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General Plan Conformance GPC2010004 - Notice of action Letter w Findings Conditions of Approval
• J A Huntington Beach Planning Commission 2000 MAIN STREET CALIFORNIA 92648 NOTICE OF ACTION September 29, 2010 City of Huntington Beach Economic Development Department 2000 Main Street Huntington Beach CA 92648 SUBJECT: APPLICANT: PROPERTY OWNER: . REQUEST: LOCATION: DATE OF ACTION: GENERAL PLAN CONFORMANCE NO. 10-004 (DISPOSITION OF SEVEN SURPLUS CITY PARCELS) Economic Development Department, City of Huntington Beach City of Huntington Beach To determine that the disposition of 7 City owned surplus parcels are in conformance with the goals, objectives, and policies of the General Plan. 7752 Alhambra (APN: 142-103-02), 7802 Alhambra (APN: 142-103-05), 7882 Alhambra (APN: 142-103-20), 7761 Garfield (APN: 159-121-20), 19002 Delaware (APN: 159-151-15), Alabama Street (APN: 024-206-13), 18451 Patterson Lane (APN: 157-341-22) Huntington Beach, CA 92648 September 28, 2010 On Tuesday, September 28, 2010 the Huntington Beach Planning Commission took action on your application, and approved your request by adopting Resolution No. 1647, approving General Plan Conformance No. 10-004. Attached to this letter are Resolution No. 1647 and the findings for approval. Under the provisions of the Huntington Beach Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance, the action taken by the Planning Commission becomes final at the expiration of the appeal period. A person desiring to appeal the decision shall file a written notice of appeal to the City Clerk within ten (10) calendar days of the date of the Planning Commission's action. The notice of appeal shall include the name and address of the appellant, the decision being appealed, and the grounds for the appeal. Said appeal must be accompanied by a filing fee of One Thousand, Five Hundred Eighty-Seven Dollars ($1,587.00) if the appeal is filed by a single family dwelling property owner appealing the decision on his own property and Three Thousand, Forty Five www.surfcity-hb.orgPhone 714-536-5271 Fax 714-374-1540 Notice of Action GPC 10-004 September 28, 2010 Page 2 Dollars ($3,045.00) if the appeal is filed by any other party. In your case, the last day for filing an appeal and paying the filing fee is October 8 2010 at 5:00 PM. If you have any questions, please contact Rosemary Medel, the project planner, at rmedel@surfcity-hb.org or at (714) 374-1684 or the Planning and Building Department Zoning Counter at (714) 536-5271. Sincerely, Scott Hess, Secretary Planning Commission By: Herb Fauland, Planning nager SH:HF:RM:kd Attachments: 1. Findings for Approval - GPC No. 10-004 2. Resolution No. 1647 c: Honorable Mayor and City Council Chair and Planning Commission Fred A. Wilson, City Administrator Scott Hess, Director of Planning and Building Bill Reardon, Division Chief/Fire Marshal Mike Vigliotta, Deputy City Attorney II I Steve Bogart, Senior Civil Engineer Bill Grove, Inspection Manager Rosemary Medel, Associate Planner Property Owner Project File ATTACHMENT NO. I FINDINGS OF APPROVAL GENERAL PLAN CONFORMANCE 10-004 FINDINGS FOR PROJECTS EXEMPT FROM CEQA: The Planning Commission finds that the proposed project is categorically exempt pursuant to Section 15312, Class 12 