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General Plan Conformance GPC2014002 - District Map
Pi VII hd E r.rc Dr . _.L i. I ,.L . Zonin Warner Ave. Rt. w M. R... 6 E1 Zoning De i station Parcel. --- city Booedarp CAUTION % AWN USING THIS Al" mrr,nwa..w..b oSSie.oaaya.im et d iom .ova . of oqut -.q -d to to pmtd d s . eo.frdeace t. M. t . 'lie dly' er1D.A fa. P..& doe.atce IOoit.wvpdumt a,ae.uy. a ctee mr.o 0 ;haigy to.auydl Io 00 la. to heir ... n dactio.. ©Pnblic Right of Woyo Private Right of Way. Notes: • sty le.dp,. terdea pim of • A.) za.e.go: 205 yr hr oraay to btrad.dtoeit ..dte So e.ta ofa.dt ri¢t o[my. SECTIONAL DISTRICT MAP 28-5-11 City of Huntington Beach Orange County, California ADOPTED Al p is t 15.1960 City Cotntcil Otdiuaace No. 785 pima Jaxbevtpve. DM 33 Dr. MUSS Dr. Flitch 0 500 Feet 1000 PM,SP jatAAtlar ?Zo.ur Aflx .DM hhrd 7006