HomeMy WebLinkAboutInitial Plan; Zoning Review IPZR2012005 - Notice of action Letter with Findings & Conditions of ApprovalCit of Huntin ton Beach 2000 MAIN STREET CALIFORNIA 92648 DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND BUILDING www.hunt:in onbeachca o Plannin Division, 714.536.5271 July 16, 2012 Application: Applicant: Property Owner. Request: Buildin Division 714.536.5241 INITIAL PLAN ZONING & REVIEW NO. 12-005 (EMAMI ADDITION) Mory Moravej, 5753 E. Santa Ana Canyon Road, Unit No. 541, Anaheim Hills, CA 92807 Kim Emami, 217 9th Street , Huntington Beach , CA 92648 To review conceptual plans for an approximately 414 sq . ft. one- and two- story addition to an existing single-story, single -family residence listed as a historically significant structure in the City's 2009 Historic Survey. The request includes the construction of an approximately 380 sq. ft., detached two-car garage. Project Location: 217 9th Street, 92648 (north side of 9"' Street, between Walnut and Olive Avenues) Dear Mory Moravej, We appreciate the opportunity to review your conceptual plans submitted on May 15 , 2012, for the proposed residential development project.. The City of Huntington Beach welcomes efforts to rehabilitate a historically significant building that represents the rich history of the City. Staff has conducted extensive research and analysis of the request and will continue to work with you to ensure the success of the project. Please note that the following comments provided within this letter reflect Planning review only and should be considered preliminary, subject to change upon receipt of any new information and/or submittal of an entitlement application. General Plan/Zonin Desi nations: 1. The General Plan designation for the subject property is RMH-25-d (Residential Medium High Density - 25 dwelling units/acre - Design Overlay District). 2. The project is located within RMH-A (Residential Medium High Density - Small Lot Subdistrict) zoning district which allows for detached single-family residences. The project shall comply with the development standards within Chapter 210 of the Huntington Beach Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance (HBZSO). The HBZSO may be found online at the noted hyperlink. htt ://www.huntin tonbeachca. ov/ overnment/elected officials/ci clerklzonin code/index.cfm . IPZR No. 12-05 July 16, 2012 Page 2 Historical Si nificance: The subject structure was built in 1910. The property is currently listed within the City's 2009 Historic Survey, and is listed as a resource of significance '3CD' which indicates that the structure is eligible for National Register (NR) or California Register (CR) and may be eligible for CR as a contributor to a CR eligible district through survey evaluations. The property is listed as an example of "Colonial Revival" architecture. The 1986 survey identified the structure as a good example of coastal architecture and a significant contributor to the historical streetscape of the City. Upon review and analysis of the proposed project plans against the guidelines of "The Secretary of the Interior's Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties" the Planning Division has the following comments: 1. The project plans and the existing building facade improvements are inconsistent. On the submitted plans, the front elevation of the building depicts the removal of shingles along the base and gable wall face. Furthermore, all building elevations are depicted with 8" lap ("hardiboard") siding which is inconsistent with building's existing siding style. No notation is provided on the project plans regarding these proposed improvements. 2. The existing right window on the building's front elevation is depicted on the project plans with a relocated front door. No notation is provided on the project plans regarding these proposed improvements. 3. The left window on the building's front elevation is depicted on the project plans with a new single-hung window containing a patterned upper window pane. No notation is provided on the project plans regarding these proposed improvements. Provide further clarification on the project plans as to the portions of the building that are intended to be modified. Proceeding with the depicted improvements, with exception of the proposed first and second floor addition, will require further analysis by a licensed architectural historian who will determine if the facade modifications impact the overall architectural integrity of the building. In the event that an architectural historian concludes that such improvements will impact the building's architectural integrity, further environmental analysis will be required through the processing of an Environmental Assessment (EA). See the Environmental Review section for further information regarding the processing of an EA. Environmental Review: The subject property's historic designation of '3CD' signifies that the property is considered a historic resource under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). Finding the proposed improvements consistent with the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties, staff supports applying a categorical exemption of the rehabilitation work from environmental review pursuant to Section 15311, Class 31. This exemption is also predicated on Planning and Building Department Policy Memo PP-77, and shall only apply to the associated improvements for the proposed first and second floor addition. Should it be determined that the remainder of the proposed improvements to the building's existing facades are inconsistent with these standards, an Environmental Assessment (EA) shall be required to be processed in order to properly analyze the project's potential environmental impacts. An G:\GONZALESVPZR\IPZR 12-005 (217 9TH ST) - EMAMI ADDITION\IPZR NO. 12-04 (217 9TH Si) - EMAMI ADDmON.DOCX IPZR No. 12-05 July 16, 2012 Page 3 application shall be