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) which allows for the sale of surplus government property. FINDINGS OF APPROVAL- GENERAL PLAN CONFORMANCE NO. 10-004 1. The sale of City owned surplus properties conforms to the following goals, objective and policy of the Land Use and Housing Elements of the General Plan: a. Goal LU 1 Achieve development that maintains or improves the City's fiscal viability and reflects economic demands while maintaining and improving the quality of life for the current and future residents of Huntington Beach. b. Ob ective LU 8.1 Maintain the pattern of existing land uses while providing opportunities for the evaluation, including intensification and re-use of selected sections in order to improve their character and identity. c. Polic LU 8.1.1 Accommodate land use development in accordance with the patterns and distribution of use and density depicted on the Land Use Plan Map. d. Goal H 3.0 A key element in satisfying the housing needs of all segments of the community is the provision of adequate sites for housing of all types, sizes, and prices. The initial project to widen various streets throughout the City of Huntington Beach has improved the City-wide circulation system. The completion of these projects no longer requires the need for the City to retain ownership of these seven parcels. Therefore, the disposition of these parcels will promote the eventual development of these parcels that will add to the City's housing stock. The disposition of these vacant parcels of land from the City's holdings will reduce maintenance costs and liability. G:\PC\NOA\201 0\8-1 0-2010 GPC 10-004 Surplus Parcels Attachment 1.2 1 RESOLUTION NO. 1647 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH FINDING THAT THE DISPOSITION OF SEVEN CITY OWNED SURPLUS PARCELS TO BE IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE GOALS, OBJECTIVES AND POLICY OF THE GENERAL PLAN (GENERAL PLAN CONFORMANCE NO. 2010-004) WHEREAS, the Government Code of the State of California, Section 65402, provides that a local agency shall not acquire real property, nor dispose of any real property, nor construct a public building or structure in any county or city until the location, purpose, and extent of such activity has been reported upon as to conformity with the adopted General Plan, and WHEREAS, staff has reviewed the proposed disposition of the seven City owned surplus parcels including legal descriptions and parcel maps as depicted on Exhibits A and B (Attached), and generally described as follows: 7752 Alhambra- 4,763 sf (142-103-02), 7802 Alhambra - 5,478 sf (142-103-05), 7882 Alhambra - 5,511 sf (142-103-20), 7761 Garfield - 8,169 sf (159-121-20), 19002 Delaware - 5,500 sf (159-151-15), Alabama Street - 2,961 sf (024-206-13), 18451 Patterson Lane - 7,895 sf (157-341-22) NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the Planning Commission of the City of Huntington Beach does hereby find and resolve as follows: SECTION 1: The seven surplus parcels are no longer needed for street widening projects throughout the City. Therefore, the disposition of the seven vacant parcels for future development is appropriate for the existing neighborhoods and that they are in conformance with the Land Use Element and the Housing Element of the General Plan. SECTION 2: The seven surplus