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General Plan Conformance GPC2010004 - Staff Report or Executive Summary
City of Huntington Beach Planning and Building Department STAFF REPORT HUNTINGTON BEACH TO: FROM: BY: DATE: Planning Commission Scott Hess, AICP, Director of Planning and Building Rosemary Medel, Associate Planner September 28, 2010 SUBJECT: GENERAL PLAN CONFORMANCE NO. 10-004 (DISPOSITION OF SEVEN SURPLUS CITY PARCELS) APPLICANT : Economic Development Department, City of Huntington Beach, 2000 Main Street, Huntington Beach, CA 92648 PROPERTY OWNER:City of Huntington Beach, 2000 Main Street, Huntington Beach, CA 92648 LOCATION:7752 Alhambra (142-103-02), 7802 Alhambra (142-103-05), 7882 Alhambra (142-103- 20), 7761 Garfield (159-121-20), 19002 Delaware (159-151-15), Alabama Street (024- 206-13), 18451 Patterson Lane (157-341-22) Huntington Beach, CA 92648 STATEMENT OF ISSUE: • General Plan Conformance No. 10-004 request: - To determine if the disposition of City owned surplus parcels is in conformance with the goals, objectives, and policies of the General Plan. • Staffs Recommendation: Approve General Plan Conformance No. 10-004 based upon the following: - The proposed disposition of seven City owned surplus properties allows for future development pursuant to the particular Zoning District and conforms to the goals, objectives, and policies of the General Plan. RECOMMENDATION: Motion to: "Adopt Resolution No. 1647, approving General Plan Conformance No. 10-004 with findings (Attachment Nos.1 and 2)." ALTERNATIVE ACTION: The Planning Commission may take an alternative action such as: "Deny General Plan Conformance No. 10-004 with findings for denial." • I ii Mc! • I EDDID 1 H wuu+M TALE= a Citywide Parcels 1. 7752 Alhambra 2. 7802 Alhambra 3. 7882 Alhambra 4. 7761 Garfield 5. 19002 Delaware 6. Alabama/Orange (triangle corner parcel) 7. 18451 Patterson 1 EMMNATOLM A1LANTA r VICINITY MAP GENERAL PLAN CONFORMANCE NO. 10-004 (Disposition of Seven Surplus Parcels Citywide) PC Staff Report - 0 x/28/10 2 (l Osr6O GPC 10-004 Surplus Parcels) PROJECT PROPOSAL: General Plan Conformance No. 10-004 represents a request, pursuant to Section 65402 of the California Government Code, by the City of Huntington Beach Economic Development Department to determine if the disposition of seven City owned surplus parcels is in conformance with the goals, objectives, and policies of the General Plan. The intent of the request is for the eventual development of these parcels consistent with General Plan and Zoning. The proposed disposition of these parcels would allow the City to remove the vacant land from its holdings and liability. These properties have been acquired by the City over the years to perform street widening projects and with the completion of these projects the land is no longer needed. The General Plan designation for six of the surplus parcels is Residential Medium Density (RM- 15); the Zoning is Medium Density Residential (RM). The seventh parcel is located within the General Plan designation of Residential Medium High Density (RMH-25-d) and Zoning of Residential Medium High Density Small Lot Sub-district (RHM-A). All seven lots are currently vacant. ISSUES: Sub'ect Pro er And Surroundin Land