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Environmental Assessment TTM14017 - Supporting Documents
0 SUBDIVISION MINUTES AUGUST 9, 1989 1:30 PM Subdivision Committee Members Present: Geri Ortega, Kirk Kirkland, Ken Bourguignon, Bill Patapoff, Ward Kinsman (representing Steve Parker), Mike Adams Staff Present: Scott Hess Tentative Tract No. 14017: Applicant: Hall & Associates This item was continued from the August 2, 1989 Subdivision Committee to allow the applicant time to submit revised plans addressing the concerns of the Committee. The applicant had agreed to prepare two plans, one depicting 9 duplexes and one as an alternative single family residence plan showing more guest parking spaces. Subsequently, the applicant requested that the Committee make a determination on the project as it was presented with no revisions. Following the applicant's request, the Subdivision Committee met on this date to review and discuss the proposal.. The applicant was unable to attend the meeting. After brief discussion, Commissioner Kirkland made a motion to recommend denial to the Planning Commission of the 18 unit detached planned residential development project as presented based on insufficient guest parking. Commissioner Ortega seconded the motion and it passed 6-0. Subdivision Minutes (3402d) I I J SUBDIVISION MINUTES AUGUST 2, 1989 1:30 PM Subdivision Committee Members Present: Geri Ortega , Kirk Kirkland , Ken Bourguignon , Bruce Crosby (representing Bill Patapoff ), Ward Kinsman (representing Steve Parker), Scott Hess (representing Mike Adams ) (Mike Adams arrived at 2:45 p.m.) Staff Present: Robert Franklin , Michael Connor Tentative Tract No . 14017• Applicant : Hall & Associates Tentative Tract No. 14017 is a request for an 18 -lot detached single family planned residential subdivision. The 1.9 acre project is located at the southeast corner of Garfield Avenue and Bushard Street. The property is currently zoned Rl -FP2 (Low Density Residential -Flood Plain ) which allows for 6.5 units per acre. Access to the subdivision is from Albacore. In conjunction with the subdivision request is a general plan amendment and zone change to R2 (Medium Density residential) which would permit up to 15 units per acre on the property . The proposed subdivision represents 10 units per gross acre. Robert Franklin presented an overview of the project as well as the following concerns and requirements from Community Development: 1.Special permits will be required for lack of common open space with recreation amenities and guest parking. 2.Access from Albacore as presented is recommended . the arterial streets is not recommended. Access to 3.Planned Residential Development Standards are required. 4.Parking on private streets is prohibited due to a street section and lack of curb space. narrow 5.Increase variety in building setbacks ; the current creates a straight line effect. design 6.A 10' landscape buffer is recommended along arterial streets. The Committee . discussed the density of the project. Commissioner Ortega suggested that the project be revised as a 13-unit subdivision instead of the proposed 18. Discussion ensued. John Cowles , applicant , requested that the Committee vote on the plan as it was presented . He did not wish to change or revise the project. Bruce Crosby presented the following requirements of Public Works: 1. The Tentative Tract Map shall be revised to show: a. 7' of dedication on Garfield Avenue along Lots 13 - 18. b. The proposed streets to be private c. Parcel I (proposed streets ) shall be lettered lot. d. Elimination of Parcel II. 2. All vehicular access rights to Garfield Avenue and Bushard Street shall be dedicated to the City. 3. The existing driveways on Garfield Avenue shall be installed where required. 4. Street lights on Garfield and Bushard shall be installed where required. 5. Deteriorated public improvements, (streets, curb and gutter, sidewalk , etc.) shall be removed and replaced adjacent to the Tentative Tract. 6. Grading and drainage patterns shall be approved by the Public Works Department. 