parcels can now be developed to the character of the surrounding neighborhoods and these properties can now be removed from its holdings and reduce the City's maintenance costs and liability. SECTION 3: The City of Huntington Beach Planning Commission does hereby resolve that the disposition of seven City owned surplus parcels is in conformance with the goals, objectives and policies: J Land Use Element a. Goal LU 1 Achieve development that maintains or improves the City's fiscal viability and reflects economic demands while maintaining and improving the quality of life for the current and future residents of Huntington Beach. b. Ob*ective LU 8.1 Maintain the pattern of existing land uses while providing opportunities for the evaluation, including intensification and re-use of selected sections in order to improve their character and identity. c. Polic LU 8.1.1 Accommodate land use development in accordance with the patterns and distribution of use and density depicted on the Land Use Plan Map. Housin Element d. Goal H 3.0 A key element in satisfying the housing needs of all segments of the community is the provision of adequate sites for housing of all types, sizes, and prices. The disposition of these parcels will promote the eventual development of these parcels that will add to the City's housing stock and will reduce maintenance costs and liability. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 28 day of September 2010 by the following roll call vote: AYES: Speaker, Mantini, Farley, Shier Burnett, Scandura, Livengood, Delgleize NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None ATTEST: Scott Hess, Secretary ATTACHMENT: Exhibit No. A - Legal Descriptions Exhibit No. B - Parcel Maps Chairperson, Planning Commission }) EXHIBIT NO. "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS 7752 Alhambra - 142-103-02: TR 522, 7Lot 12, Blk G W/1/2 S'/z 7802 Alhambra - 142-103-05: TR 522, Lot 3 7882 Alhambra - 142-103-20: TR 522, Lot 6, Blk C 7761 Garfield - 159-121-20: TR 7 Lot 12, Blk G W/1/2 S '/h 19002 Delaware -159-151-15: TR 7 Kit 15, Blk G ALL EXN 15 FT Alabama Street - 024-206-13: VISTA DEL MAR TR Lot 1, Blk 101, Lot 1 Blk 101 18451 Patterson - 157-341-22: TR 5S RW SEC 36 POR OF SW'/4 SE'/4 SW NW 1 • EXHIBIT NO. `B" • PARCEL MAPS 0 Surplus Property Proximity Map 1 7752 Alhambra Drive 7802 Alhambra Drive 7882 Alhambra Drive THIS MAP WAS PREPARED FOR ORANGE COUNTY A5SS55OR DEPT. PURPOSES ass Y. THE ASSESSOR MARES NO GUARANTEE AS 10 ITS ACCURACr NOR ASSURES ANY LIAB ItIIr FOR OTHER USES. N01 TO 8E REPRODUCED. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.0 COPYRIGHT ORANGE COUNTY ASSESSOR 2000 51.50' 3530' 09 AA.ETTE LOW Woor 01N GoN TRACTI- I 2 3 14 PX T70-27 PAR. 1 PAR: 2 15 0 0 15 N a0• >a•c0• I .634' y0• IV 30• 6),30 P.16 254-2100000 4 / 1 21 22 n e. w• 54• 5530• PAL 000010 11 ', BLK. B 4 5 6 24 125 26 PA 88 -30 PAL I PAR. 1 PAR. 2 PAR. 1 35 34 33 .'S®2 ' 31 - $ 4639 38 41 40 36 35.30' W ALHAAI ?A q! b I I Sy y I )30• , , 50• $" IN 55' !7•{4' !0• A0.50• 557• 101 0 PA! 156-40 57.56• 57.50• e• 5740 60 122-30 12 102 P.M. 202-20 R PAR2PAR I PA 15 l6 5 r 53 1954 53 14 `A r 8 r7 9 27 28 29 48-48 PX 50-5 PAL 118-1o PAR 2 PAR. 1 PAR. 2 45 _ 43 5130' 11lP 57.5a 5136' S17P 50• 5770' 3730' 3130' PX 44-43 BLK. C PAR. I PAR 2- L t• 223,12,no'o 4 09,00101 1 3 1 1 3 23 0.3 ) A b FEL MARCH 1962 b APN Map 142-103-02 142-103-05 142-103-20 7752,7802 ,7882 Alhambra 15 6 I PA 264-25 1 PAR 1 PAR 2R 3 O 18 0 'BLK. A f0• 3o- )a0. eYx TRACT NO. 522 M.M. 19-49 PARCEL MAP P.M. 44-43. 