Use Zonin And General Plan Desi nations: Parcel 1: 7752 Alhambra LOCATION GENERAL PLAN ZONING LAND USE Subject Area Residential Medium Density-Residential Medium Vacant Land (west of (RM-15)Density- (RM)Beach/north of Heil) North and East of SubjectRM-15 RM Multiple Family Area Residential West and South of Residential Low Density- (RL-Residential Low Density -Single Family Residential Subject Area 7)(RL) Parcel 2: 7802 Alhambra LOCATION GENERAL PLAN ZONING LAND USE Subject Area Residential Medium Density-Residential Medium Vacant Land (west of (RM-15)Density- (RM)Beach/north of Heil) North, East and West of RM-15 RM Multiple Family Subject Area Residential South of Subject Area Residential Low Density- (RL-Residential Low Density -Single Family Residential 7)(RL) PC Staff Report - 09/28/10 3 (10sr60 GPC 10-004 Surplus Parcels) • Parcel 3: 7882 Alhambra LOCATION GENERAL PLAN Subject Area Residential Medium Density- (RM-15) North, East and West of RM-15 Subject Area • ZONING Residential Medium Density- (RM) RM LAND USE Vacant Land (west of Beach/north of Heil) Multiple Family Residential South of Subject Area Residential Low Density- (RL- Residential Low Density - Single Family Residential 7) (RL) Parcel 4: 7761 Garfield LOCATION GENERAL PLAN ZONING LAND USE Subject Area Residential Medium Density- (RM-15) North, East, West and RM-15 South of Subject Area Parcel 5: 19002 Delaware LOCATION GENERAL PLAN Subject Area Residential Medium Density- (RM-15) North. East and South of RM-15 Subject Area West of Subject Area RM-15 Parcel 6: Alabama at Oran e Residential Medium Density - (RM) RM ZONING Residential Medium Density - (RM) RM Vacant Land-NEC (Garfield/Delaware) Vacant corner and Multiple Family Residential LAND USE Vacant Land-SEC (Garfield/Delaware) Multiple Family Residential Manufactured Home Park - Mobile home Park (RMP) Residential LOCATION GENERAL PLAN ZONING LAND USE Subject Area Residential Medium High Density -Residential Medium High Vacant Land-NEC Design Overlay - (RMH-25-d)Density (Small Lot (Alabama/Orange) Subdistrict) - Coastal Zone (RMH-A-CZ North and East of RMH-25-d RMH-A-CZ Multiple Family Subject Area Development West of Subject Area Mixed Use Vertical- 2.0 Max FloorDowntown Specific Plan -Multiple Family Area Ratio - Max. 25 du/ac -(SP-5)Development Specific Plan Overlay - Pedestrian Overla - MV-F6/25-s - d) South of Subject Area Residential High Density - SpecificSP-5 Vacant Land (Future Plan Overlay-(RH-30-sp)Pacific City) PC Staff Report - 09/28/10 4 (10sr60 GPC 10-004 Surplus Parcels) Parcel 7: 18451 Patterson Lane LOCATION GENERAL PLAN ZONING LAND USE Subject Area Residential Medium Density-Residential Medium Vacant Land (RM-15)Density - (RM)(east of Beach/north of Ellis North and East of RM-15 RM Multiple Family Subject Area Development West and South of Mixed Use-Specific Plan Overlay Beach and Edinger Commercial Development Subject Area - Design Overlay (M-sp-d)Corridors SP-(SP 14) General Plan Con ormance: The only issue to consider as part of this request is the project's conformance to the City's General Plan. The following goals, objectives and policies pertain to the disposition and future development of these parcels: A. Land Use Element The Land Use Element provides