HomeMy WebLinkAboutAdministrative Permit AP2014008 - Signed ApplicationForyourconvenience,youmayremsest anappointmenttosubmityour entitlementapplicationbycontactingthe PlanningDepartmentat714-536-5271 FOROFFICIALUSEONLY HUNTINGTONBEACH CityofHuntingtonBeach PlanningDepartment 2000MainStreet HuntingtonBeach,CA92648 (714)536-5271 www.surfcit-hb.or /Cit De artments/Plannin GENERALAPPLICATION: PlanningCommission ZoningAdministrator $StaffReview DesignRevie 1/43.0 0(1 Appr t or Au horizedAgent (ContactPerson) M ilingAddres City Tele honeNumber: C Iwo State Zip)_. FaxNumber:7 E-mailAddress: U aka m PresentZone DM t c.t. GeneralPlanDesignation Ct•-) PLANNINGAPPLICATIONNO, le -oegl ENTITLEMENT $FEE CASE# CoastalDevelomentPermit CDP - ConditionalUsePermit CUP - Desi nRevie DR - EntitlementPlanAmendment EPA - GeneralPlanAmendment GPA - LocalCoastalPro ramAmend LCPA - PlannedSi nPro ram PSP - Si nCodeExce tion SCE - Ternor UsePermit TUP - Variance V - Zonin Ma Amendment ZMA - Zonin TextAmendment ZTA - IIJ EnvironmentalReview Exempt Sec.Class AssessmentReq. EA CoastalAreaYes No1/ CategoricalExclusion Appeal. Non.App ExemptSec. OwnershipVerification Pursuantto:iklatSb >4 ApplicantAuthorization L-ID)C APN InLieuof: Plans• t< NotificationReq.DateReceived L.12;3 / Narrative Receipt#IA hotographs/Slidest—prtogReceivedby EntertainmentPermit ProjectPlanner HOAapproval Distributedby_i013*11. pc ComputerLog ConcurrentCases MapBookLog %Plans DateStamped PreviousCases(014-3 iroperty Owner 5 5 0 5 6--Irdefi Blvd /so MailingAddress .571-2.4/4 9.2.03 City State Zip Tele honeNumber: 1¢ .499/--ceao4 FaxNumber:c9t/ 4 5h 4-3 E-mailAddress:sner a I(a Is.net . o fl FloodZone tk. EarthquakeFaultZone OilDistrict MethaneDistrict RedevelopmentArea Noise/CNEL SeismicHazardZone ScenicCorridor ResidentialInfill MilitaryBufferZone IA_ www.ceres.ca.gov/planning(services) REQUEST:4-rtA7 isto EXISTINGUSE: vA.4-11±yr- LOCATIONANDDESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: StreetAddress: 9414 60 ti1462-Ave NearestMajorIntersection:i301_406,.151altutew____ Assessor'sParcelNumber(s):LotArea: Tract:Block:Lot: I, PrintProert Owner'sname am the property owner of the subject propertyandhavereadandunderstandallstatementsincludingthefilingrequirementsonthereversesideofthisapplication.I hereby authorizePrintA ent'sname toactasmyrepresentativeandto bindmein all mattersconcerningthisapplication.I herebyaffirmunderpenaltyof perjurythatthe foregoingstatements,factsand attachmentsaretrueandcorrect.Iunderstandthatthisapplicationforentitlementorvariancemaybedenied,modifiedorapprovedwith conditionsandthatsuchconditionsormodificationsmustbe satisfiedpriortoissuanceofbuildingpermits. I understandthatbyfiling theapplication,informationontheapplicationincluding,butnotnecessarilylimitedtothenameandaddresswillbe includedonpublic recordsthatarepostedontheinternet. bfi 4-api PropertyOwner Date h rizedAgent Date SignatureOlh._ APPLICATION RE UIREMENTS: (Complete/submit t h e f o l l o w i n g circleditemspriortosubmittalandreturnthisapplication