48-48. 88-30 PARCEL MAP P.M. 110-27, 116-10. 156-44 PARCEL MAP P.M. 202-20. 264-25. 297-03 18 • a AVEME NOTE - ASSESSOR'S BLOCK & ASSESSOR'S MAP PARCEL NUMBERS BOOK 142 PAGE 10 SHOWN IN CIRCLES COUNTY OF ORANGE 1! 42 51 50 Q t 26 57.50. s0•w• / 50• r x u -49--$0•1,1o r is ------30 10 PAL 4J-16 17 48 Is -47 - - g 19 20 b• SN AVEMrE ,p• s y 11.50. w 11.3. - 37.35 3734' 00• P.M. PX 45-3 11 PAR. 1 0•48.2 AR. _ _ _ _ PO .LOT 10 - 0 Q 12 i 29 30 28 6 - "@ '3M. 522297 03 m3,,. P017. LOT 14 8 Y• S 9 % P1/. 260-26 14' to A VEME 51 57.50' e4' a0' .1' 47 p•70 PAL I L56-44 20 :t 1 PAR 2 9 12 2 142-10 1, = 100' 0 •Surplus Property S Proximity Map 2 7761 Garfield 1 IK 19002 Delaware P 1 rrfur It 4 e 'LL lU1I :s a. Abe THIS MAP WAS PREPARED FOR ORANGE COUNTY ASSESSOR DEPT. PURPOSES ONLY. THE ASSESSOR MAKES NO GUARANTEE AS TO ITS ACCURACY NOR ASSUMES ANY LIABILITYFOR OTHER USES. NOT TO BE REPRODUCED. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.0 COPYRIGHT ORANGE COUNTY ASSESSOR 2005 • FLORIDA TRACT Soo. ii n O • ,MARCH 1975 O 11 LOT 7 38 1.859 AC. V /.03 AC. S 4& P. M. PRO. APN Map 159-121-20 7761 Garfield Street J (STANS LN.) A LOT 9 soo.,• 6 as 5 ,6>0G BL K. G LOT B P. AI. 175-7 2654 24~25 0 /75-7 p 31 /.78 AC. w /d0 n /.03 A r rRACr o O 9 I .o TRACT 60 +s Z v 45' 1 " = 100' STREET roa ve vo• ' I2 ns LOT /5 E o1/.N II w '• 13 14,orso'2 n .s' ra ,eo' mas O 3 TRACT PROJECT 937-40-299-3M M28471 •LOT 36 I 0.479 AC.NO. 15499ei 4 ae. , ,so LOT /3 PAOIECT 937-40-207-250 LOT / R: - i A 28 0 0.99 AC. NO. 11593 ISe.aq' - DELAWARE 1 26 TRACT NO. 7 M.M. 9-8 TRACT NO. 8471 M.M. 343-13.14 TRACT NO. 11593 M.M. 502-11,12 TRACT NO. 15499 M.M. 787-31 to 33 inc. PARCEL MAP P. M. 175-7; 202-16 LOT 10 1.03 AC. 9 ass' 159-12 SEVENTEENTH STREET 50• m• , S I sE P. M. 202 -/6 19 .e3 18 ; LOT 12 20 n 1 S R RSTREET - 19 TIMBER CIRCLE Q W ez' NOTE - ASSESSOR'S BLOCK & ASSESSOR'S MAP PARCEL NUMBERS BOOK 159 PAGE 12 SHOWN IN CIRCLES COUNTY OF ORANGE r O THIS MAP WAS PREPARED FOR ORANGE COUNTY ASSESSOR DEPT. PURPOSES ONLY.THE ASSESSOR MAKES NO GUARANTEE AS TO ITS ACCURACY NOR ASSUMES ANY LIABILITY FOR OTHER USES. NOT TO BE REPRODUCED. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ®COPYRIGHT ORANGE COUNTY ASSESSOR 2006 • FLORIDA STREET r- j' W Q SEVENTEENTH T TRACT AYIN iviap 159-151-15 19002 Delaware 16 (FLORIDA AVENUE) 51B' SEE PAGE 2 EAST SIDE VILLA 5, B .3006 159- 15 PAGE 1 OF 3 2 STREET o.0 BLK. 2906 ` i100' FLORIDA I• LoT 5s 22 L . '0 • A._ 00 • Bz' 202•I4' •00 • MOUNTAIN VIEW O a no• r TRACT I6 PROJECT 933-87-559-566 STREET y- 110.01' MOUNTAINVIEW SEE 'PAGE 3 LOT 18 I 0.610 AC. TRACT NO. 16675 DELAWARE T10.4•' 110' P. N..80-44,45 II LOT A ---------- ----'--------------_---------- 1.74 AC. • BLK. 2906 , 1 I 12 4.31 AC. B .3005 BLK 2905 I- - TRACT J3o' I s%e' STREET ••• A0 F- 33 MARCH 1976 NO. 5642 TRACT EAST S/DE VILLA TRACT M. M. 4 - 65 MOUNTAIN VIEW TRACT M.M. 7-1 TRACT NO. 5642 M.M. 357 -44,45,46 TRACT NO. 16675 M.M. 866-47, 48 34 NOTE - ASSESSOR'S BLOCK & ASSESSOR'S MAP PARCEL NUMBERS BOOK 159 PAGE 15 SHOWN IN CIRCLES COUNTY OF ORANGE L w' js •0.50 00' N• A A' i•O •r6 •c Surplus Property 40 Proximity Map 3 024-206-13 Alabama e -9 60' MARCH 4 HUNTINGTON 1 21 2 /'G; 4 3 20 _ _ n t• -23. 