goals, objectives and policies which encourage the development of new residential development. The intent is to provide for a wide variety of price ranges to accommodate entry purchases and the needs of growing families. Other objectives and policies of the Land Use Element state the need to accommodate land use development in accordance with the existing patterns in the vicinity. The applicable Goals, Objectives and Policy have been identified below: Goal L U 1: Achieve development that maintains or improves the City's fiscal viability and reflects economic demands while maintaining and improving the quality of life for the current and future residents of Huntington Beach. The proposed sale of these seven (7) surplus parcels may allow for eventual residential development which will add to the City's housing stock. Additionally, the proposed sale will generate revenue for the City, while removing potential maintenance costs and liability for the land. Ob 'ective L U 8.1: Maintain the pattern of existing land uses while providing opportunities for the evaluation, including intensification and re-use of selected sections in order to improve their character and identity. The proposed sale of the seven (7) surplus parcels may allow for development opportunities allowing the neighborhoods to develop to their full potential. Polic L U 8.1.1: Accommodate land use development in accordance with the patterns and distribution of use and density depicted on the Land Use Plan Map. PC Staff Report - 09/28/10 5 (10sr60 GPC 10-004 Surplus Parcels) The General Plan and Zoning designations will allow for the appropriate land use patterns presently found within these existing developments. B. Housin Element Goal H 3.0: A key element in satisfying the housing needs of all segments of the community is the provision of adequate sites for housing of all types, sizes, and prices. The proposed sale of the City's surplus properties may allow for future residential development, which provides housing opportunities for future residents in Huntington Beach. The sale of these properties will remove the City's debt obligation to maintain the properties. Future development may allow for densities up to 15 to 25 units to the acre pursuant to the existing General Plan densities. The diversity in additional housing types will supplement the City's housing stock. Zonin Com liance: Not applicable. Urban Desi n Guidelines Con ormance: Not applicable. Environmental Status: The proposed project is categorically exempt pursuant to Section 15312, Class 12 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) which allows for the sale of surplus government property. Coastal Status: Not applicable. Redevelo ment Status: Not applicable Desi n Review Board: Not applicable. Subdivision Committee: Not applicable. Other De artments Concerns and Re uirements: The Departments of Public Works and Fire have voiced no concerns with the disposition of these parcels. Economic Development initiated the disposition of the surplus parcels. Public Noti ication: General Plan Conformances are non-public hearing items and do not require legal notification. A lication Processin Dates: DATE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: MANDATORY PROCESSING DATE S : September 