HomeMy WebLinkAboutEnvironmental Assessment TTM14017 - Signed Application0
Planning Commission
Zoning Administrator
Hall and Associates
Applicant or Authorized Agent
Mailing Address San , emente, 22.E-?'
Telephon um r
William G. Lamb
Property Owner
9542 Garfield Ave.
Huntin ton Beach Ca
Mailing Address
Same as Applicant
Mailing Address
Valle Consultan s
City of Huntington Beach
Department of Community Development
2000 Main Street
Huntington Beach, CA 92648
(714) 536-5271
Present Zone 1 -f- Z DM
General Plan Designati on _LZw
FAA Zone
Flood Zone
Oil District
Redevelopment Area
Alquist Priolo Area
Coastal Area: Yes No
Exempt CDP
CD Categorical Exclusion
Date Received
Ownership Verification
Z Applicant of Authori zation Receipt # __ _J' __ 3
V Maps
In ials Pro'ect Planner
Mailing Address Concurrent Cases:
714 752-1510
Telephone Number Previous Cases:
Proposed 18-Unit Planned Develo ment
o Street address : 42 Garfield Ave.
o Name and distance to nearest intersecting street:
o Assessor's Parcel Number 1 - 1-04 0
o Tract Block Lot
o Section
o Acreage 1-9
>- Environmental
Exempt ND
entative Parcel Ma
I y ,' e tative Tract Ma
q?' Lot Line Ad'ustment
William Lamb
Please Print Your Name
TTM t 6-17
, have read and understood all
statements including the filing requirements on the reverse side of this application . I am the property
owner of the subject property . I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that the foregoing statements,
facts, and attachments are true and correct . I understand that this application for subdivision may be
denied, modified or approved with conditions and that such conditions must be complied with prior to
submittal of the final map and prior to issuance of building permits. I hereby authorize Bill Hall
concerning this application.
Signature of:
to act as my r resentative and to bind me in all matters
Property Owner Date Author zed Agent Date
This application must be typed or printed and filled in completely.
If the applicant is not the property owner, the property owner shall designate the applicant to
act on his behalf and sign this application.
Tentative Parcel Maps require six (6) copies of the tentative map and Lot Line Adjustments require
six (6 ) copies on the prescribed form available at the Zoning Counter, which shall be submitted
for review and approval by the Zoning Administrator.
Tentative Tract maps require twenty (20) 18" x 26" copies and two (2) 8-1/2" x 14" copies of the
map drawn to a scale not less than one inch equals 100 feet (1" = 100'), which shall be submitted
for review and approval by the Planning Commission.
Fold all lans to a maximum size of 8-1/2" x 14" (lower right print side out).
Photographs of the subject property.
A written narrative shall accompany this application and will include the following information:
(a) Existing use or uses of the property and present zoning.
(b) Proposed use of property. If property is proposed to be used for more than one purpose, the
area, lots or lot proposed for each type of use shall be shown on the tentative map.
(c) Statement of the improvements and public utilities, including water supply and sewage
disposal, proposed to be made or installed and the time at which such improvements are
proposed to be completed.
(d) Public areas proposed.
(e) Tree planting proposed.
(f) Restrictive covenants proposed.
The tentative map shall contain the following information:
Lam// (a) The subdivision name and/or number, date, north point, scale and sufficient description to
define the location and boundaries of the proposed subdivision.
(b) Name and address of record owner or owners of. said subdivision.
(c) Name and address of the subdivider.
(d) Name, business address and number of the registered engineer, or licensed surveyor, who
prepared map of said subdivision.
(e) Elevations or contours at intervals or two (2) feet up to five (5) percent grade, give five
(5) feet up to ten (10) percent grade, and ten (10) feet over ten (10) percent grade, to
determine slope of the land and the high and low points thereof, unless approval is obtained
from the City Engineer to allow greater intervals.
(f) The locations, names, widths and approximate grades of all roads, streets, highways, ways
and locations of existing streets in the proposed subdivision and along the boundaries
(g) The location and character of all existing or proposed public utility facilities in said
adjoining and contiguous highways, streets and ways.
(h) The approximate widths, location and purpose of all existing or proposed easements and
contiguous to the proposed subdivision.
(i) Approximate lot layout and approximate dimensions of each lot and each to be numbered.
(j) The outline of any existing buildings to remain in place and their location in relation to
existing or proposed street and lot lines.
(k) If the subdivision is within a known oil field the map shall include the location of all
existing oil wells and appurtenances and a plan of their disposition or treatment including
abandonment, underground placement, screening, fencing, landscaping, conversion of pumping
units, etc. Such plan shall include disposition of treatment of all future wells, drill
sites and operations. Such plan shall also' include the written concurrence of the oil
lessee or operator concerned.
9. All decisions by the Zoning Administrator and the Planning Commission are final unless appealed
within ten (10) days of such decision and shall be in writing specifying the areas of aggrievement.
