HomeMy WebLinkAboutAdministrative Permit APX2016011 - Notice of Filing Status2 Cit o f H u n t i n t o n B e a c h 2000MAINSTREET CALIFORNIA92648 DEPARTMENTOFCOMMUNITYDEVELOPMENT Plannin Division CodeEnforcementDivision Buildin D i v i s i o n 714/536-5271 714/375-5155 714/536-5241 November30,2016 APPLICATION: APPLICANT: PROPERTYOWNER: REQUEST: PROJECTLOCATION: DearMs:Tomlinson: NOTICEOFFILINGSTATUS ADMINISTRATIVE P E R M I T N O . 1 6 - 0 1 1 ( W A R M A N RESIDENCE) CynthiaTomlinson,P.O.Box319,Surfside,CA90743 LloydWarman,P.O.Box319,Surfside,CA90743 To " a p p r o v e i n c o n c e p t " t h e d e m o l i t i o n o f a n e x i s t i n g 1 , 6 0 0 s q . f t . single f a m i l y d w e l l i n g u n i t a n d t o c o n s t r u c t a n e w t h r e e - s t o r y 4,621sq.ft. s i n g l e f a m i l y d w e l l i n g u n i t w i t h a 5 0 8 s q . f t . a t t a c h e d garage,withanoverallmaximumheightof35ft. 16611SouthPacificAvenue,90742(northof 1 9 t h S t . , s o u t h o f 22ndSt.—SunsetBeach) NOTICEIS HEREBYGIVENthatthe CommunityDevelopmentDepartmenthasreviewedthe above entitlementapplicationreceivedand d a t e d M a y 1 8 , 2 0 1 6 , a n d h a s d e e m e d t h e applicationcompleteandacceptedforprocessing. If you shouldhaveany questionsor concernsregardingthe processingof your application, pleasefeelfreetocontactmeat(714)536-5438orkimo.burden surfcit-hb.or . Sincerely, imoBurden PlanningAide C:Jane James, Plann i n g M a n a g e r File AA Cit ofHuntm ton Beach 2000 MAIN STREET CALIFORNIA92648 DEPARTMENTOFCOMMUNITYDEVELOPMENT Plannin Division CodeEnforcement Division Buildin Division 714/536-5271 714/375-5155 714/536-5241 October12,2016 APPLICATION: APPLICANT: PROPERTY OWNER: NOTICEOFFILINGSTATUS ADMINISTRATIVEPERMITNO.16-011(WARMANRESIDENCE) CynthiaTomlinson,P.O.Box319,Surfside,CA90743 LloydWarman,P.O.Box319,Surfside,CA90743 REQUEST:To "approvein concept"the demolitionof an existing1,600sq. ft. single family dwelling unit and to constructa newthree-story4,336sq. ft. single family dwelling unit with a 448 sq. ft. attachedgarage,with an overall maximumheightof35ft. LOCATION:16611 SouthPacificAvenue,90742(northof 19thSt., southof 22ndSt. — SunsetBeach) DearMs.Tomlinson: NOTICE IS HEREBYGIVEN that the Planning Division has reviewed your entitlement application received and dated June 10, 2016 and has determined the application to be incomplete.The following information and/or corrections are requested in order for the Planning Division to deem your applicationcomplete and continue the review process of your application: MINIMUMAPPLICATIONREQUIREMENTS/CORRECTIONS: The following itemsare necessaryto deemyour applicationcomplete: SheetAC101Corrections:FrontYardSetback—Clearly indicate what the front yard setback dimension is. Sheets A101 and AC100 are not consistent. Sheet AC100 statesthe front yardset back is 5foot11/2inch while pageA101 states it is 4 foot6 inches.Pleaseclarify. (seepage 37withinthe SP17for moreinformation) SheetA101Corrections: a.FrontYardSetback-Clarify what the front yard setback is and make sure all sheetsare consistent. NoticeofFilingStatus:AdministrativePermitNo.16-011 October12,2016 b.Parkingand GarageAccess-A minimum dimension of 9 ft. by 18 ft. per parking stall (two parking stalls are required per dwelling unit) that is unobstructedby equipment shall be shown on the floor plan. The elevator door when fully open will obstruct vehicle access. Revise elevator door or relocate elevatoras to not impedevehicle access. (Seesection 3.3.4of SP17). 3. SheetA103Corrections—Revisegame roomto state bedroom. 4. SheetA201Corrections—Providerailing heightsfor all decks. 5. SheetA202Corrections: Providerailing heightsfor all decks. Providedimensionfor the 1stand 2ndfloors to the front property line on the west elevation. 6. ProvideElevationsDepictingthe ProposedFoundation—Per Section 2.4.2 of SP17 all new development shall be required to comply with the flood plain regulationsandthe 1985Countystudy. The proposed project is required to be built on Piles or Caissons. The CommunityDevelopmentDepartmentis currentlyin the processof amendingthis code requirement however, the text amendment must still be reviewed and approved by the Planning Commission, City Council and the Coastal Commission. DesignCriteria for ProtectiveDevicesand Pile or Caisson-Supported Structures-Provide the distance between the ground elevation and the undersideof the structure (subfloor)that complieswith Chapter 4 section 5.2 of the Coastal Flood Plain Development Orange County Coastline. Refer to the Coastal Flood Plain DevelopmentOrange CountyCoastline documentfor further clarificationand requirements. 