4 /.9 _ 518 1O/r 3 7 /6 ', , 33032 xi 34 10,./3 A ' 25.5o• 35 it /2 2 n26BLK:23 44 19 ro .27 • 24 33 14, / s e . -'J5 n.s 32 /t • 26 3/ • r • /26 1.2 32 - -- mK 5 , 26 29 w z ss ALABAMA LAKE Is .R2 y. 2 P' 1-IB e l 3i Q 2b 3<I 321 I x'I •• Its' / 2 51 6 71 81 TRACT REDBURN TRACT 13 1948 VISTA DEL MAR TRACT TRACT NO. 1268 PARCEL MAP 50' 2 a 22 5 •'s,P7' a) 08' I R Iyy. V/ TA 1 1 >2) 3 26 5 = (zT7 I sf' 9 9 • 1• I. I r7' 8 5 41 31 21/ 23 21 4M 29P !6 28 ,am' Ls /7 i•. 26 29 BLK^.18 25 302 28 24 -- Vh 2/ tt 4 11 T- . .so• $ am 71 61 61 4 31 40 411' as'j•i.l Is'Q I •12 STREET --P^" M. M. 4-1 M. M.4-5.6 M. U. 59J-27. 28, 29 P.M. 270-47 AVIV lviap 024-206-13 Alabama Street SEE SPECIAL PAGE 24-209 FOR SUBSURFACE FEE TITLE ASSESSMENT 26 27 ,25.30 x P,N. 27 x "7.50• .4.Itr• •Ise /71 /6 /61 /4 / /2 it, /0 6 71 6 5 4 / V. ECr 939-50-236 394 Lor 37 / 4. 673 AG Issas' <6' 60'r'aI't o 10 'c Q 4 r 1 2 4 524 all. • BI .7 • 1 . . 26 / 27 /5 30 • /6 ns 202 31, ..&K 14 15 4 BaK. 2¢/ssl . '2 17 26-4 • Its' 28 29 ,22.50 • r2' 2/ /8 25 •/eso' (G! /9 24 4 13 1420 23 -- 2 / 22 60" /rtsn• 'a . 1.S • t! 25' 20• 24 25 46 4 47 Z52 vP /7 O n 2415 1&-4 20 m, - ws.n, -19 25' lY • ' . . • • • • t3 5• 45 38 27 26 42 43 21 20 23 / If it to 7 6 5 4 N2 $ 2" 27• 27' 27' 5 ' 4 ' I I a tl)527 28 26 296® 4?= 7• °'II''8 R mot' n•I •-.• • • 1 ss'W/01 9 41 3 I/ --9 ri. e 3! %3 30• -,27.50• /5 '4 o_ STREET 28 /r • 26 12 /ie' 2z - - STREET BK. 11 7' Q h 17 (ib)Q / • f LOTH308 OC NO , 207 NO. 12268 16 50' NOTE - ASSESSOR'S BLOCK 8 ASSESSOR'S MAP PARCEL NUMBERS BOOK 024 PAGE 20 SHOWN IN CIRCLES COUNTY OF ORANGE L29 N fV N 1/4 COR. SEC. 14-6-11 024-20 i°= 100' 1 • Surplus Property • Proximity Map 4 i 18451 Patterson Lane i :1 APN Map 18451 Patterson Lane POR. SW 1/4. NW 1/4. SEC. 36, T 5 S. R 11 W •N 0 1 /5 4 /3 /2 10 9 ss ,P 3 O W A O •4-PROJECT O10 a + .1"42 932-88- 4 6 M0 01w MARCH 1973 32' r eats a P 202.50 240.07• P. M. 232-35 9322• i».400• ".5' 9as4' a0 PAR 2 O r 21 13 ° LA •E PALMA AVENUE a 0 n 4Aa4 ' 7 :40 4 tiM n© t 50 O m O m6 7 0 34 ° t s4 330( 30 3/ 32 I6 Z O ad.ALLEY '.O 1 50 50' 28 Y0 52' Zoo Y4 7 4.0 791.4}' 40.03' 15 $ ,1.479 . ® 24• 14 ." 44' Nt use 29.30' 12 42534 M II 04.30' O PAR 1 157-34 "TRACT ALLEY £406.47' 40• 03 • R `e a /6 o O N O O ®.096,-099 a :0 B 4o 7• ^y=5 N S O m O g S J.4 + M 0. 179AC. a II a °O 'Q.o m 19 a '7nos 20' f u a ra* 6O' ga 23 3e +d w • • w 4 c4.+4s• 3o.4Y , I•V/ftGLt v 18 ._,_ 24 25 1 O n q 2 "• zo'6.1'17 s ; $ O o • a roe 28 29 O M P.M.39-2 O' 44.31 P. M.24-44 AN 2 n PAR/ P.M38-/6 PAR / 'v.. 74.50 ''s 4 1/4 COR. $ SEC.36-5-11 ECUs s 214x,50• o san• 40• 35 45 O O 40' 79 0 17 /.86AC .13roa4, O +v 8 35 ao4d TRACT 10 u II 3 0 6 5 12 5 3 110.03' A 20.38' 15 2 4to• S '70, I6 &cc 79.30' L $ J /0 eO no.or // '' 24.45'O g3 R 9 y n 2Y. /2 224'10 $ NO., jQ,27 ,3 3 13 5 49 47 TRACT NO. 4027 M.M. 156-15. 16 3 TRACT NO. 7512 M.M. 297-20, 21 NOTE - ASSESSOR'S BLOCK 8 PARCEL MAP P.M. 24-44. 38-16 PARCEL NUMBERS PARCEL MAP P.M. 39-2, 246-45 SHOWN IN CIRCLES too 2 23 DRIVE1 ,55 44.94 97.33' . O '-344 l 3 a PAR/ IT 44 2p O2 ±@'1 O a RM.246.45 NO. 7512.. 444 !o• IF 3 a..5s 4 sacs 6 04'182' O •4s 9 P. N.246.45 PAR 3 I6 /.528AC 90,23' 147' AVENUE ASSESSOR'S MAP BOOK 157 PAGE 34 COUNTY OF ORANGE 1" = 100' 14) r/) El