withyoursubmittal) Thisapplicationmustbetypedorprintedandfilledincompletely. • Iftheapplicantisnotthepropertyowner,thepropertyownershalldesignatetheapplicantastheauthorizedagenttoactonhis/her behalfandbothshallsignthisapplication. Proofofpropertyownership,e.g.,deed,titleinsurancepolicy. Chainoftitleindicatingpriorownershipanddateoflotcreation,CertificateofCompliance,orcopyofrecordedmap. EnvironmentalAssessmentFormifdeterminednecessaryperCaliforniaEnvironmentalQualityAct(seeattached). Planning Commission:Twelve(12)preliminarysiteplans,floorplansandbuildingelevations(andfornewconstructionsubmit preliminarygradingplans)amaximumof24"X36"insize.Uponacceptanceandschedulingofhearingdate,eight(8)additional fullsizedsets,two(2)setsofplansreducedto8-1/2"X 11"andone(1)setofplanscoloredtoillustratethedesignand developmentconceptoftheprojectshallbesubmitted.Otherplansmayberequireddependingonthecomplexityoftheproject. Zoning Administrator:Twelve(12)setsofsiteplans,floorplansandbuildingelevations(andfornewconstructionsubmit preliminarygradingplans)amaximumof24"X36"insize,andone(1)setofplansreducedto 11"X 17".Otherplansmaybe requireddependingonthecomplexityoftheproject. StatiReiziez or Design Review:Twelve(12)setsofsiteplans,floorplansandbuildingelevationsamaximumof24"X36"in size. Amaterialspalette,preliminarylandscapeplans,andcoloredelevationsofallproposedwallsarealsorequiredfordesign review.(NoadditionalplansrequiredforPC/ZAprojectsrequiringDesignReview).Administrative P e r m i t s r e q u i r e o n l y t h r e e , (3) sets of plans. PreliminaryGradingPlanwithallexistingandproposedgradesaswellasallwalls/fencesshownonplan, Plansconformingtothefollowingrequirements: Drawtoscale(minimumscale118"=1'or 1"=30');indicatescale;indicatedimensionsofbuildingandflooruses;andnorth directionarrow.Plansshallbeorientedsothatnorthpointstothetopofthepage. Plottheentireparcelanddimensionallpertinentdatasuchaseasements,driveways,landscaping,parking,fencing;and distancestoallpropertylines.Indicateanygradedifferentialbetweenadjacentproperties,alleys,orstreets. Depictexistingpropertyimprovementsonabuttingparcelsandacrossstreetsand/oralleyswithinfifty(50)feetofthesubject parcel.Improvementsshouldincludelocationanddimensionofparking,landscaping,driveways,buildinglayoutsanduses, windowsandentrywaylocationsandanyotherinformationusefultoanalyzetheproject. Plotallexistingandproposedphysicalfeatures,fences/walls,andstructuresonthesubjectpropertyandabuttingproperties. (WindowlocationsonadjacentpropertiesrequiredforallResidentialInfillproperties.) Dimensiontothenearestintersectingstreetandidentifyallstreetnames. Dimensionheightofallstructuresfromthehighestadjacentcurbtothetopofslabandtotheroofpeakonallelevations. Buildingelevationsshalldepictallsidesofbuildingandindicatecolorsandmaterialsproposed. Locateanddimensionexistingandproposedreciprocaldrivewayaccessandparking. Includealegend(locateinlowerrightcornerofthesiteplan)whichliststhename,address,andphonenumberoftherecorded