HomeMy WebLinkAboutGeneral Plan Conformance GPC2014002 - Project Implementation Code Requirements• 0 G HUNTINGTON BEACH DATE: PROJECT NAME: ENTITLEMENTS: PLNG APPLICATION NO: DATE OF PLANS: PROJECT LOCATION: PROJECT PLANNER: TELEPHONE /E-MAIL: PLAN REVIEWER: TELEPHONE /E-MAIL: PROJECT DESCRIPTION: • is HUNTINGTON BEACH PUBLIC WORKS SUGGESTED CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL JAN 8 Z009 JANUARY 28, 2009 HARBOR TIRE PROS CUP 2008-043 2008-0204 OCTOBER 10, 2008 17032 BOLSA CHICA ANDREW GONZALES , ASSISTANT PLANNER 714-374-1547 / AGONZALE SURFCITY-HB.ORG BOB MILANI, SENIOR CIVIL ENGINEER /5_ 714-374-1735 / BOB.MILANI SURFCITY-HB.ORG TO PERMIT THE (A) CONSTRUCTION OF A NEW 4,629 SQ. FT. BUILDING AND (B) ESTABLISHMENT OF A TIRE & WHEEL SERVICE BUSINESS. THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS ARE REQUIRED TO BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF A GRADING PERMIT: 1 A Street Improvement Plan shall include the following improvements on the plan a The applicant shall reconstruct the southeast curb return at Warner Avenue/Bolsa Chica Street with a 35' curb return radius, and install curb, gutter, and sidewalk along the Bolsa Chica Street frontage which provides a minimum eight foot (8') curb to property line width The improvements shall be installed per Public Works Standard Drawings Nos 202 and 207 Any dedications required to provide the eight foot (8') foot curb to property line width at the southeast corner of Warner Avenue/Bolsa Chica Street shall be provided by the applicant b The frontage improvements shall include a transition along the east side of Bolsa Chica Street where the right-of-way changes from sixty feet (60') to one hundred feet (100') The applicant shall provide any required dedications along the transition on the east side of Bolsa Chica Ci Fngmwmp I)ii,em I)I-V1-1 OPNI;KI Can,dum., 2-104 1 LAIaC hua I'03: H uUrn Ini Pnxi Iloka ( h, , I'»13_ CUP O'-11 (PA II. 204 Cun.hlmnI I ?'-(U) ItS&I 'Lx