HomeMy WebLinkAboutAdministrative Permit APX2014005 - Notice of action Letter w Findings Conditions of ApprovalCit o f H u n t i n t o n B e a c h 2000 M A I N S T R E E T CALIFORNIA92648 DEPARTMENTOFPLANNINGANDBUILDING www.huntintonbeachca.ov PlanninDivision BuildinDivision 714.536.5271 714.536.5241 June9,2014 NOTICEOFACTION SUBJECT:ADMINISTRATIVEPERMITNO.2014-005(AHMFitness) APPLICANT:JustinLesh,15575GrahamSt.,HuntingtonBeach,CA92649 PROPERTYOWNER:HollyChu,16551BurkeLn.,HuntingtonBeach,CA92647 REQUEST:To e s t a b l i s h a n a p p r o x i m a t e l y 5 , 6 4 7 s q . f t . p e r s o n a l e n r i c h m e n t use ( p e r s o n a l t r a i n i n g s t u d i o ) w i t h a n a p p r o x i m a t e l y 3 , 2 8 5 s q . f t . of a n c i l l a r y u s e s ( o f f i c e , s t o r a g e a r e a s , r e s t r o o m s ) i n a n a p p r o x i - mately8,933sq.ft. i n d u s t r i a l b u i l d i n g . LOCATION:16551BurkeLn.(WestofBurkeLn.andSouthofHeilAve.) DATEOFACTION:June9,2014 OnJune9, 2014,the PlanningandBu i l d i n g D e p a r t m e n t o f t h e C i t y o f H u n t i n g t o n B e a c h t o o k actiononyourrequestandAPPROVEDyourrequestwithconditions.Attachedtothisletterare theconditionsofapprovalforyourapplication. PleasebeadvisedthattheDepartmentofPlanningandBuildingreviewstheconceptualplanas a basicrequestforentitlementofthe us e a p p l i e d f o r a n d t h e r e m a y b e a d d i t i o n a l r e q u i r e m e n t s priorto issuanceofbuildingpermits.Itisrecommendedthatyouimmediatelypursuecompletion ofthe conditionsofapprovalandaddressallrequirementsofthe HuntingtonBeachZoningand SubdivisionOrdinancein orderto expeditethe processing/completionof your p r o j e c t . T h e conceptualplanshouldnotbeconstruedasa preciseplan,reflectingconformanceto allZoning andSubdivisionOrdinancerequirements. Underthe provisionsof the HuntingtonBeachZoningandSubdivisionOrdinance,the action taken by the Departmentof Planningand Buildingis final unlessan appealis filed to the PlanningCommissionby you or by an interestedparty. A persondesiringto appealthe decisionshallfile awrittennoticeof appealto theSecretaryofthe PlanningCommissionwithin tencalendardaysofthedateof the PlanningandBuildingDepartment'saction. T h e n o t i c e o f appealshallincludethe nameandaddressof theappellant,the decisionbeingappealed,and GAPLANNINGNAdministrativePerrnits\2014\16551BurkeLane (AP 14-005)- AHM Fitness.docx Att. 1 . 1 thegroundsfortheappeal.Afilingfeeof$494shallalsoaccompanythenoticeofappeal.Said appealmustbe in writingand mustset forth in detailthe actionand groundsby whichthe applicantor interestedpartydeemshimselfaggrieved.The lastdayfor filing an appealand payingthefilingfeefortheabovenotedapplicationis Thursday,June19,2014at5:00p.m. If youhaveanyquestions,pleasecontactJoannaCortez,AssistantPlannerat (714)374-1547 or via emailat 'oanna.cortez surfcit-hb.or orthe PlanningDepartmentPlanningandZoning InformationCounterat(714)536-5271. Sincerely, ScottHess, DirectorofPlanningandBuilding by: Cortez ssis Planner Atta ment:ConditionsofApproval—AdministrativePermitNo.2014-005 Cc:onorableMayorandCityCouncil ChairandPlanningCommission FredA.Wilson,CityManager KenDomer,AssistantCityManager ScottHess,DirectorofPlanning& B u i l d i n g JaneJames,PlanningManager BillReardon,DivisionChief/ FireMarshall DebbieDebow,PrincipalCivilEngineer HollyChu,PropertyOwner ProjectFile GAPLANNING\AdministrativePermits\2014\16551Burke Lane (AP 14-005)- AHM Fitness.docx ATTACHMENTNO.1 CONDITIONSOFAPPROVAL—ADMINISTRATIVEPERMITNO.14-005: 1. ThefloorplanreceivedanddatedApril21,2014,shallbetheconceptuallyapprovedlayout. 