ownerandtheapplicant. Identifythelegaldescriptionofthesubjectpropertyonthesiteplan. Labelexistingandproposedusesofeachroomonfloorplan. (I) Dimensionsectiondrawingsforwalls,gradedifferential,andbuildings. Provideazoningconformancematrixonthecoversheetofthesite. Thematrixshallincludeinformationonhow t h e p r o j e c t complieswithallaspectsoftheHuntingtonBeachZoningandSubdivisionOrdinance. Foldallplanstoamaximumsizeof8-1/2"X 14"(lowerrightcornerout). (11. PublicnotificationrequirementsforCoastalDevelopmentPermit,Variance,ConditionalUsePermit,ZoningMapAmendment, \-) PrecisePlanStreetAlignment,GeneralPlanAmendment,andSignCodeException(Seeattachedsheet). 12. AletterfromthePropertyOwnerAssociationorArchitecturalCommittee,ifapplicable,shallbesubmittedindicatingthatthe proposedprojecthasbeenapproved,denied,orthattheCC&R'sdonotrequireAssociationorCommitteereview. Allentitlementsrequirephotographsofthesubjectsiteandsurroundingproperties. . AllPlanningCommissionapplicationsrequireslidesordigitalphotographsofthesubjectsiteandsurroundingproperties. .40 Awrittennarrativeoftheproposeduseorproject.Thenarrativeshallcontainthefollowingminimuminformation: Descriptionofprojectandservices,includingproposeduse,squarefootage,hoursanddaysofoperation,numberof employees,andotherinformationasappropriate. Reasonsforinitiatingthisapplication, Descriptionofsurroundingusestothenorth,south,eastandwest. Descriptionofpopulationservedbytheproposeduseorproject, 16. Amassingmodelforallcommercialdevelopmentandforallresidentialdevelopmentsoften(10)unitsormore(three[3]unitsor moreinredevelopmentprojectareas).Modelsshallbesubmittedpriortosendingoutthepublichearing.Modelscanbesimple andhaveaminimumscale1/8"=l' or 1"=30'. 17. DraftAffordableHousingPlanforresidentialprojectswithnewconstructionofthree(3)or moreunits. 18. InordertosupportfindingsforapprovalforaVariance,respondtothefollowingonaseparatepage: Whatexceptionalcircumstancesapplytothesubjectproperty(includingsize,shape,topography,locationorsurroundings) thatdepriveitofprivilegesnormallyenjoyed? Explainwhytherequestwillnotconstituteagrantofspecialprivilege. Whyisthisrequestnecessaryforthepreservationandenjoymentofoneormoresubstantialpropertyrightswhencompared withotherpropertiesinthesamezoningdesignation? Statereasonswhythegrantingoftherequestwillnotbemateriallydetrimentaltothepublicwelfare. 19. EntertainmentpermitrequestsshallbeaccompaniedbyevidenceofreviewandconceptualapprovalbythePoliceDepartment. 20, Photographsofallexistingsignsonthesubjectpropertyandatsurroundingbusinesses. 21. DesignReviewchecklist(s). FORYOURINFORMATION:Staffmaydeemothersubmittalinformationnecessary.Completionoftheapplicationdoesnotpresumeapprovalof theapplication.SuchapprovalisdiscretionarywiththeDirector,ZoningAdministratororthePlanningCommission.TheZoningAdministratoror PlanningCommissionmaydeny,modifyorconditionallyapprovetheapplication.TheDesignReviewBoard'sactionisarecommendationtothe Director,ZoningAdministrator,orPlanningCommissionunlesstheapplicationhasbeensubmittedforDesignReviewBoardfinalapproval. Allentitlementdecisionsarefinalunlessappealedwithinten(10)daysofsuchdecision.Theappealshallbeinwritingspecifyingtheareasof