 1 #h N 61for--- Tess Nguyen Associate Planner G:\Nguyen\Limited Sign Permit\16520 Beach--Freestanding Sign\Notice of Action.doc Limited Sign Permit No. 06-01 January 29, 2007 • Page'S of 3 c: Honorable Mayor and City Council Chair and Planning Commission Penelope Culbreth-Graft, City Administrator Paul Emery, Deputy City Administrator Scott Hess, Acting Director of Planning Herb Fauland, Acting Planning Manager' Eric Engberg, Division Chief/Fire Marshal Terri Elliott, Principal Civil Engineer Gerald Caraig, Permit-Plan Check Manager Project File G:\Nguyen\Limited Sign Permit\16520 Beach-Freestanding Sign\Notice of Action.doc • • CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH 2000 MAIN STREET CALI FORNIA 92648 Phone Fax 536-5271 374-1540 374-1648 April 18, 2006 Rita Dabbaghian 1387 N.Sinaloa Avenue Pasadena, CA 91104 APPLICATION: APPLICANT: PROPERTY OWNER: REQUEST: LOCATION: DATE OF ACTION: DESIGN REVIEW BOARD NOTICE OF ACTION SIGN CODE EXCEPTION NO. 06-01 (CARPET & TILE POLE SIGN) Malcolm Hale, Promotional Signs Co. Sorrie Khatchikian, 1387 N Sinaloa Ave., Pasadena, CA 91104 To permit an existing nonconforming pole sign (20 ft.high/114 sq. ft. sign area) to remain in lieu of a monument sign (7 ft. high/30 sq. ft. sign area) pursuant to Section 233.04, C. 16502 Beach Blvd. (Southeast corner of Beach Blvd. and Heil Street) April 13, 2006 The Design Review,Board of the City of Huntington Beach took action on your applications on April 13,2006 and your application was recommended for denial to the Planning Department. On April 18, 2006 the Planning Department denied your application. Attached to this letter are the findings for de- nial for your application. Under the provisions of the Huntington Beach Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance, the action taken by the Planning Department becomes final at the expiration of the appeal period. A person desiring to appeal the decision shall file a written notice of appeal to the Secretary of the Planning Commission within ten calendar days of the date of the Planning Department's action. The notice of appeal shall include the name and address of the appellant, the decision being appealed, and the grounds for the ap- peal. A filing fee shall also accompany'the notice of appeal. A filing fee of$485.00 shall also accom- pany the notice of appeal. In your case, the last day for filing an appeal and paying the filing fee is April 28, 2006. SCE06-01 April 18, 2006 Page 2 of3 • Excepting those actions commenced pursuant the California Environmental Quality Act, you are hereby notified that you have 90 days to protest the imposition of the fees described in this Notice of Action. If you fail to file a written protest regarding any of the fees contained in this Notice, you will be legally barred from later challenging such' action pursuant to Government Code §66020 If you have any questions please contact me or the Planning Department at (714) 536-5271. Sincerely, RM:rk c: Herb Fauland, Principal Planner Property Owner City Council Planning Commission Code Enforcement G:\DESIGN REVIEW BOARD\NOA\2006\SCE 06-01 (Carpet&Tile Center}.doc seE 06-01 April 18, 2006 Page 3 of3 • ATTACHMENT NO.1 FINDINGS FOR DENIAL -SIGN CODE EXCEPTION NO. 06-01: 1. The existing twenty-foot tall, 144 square foot pole sign is not compatible with the character of the area because the sign significantly exceeds the allowable height which is ten-feet tall and 45 square feet of sign area the maximum allowed by code. There are no special circumstances de- fined by the applicant that would warrant the sign to remain or that would be applicable to the property because there is a suitable location for the sign to be in compliance with code. 2. The sign is located on Beach Blvd. the City's primary entry corridor. The sign in its present design would adversely affect the City's image by compromising the aesthetic quality of sign design at this property impacting the Beach Blvd. corridor. 3. The sign will be detrimental to properties located in the vicinity because it does not comply with the Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance Chapter 233 Signs as the pole sign design is no longer permitted by code and the height and square footage far exceed what is allowed by code. The sign was determined to be non-conforming by the City Attorney's Office and required to be removed for compliance with code in 1990 in conjunction with approved Planned Sign Pro- gram No. 90-6. 4. The sign panel projects over an existing parking stall thereby creating a hazardous vehicular distraction. G:\DESIGN REVIEW BOARD\NOA\2006\SCE 06-01 (Carpet&Tile Center).doc