submitted to the Planning Division along with a processing fee of $5,242 to commence with the processing of the EA (See Attachment). Other Relevant Information The following is provided for your information: • The proposed two-car garage shall have an unobstructed interior dimension of 18 ft. wide by 19 ft. deep. (HBZSO Section 231.14) Thank you for submitting your Initial Plan Zoning & Review application. Please call me at (714) 374-1547 or via email at AGonzales surfcit -hb.or if you have any questions regarding the information in this letter or would like more information on the entitlement application process or submittal requirements. An rew Gonzales Associate Planner Attachment: Environmental Assessment Application Form Cc: Herb Fauland, Planning Manager Kim Emami, Property owner Project File G:IGONZALESUPZRUPZR 12-005 (217 9TH ST) - EMAMI ADDITION\IPZR NO. 12-04 (217 9TH ST) - EMAMI ADDITION.DOCX PLANNING & BUILDING DEPARTMENT INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM SUBMITTAL INFORMATION: If a project is subject to the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and is not exempted under any of the provisions of the CEQA Guidelines, the City must conduct an initial study to determine if the project may have a significant adverse effect on the environment, or whether previous environmental analysis has been performed which adequately addresses the impacts of the specific project being proposed. The attached Environmental Assessment Form is to be filed with all such subjects, and must be accompanied by the applicable processing fee and a legal description of the property. If the Environmental Assessment Committee determines that an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) is required, an additional fee will also be required for reimbursement of costs incurred in the processing of the EIR. Additional fees for mitigation monitoring may be required for approved projects prior to project implementation. Please print or type all responses. Use additional sheets if necessary. If the information requested does not apply to the project, insert "NA" (Not Applicable) in the space provided. Please contact the Planning Department at (714) 536-5271 if you have any questions regarding the Environmental Assessment Form. PROCESSING PROCEDURE: When the Planning Department receives this form, it will use the information to conduct an Initial Study of your project. Following interdepartmental review of the project by staff, the Initial Study will be completed. The Environmental Assessment Committee will then determine whether a Negative Declaration should be recommended or an EIR required. If an EIR is required, the Environmental Assessment Committee will determine the scope of the EIR. The Planning Department will transmit a letter to you describing the procedure to be followed and the specific areas of concern to be addressed in the EIR. PUBLIC HEARING: If a Negative Declaration is required, the documentation must be prepared and advertised for public review for at least 21 days prior to any action being taken on the accompanying entitlement. If an EIR is required, the report must be prepared, advertised and circulated for public review, and any comments received must be responded to before the project can be scheduled for public hearing. Additional public input on the EIR may be provided during the public hearing on the project. Processing time required for most EIR's is approximately 4 to 9 months. G:\Clerical\Counter Forms\EA Form 2009 docx 1 CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH PLANNING & BUILDING DEPARTMENT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM Filing Fee - $10,679.00 1. Any other entitlement application required by the Planning Department shall be filed concurrently with this form. The following information shall also accompany this Environmental Assessment Form: A. Dimensioned site plan, floor plan and elevations (as applicable), including at minimum: 1. North arrow and scale of drawing. 2. Location of structures, both existing and proposed, and adjacent streets. Show footprint of structures on adjacent property. 3. Location, type and size of existing trees and vegetation, and note whether trees and vegetation will remain or be removed. 4. Parking layout and means of access from adjacent streets. 5. Proposed landscaping and existing or proposed walls and fences. B. Photographs of the area in sufficient detail to depict existing physical conditions in the project area. C. Please attach copies of any special studies that have been prepared with regard to this project or the project site. Examples would include: archaeological survey, biological survey, noise study, geotechnical report, soils report, traffic analysis, etc. If not provided, these studies may be required to complete the initial study. D. Attach project plans including preliminary grading plans, preliminary drainage plans, conceptual Water Quality Management Plans (WQMP's), including construction site Best Management Practices (BMP's) Plans for projects. FOR CITY USE ONLY Date Received: Check if applicable: EA Number: Flood Zone Redevelopment Area Concurrent Entitlements: Alquist-Priolo Zone Methane Overlay Coastal Zone Oil Overlay Zone Previous Entitlements: Historical District Assessor's Parcel No: DM: Zone: Gen. Plan: COMMENTS: G.\Clerical\Counter Forms\EA Form 2009.docx 2 CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH PLANNING & BUILDING DEPARTMENT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM GENERAL INFORMATION: 1 Name of Property Owner: Address: City: State: Zip: Telephone: 2. Name of Authorized Agent: Address: City: State: Zip: Telephone: 3. List any other related permits or approvals required from Agencies other than City of Huntington Beach, i.e., Caltrans, Coastal Commission: TYPE OF PERMIT AGENCY IF APPROVED, GIVE DATE 4. Is the proposal part of a larger project or series of projects? If so, describe the proposal's relationship to the project or series of projects: LOCATION OF PROJECT: 5. Address: 6. Project site is located on the north , south, east , west (circle one ) side of between streets. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: 7. Site Size : gross acres/square feet. net acres/square feet. 8. What is the surrounding land use to the North: South: East: West: and G \Clerical\Counter Forms\EA Form 2009.docx 3 FOR RESIDENTIAL PROJECTS: (IF PROJECT IS COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL OR INSTITUTIONAL, SKIP TO ITEM 15) 9. Number of lots and/or dwelling units: 10. Maximum building height and number of stories: 11. Amount and type of off-street parking proposed: 12. Describe any recreational facilities to be provided: 13. Describe the proposed scheduling or phasing of the project: 14. What percentage of the project site will be covered by: Existing: Paving: % Building: % Landscaping: % Proposed: Paving: % Building: % Landscaping: % FOR COMMERCIAL , INDUSTRIAL OR INSTITUTIONAL PROJECTS (IF PROJECT IS RESIDENTIAL, SKIP TO ITEM 28) 16. Describe the types of uses and/or activities proposed: 17. Size of each proposed building: (In gross square feet): 18. Number of buildings proposed: 19. Maximum building height and number of stories: 20. Amount and type of off-street parking proposed: 21. Projected number of employees: Total: per shift 22. Maximum occupancy of building(s): 23. What will be the days and hours of operation: 24. Describe the proposed scheduling or phasing of the project: 25. For restaurants, amount of seats there will there be: If outdoor seating is proposed, amount of outdoor square footage: 26. What percentage of the project site will be covered by: Existing: Paving: % Building: % Landscaping: % G.\Clerical\Counter Forms\EA Form 2009 docx 4 Proposed: Paving: % Building: % Landscaping: 28. What is the distance of the project from the nearest: School: Hospital: Convalescent Hospital: Park or Recreation Facility: 29. Does the project involve the handling, manufacture, storage, transport or disposal of any toxic, flammable or hazardous substance? If so, please describe and indicate what safety measures have been incorporated into the project: ENVIRONMENTAL IMMPACTS: 30. If improvements are to be demolished by the project, please outline them on the site plan and describe them briefly: 31. Will the project potentially affect a historic structure or object in any way? If so, please describe: 32. List any potential noise sources which could affect the site (i.e., roadways, freeways, equipment, machinery, etc.): 33. Describe any noise that will be produced by the project during construction and after project is completed: 34. Will the project incorporate outdoor lighting? If so, indicate location and source on the site plan. 35. Estimate the average number of daily vehicle trips (ADT) generated by the project site currently: After development: 36. List type and quantity of any air pollutants that the project will emit: 37. Describe the type and source of any odors that may emanate from the project or site: 38. If the drainage from the project will not be discharged into an existing public storm water drainage system, please describe how it will be accommodated: 39. Has the project site been previously graded? If so, percent: % 40. What percentage of the site will be graded as part of this project? % G.\Clerical\Counter Forms\EA Form 2009 docx 5 41. Volume of cutting: cubic yards; maximum cut slope ratio will be maximum fill slope height will be feet. 42. Volume of fill: cubic yards; maximum fill slope ratio will be maximum fill slope height will be feet. 43. Does the cut and fill volume balance? If not, how will import/export be handled? How long will grading activities occur? days/months. 44. Identify species of plants and animals that are found on the site, and describe any areas of vegetation to be removed (to be shown on accompanying site plan) 45. How will drainage for the project be accommodated? 46. What is the distance to the nearest beach, channel waterway, wetland, degraded wetland, or inland water area? Describe how the project may affect any body of water: 47. What is the Flood Insurance Rate Map designation on the site? If the site is in a floodplain, describe the method of floodproofing, and impacts of such floodproofing on adjacent property: (A hydrology study may be required) 48. Will the project require installation or replacement of water lines? Approximately how many gallons of water per day the project will use? gallons 49. Will the project require installation or replacement of sewer lines? Approximately how many gallons of sewage ? gallons 50. Describe the type and amount (pounds per day) of solid waste generated by the project: 51. Will any residential occupants be displaced by the project? G.\Clerical\Counter Forms\EA Form 2009 docx MITIGATION AND CONSERVATION MEASURES: 52. What measures have been incorporated into the project, beyond what is required by existing codes and standards, to: (a) Minimize erosion and siltation during construction of the project? After completion?: (b) Minimize dust during construction of the project? (c) Minimize noise during construction of the project? After completion? (d) Minimize air pollution emissions? (e) Protect, enhance or conserve energy, non-renewable resources, water, vegetation, wildlife , aesthetic quality, views, etc.? CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the statements furnished above and in the attached exhibits present the data and information required for this initial evaluation to be the best of my ability , and that the facts, statements and information presented are true and correct to the best of my knowledge or belief. Date Print Name of Preparer Signature of Preparer Print Name of Property Owner or Authorized Agent Signature of Property Owner or Authorized Agent G \Clerical \Counter Forms\EA Form 2009.docx 7