aggrievement.Innocaseshallbuildingpermits,certificatesofoccupancy,orlicensesbeissueduntiltheappealperiodhaselapsed.Allapplicable feesshallaccompanyappeals.Allapplicationsshallbecomenullandvoidiftheapproveduseorprojecthasnotbeeninitiatedwithinone(1)year fromtheapprovaldateunlessalaterdateisgranted. g:\fonns\planninegenappla Revised:May30,2007 CITYOFHUNTINGfONBEACH PLANNINGDEPARTMENT SUPPLEMENTALAPPLICATION SUBMITTALREQUIREMENTS ThefollowinginformationisrequiredinordertoassistthePlanningStaffinanalyzingyourproposedproject.Pleaseread throughtheinformationcarefullyandpreparedetailedcomprehensiveresponsestoeachitemchecked. 1. Return thisoriginalformat thetimeofapplicationsubmittal. 2. Locationanddimensionofexistingandproposedreciprocaldrivewayaccessandparking. 3. Listoftenantsformulti-tenantproperties.Includethefollowinginformationforeachtenant: address/suitenumber, businessname,typeofbusiness,grossbusinesssquarefootage,requiredparkingratio,providednumberofparking spaces,andhoursofoperation. 4. Includeazoningconformancematrixonthecoversheetofthesiteplan. Thematrixshallincludeinformationon howtheprojectcomplieswithallaspectsoftheHuntingtonBeachZoningSubdivisionOrdinanceregarding setbacks,buildingheight,sitecoverage,parking,landscaping,etc. Asamplecharthasbeenprovidedtohelpyou formatyourmatrix.Youwillneedtoaddressthecodesectionsapplicabletoyourspecificproject.Yourmatrix willmostlikelyincludemorecodesectionsthantheonesusedinthefollowingexample. Thefollowingsamplechart shouldserveasaguidelineto helpyoudevelopyourmatrix.Donotproducethis exactchart onyourplansasyouneedtodevelopyourownmatrixusingtheappropriatecodesections.Your matrixwillmostlikelyincludemorecodesectionsthantheonesusedinthefollowingexample. SUBJECT CODESECTION REQUIRED PROPOSED Parking 231.04 Retail: 1space/200sf 15,000sf= 75s aces 84s aces Landscaping 232.08 Min.8%ofentiresite Site=55,800sf 8%=4,464sf 8.9%=4,989sf SiteCoverage 210.06 Max.50%ofentiresite Site=6,000sf 50%=3,000sfcoverage 44.5%=2,670sfcov. Setbacks FrontYard 210.06 Min.dimension= 15ft.18ft. Etc. ClearlyidentifyallADA/Title24accessiblepathoftravel(privateandpublicproperty)throughouttheprojectona preliminarygrading/siteplan. 6 Attachprojectplansincludingpreliminarygradingplan,preliminarydrainageplansandconceptualWaterQuality ManagementPlans(WQMP's),includingconstructionsiteBestManagementPractices(BMP's)Plansforprojects. Thefollowingisalistofprojects: ResidentialDevelopmentof 10unitsormore. Commercialandindustrialdevelopmentgreaterthan100,000squarefeetincludingparkingspaces. Automotiverepairshops. Restaurantswherethelandareaofdevelopmentis5,000squarefeetormoreincludingparkingareas. Hillsidedevelopmenton10,000squarefeetormore,whichislocatedonareaswithknownerosivesoil conditionsorwherenaturalslopeis25percentormore. Impervioussurfaceof2,500squarefeetormorelocatedwithin,directlyadjacentto(within200feet),or dischargingdirectlytoreceivingwaterwithinEnvironmentallySensitiveAreas. Parkinglotareaof5,000squarefeetormore,orwith15ormoreparkingspaces,andpotentiallyexposedto urbanrunoff. Gasstationmodifications(Undergroundstoragetank,fuelisland,canopyreplacementorinstallations.) Allsignificantredevelopmentprojects,wheresignificantdevelopmentisdefinedastheadditionof5,000or moresquarefeetofimpervioussurfaceonanalreadydevelopedsite. New/rawland(previouslyundeveloped)thatincludes5,000ormoresquarefeetofpervioussurface. 