7. A soils report is required. 8. Water facilities shall be public and constructed per the Water Division requirements . The water mains shall be constructed in the private streets. 9. Each dwelling unit shall have a separate water service. 10. The perimeter planter areas shall be constructed per City Landscape Standards and maintained by the Homeowner's Association. 11. The sewer mains within the private streets shall be privately owned and maintained. 12. If a security gate is desired , its configuration shall be designed and approved with the street improvements. 13. A vehicular turnaround shall be designed at the westerly end of Albacore Street and approved by the public Works Department. 14. Private street turnaround shall be designed to accommodate trash trucks. Ward Kinsman of the Fire Department presented the following requirements: (insert) Subdivision Minutes -2-(3383d) Plannin Commis i n C mment : 1. Commissioner Ortega recommended that the project be reduced to a 13-lot planned residential development ; and expressed concern regarding on-site /off-site guest parking and buffer /setback problems to existing residences and arterial streets. 2. Commissioner Kirkland stated that two-thirds of the units back or side an arterial . He expressed concerns regarding the lack of a sound buffers for those units as well as concerns about the elevation (3' higher than adjacent properties) of the proposed residences. 3. Commissioner Bourguignon was concerned with the possible visual problems of the residences from the street. The current design of the plan lacks variety in the building setbacks and presents small front yard areas. All three Commissioners expressed great concern about the proposal's lack of on-site /off-site parking (i.e. guest parking , resident parking). The Committee requested that the applicant provide for more on-site parking. The two allotted spaces per unit were not sufficient for the site. After lengthy discussion between the Committee and the applicant, a suggestion was made to revise the plan. The applicant agreed toIsubmit a conceptual layout of duplexes instead of the proposed single family detached residences. Commissioner Ortega made a motion to continue this item to the next Subdivision meeting scheduled for August 16, 1989 at 1:30 p.m. This would allow time for the applicant to revise the tentative map to address the concerns stated herein and re-submit it for the Subdivision Committee 's review . Commissioner Bourguignon seconded the motion and it passed 6-0. Subdivision Minutes -3-(3383d) CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH 2000 MAIN STREET Louis F. Sandoval Director To:1 KE D P.O. BOX 190 CALIFORNIA 92648 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL Gentlemen: We are sending [] herewith N"per your request [] street improvement plans [] parcel map [] record map C ] contract documents [] other: For : [I corrections C] approval [ ] distribution C]other: Remarks: I F Yow AVE Public Works Department (714) 536-5431 Date : J U L 2 198 Project :-T-E-1•1T-' Tii e Ti c T too. 1407 [I under separate cover [] correspondence [] estimates [] per the request of [] legal descriptions [I gradi ng plan C3 your file C ] your use your information L J E -l 0 E GP.L.L ME AT'53 0 -5-434o By, cc: 120t U m - 1n/ATE2 D1u1S104 JEFF RF-. dA, V 17D JUL281989 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT [ rLLNI (DIVISION K by mail ec: EKiC CkA Lc2t4JrE. •J. HUNTINGTON BEACH CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH INTER-DEPARTMENT COMMUNICATION - To , 6e r4 / 1"w -IC L 1l,From Subject r Date J O#Q I a 9 lK 0, K ;x/-z ;z-/<9 43 ti17>/ 770 A- S I pr o V i -- 4-/OL,411_ WL Al Q I- k e a J 4444 A O car- GL C o G1 e E' °t C' cC C S c b1 c i ©' y • CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH INTER-DEPARTMENT COMMUNICATION HUNTINGTON BEACH To $o8 FQArNKLttif .4 PLANMI NG From STEV F 9AIrtKdrt .,F=r 12r'' SubjectCu to$q- I? ' TT 1401-7 Date Z7 JU N S `I2k'j315rtR.n / GAKF1 40 F I lei CON , ' I V 1t(S O r PPQD(/Q L 1. Peov 1 DE o&L (I) Ne=w F'i2E I+vD2.4u! Z . NAMM`A Ito