7. Historic Element—Please provide a historic resource study that meets the requirementsof the U.S Departmentofthe InteriorStandards. Below are links to the Sunset Beach Specific Plan and the Coastal Flood Plain Development Orange County Coastlinedocument,which pertainsto this project. htt ://www.huntin tonbeachca. ov/files/users/ lannin /Sunset-Beach-S ecific-Plan-Draft. df htt ://www.huntin tonbeachca. ov/ overnment/de artments/ lannin /ma'or/files/Coastal- Flood lain-Develo ment-Oran e-Count -Coastline. df Notice of Filing Status: AdministrativePermitNo. 16-011 October 12,2016 Please submit the above-notedinformation and/or corrections as soon as possible in order for the Planning Division to continue the review process of your request. Please note, additional comments and concerns may be generated upon receipt of the requested information. Also, completion of the corrections and/or the submittal of the additional information does not presume approval ofthe applicationrequested. If you should have any questions or concerns regarding the processing of your application, pleasefeel free to contactme at (714)536-5438or kimo.burden@surfcity-hb.org. Sincerely, Kimo Burden PlanningAide Attachment: c: PropertyOwner Jane James, PlanningManager File Cit of HuntintonBeach 2000 M A I N S T R E E T CALIFORNIA92648 DEPARTMENTOFPLANNINGANDBUILDING www.huntintonbeachca.ov Plannin Division BuildinDivision 714.536.5271 714.536.5241 June10,2016 APPLICATION: APPLICANT: PROPERTY OWNER: NOTICEOFFILINGSTATUS ADMINISTRATIVEPERMITNO. 1 6 - 0 1 1 ( W A R M A N R E S I D E N C E ) CynthiaTomlinson,P.O. B o x 3 1 9 , S u r f s i d e , C A 9 0 7 4 3 LloydWarman, P . O . B o x 3 1 9 , S u r f s i d e , C A 9 0 7 4 3 REQUEST:To " a p p r o v e i n c o n c e p t " t h e d e m o l i t i o n o f a n e x i s t i n g 1 , 6 0 0 s q . f t . s i n g l e family dwelling unit and to construct a new t h r e e - s t o r y 5 , 2 0 8 s q . f t . s i n g l e family d w e l l i n g u n i t w i t h a 4 7 6 s q . f t . a t t a c h e d g a r a g e , w i t h a n o v e r a l l maximumheightof 3 5 f t . LOCATION:16611 S o u t h P a c i f i c A v e n u e , 9 0 7 4 2 ( n o r t h o f 1 9 t h S t . , s o u t h o f 22ndSt.— Sunset B e a c h ) Dear Ms.Tomlinson: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning Division has reviewed your entitlement application received and dated June 10, 2016 and has determined the application to be incomplete.The f o l l o w i n g i n f o r m a t i o n a n d / o r c o r r e c t i o n s a r e r e q u e s t e d i n o r d e r f o r t h e Planning Division to deem your application com p l e t e a n d c o n t i n u e t h e r e v i e w p r o c e s s o f y o u r application: MINIMUMAPPLICATIONREQUIREMENTS/CORRECTIONS: The following itemsare necessaryto deemyour applicationcomplete: 1. TitleSheetCorrections: a.Zoning ConformanceMatrix - On s h e e t T - 1 , p r o v i d e a c o m p l e t e Z o n i n g Conformance Matrix. Th e m a t r i x s h a l l i n c l u d e i n f o r m a t i o n o n h o w t h e p r o j e c t complies with all applicable requirements of the Sunset B e a c h S p e c i f i c P l a n (SP17) a n d t h e H u n t i n g t o n B e a c h Z o n i n g S u b d i v i s i o n O r d i n a n c e ( H B Z S O ) regardingsetbacks,buildingheight,site c o v e r a g e , p a r k i n g , l a n d s c a p i n g , e t c . S e e Application R e q u i r e m e n t s o n t h e C i t y o f H u n t i n g t o n B e a c h ' s P l a n n i n g A p p l i c a t i o n Form.(Enclosed). NoticeofFilingStatus:AdministrativePermitNo.16-011 June10,2016 ScopeofWork-Located on page T-1 please add a detailed description of the proposedproject. AssessorParcelMap—Locatedon pageT-1 pleaseadd theAPN number. 2. SheetS-1Corrections: DetailedSitePlan—Clearly indicate all projections into the front, rear and side yard setbacks.Pleaseshowall chimneys,balconiesand architecturalfeatures on the site planandtheir dimensionfromthe propertyline. EnclosureRequirements-Depictthe location of the trash enclosure on the site plan (Sheet S-1). Per Section 3.3.1 of SP17, all building plans shall provide an area for the storage of the minimum required number and size trash cans per dwelling unit as requiredbythe localtrash removalservice.All trashcansshall be screenedfrom publicview. 