7.Developersofprojectswithgreaterthan50lotsor5acresshallconductananalysistodeterminetheirbase floodelevation(BFE)iftheirprojectislocatedinafloodzonewithoutaBFEnotedonthefloodmap(suchasflood zoneA). Jun 161411:52a Curves 17148402878 p.1 HUNTINGTONBEACH For your convenience,youmay rapet an appointment to submit your entitlement application by contactingthe Planning Department at 714-536-5271 FOROFFICIALUSEONLY PresentZone Dm 14 GeneralPlanDesignation t.-5— I PLANNINGAPPLICATIONNO. ENTITLEMENT SFEE •CASE# CoastalDevelomentPe 't P - C nclitinalUsePermit CUP - Desi nRevie •DR - EntitlementIanAmendment EPA - GeneralPlanAmendment GPA - LocalCoastalPro ramAmend LCPA - PlannedSi nPro PSI' - Si nCodeExec tion SCE - Te or UsePermit TUP - Variance V - Zonin Ma Amendmnt MA - Zonin extAmend n ZTA - VafltNit Mftt. • CityofHuntingtonBeach PlanningDepartment 2000MainStreet HuntingtonBeach,CA92648 (714)536-5271 www.surfci -hb.or (Cit e artinents/Plarinin GENERALAPPLICATION: PlanningCommission ZoningAdministrator ")Eg Staff Review DesignRevie EnvironmentalReview Exempt Sec.Class AssessmentReq. EA CcastalAreaYes No _ CategoricalExclusion Appeal. Non,App ExemptSec. FloodZone EarthquakeFaultZone OilDistrict . MethaneDistrict RedevelopmentArea Noise/CNEL SeismicHazardZone ScenicCorridor ResidentialInfill MilitaryBufferZone www.ceres.cs.toviulannne;(mica) OwnershipVerification _Applicant Authorization APN plans _Notification Req. • _Narrative • Photographs/Slides. _Entertainment Permit HOAapproval ComputerLog —MapBookLog PlansDateStamped Pursuantto: InLieuof: DateReceived Receipt# Receivedby ProjectPlanner Distributedb6j_01$'19 ConcurrentCases PreviousCases 6ILI 346 Appl t or Au iorizedAgent (ContactPerson) C 2-10‘t City Zip Tele honeNumber: State FaxNumber: E-mailAddress:U In a\ga0.(11 -11 Property Owner 55 05 6-:alicie.4.co-esve.eh,/ It'/so MailingAddress 9_203 City State Zip Tel honeNumber I .09/-496904 FaxNumber: / •ge?4-- 5643 E- ailAddress: /id snera / e(4-11e!sole r.‘om M ilingAddres REQUEST: EXISTINGUSE: LOCATIONANDDESCRIPTIONOFPROPERTY: StreetAddress:50414 60iN462-Ave NearestMajorIntersection: Assessor'sParcelNumber(s):tU{(Q— Of LotArea: Tract:Block: Lot: 1, Print rtvOwncesname am the property owner of the subject propertyandhavereadandunderstandallstatementsincludingthefilingrequirementsonthereversesideof thisapplication.I hereby authorize 'nt A nt'sname toactasmyrepresentativeandto bindmein all mattersconcerningthisapplication.I herebyaffirmunderpenaltyof perjurythattheforegoingstatements,factsand attachmentsaretrueandcorrect.Iunderstandthatthisapplicationforentitlementorvariancemaybedenied,modifiedorapprovedwith conditionsandthatsuchconditionsormodificationsmustbe satisfiedpriortoissuanceofbuildingpermits.I understandthatbyfiling