AI) poleT(ON O F 4JM66T SRALL SE R Dsbn[A rL FI12 tAAIL: W1114 No P"K1At&,+ UcvJCJ3 , AAA 0 To: HUNTINGTON BEACH 0 0 C1tTON BEACH INTER-DEPARTMENT COMMUNICATION JUNG 11989 DEPARTMENT OF Bob Franklin COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT From :Bill Patapoff Associate Planner PLANNING DIVISION Development Principal Engineer Subject: TENTATIVE TRACT 14017 Date : May 31, 1989 The Public Works Department has the following requirements and concerns regarding Tentative Tract 14017: 1. The Tentative Tract Map shall be revised to show: a. 7' of dedication on Garfield Avenue along Lots 13 - 18. b. The proposed streets to be private. c. Parcel I (proposed streets) shall be a lettered lot. d. Elimination of Parcel II. 2. All vehicular access rights to Garfield Avenue and Bushard Street shall be dedicated to the City. 3. The existing driveways on Garfield Avenue shall be removed and replaced with curb and gutter and sidewalk. 4. Street lights on Garfield and Bushard shall be installed where required. 5. Deteriorated public improvements, (streets, curb and gutter, sidewalk, etc.) shall be removed and replaced adjacent to the Tentative Tract. 6. Grading and drainage patterns shall be approved by the Public Works Department. 7. A soils report is required. 8. Water facilities shall be public and constructed per the Water Division requirements. The water mains shall be constructed in the private streets. 9. Each dwelling unit shall have a separate water service. 10. The perimeter planter areas shall be constructed per City Landscape Standards and maintained by the Hameowner's Association. 11. The sewer mains within the private streets shall be privately owned and maintained. 12. If a security gate is desired, its configuration shall be designed and approved with the street improvements. 13. A vehicular turnaround shall be designed at the westerly end of Albacore Street and approved by the Public Works Department. 14. Private street turnaround shall be designed to accommodate trash trucks. BAP:ik cc: Jeff Renna Daryl Smith 6 0 City , of Huntington Beach 2000 MAIN STREET CALIFORNIA 92648 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Building Division 536-5241 Planning Division 536-5271 May 23, 1989 Mr. William Hall Hall and Associates 2717 South El Camino Real San Clemente, CA 92672 SUBJECT: ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT FOR GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 89-2 Dear Mr. Hall: Upon receipt of a $1500.00 deposit, staff will initiate the processing of an environmental impact report for General Plan Amendment No. 89-2. Processing of an environmental impact report typically requires from three to four months from the receipt of the deposit. Staff will process the environmental impact report concurrently with General Plan Amendment No. 89-2 and Zone Change No. 89-2. Staff will also initiate preliminary processing of conditional Use Permit No.. 89-17 and Tentative Tract 14017. Thank you for your cooperation and should you have any questions regarding this matter, contact me at 536-5271. Robert Franklin Associate Planner RF:lab (2790d) 0 4 City of Huntington Beach 2000 MAIN STREET CALIFORNIA 92648 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Building Division 536-5241 Planning Division 536-5271 May 18, 1989 Mr. William Hall Hall and Associates 2717 South El Camino Real San Clemente, Ca 92672 SUBJECT: GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 89-1A/ZONE CHANGE NO. 89-2 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 89-17/TENTATIVE TRACT 14071 Dear Mr. Hall: The Environmental Review Committee has determined that the processing of General Plan Amendment No. 89-1A requires a comprehensive environmental impact report. This being the case, the processing time for your project will be a minimum of four to five months from the date of authorization to proceed with the initial stages of the required environmental impact report. Thank you for your cooperation and should you have any questions regarding this matter, do not hesitate to contact me at 536-5271. Sincerely,. Robert