10. The approval or conditional approval of a tentative map or tentative parcel map shall expire
twenty-four (24) months from the date the map was approved or conditionally approved. The expira-
tion of the approved or conditionally approved tentative map shall terminate all proceedings. Any
subsequent subdivision of the same real property shall require the filing and processing of a new
11. Extension on tentative maps and tentative parcel maps.
(a) The subdivider filing a tentative map or tentative parcel map may request an extension of
the tentative map or tentative parcel map approval by written application to the Department
of Community Development, such application to be filed at least thirty (30) days before the
expiration of the approved or conditionally approved map. The application shall state the
reasons for . the requested extension. In granting an extension , new conditions and exactions
may be imposed and existing conditions may be revised.
(b) An extension(s) or tentative map or tentative parcel map approval or conditional approval
may be extended by the Zoning Administrator, Planning Commission or City Council for a
period not to exceed one year, with a maximum of three (3) one-year extensions of time. The
extension of time shall commence with the expiration date of the approved or condi- tionally
approved tentative map or tentative parcel map. The approved new date shall not extend more
than five (5) years beyond the date of initial approval.
Note: Completion of this application does not presume approval of the subdivision. Such approval is
discretionary with the Zoning Administrator or the Planning Commission. The Zoning Administrator
or Commission may deny, modify or approve the subdivision with conditions.
, It %11,1.1 % Ni %($I
P. O. Box 190
Huntington Beach, CA. 92648
Tel: (714) 538-5271
F - $115.00
Bill Hall
Annlicant Authorized Agent
2717 S. El Camino Real, San Clemente , Ca. 92672
Mailing Address
(7l4) 498-2601
Te ep one
William G. Lamb
^rooerty Owner
Garfield Ave., Huntin ton Beach Ca. 2646
?Iailina Address /Telephone
(714) 498-5200
Number: •
Department of Origin:
Other Applications or
Permit Numbers:
C b '• G 8J
X259• _.
U?'En - 1-1
is-, z,-Nsc s
1.0 Pro'ect Information (please attach Plot Plan and submit
photographs of subject property)
1.1 Nature of Pro ject: Give complete description of the proposed
1.) General Plan Amendment to increased density from 6.5u/ Acre
to 15u/ Acres. 2.) Zone Change from the existing R-1 to
R-2. 3.) Tentative tract map to create 18 small lots.
4.) Conditional Use Permit to allow an.18-Unit Planned Dev.
Location of Proj ect: (Address , nearest street intersections)
9542 Garfield Street on the Southeast corner intersection of
Bushard Avenue.
1.3 Assessor 's Parcel Number : 153-371-04,- 05
I. If a project is subject to the requirements of the California
Environmental Quality Act and not exempted under any of the
provisions of the Guidelines for Implementation of CEQA the
City is required to conduct an initial study to determine if
the project may have a significant effect on the environment.
Two (2) typed copies of the attached Environmental Information
Form shall be completed and submitted to the Development Services
Department. Any other permit application, not including a
Building Permit, required by the Development Services Depart-
ment shall be filed concurrent) with the attached form.
II. The following information and data shall accompany the Environ-
mental Information Form:
A. A•District Map (obtained in the City Clerks Office) clearly
outlining the boundaries of the site.
B. A site plan showing the following information:
1. North arrow.
2. Location of structures, both existing and proposed
showing all. dimensions and adjacent streets.
3. Location, type and size of existing trees and shrubs.
4. Parking layout and means of access from adjacent streets.
5. Proposed landscaping and existing or proposed fence
and/or walls.
C. Photographs of the area in sufficient detail to depict
existing physical conditions in the project area.
III. Information to assist in filling out the Environmental Information
Form may be obtained at the front counter in the Development
Services Department.
IV. A $1.15.00 Administrative Processing Fee shall be submitted along
with the •Env.ironmental Information Form.
1. .'
What is the present zoning on the property? R-1
What is the present General Plan designation on the property?
Low Densit 6. u Acre)
What is the surrounding land use to the:
North Nei hborhood Commercial
South Sin le Family Residential
East Sin le Family Residential
West Neighborhood Commercial
If the project is commercial or industrial give a complete
description of activities and other pertinent information
including but not limited to estimated employment per shift
and any potential hazardous materials which may be used, etc.
If the project is residential , indicate number , types and size of
units and associated facilities.
18 Single Family Residential Units , ranging from 2,050 s.f.
(3-Bdrm unit ) to 2,160 s.f. (3-Bdrm and Den).
If the project is institutional , indicate the major function,
estimated employment per shift and maximum occupancy.
36 Covered
Project land area (acres ) 1. No. of parking spaces 36 Uncovered
Square feet of building area 37,890 No. of floors 2/3
Height of tallest structure involved in the project 33'-0" Max.
Environmental Setting
Drainage and Flood Control
a) Please describe how on-site drainage will be accommodated.
On-Site drainage will be accommodated by curb and gutters
via private street thru existing public right -aways.