theapplication,informationor:theapplicationincluding,butnotnecessarilylimitedtothenameandaddresswillbeincludedonpublic recordsthatareposted theinternet. Signatureo 11714.101 PropertyOwner Dale rize Agent Date CITYOFHUNTINGTO.BEACH PROJECTPROCESSINGCHECKLIST (ForPlanning S t a f f U s e ) ENTITLEMENTNO: APPLICANT: PLANNER: PROJECTADDRESS: Photograhs AdditionalFeesPaid AddressCorrect Narrative(JustificationforRe u e s t ) Cit V i e w — C o m l e t e A l i c a n t ' s N a m e , A d d r e s s , T e l e h o n e N u m b e r EntitlementNo.OnPlans PLANS:.: ProperNumberofPlans DevelomentCom l i a n c e M a t r i x APPLICATIONFORMREVIEW:,- Re u e s t C o m p l e t e ( S p e c i a l P e r m i t s , V a r i a n c e s ) PropertyOwner'sSignatureorLetterofAuthorization LegalDescrition/APNo./APMa VerifyZonin VerifyGeneralPlan(Sub-Areas&FAR) Completeandinternall c o n s i s t e n t S e t s ( S i t e P l a n , E l e v a t i o n s , F l o o r P l a n s , S e c t i o n s D r a w i n g s Accurate,Full Dimensioned,DrawntoSca l e a n d w i t h N o r t h A r r o w MustincludePropertyLines,StreetNames,StreetWidth,ExistingandProposedBuildings,Easements,Adjacent Im rovements&Uses,FloorPlan A l i c a n t ' s N a m e , A d d r e s s , T e l e h o n e N u m b e r (TractMapsASAP):DEVELOPMENTREVIEWREQUESTSENTtoOtherDepartments SeeEntitlementReviewRe n e s t L i s t M e m o E P - 6 R ) ENVIRONMENTALREVIEW: CategoricallExemt CheckMitigationMeasuresofPreviously NegativeDeclaration roved.EIR/N.D. EIR a COASTALSTATUS: NotA licable A e a l a b l e A r e a Non-A e a l a b l e A r e a Exemt CategoricallyExcluded CoastalDevelomentPermit CONCURRENT'PROCESSING(OtherEntitlements/Fees FIELDINSPECTION: ExistingOn-SiteUse(s)andAdjacentUses LandscaingCondition/MatureTrees GradeDifferentialswithAdjoiningLots ParkingLotCondition/Driveways/Reci r o c a l A c c e s s IllegalStructures&Additions/Non-ConformingSigns Fences/Walls-Height/Condition/Location PRELIMINARYPLANCHECK(SeePlanCheckSheet) URBANDESIGNGUIDELINESSeeDesi n R e v i e w C h e c k l i s t ) Easements S e c i f i c P l a n A r e a OilWells InfillLotOrdinance DATMeeting Park&Rec.Fees/Req's PreviousEntitlementsandConditions Ad'acentEntitlementsandConditions Reci r o c a l A c c e s s o n A d j a c e n t P r o e Pro e r t y M a i n t e n a n c e O r d i n a n c e Water u a l i t M a n a g e m e n t P l a n Historical OTHERISSUES: FloodPlain Al uist-Priolo Seismic HazardousWasteSite RedevelomentArea AffordableHousingPlan PROJECTREVIEWMEETINGwithPlannin S t a f f SENDFILINGSTATUSLETTERTOAPPLICANT(andpropertyowner,ifdifferent)within30days. Havemeetin w i t h A l i c a n t i f n e c e s s a r INFORMAPPLICANTEARLYINPROCESSOFSTAFF'SRECOMMENDATIONANDCONDITIONS COMMUNITYMEETINGfor M a j o r o r C o n t r o v e r s i a l P r o j e c t s ( S e n d N o t i c e s , i n c l u d e P l a n n i n g C o m m i s s i o n SUBDIVISIONMEETINGREQUIRED(SendNotices) DESIGNREVIEWMEETINGREQUIREDMaterials&ColorBoard S e n d N o t i c e s LEGALSERVICESREQUESTSENT(Ordinance 0 i n i o n , R e s o l u t i o n , Z o n i n T e x t a n d M a A m e n d m e n t s ) ENVIRONMENTALASSESSMENTCOMMITTEE ( S e n d