Franklin Associate Planner xc: Mr. John Cowles Agape Design 5500 West Bolsa Avenue #130 Huntington Beach, CA 92649 RLF:lab (2731d) 0 hH+- Zj y , Svt7 • <-r 114 O-q ( - i!50 VELOPMENT REVIEW REQUEST TO: FROM: DATE: 101 PETITION(S): REQUEST(S): LOCATION: /. ri'- "'I- EX h I/ t U 11 ZONE: J/pf -)P.I C pe Mt1S Ib MK A) GENERAL PLAN: E)ISfING USE: VRo M tA)lZ h vc v DATE ACCEPTED: MANDATORY PROCESSING DATE: Please submit your concerns and recommended soluti ns in 'siting on or before F C) a Interd s artmental Review: Final Planning Review: BZA: Subdivision Carmittee: Planning Carrnission COMMENTS:-(Use Attachments if necessary) 12ocrr--Fi kLi LJu orC (+ 1V'W c ALEtip PrZ '4A)1 Ca Lori- 16 (ID pprezi ttz 6-it A-t-LoV t A) f t'h P-0 ,Ai-c- 5(kA MAXg 5(+A-GL 5 .-c: L &.J4 1750 Flr ' c Co k-r (-P C" FO 12- A L 0 0e-Q '7`T MA4 . S/zZ d B'f Response submitted by: Date: Attachments: EVELOPMENT REVIEW REQUEST TO: FROM: I-. DATE: .-,k. ..V. " .1 -....-..-- E COMMEWr1S: (Use Attachments if necessary) PETITION (S):1-i REQUEST (S): 19 U 1 ZONE : w2C! 4 T I hG) - I C Pµ i s I b u w lJ ?Y sI ph4 -y•l pC wi 1 auk GENERAL PLAN: '`r y- .cd u ,G'SA' °-I EXISTING USE:V# i L/ DATE ACCEPTED: MANDATORY PROCESSING DATE: Please submit your concerns and recommended soluti ns in -iting on or before a I Interd)artmental REview: Final Planning Review: BZA: Subdivision Qxnnittee: Planning Corzmission• Res onse submitted by: Date: 5 l5 t3 Attachments: LOCATION:ti f ti/ LETTER OF AUTHORIZATION April 3, 1989 City of Huntington Beach 2000 Main Street Huntington Beach, California 92648 Re: Southeast Corner of Garfield and Bushard Huntington Beach, California To Whom It May Concern: Please be advised that William G. Lamb, as trustee for the William G. and Virginia L. Lamb Family Trust, is the owner of the above-referenced property more fully described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto. The above-referenced property is the subject of a Ground Lease dated July 23, 1988, between the Trust as Landlord, and Hall and Associates, as Tenant. Authorization is hereby given to William M. Hall of Hall and Associates, Inc. for the purpose of submitting the following to the City of Huntington Beach: 1. General Plan Amendment; 2. Zone Change; 3. Tentative Tract Map; 4. Conditional Use Permit with special permits; 5. Environmental Assessment. Thank you for your help and consideration in expediting the foregoing matters, it is greatly appreciated. William G. Lamb, Trustee of William G. and Virginia mb Family Trust By: William L. Lamb Attorney-in-Fact STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) SS COUNTY OF ORANGE ) On April 4, 1989, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said State, personally appeared WILLIAM L. LAMB, perso- nally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument as the Attorney in Fact of WILLIAM G. LAMB, and acknow- ledged to me that he subscribed the name of WILLIAM G. LAMB thereto as principal and his own name as Attorney in Fact. Witness my hand and official 1. OFFICIAL SEALL. HARDEN-O BRIEN Notary Ptbfc-CSNtomia o ary Public p ORANGE COUNTY f ...• My Comm. Exp. Mar. a.1991 L CL SC.,- I P f cs Parcel 15337104, Section 6 , Township 6, Mange 10 part of Northeast Quarter Section as per DD 7274-39 Parcel 15337105,- Section 6, Township 6, Range 10 rectangular lot in the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter. EXHIBIT "A" v 0 vemo .4%, P.-I pol !IZ16. f r...>15 ZpkC> 2Z-pp v1/cv4(hw vat rta v 0 0 0 f 4 I f ti f- f ff FORMULA FOR CALCULATING MAXIMUM DENSITY- (AND BEDROOMS ) FOR CONDOMINIUM PROJECTS 1)r vi%A1.6 To Gi 150. q A. Calculate net square footage of site (exclude street and/or alley dedications). B. Multiply (A) by .075 eV C. Calculate ROW area (dedicated and /or future dedica-tion)•adjacent to property (between property line and centerline'of street). D. Adjusted Gross square footage: 1. If (B) exceeds (C), then add (A) and (C); or 2. If (B) equals or is less than (C), then add (A) and (B). E. Divide adjusted gross square footage (D) by 43,560. F. Multiply (E) by appropriate "Maximum Units or Maximum Bedrooms per Gross Acre". Maximum Units Maximum Bedrooms Zone er acre er acre R1 6.5 20 R2 15 38 R3 25 50 R4 35 53 Round down to obtain maximum unit and bedroom count. FORMULA: 1) A + [(B)!SC] = D (adjusted gross square feet) (0723D-3) Max. units or bedrooms 2) D x per gross acre = F (Units. 