2. 2 Land Form
a) Is the site presently graded?No
b) Indicate the gross cubic yards of grading proposed 1,500 c.y.
the acres of land to be graded 1.9 , the amount. o:
earth to be transported on the site 1,5(50c.y. , and the
amount of earth to be transported off the
site None
c) What will be the maximum height and gr a de of cut or fill
after grading is completed ? 3'-0" abv. crown of street toBuilding pad.
2.3 Soils
a) Type of soils on the subject site ? (Submit soils report
if available ).Sandy Loam Clay
2.4 Ve etation
a) Attach a man indicating the location, type and size of
trees located on the site. Indicate below the number,
type and size of trees to be removed as a result of the
See attached map with photographs':of-site.
(See Tentative Tract Map Plan)
2.5 Water ualit
Does any portion of the project abut or encroach on beaches,
estuaries, bays , tidelands , or inland water areas?No
Describe how the project will effect any body of water.
Minimal/ Public Utility (Water).
Air nualit
a)If the project is industrial , describe and list air
pollution sources and quantity and types of pollutants
emitted as a result of the project.
2.7 Noise
a) Describe any adjacent off-site noise sources (i.e., air-
Fx)r t-s , in d ustry, freeway-0 .Minimal/ Arterial Streets
11) What lims o wi II be produced by the project :? If available,
I)Ie.i::e give noise levels in decible measurement and typical
time distribution when noise will be produced.
Minimal/ Automobiles
3. 1
c. How will noise produced by the project compare with
existing noise levels ?Minimal/ Automobiles
Approximately h ow much traffic will
(check one)
0-50 vehicular trips per day
50 - 250 vehicular trips per day
250 - 500 vehicular trips per day
over 500 vehicular trips per day
be generated by the project:
Public Services and Facilities
a) Will the project require installation or replacement
new water lines?No
Please estimate the daily volume in gallons required to
serve the project .170 Gallons
a) Will the project require installation or replacement
new sewer lines?No
b) Please indicate the approximate amount of sewage generated
from the project .Minimal
3.3 Solid Waste
a)if the project is industrial , describe the type and
amount (pounds /day) of solid waste generated by the project.
4.1 Po ulation Dis lacement
,3) will any residential occupants be displaced by the project
h) Describe briefly the type of buildings or improvements to
be demolished by the project.Old shacks and a single Family
5.0 Miti atin Measures
5.1 Are there measures included in the project which may conserve
nonrenewable resources (e.g. electricity , gas, water)?
Please describe . State required insulation at all wall and ceiling
area. Low flush toilet and showerheads.
5.2 Are there measures included in the project which would protect
or enhance flora and fauna ? Please describe.
Landscape and Irrigation Plans to be prepared and submitted to
city to create mature landscaping thru-out project.
5.3 Are there measures proposed in the design of the project to
reduce noise pollution ? Please describe.
State required insulation at all wall and ceiling areas.
5.4 Are there measures proposed in the design of the project
(e.g. architectural treatment and landscaping ) which have
been coordinated with design of the existing community to
minimize visual effect ? Please describe.
The proposed project has been designed to accomodate the Flood
Hazard Area within the city.
5.5 Are there measures proposed in the design of the project to
reduce water pollution ? Please describe.
Mature Landscape and Irrigation installation along with curb
and gutter system.
5.6 Are there measures proposed which would reduce air pollution?
List any Air Pollution Control District equipment required.
Spark arrestors at all fireplace chimneys along with heating
systems adequately vented.
5.7 Are there measures or facilities designed into the project to
facilitate resource recovery and/or energy conservation
(e.g. solar heating, special insulation, etc.)? Please
There will be roughing out for solar heating along with state
required insulation at all wall and ceiling areas.
6.0 Alternatives
6.1 Are there alternatives to the project which may result in a
lesser adverse environmental effect?Please explain all project
alternatives on an attached sheet.Standard Subdivision
1 hereby certify that the information herein is true and accurate to
the best of my knowledge.
Signature Date it d
State of California
1400 Tenth Street, Room 121
Sacramento, CA 95814
Project Title
Draft Environmental Impact Re ort No. 89--5; 18 Unit Residential Develo ment
Project Location-Specific
2.56 acres located at the south east corner of the intersection of Bushard
Street and Garfield Avenue _
Project Location-City Project Location-County
City of Huntington Beach County of Orange
Description of Nature, Purpose, and Beneficiaries of Project
The Environmental Impact Report is required as a result of Land Use Element
Amendment No. 89-1 ( from Low Density Residential, to R2-Medium Density
Residential), and Zone Change No. 89-1 (from R1-Low Density Residential, to R2
Medium Density Residential), to facilitate the construction of 18 single
family homes
Lead Agency
Cit of H i j-Q
Ad ress Where Copy of EIR is Available
Same as above
Review Peri
Jul 6 1989 to Au ust 7 1989
Contact Person Area Code Phone Exten5.ion
Mike Connor (714) 960-8826
Revised January 1985