13, 2010 October 22, 2010 (40 days from complete application) PC Staff Report - 09/28/10 6 (10sr60 GPC 10-004 Surplus Parcels) ANALYSIS: The City initially acquired these parcels for street widening projects in an effort to improve citywide vehicular circulation patterns. As a result of the completion of these projects, there are remnant parcels that the City has determined it no longer needs. Disposition of these parcels would reduce the City's maintenance costs. As noted in the General Plan Conformance Section of this report, the disposition of these seven City owned surplus parcels is consistent with the goals, objectives, and policies of the General Plan. Staff recommends that the Planning Commission approve General Plan Conformance No. 10-004 finding that the release of seven City owned surplus properties is in conformance with the General Plan. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Suggested Findings of Approval - GPC No. 10-004 2. Planning Commission Resolution No. 1647 3. Project Narrative Dated August 5, 2010 SH:MBB:RM:kd PC Staff Report - 09/28/10 7 (10sr60 GPC 10-004 Surplus Parcels) ATTACHMENT NO. 1 SUGGESTED FINDINGS OF APPROVAL GENERAL PLAN CONFORMANCE 10-004 SUGGESTED FINDINGS FOR PROJECTS EXEMPT FROM CE A: The Planning Commission finds that the proposed project is categorically exempt pursuant to Section 15312, Class 12 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) which allows for the sale of surplus government property. FINDINGS OF APPROVAL- GENERAL PLAN CONFORMANCE NO. 10-004 1. The sale of City owned surplus properties conforms to the following goals, objective and policy of the Land Use and Housing Elements of the General Plan: a. Goal LU 1 Achieve development that maintains or improves the City's fiscal viability and reflects economic demands while maintaining and improving the quality of life for the current and future residents of Huntington Beach. b. Ob 'ective L U 8.1 Maintain the pattern of existing land uses while providing opportunities for the evaluation, including intensification and re-use of selected sections in order to improve their character and identity. c. Polic LU8.1.1 Accommodate land use development in accordance with the patterns and distribution of use and density depicted on the Land Use Plan Map. d. Goal H 3.0 A key element in satisfying the housing needs of all segments of the community is the provision of adequate sites for housing of all types, sizes, and prices. The initial project to widen various streets throughout the City of Huntington Beach has improved the City-wide circulation system. The completion of these projects no longer requires the need for the City to retain ownership of these seven parcels. Therefore, the disposition of these parcels will promote the eventual development of these parcels that will add to the City's housing stock. The disposition of these vacant parcels of land from the City's holdings will reduce maintenance costs and liability. (lOsr60 GPC No. 10-004) Attachment No. 1.1 RESOLUTION NO. 1647 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH FINDING THAT THE DISPOSITION OF SEVEN CITY OWNED SURPLUS PARCELS TO BE IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE GOALS, OBJECTIVES AND POLICY OF