2. The maximumnumberof studentsutilizingthe facilityat any time shall not exceedthe numberof parkingspacesallocatedto the building. Basedon the occupiedfloor area (8,933sq.ft.) andtheapplicableparkingstandardof oneparkingspaceper500sq.ft.,the numberof parkingspacesallocatedis seventeen(17). Therefore,the numberof students shallnotexceedseventeen(17)duringanytrainingsession. 3. The instructionalareashallnotexceed75 percentof the totalfloor areaoccupiedbythe personalenrichmentuse,or6,699sq.ft. 4. Theuseshallcomplywiththefollowing: The subjecttrainingfacilityshallnot hostcompetitions,competitiveevents,or live entertainmentactivities. To facilitatethe vacationof parkingspaces,thereshall be a minimum15 minute breakbetweenthe conclusionandcommencementof eachtrainingsession. This conditionis only applicablewhenthe trainingsessionsare at full capacityof 17 students. 5. The applicantand/or applicant'srepresentativeshall be responsiblefor ensuringthe accuracyofallplansandinformationsubmittedtotheCityfor reviewandapproval. INFORMATIONONSPECIFICCODEREQUIREMENTS AdministrativePermitNo. 14-005shall not becomeeffectiveuntil the ten-calendarday appealperiodhaselapsed.(HBZSOSection241.14) AdministrativePermitNo. 14-005shallbecomenullandvoid unlessexercisedwithinone year of the date of final approvalor such extensionof time as may be grantedby the Directorpursuantto a writtenrequestsubmittedto the PlanningDepartmenta minimum30 dayspriortotheexpirationdate.(HBZSOSection241.16) The PlanningandBuildingDepartmentreservesthe rightto revokeAdministrativePermit No.14-005,pursuanttoa publichearingforrevocation,ifanyviolationoftheseconditionsor the HuntingtonBeach Zoning and SubdivisionOrdinanceor MunicipalCode occurs. (HBZSOSection249.06) ThedevelopmentshallcomplywithallapplicableprovisionsoftheMunicipalCode,Building Department,andFireDepartmentaswellasapplicablelocal,StateandFederalFireCodes, Ordinances,andstandards,exceptasnotedherein.(CityCharter,ArticleV) INDEMNIFICATIONANDHOLDHARMLESSCONDITION: GAPLANNINGAdministrativePermits\2014\16551Burke Lane (AP 14-005)- AHM Fitness.docx Theownerofthepropertywhichisthesubjectofthisprojectandtheprojectapplicantifdifferent from the propertyowner,and each of their heirs, successorsand assigns,shall defend, indemnifyand hold harmlessthe City of HuntingtonBeachand its agents,officers,and employeesfrom anyclaim,actionor proceedings,liabilitycost,includingattorney'sfees and costsagainsttheCityoritsagents,officersoremployees,toattack,setaside,voidorannulany approvalof the City, includingbut not limitedto any approvalgrantedby the City Council, PlanningCommission,orDesignReviewBoardconcerningthisproject.TheCityshallpromptly notifytheapplicantof anyclaim,actionorproceedingandshouldcooperatefullyinthedefense thereof. a \PLANNING\AdministrativePermits12014116551Burke Lane (AP 14-005)- AHM Fitness.docx