HomeMy WebLinkAboutDesign Review DRB2011014 - Signed Application• HUNTINGTON (EACH For your convenience, you may request an appointment to submit your entitlement application by contacting the Planning Department of 714-536- 5271 City of Huntington Beach Planning Department 2000 Main Street Huntington Beach, CA 92648 (714) 636-5271 - .0 iP annin 0 E L APPLIC 0 Planning Commission 0 Zoning Administrator O Staff Review 0 Design Review Ap icant a Authorized Agent (Contact Person) 5 , ailing Address Wi -go City /n State Zip T 1 "l0. 7i•- lb .• lPa W WW VA. Jrr- /01 Mallntg Address 'ity t g state 'lip N mbor 2 7• 1 : 11Le Fax Number 2 0 . 00 i_tnjLAMrslsrte kelw,es CIN1rat) C,t7ii' t n I FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY PrCM11zone5 p1 DML Oencnl Plan Designntton S f J I N ttN1rnEM124T SPEE CASE a C V EIwirmental Review sac % t' M me so xempt Caaes_ • I Amend p . P R 1 - - ) Flood Zone Oil D e)District Fault Zon Oil Methane District Rcdevelopotant Area NoiseXCN11, Seismic Hazed Zone Scenic Corridor MilharyDuffcrZone _VEN rrm+r aussccN r Assasamaut Req. C Coastal Area Yes No-, -Categorical Gxeluston _Appeal .,- Non. App E cntpt Sec. -JwndrahipVerification PunuannttG -eY __Applicant Authorization _AP cation Req ! Wi tivo D T tographs/Slidcs _ Vertainment Perim l OA approval nputcr log ftBook Log 7PNSns Dale Stomped I1ZQUES'f (Use addirionat page ifaecaaanryl:ai tiV ' "m it-'A &ti E I 17NO USE: I NI) IWSCI 110 OP ROPt Streetnddress•_ _.J_.p .-Jr, itL t 11 wfiV f _ . • Nenrest M,Ijra hucrsccliow - _ P 1! C -. - 1•i 1 .. ' .1vS} IN - ---•-^------___ - _ _-._ 024 153-01-03 & 10-16 024-152-02.OS & 10-14 Lot Area:Asscssnrs I arcc! Numhcr(SY 16406 u,,..r.. r .... I.Lettiz--rLnsr•vn aril Utc property owner of the subject property and have read and understaiid all statements including the fling rcquircments en the reverse sick of this application. I hereby authorize es., walr +to act At my represcntativc'end to hind no in all iruners concerning this eppUca on I hereby affirm under penalty of pcrjtay Clint the Iorcgoing statements. facts and nuuehnients are hue. rid correct I w dersto d that this atyhlicmion f entdlemenl or vernnxu may be den&d, modified or epprovhi with renditions and that i h Condit q o Iirications nail he isti!' for to issue cc of ulilding hinnies Sil;mitmc of . C I+rnrvr.b Oha,er rink Aul :Orin. Alteni Dale i9bi X1 L'?cll. In Lieu or: Data Received Receipt R Z 3F Received by Project Ptamher Distributed by Concurrent Cases Provious Cases 0 0 Cit of Huntin ton Beach (TS 2000 MAIN STREET CALIFORNIA 92648 Plannin Division 714.536.5271 July 14, 2011 Don Kim 10156 Sharon Cir. Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 ENTITLEMENT: Planned Sign Program No. 2004-007 PROJECT ADDRESS: DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND BUILDING www.huntin tonbeachca. ov 155 5" St. #175 PROPERTY OWNER: Ray Deschenes 6801 Hollywood Blvd. Ste. 107 Los Angeles, CA 90028 DATE RECEIVED AT ZONING COUNTER: July 14, 2011 Buildin Division 714.536.5241 PROJECT PLANNER: Ethan Edwards, Associate Planner; (714) 536-5561; Ethan. Edward s(a)surfci -hb.or Dear Applicant: Thank you for submitting your entitlement to the City of Huntington Beach, Planning Department. The assigned Project Planner is responsible for processing your entitlement and will be responsible for the following tasks: Reviewing your entitlement for completeness; Evaluating the project for conformance with the General Plan; Reviewing plans for compliance with the Zoning Code, Design Guidelines, and applicable City Ordinances; Preparation of environmental documents pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA); Analyzing the site plan layout and, if applicable, the floor plans and elevations; Evaluating the project for compatibility with, and potential impacts to, surrounding uses/structures; Coordinating issues related to the Fire Dept., Public Works Dept., Building Division, etc.; Obtaining other City department's comments relative to the project; Coordinating any necessary community meetings; Preparing a staff report and recommendation (approval/denial) with suggested findings and conditions of approval Scheduling the project for a public hearing; and Assisting you with any follow-up actions and/or conditions of approval. Entitlement Page Two Please be advised that a Notice of Filing Status letter will be sent to you regarding the status/completeness of your entitlement(s) notifying you of the pending hearing date within 30 da s of receipt of the entitlement(s) at the zoning counter. The letter will indicate one of the following circumstances: Entitlement Deemed Incomplete ; additional information is required (e.g., revised plans, supplemental plans, environmental information, additional entitlements, etc.); or Entitlement Deemed Complete; the Project Planner is continuing to process your entitlement(s) and you will be notified as to when your project will be scheduled for a hearing by (1) the Design Review Board, (2) the Zoning Administrator, or (3) the Planning Commission. The three scenarios listed below are the subsequent steps to the above notification: If the project is subject to Planning Commission review, a staff report with a full analysis of the proposal will be prepared. Your plans and supplemental information will be attached to the staff report. A copy of the staff report will be mailed to you prior to the hearing; If the project is scheduled for Zoning Administrator review, an executive summary with staff's recommendation for the project will be prepared. A copy of the executive summary will be mailed to you prior to the hearing; If the project is scheduled for Design Review Board action, no staff report will be prepared, however staff will advise you of the staff recommendation prior to the meeting. Generally, the complete processing time from submittal to final action by the reviewing body and expiration of the appeal'period is as follows: Design Review Board: 30-45 days (dependent upon the complexity of your project) Zoning Administrator : 2-3 months (dependent upon the complexity of your project) Planning Commission: 4-6 months (dependent upon the complexity of your project) Please note : When Zone Changes, General Plan Amendments, Tentative Maps, or preparation of environmental documents are involved, additional processing time is necessary. Please direct your questions and communications to the assigned Project Planner. If you have any subsequent comments or need additional clarification, please contact me at 714-536-5271. Thank you in advance for your interest in Huntington Beach - we look forward to working with you! Sin rely, Herb Fauland Planning Manager xc: Property Owner Project File