THE GENERAL PLAN (GENERAL PLAN CONFORMANCE NO. 2010-004) WHEREAS, the Government Code of the State of California, Section 65402, provides that a local agency shall not acquire real property, nor dispose of any real property, nor construct a public building or structure in any county or city until the location, purpose, and extent of such activity has been reported upon as to conformity with the adopted General Plan, and WHEREAS, staff has reviewed the proposed disposition of the seven City owned surplus parcels including legal descriptions and parcel maps as depicted on Exhibits A and B (Attached), and generally described as follows: 7752 Alhambra- 4,763 sf (142-103-02), 7802 Alhambra - 5,478 sf (142-103-05), 7882 Alhambra - 5,511 sf (142-103-20), 7761 Garfield - 8,169 sf (159-121-20), 19002 Delaware - 5,500 sf (159-151-15), Alabama Street - 2,961 sf (024-206-13), 18451 Patterson Lane - 7,895 sf (157-341-22) NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the Planning Commission of the City of Huntington Beach does hereby find and resolve as follows: SECTION 1: The seven surplus parcels are no longer needed for street widening projects throughout the City. Therefore, the disposition of the seven vacant parcels for future development is appropriate for the existing neighborhoods and that they are in conformance with the Land Use Element and the Housing Element of the General Plan. SECTION 2: The seven surplus parcels can now be developed to the character of the surrounding neighborhoods and these properties can now be removed from its holdings and reduce the City's maintenance costs and liability. SECTION 3: The City of Huntington Beach Planning Commission does hereby resolve that the disposition of seven City owned surplus parcels is in conformance with the goals, objectives and policies: ATTACHMENTNO,2-1, Land Use Element a. Goal LU 1 Achieve development that maintains or improves the City's fiscal viability and reflects economic demands while maintaining and improving the quality of life for the current and future residents of Huntington Beach. b. Ob'ective LU 8.1 Maintain the pattern of existing land uses while providing opportunities for the evaluation, including intensification and re-use of selected sections in order to improve their character and identity. c. Polic LU 8.1.1 Accommodate land use development in accordance with the patterns and distribution of use and density depicted on the Land Use Plan Map. Housin Element d. Goal H 3.0 A key element in satisfying the housing needs of all segments of the community is the provision of adequate sites for housing of all types, sizes, and prices. The disposition of these parcels will promote the eventual development of these parcels that will add to the City's housing stock and will reduce maintenance costs and liability. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 28 day of September 2010 by the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: ATTEST: Scott Hess, Secretary Chairperson, Planning Commission ATTACHMENT: Exhibit No. A - Legal Descriptions Exhibit No. B - Parcel Maps ATTAOHMENT NO.29- EXHIBIT NO. "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS 7752 Alhambra - 142-103-02: TR 522, 7Lot 12, Blk G W/1/2 S 1/2 7802 Alhambra - 142-103-05: TR 522, Lot 3 7882 Alhambra - 142-103-20: TR 522, Lot 6, Blk C 7761 Garfield - 159-121-20: TR 7 Lot 12, Blk G W/1/2 S 1/2 19002 Delaware -159-151-15: TR 7 Kit 15, Blk G ALL EXN 15 FT Alabama Street - 024-206-13: VISTA DEL MAR TR Lot 1, Blk 101, Lot 1 Blk 101 18451 Patterson - 157-341-22: TR 5S RW SEC 36 POR OF SW 1/4 SE 1/4 SW NW 1 ATTACHMENTNO. • EXHIBIT NO. "B" PARCEL MAPS • ATTACHMENT NO. 4 THIS HAP 1TA5 PREPAR£O FOR ORANGE COUNTY ASSESSOR DEPT. PURPOSES ORE Y. THE ASSESSOR AIAR£S NO GUARANTEE AS TO ITS ACCURACY NOR ASSUMES ANY LIABIL IIr FOR OTHER USES. NOT TO BE REPRLOUCEO. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 0 COPYRIGHT ORANGE COUNTY ASSESSOR 7000 1 .RAETT£ LOW QR1v_E- 1 2 3 4TRACTPit00-27 1 Q) N PAR. 1 t5 PAR 2 O 3O 6470'OW SS 10W I QO• 143W 50 OW 36• 373W 3730• 1730• to InA------ 112 11 14 LL?^-... 716' AVEI '4E PJL 254-21 co N • A 101 s6 030' 3730' n• 34' 1730' 17.10' 0000000010 / 2 J 4 21 22 23 24 APN Map 142-103-02 142-103-05 142-103-20 7752,7802 ,7882 Alhambra 15 6 P.M 264-25 I 1 PA1t 1 PAR 2 0 /1188 0 BLK. A40 10• 1T 5 25 I PAC PAR I 39 36 4i 40 36 35 34 33 52 a 46 t 45 43 0'2 St 1410• 41• 10 9•' 10' 10• 1730 ' SW •0.3W 7 1Y STOW 100• s!0' y yI I 7.70' , s ALHAAA9RA 94' 3130' 17.30'374W 3730 ' 1730' 10' p7730'LK. CPJL 44-43 PAR. I PAR 2. S 1• 22 21 °0 0 0 0 0'1 0 0 0 19t An / 4 3 7 C)a l•E.L TRACT NO. 522 M.M.19-49 z PARCEL MAP P.M.44-43. OARCH 1962 PARCEL MAP P.M.110-27. PARCEL MAP P.M.202-20. lO0 67.30 6 18 R, 48-48. 88-30 116-10. 156-44 264-25. 297-03 BLX PA 122-30 P.V. 202-20 12 PAR , PAR 2 11 54 55 14 15 16 B } 102 A 6 7 •T 8 26 27 28 29 88-30 PJL 48-48 PAL 5" PJ( n6-JO PAR 2 nA. PAR. I PAR. 2 7 6 9 9 P.M 156-4o P.N. 260-26 s0' AVEM.E 00• P. M.P J L 45-3 n 30 • (6' P.50• I0 II. 17 0. 5750' n O PAR. T PAR.7 AR.POR.LOT (0 ° (17) 26 12 i 29 30 28 23 Y 297 03 522 0'[i• •' 6730' 33-00' -.- POR. LOT 74 B M'A AVEM.E' -'b NOTE - ASSESSOR'S BLOCK B ASSESSOR'S MAP PARCEL NUMBERS BOOK 142 PAGE 10 SHOWN IN CIRCLES COUNTY OF ORANGE 60' I e• P. JA I 756-44 I 15' 0'3• PAR T PAR. 2 312 \l 52 I 53 19 u a 0'\ /4-49--00I 10 L5'------- is PJL 43-15 17 48 re -47 - -8 . 142- 1 0 W ca 1.= 100' APN Map 159-121-20 7761 Garfield Street THIS MAP WAS PREPARED FOR ORANGE COUNTY ASSESSOR DEPT. PURPOSES ONLY. THE ASSESSOR MAKES NO GUARANTEE AS TO ITS ACCURACY NOR ASSUMES ANY LIABILITYFOR OTHER USES. NOT TO BE REPRODUCED. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.0 COPYRIGHT ORANGE COUNTY ASSESSOR 2005 II 0 N 4RCH 1975 FLORIDA TRACT LOT 7 38 1.859 AC. 44MO P. M. $PROJ I 4523/75-7 31 w ts' 0' (STAN6 LNJ ,00' ISO I A LOT 9 /.03A0. 60 37tq!-Ul SJ• 45' yea' 8^ 7 O O v 3T 0.207 3 `. too' /so' 6 as $ n . u' /SO' 500 .1{• 15VOi S LOT 6 26 /.00 AC. ro - DELAWARE 26 BL K. LOT B P.M. /75-7 /.03 A 6 TRACT PRRL? T 93r-4o-2v7-25V LOT I /.78 AC. S a 900. it 0.99 AC. ig II NO. //593 150.09' A 159-12 1 100' S TREET IOI.t 12 Ili Iln.s.wbIOe..a'2 3 O vs u' L 'l Y 7 LOT /5 73' 7Q ` Is0' 75 TRd CT PROJECT 93 937 40 299 304 NO. 847 1 o LOT 36 I H 0.479 AC.No. 15499si 4 ,• ISO A M. 202 -16 LOT 10 aYe' 1.03 40. ISO' 19 'so. STREET - TIMBER CIRCLE SEVENTEENTH STREET Lr) r TRACT NO.7 M.M.9-8TRACT NO.8471 M.M.343-13.14 'TRACT NO.11593 M. M.502-11.12 NOTE - ASSESSOR S BLOCK &ASSESSOR'S MAP TRACT NO 15499 MM 787 31 to 33 inc PARCEL NUMBERS BOOK 159 PAGE 12 11.PARCEL MAP ..P. M..175-7; 202-16 SHOWN IN CIRCLES COUNTY OF ORANGE LOT /3 Y i .oo J Q SO' 30' w i so 19 - -4 LOT /2 W 20 AV 7 a=' 54 • • THIS MAP WAS PREPARED FOR ORANGE COUNTY ASSESSOR DEPT. PURPOSES ONLY. THE ASSESSOR MAKES NO GUARANTEE AS TO ITS ACCURACY NOR ASSUMES ANY LIABILITYFOR OTHER USES. NOT TO BE REPRODUCED. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ® COPYRIGHT ORANGE COUNTY ASSESSOR 2006 FLORIDA STREET too j W Q SEE PAGE P so SEVENTEENTH (FLORIDA AVENUE) TRACT 3 MOUNTAIN VIEW too' A O 8 O E soy L I•o• t. SO OTRACTCn 16 AFN map 159-151-15 19002 Delaware PROJECT 933-87-559-566 LOT 1B 1 0.610 AC. Q @ A 13 TRACT NO. 166758x'•• u' iso.a• W DELAWARE MOUNTAIN VIEW 159-15 PAGE I OF 3 2 STREET e IO BLK. , 2906 1 100' FLORIDA sL O torB EAST SIDE VILLA yF Fy y 0 n 8 .3006 BLK.2906 /.r4 AC. SEE PAGE 3 16 STREET forS NO. 5642 TRACT sw,4e' uo'/3•' STREET .:.eo s•• •ZR 1v L j iI 1 33 MARCH 1976 EAST SIDE VILLA TRACT Al. Al 4 - 65 MOUNTAIN VIEW TRACT Al Al 7- / TRACT NO. 5642 M .M. 357-44,45,46 TRACT NO. 16675 M.M. 866-47, 48 34 TRACT NOTE - ASSESSOR'S BLOCK & ASSESSOR'S MAP PARCEL NUMBERS BOOK 159 PAGE 15 SHOWN IN CIRCLES COUNTY OF ORANGE P. M80-44,45 LOT A--------------- -------------- 1 12 1 4.3/ AC. 8 .3005 BLK.2905 V -, U)N . r I m z 0 aol MARCH ALLEY N p7K HUNTINGTON 8 2 /O 21 2 22 6' I Y 3 20,_• 23,' 4 /9 N -S _5 lB 10,, N 3 7 I6 •' B 5•33--© ,9 o 4,32 4 is 34 to ns /3 a l ursu 35 12 "' 28BLK..s 44 19 27 •24 33 _05 ns 32 H 12 .926 3/ • i7 - $26 o-2 2 32 --- 2B 29 h$ . N z so ALABAMA 1 -1- 18 Q `l3'2b 14 i- Ye'1 I I 2 4 31 6 71 BI 71 61 TRACT g g V 60 .; n 17I 21' 7 iRylye V/ TA 3 26 sa 111 1 27' / 8 R 22 4 11 u 23 / 21 /3 /5 2; __ G1 /s 27 "s 30tl' Cl /7 io.26 29 BLK •/B 25.302 28 l9 24 27 1. , t. ' ii.50• _(M PO--O - V 2/ 2 00' ,27 s 77 31a 1 184K. 3q/ 32 1 I 41 1 t 1 Q 6 4 31 If 40 L LAKE STREET REDBURN TRACT 13 M. M. 4-1 ^S+F VISTA DEL MAR TRACT M.M. 4-5, 6TRACT NO. 1268 M.M. 59J-27, 28, 29PARCEL MAP P.M. 270-47 AVIN iviap 024-206-13 Alabama Street SEE SPEC/AL PAGE 24-209 FOR SUBSURFACE FEE TITLE ASSESSMENT 0. I I i I I b 5 41 31 21/ it V 560. 701 5$ 2' 477•I i W I ®14 15 y i72I .51' Y7' /71 /6 • lys I61 /4 / / $ss' 60' s sp sp 2 cyM1-4 I I DAL QBu ,;(4) 524Q QYd1. • I I . I . C2. /01 BI 7 I I 6 2/ ,,' S Ma EC7 939-50-2'16 394J Lo7/ 4. E,J AC. 1 <6 e 7 7.5 LB 28"s 29 26 27 30 0231,. 527.50 BGK 2cl/1 ul . i • IW /2 /1 /O 9I B 71 6 5 4 2/ 2s s: 55' M' 24 25 46 A 47 -4 STREET 27' 27' 77' 6 If t 0 27 28 26 / 2 19 /0 is /2M1^-ZT6J 17 26 12 ,2a' r+ B 25'' 2413 to 23 9N27 - /5 2R/ -h_20 is.h' -18 o 41 3 I/•I • I22• s Y 2 N na 3/-• 30, STREET '4 • . . . .2$0]' Jr 45 38 27 26 42 43 21 20 23 17 4 BK. 1 1 T 7 6 5 4 I •o• 30BAQ N. 5. , 207 NO. 12268 16 j W 50• ASSESSOR'S BLOCK A ASSESSOR'S MAP PARCEL NUMBERS BOOK 024 PAGE 20 SHOWN IN CIRCLES COUNTY OF ORANGE 29 w• N 1/4 COR.SEC. 14-6-11 024-20 ti N 1 100' • • 0 m N MARCH 1973 192' 8 0 n .1A A M.24-44 94.54 n P. M. 232-35 9822' PAR 2 415.5,• a .4 . 14.34 '. 9 W. 1/4 COR. SEC.36-5-71 PAR / O N PM.39-2 PAR 2 98.54' PAR / P. M.38-/6 O . PAR / 4 ELLIS P'TRACT N MJCV 119.9 s' M' 20 17r• 26 90•h. "e 19 23 be IB IM' APN Map 18451 Patterson Lane FOR. SW 1/4. NW 1/4. SEC. 36. T 5 S. R 11 W 35 $ 0 O P O {1 O Oo0 26 29.