43,560 as allowed by code ..and/or bedrooms allowed) w 51 9 2isi vW ) Y J4'On AmrIAII 0, S , 4 a Mail to: Address Plan Check # Entitlement # Expires Zone DM Assessor's Parcel Number Adjusted Gross Acreage (AGA) Before approval for code compliance or issuance of a building permit, the plans and application for this construction require the information, revisions, and corrections indicated by the circled items below. The approval of plans and specifications does not permit the violations of any section of the Zoning Code or other City Ordinance or State Law. Instructions A. Corrections with circled item numbers apply to this plan check. B. The plan checker will be available for conference and telephone calls only between the hours of and on the following days Appointments are recommended. See page of this correction sheet for the name and phone number of the plan checker. Plan Review per Article 915 and Related Codes 1. Plot plan fully dimensioned showing location of all parking, landscaping, buildings, fences to property line and adjacent property use within feet. Show offsite improvements, distance to centerline of streets. and alleys. 2. Floor plan fully dimensioned showing all room uses. 3. Building elevations fully dimensioned indicating all architectural features as approved and/or required by the Planning Commission or Zoning Administrator. I 0 ##Section # 4 9150.4 Max Density Max Bedrooms tb fN E o %. 4 *42a, 6 9150.5 Maxite Coverage 7 9150.6 Max Height Measured by Art. 908 8 9150.7 Setback - Front reduction for 50% of building frontage 9 9150.8 Setback - Side a - exterior reduction for 50% of building frontage d 10 9150.9 11 a b c 9150.10 e g h - interior - interior adjacent to single family - interior garages except if finished grade is not more more than 1 ft. . above abutting prop. Setback - Rear - same as interior side yard Building Separation - front to front - rear to rear; rear to front - side to front; side to rear - side to side - obliquely aligned buildings - accessory bldg. to accessory bldg. - accessory bldg to dwelling - unenclosed parking to dwelling Article 915 Code Proposed R1AGA6.5= R2 AGA • 15.0 = R3 AGA 25.0 = R4 AGA • 35.0 = R1 AGA 20 = R2 AGA • 38 = R3 AGA 50 = S+1 ecM , R4AGA•53= AGA • 50% 35 ft. 20 ft. to 15 ft. & 20 ft. average 20 ft. to 15 ft. & 20 ft. average 10 ft. 10 ft. + 1 ft. per 2.5 ft. of bldg. length over 25 ft. 10 ft. 0 25 ft. plus 5 ft. for each story in excess of one story 20 ft. plus 5 ft. for each story in excess of one story 15 ft. plus 2.5 ft. for each story in excess of one story 10 ft. plus 2.5 ft. for each story in excess of one story or 5 ft. per dwelling when more than 2 are proposed in building ortgdecrease en-end by 5 ft. and increase other end by 5 ft. 15 ft. 10 ft. 15 ft. x,7.9- 1 ,r1) -rl WA. 4J 'O' i - vehicular access- 5 ft. ways to dwelling j k 13-2-4- a b c 14 a b c d e f g h i R4 400 • #units =Hoh,VF- oiJi:t , S i QRS.,0 ?z common setback 10 ft. from ground floor dwelling w/door or window; - common min dimension 10 ft. - private 1. ground level unit patio min # dim. 10 ft. 2. above ground balcony 3. combination combination area to equal ground level requirement 0 - 1 bdrm 200 sq.ft. patio 60 sq.ft. balcony 2 - bdrm 250 sq.ft. patio 120 sq.ft. balcony 3 - bdrm 300 sq.ft. patio 120 sq.ft. balcony 4 - bdrm 400 sq.ft. patio 120 sq.ft. balcony - private waterways not to exceed 50% total requirement - enclosed facility not to exceed 15% total requirement - projects 2-0 acres patios & balconies may be credited to total but not to exceed 50% - projects 2-4 acres same as above, limit 25% - projects 4 acres no patio/balcony credit towards total; common areas require 20 ft min dimension 15 9150.14 Main Recreation Area a - projects 0-1 acres 2500 sq.ft/min 50 ft. dimension - projects 1-4 acres Zs,i5y - /r-2 n'f /b 0 0 Section #Code Proposed - travel lanes and garages 5 ft.