3. SheetA-1Corrections: Wetbar—Please remove the stovetop/oven and the note stating, "microwave above cook top." Per Section 203.06 of the Huntington Beach Zoning and SubdivisionOrdinance, "a wetbar shall provide cold and/or hot water to a single sink without a garbage disposal at a location other than a kitchen or laundry. A wetbar area shall not includea stove, range, or similar applianceusuallyfound in a kitchen." Parking and Garage Access -Located on Sheet A-1, provide accurate dimensions for the internal access of the proposed garage. A minimum dimension of 9 ft. by 18 ft. per parking stall (two parking stalls are required per dwelling unit)that is unobstructedby equipmentshall be shown on the floor plan. Listed below are recommendations on how to provide the required parking dimensionswithinthe proposedgarage.(See section3.3.4of SP17). i. Remove/relocatethe elevatorequipmentand other equipmentlocated on the adjacentwalls. LabelBalconies-Labelall newbalconieslocatedonthe SecondFloorPlan. 4. SheetA-2Corrections: LabelBalconies—Label all new balconies located on the Third Floor Plan and Roof Plan. LabelSkylights—Label all skylightslocatedonthe Roof Plan. 5. TotalRoofHeight—Provideaccuratedimensionsof the total buildingheightlocated on sheets A-3, A-4 andA-5. When the building height is scaled, it equals 35 ft. 3 in, Notice of FilingStatus:AdministrativePermitNo. 16-011 June 10,2016 rather than 35ft as indicatedon the plans. Revisethe plansto indicatethe accurate dimensions ofthe total heightof the building. RoofStructures—To complywith Section3.3.1of SP17,chimneysshall not exceed the dimensions of 2 ft. by 2 ft. per flue and are not to exceed the height of the building by more than 10 percent. (Provide the total heightfrom centerline of street and providethe dimensionsof bothchimneys.) MechanicalEquipment—Please provide the location and the dimensions of the proposed mechanicalequipment(AC Unit). Per section 3.3.1 all roof structuressuch as air conditioning units, elevator equipment or other roof-mounted appurtenances shall be screenedfrom view and shall not exceedthe overall35foot heightlimit. TemporaryStructures—The proposed deck located on the beach area does not meet the minimum criteria of section 3.3.3 of SP17. Clearly indicate that the proposed deck within the 20 ft. strip of beach property contiguous the proposed home is temporary in nature. All temporary structures in nature shall be easily removable and not permanently fixed to the ground with solid footings. Please provide elevations and dimensions of the proposed temporary deck. Also, provide construction details showing how the structures can be disassembled.All outdoor furniture shall not be permanentlyattachedto the temporarydeck. See Section3.3.3 of SP17 for location, size and height requirements. Alternatively, remove the proposeddeckfrom the plans. ProvideElevationsDepictingthe ProposedFoundation—Per Section 2.4.2 of SP17 all new development shall be required to comply with the flood plain regulationsandthe 1985Countystudy. a.Design Criteriafor ProtectiveDevicesand Pile or Caisson-Supported Structures-Provide the distance between the ground elevation and the underside of the structure (subfloor)that complies with Chapter 4 section 5.2 of the Coastal Flood Plain Development Orange County Coastline. Refer to the Coastal Flood Plain DevelopmentOrange County Coastlinedocumentfor further clarificationand requirements. HistoricElement-Pleasebe advisedthat potentialcorrectionsand/or requirements may be requested at a later date. The Planning Division has been reviewing the Historic natureof the existinghome andwill provideStaffs analysisat a laterdate. Below are links to the Sunset Beach Specific Plan and the Coastal Flood Plain Development Orange CountyCoastlinedocument,which pertainsto this project. htt ://www.huntin tonbeachca. ov/files/users/ lannin /Sunset-Beach-S ecific-Plan-Draft. df htt ://www.huntin tonbeachca. ov/ overnment/de artments/ lannin /ma.or/files/Coastal- Flood lain-Develo ment-Oran e-Count -Coastline. df Notice of FilingStatus:AdministrativePermitNo. 16-011 June 10,2016 Please submit the above-notedinformationand/or corrections as soon as possible in order for the Planning Divisionto continue the review process of your request. Please note, additional comments and concerns may be generated upon receipt of the requested information. Also, completion of the corrections and/or the submittal of the additional information does not presume approvalof the applicationrequested. If you should have any questions or concerns regarding the processing of your application, pleasefeel free to contactme at (714)536-5438or kimo.burden@surfcity-hb.org. Sincerely, Kimo Burden PlanningAide Attachment: c: PropertyOwner Jane James, PlanningManager File