$8 4 114 • ss( 30 3/ 32 0 40 52' 14 44 13 ,11,90 zs.ae O t /3 /7 e+ •Q n,1 /6 e Om O m O Y V C '4 ' 7804' , W 30,0, J FORELLE zs A } 74.44 !a9.ls.m• ALLEY e5.5o ap• 60404 7. 791,44• ".as* . ® 24• 28 2T 26 C LA 'I PALMA AVENUE 50' 12 'or 12;40' nso A. 11 01.10' p n 1. N s 22 's IV Q 32 o $0.21 s0' 47 TRACT NO. 4027 M.M. 156-15. 16 TRACT NO. 7512 M.M. 297-20, 21 PARCEL MAP P.M. 24-44. 38-16 PARCEL MAP P.M. J9-2, 246-45 4 /3 'a N 03 45• a° $0 ALLEY 4s' 40.14' O m O O 17 /86 AC s 39449 6 5 to 2 9 ss PROJECT 10 932-88- 096-099 = 12 20 P 0. 179AC. I I 1 •05,41 9 7 70 60 34 1 155• $ 35 ioasa: TRACT J 10 7 $, 13 4 110 16 3 '$4 79.80' NOTE - ASSESSOR'S BLOCK 8 PARCEL NUMBERS SHOWN IN CIRCLES 7 .0 v e 40' 8 106,4 N a to ' AVENUE 3 II0.9!• 10.48' IS 'J s =$132 5 M 6 4904P. 14 '" 90 Li lh 1. 40• Qltr m 4' 6 NyZ3M' 40• 64 O•'Z,e 44 J4 4G.9 581,53 471" I d .O2 v 15 I R44z46r31, NO. 75/2 •. / 3 44.54 4 4 45 9 132• /0 8 5 P. M.246-45 // PARS120.0 ( 10 alas' •, A O 122. /2 rxs 10 NO. f .27 /3 50 ASSESSOR'S MAP BOOK 157 PAGE 34 COUNTY OF ORANGE p PAR /I'« 16 /.326AC DRIVE"o 147' S 157-34 1" = 100' M II • i r-'r- SURPLUS PROPERTY GENERAL PLAN CONFORMANCE NARRATIVE This application looks to determine if the disposition of seven (7) city-owned properties as surplus is in conformance with the General Plan. APPLICANT/OWNER The applicant/owner is the Economic Development Department as the City of Huntington Beach, 2000 Main Street, Huntington Beach, CA 92648. PROJECT LOCATION The following is the list of surplus property for consideration; the parcels are shown in a proximity map in Exhibits 1-4 and through parcel maps in Exhibit 5-8 APN Address De'scrvption Lot Size (S1` 142-103-02 7752 Alhambra 4,763 142-103-05 7802 Alhambra 5,478 142-103-20 7882 Alhambra 5,511 159-121-20 7761 Garfield 8,169 159-151-15 19002 Delaware 5,500 024-206-13 Alabama St.2,961 157-341-22 18451 Patterson Lane 7,895 USES The following table lists the uses in the general vicinity of the surplus properties. #P N AddressfDestlptioh General Plan Designation I_ 11 Zoning Designation 142-103-02 7752 Alhambra RM-15 RM-15 142-103-05 7802 Alhambra RM-15 RM-15 142-103-20 7882 Alhambra RM-15 RM-15 159-121-20 7761 Garfield RM-15 RM 159-151-15 19002 Delaware RM-15 RM 024-206-13 Alabama St.MH-F4/30-s - d RMH-A 157-341-22 18451 Patterson Lane RM-15 RM ATTACHMENT NO.3 W I POPULATION SERVED The surplus property will retain the same General Plan and Zoning Designations. Disposition will take place once City Council has approved the process for Disposition. PROJECT DESCRIPTION These properties have been acquired by the City of Huntington Beach to perform Street widening projects. The disposition of these properties would be in conformance with the General Plan specifically with the following. Housing: The disposition of the subject properties would allow for additional dwelling units to be constructed Land Use: The disposition of subject properties would allow for them to become available for use as additional developable area or for modifications of the existing adjoining properties. Circulation: The subject properties are no longer needed for widening projects and may be disposed of without affecting the efficiency and effectiveness of any arterial system. ATTACHMENT NO.2