HomeMy WebLinkAboutAdministrative Permit APX2012011 - Notice of Filing StatusCit of Huntin ton Beach 2000 MAIN STREET CALIFORNIA 92648 DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND BUILDING wwtv.huntin onbeachca. ov Plannin Division 714.536.5271 October 4, 2012 Buildin Division 714.536.5241 NOTICE OF FILING STATUS Application : Administrative Permit No. 12-011 (OFFICE TRAILER FOR OIL SEPARATION FACILITY) Applicant : Erik Nagy, 1672 Donlon Street, Ventura, CA 93003 Request: To permit the installation of an additional 128 square foot office trailer to an existing oil separation facility. Location : 4541 Heil, Huntington Beach, CA 92649 Dear Mr. Nagy: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning Department has reviewed your Adinistrative Permit application received and dated August 28, 2012 and has determined the application to be incomplete. The following information and/or corrections are requested in order for the Planning Department to deem your application complete and continue the review process of your application: MINIMUM APPLICATION RE UIRE MENTS: The following items are necessary to deem your application complete: 1. Provide revised plans to reflect the correct square footage of the office trailer. 2. Provide a revised narrative to state the correct square footage of the office trailer. 3. Provide and expanded narrative stating why there is a need for additional square footage. CODE RE UIREMENTS: Will be mailed under separate cover. Requirements will be from Fire and Public Works Departments. G:\Medel\2012 General Information\ADMINISTRATIVE PERMITS\4541 HEIL - OFFICE TRAILER\Notice of Filing Status - INCOMPLETE 20I2.docx Because of the discreptancy from our conversations and emails compared to what is reflected in your plans and your narrative, which states the addition of a new 128 square foot trailer and not the addition of a 240 square foot trailer, your request cannot be processed as submitted. You have several options as follows: 1. Reduce the square footage of the trailer so as not to exceed more than 10% of the existing square footage. Building records show the existing trailer at 374 square feet. 2. Apply for a Variance: a. Zoning Administrator application from 10% to 20% - $2,923.00 b. Planning Commission application over 20% - $4,234.00 Please submit the above-noted information and/or corrections as soon as possible in order for the Planning Department to continue the review process of your request. Please note, additional comments and concerns may be generated upon receipt of the requested information. Also, completion of the corrections and/or the submittal of the additional information does not presume approval of the application requested. I have included the application as well as the site plan and narrative submitted with your Administrative Permit request for your records. If you should have any questions or concerns regarding the processing of your application, please feel free to contact me at (714) 374-1684. Sincerely, Rosemary M9Elel, Associate Planner Attachments xc: Property Owner PXP (DCOR Lease), 5640 South Fairfax Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90056 Herb Fauland, Planning Manager Jason Kelley, Senior Planner File G:\Medel\2012 General Information\ADMINISTRATIVE PERMITS\4541 HEEL - OFFICE TRAILER\Notice of Filing Status - INCOMPLETE 2012.docx