HomeMy WebLinkAboutAdministrative Permit APX2012009 - District MapPlannine lip RM . ,,• 1 -' RM zonine ------. , Edin erAve. RL RM' OS-PR:- OS-WR R RLt4 RL G ep OS-PR RL RL RLRL ` RL ',,RL 09 L RL h RL RL RL RL OS-WR \ \. RIV`;:\ \`CG,•\\ \:%r.. RL RL \RM Zoning Designators Nmb City Boeniiiy Q Public RI¢Itt of Way, Ptieate Richt of Wacd C aUtTI ON Notes: WREN USING TIIIS 11 LAP I.fawatoo dtlao teem es o Nlynlahm of dMa tme au.in of a nmx . or r and 0 pmadnl ae a eaneumtt to lb. .a 'me Oly of emt .elm Bent does .ol .maalee as mogidmesv a flM • See k¢mdpme for dcmplem of aoooa deamdwos • ,a.t ame a4o. a.7 ente dcrn r almded b nsmd b Me oNee of s.A odd of aea. AI)OPTED Maicli 20. 196.1 City- C ouocd Oiduivre No 824 Feet 1000 0 ® ., .,er. epou.wm ro a.afc rit Nnmato . to e.n or. wtdoMm P.4 GAP out ',iliarm Ad. DU AUA!0O6 f RL SECTIONAL DISTRICT MAP 19-5-11 City of Huntington Beach Orange County, California RL RL OS-WR DM 21 RL RL9- 0 RL RL 0 Soo