£' Sip 6 5 9150.11 - garage attached/ adjacent to unit Building Orientation 20 ft. for 50% of garages preserve natural eb ' I AL1.- 9150.12 Building Bulk for environment Units Side by Side - max units 6 Q* 9150.13 - front building line offset - 1/3 of units in a multi-story structure Open Space 4 feet for every 2 units 1 story less in height +J/a - total required R1 1200 • #units = R2 800 • #units =. R3 600 • #units = I+ ' o o et7?.1 .`J. iI 3 R1,-R2 165 sq.ft. • unit =- ---------X580-sq: f---=ur3 R3, R4 100 sq.ft. • unit = in 2 areas ok 0 U 3D • r 0 0 ## Section # Code Proposed c Street trees 1. 60 ft. r-o-w 2. arterials 3. parkway trees 20 9150.19 Miscellaneous a address signs b cable tv c d ,laundry areas lighting e storage space f g street signs trash areas h vehicle storage 21 9150.20 Associations CC&R's 22 9150.21 Special Permit (list per P.C. action) 1-15gal per 45 ft of frontage 3® inch box ,30inch box tree per 45'ft. of frontage within public right-of- way or first 10 ft of property see Fire Department underground only not required plan required for packing areas, accessways 100 cu.ft. per unit without an attached garage See Public Works enclosed or screened within 200ft. of unit prohibited refer to staff planner for review of conditions then forward to City Attorney for review 23 Items indicated on site plan. a Legal Description . MS JL b All fences require separate permit c All signs require separate permit e Provide cable tv per Huntington Beach Municipal Code Chapter 17.46 and Public Works specification. f Plana; check number to lower right hand corner g Conditions of Approval printed verbatim 24 Additional Items Required Prior to Permit Issuance Park and Recreation Fee $ Downtown Specific Plan Fee $ Two copies of approved Landscape and Irrigation Plans Rooftop Mechanical Equipment Screening Plan Lighting Plan Interim materials Storage and Parking Plan Reciprocal Easement Documents for review and approval Recorded Covenant Satisfaction of Conditions of Approval Completed FAA calculations sheet Two copies of approved grading plan Evidence of private easement Return of Release Slips from Fire, Oil, Public Works Redevelopment Elevation certificate )1 ,OX t 4 w `++'r -;Gpynd Waiver of demolition, filed and ok to demolish trwr-h4 '<it h S o '' oa .{ s y ti' Demolition Permit and Asbestos Disclosure Proof of final approval from Coastal Commission Proof of creation of lot (copy of all deeds to property and/or recorded map) Parking Assignmenanagement Plan Affordable Housing Agreement Checked by Date J OO ' RAD Il D0J l6 SMOKE TREE 6 AVEM/E O O d Z 7 le Q w. N r AO. 6832 AVENUE J (#4RF/£L D O, O O O O O to n Iz 13 la Is '282 22 - 2S TRAC + Y6 44 L6/ AC LOT f17 • O NO. 430 DRIVE S fi z gO TI 0 S 69 BASS . DRIVE / /2 21 : ! !? ALBACORE SH/M/ZU RIVER O O • Q 36 37 O C 79 7! ,. . 2 3 C 75S 76 S. 77 76 74 $1 tf• 0 1. • 66 /_; y3 O S W 2/ 30 ,..f 4 .ems 2 •Q : 65 „/ S6 Y Q Y O 39 I)J 47 2 S :SSORV SLOCKB ASS£SSORV MAP -EL NUMBERS 300K t5 3 PAGE 36 m O C 67 62 ? 27 !!16 10 u 42 12 S ti Ownership Map 10 r- 4M 40 r -----h`J`Q a w .9 aI r' bl i° fl ° , 3o I o q11 .._... I , ! C lie 7• (Pe 4e 65 Ito t• 44 a Z N lot r M h e,l 16 4 i6 2 I -t .UI 0 9 ,?o87! -- ,toC 1- I e° aWAk4 irb , `pT 3 r fr+ 76 O APO? n!- be 1.• LI W I /z V° s 94 0 110 I 1 / 9b y-\ Resl1 Y6 60 60 Fg I-- t VIP. j 99 ra dY J y01 ti to wti-Jov4 L.ITCHFIELD DRIVE 82' P VELARDO MARCH 1969 157 - 28 POR. NW 114, NW. 1/4, NE. //4,. r SEC. 6, T. 6 S., R,-/0 S.5 9/ 60' B2 60 TRAC 54.74' 71.47'/8 85.08 34 125.60' V NI m /a9 4 3 io3.60' 35 72.34' 103.77 a.ya. 103.50 84.92' 72 IZ5.6o' 56163 DRIVE 38 TRACT NO. 4852 M. M. 175 - 23, 24, 25 50 7z.10'\5/52 72.30' 0.1 103,98 lo./I.. 54 c 32 u 47.13' 69 72.50 54 z2. 60 113.64' 60 00 N M 93.95' 93 0I• 94 113.66 95 113.69' 96 14 113.71' 97 15 113.74' 98 16 113.77' 99 113.76 /00 /0/ 113.85' /02 113.59' /03 .NNO.4852 s7,/04 153-.37 I" = /001 0 N NOTE - ASSESSORS BLOCK PARCEL NUMBERS SHOWN IN CIRCLES ASSESSORS MAP BOOK 153 PAGE 37 COUNTY OF ORANGE ED