N o t i c e s PLANNINGCOMMISSIONSTUDYSESSION SendN o t i c e s ) OWNERSHIPMAILINGLISTANDMAPACCURACY:Verified&MostCurrent(MapandMailinglabels,ofOwners and/orTenants,A l i c a n t , S i t e P r o e r t y O w n e r , A g e n t a n d M a t r i x SENDLEGALNOTICESFORPUBLICHEARINGincludin I n f i l l L a n u a e , i f a l i c a b l e ( w i t h l a b e l s ) - C O N T I N U E D O N B A C K S I D E - GAFORMS\PLANNING\ApplicationChecklist3b PREPARESTAFFREPORT/CONDITI,..,SOFAPPROVAL:' Prepare A t t a c h m e n t s Reduced S i z e P l a n s Revised P l a n s ENSURESTAFFREPORTIS DISTRIBUTEDTOALL I N T E R E S T E D I N D I V I D U A L S W E D N E S D A Y B E F O R E M E E T I N G : Planning C o m m i s s i o n e r s (LindaWine)InterestedParties Applicant/PropertyOwner(Call t o c o n f i r m t h e y a r e a w a r e o f m e e t i n g a n d t h e y r e c e i v e d s t a f f r e p o r t ) LATECOMMUNICATIONSSENTTOPC, S T A F F P L A N N E R , D I R E C T O R , P L A N N I N G M A N A G E R , & PRINCIPALPLANNER,PUBLICWORKS&FIRE S T A F F L I A I S O N S , A P P L I C A N T - ( B E S U R E T O M A R K EACHCOMMUNICATONWITHTIIE A G E N D A I T E M N U M B E R ) PLANNINGCOMMISSION/ZONINGADMINISTRATORMEETING: Colored S i t e P l a n s , F l o o r P l a n s a n d E l e v a t i o n s MassingModel Slides/Photographs PowerPointPresentation AfterFinalMeeting NOTICEOFACTIONLETTER(WITHCONDITIONSANDCODEREQUIREMENTS)MAILEDTOAPPLICANT &IPROPERTYOWNER(INCLUDECUSTOMERSURVEYCARD) NOTICEOFACTIONLETTER(WITHCONDITIONSANDCODEREQUIREMENTS)LINKEDTO C I T Y V I E W CALLAPPLICANTIF T H E Y D I D N O T A T T E N D A N D / O R T O F O L L O W - U P A N D A N S W E R A N Y Q U E S T I O N S FORTHEM(CustomerService) CEQANOTICEANDMITIGATIONMONITORINGFEE,ifre u i r e d APPEALABLEDEVELOPMENTORCATEGORICALEXCLUSIONLETTERFORCOASTAL,ifapplicable PLANSSTAMPEDWITHNOTEDACTION MINUTESINFILE ORGANIZEZONINGFILEANDPLACEINFILE C A B I N E T ( s e e D e t . P o l i c y M e m o f o r f i l e o r g a n i z a t i o n ) IfAppealed NOTIFYAPPLICANTIF A P P E A L E D B Y S O M E O N E E L S E . NOTIFYOTHERDEPARTMENT'SREPRESENTATIVES. INFORMAPPLICANT/ O T H E R D E P A R T M E N T S I F S T A F F R E C O M M E N D A T I O N C H A N G E S . NOTIFYAPPLICANT/ O T H E R D E P A R T M E N T S O F S C H E D U L E D H E A R I N G D A T E . G:\FORMS\PLANNING\ApplicationChecklist3b CITYOF H U N T I N G T O N B E A C H PLANNING& BU I L D I N G D E P A R T M E N T PLANNINGAND ZONINGPLANCHEC K COMMERCIAL HUNTINGTON BEACH Plan Checked By Date Job Address Entitlement No(s), Review Body: PlanningCommission Proposed Use Telephone: ( 7 1 4 ) 5 3 6 - 5 2 7 1 o r Plan C h e c k N o . Plan D a t e d : Zoning A d m i n i s t r a t o r ExpirationDate Design R e v i e w B o a r d Director Legal Description: Lot Block Tract Assessor's Parcel Number (s)DM Zone General Plan Designation— General Plan SubArea Requirements Existing Lot Size DedicationRequired Y e s / N o (alley, c o r n e r , s t r e e t ) Net L o t S i z e ProposedTotal Building FloorArea ProposedNumberUnits _ EnvironmentalStatus: Studyrequired? Y/N Exempt (sec. class )EA/EIRnumber Coastal Zone: Y/N Appealable/Nonappealablearea Exempt Categorical e x c l u s i o n ( s e c . c l a s s ) SpecialAreas (circleif applicable)ResidentialInfill N o i s e C o n t o u r D e s i g n O v e r l a y R e d e v e l o p m e n t E a r t h q u a k e F l o o d Oil Methane SeismicLiquefaction FAA Historic Plan Check per HB Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance and General Plan CO CG CV Additional Proposed Provisions 10,000 10,000 10,000 (C) 100 100 100 10 10 (D)(E)(0) 5 (F) 10 10 5 40 50 50 (F)(G) 18 18 18 1.0 1.5 1.5 8 8 8 (H)(I) (0) SeeSection230.88 (J)(K) SeeChapter231 seepage2 SeeSection230,74 SeeSection230.76 SeeSection230.78 SeeChapter17.64 SeeSection230.82 SeeChapter236 SeeChapter233 SeeSection230.80 Subjecttoseparateplan check Section 211.06 Minimum Building Site Re uirements (Net)Area(sq.ft.) Width(ft.) Minimum Setbacks Front(ft.) Side(ft.) StreetSide(ft.) Rear(ft.) Maximum Height(ft.) Maximum Height (ft.) wlin 45' residential district MaximumWall Dimensions Maximum Floor Area Ratio (FAR) Minimum Site Landscaping (%) Building Design Standards FencesandWalls (visibility) Off-Street Parking and Loading Outdoor Facilities Screening of Mechanical E ui ment RefuseStorageAreas Underground Utilities PerformanceStandards Nonconforming Structures Signs Antenna Urban Design Guidelines GeneralPlan MaximumHeight MaximumFloorAreaRatio NoiseMitigation Scenic/LandscapeCorridor UrbanDesign Historical/Cultural Economic Circulation Requirements Provided See P a g e 2 G:1FORMS\PLANNiNG\PlanCheck- Commercial.doc 10/26/12 NONRESIDENTIAL Page 2 ADDITIONAL PROVISIONS HBZSOSection 230.36TransportationDemand Management 230.62& 258.02LegalBuildingSite 230.64SubstandardLot 230.68Projections into Yards Fire laceor chimne Cornice,eavesandornamental features Mechanicale ui ment Uncoveredporches,terraces, platforms,subterraneangarages, decks,andpatiosnotmorethan3 feetin heightservingonlythefirst floor Stairs,canopies,awningsand uncoveredporchesmorethan3 feetin hei ht Ba windows Balconies Coveredpatios 230.76Screening of Mechanical Equipment 230.78/ AB 939 230.70Measurementof Height CHAPTER231Off-street Parking Non-residentialrequirement Totalrequired Size TurningRadius AisleWays StripingDetail Wheelstops/curbs CommercialEntrance Turn-aroundSpace BicycleParking LoadingSpace Chapter 231.18(C)Illumination Parking Lot Landscaping CHAPTER232Signs FAAsetback & height limitation Urban Design Guidelines Requirements Carpoolparking;separateshowers2 per100employees;lockers1per20employees;bicycleparking1per 20employees;passengerloadingarea;vanpoolparking;bus stops Yes/No ProofRequired Yes/No Ifyes,submitcopyof recordedmaporCertificateofCompliance Yes/No Ifyes,ConditionalUsePermitappr o v a l b y Z o n i n g A d m i n i s t r a t o r r e q u i r e d Noindividualprojectionshallexceed1/3of thebuildinglength,andthetotalof allprojectionsshallnot exceed2/3of thebuildinglengthonwhichtheyarelocated. Front Yard SideYard Street S i d e Y a r d RearYard 2.5'2.5' 3 0 " m i n c l e a r a n c e 2.5'2.5' 3'2.5'(30"minclearance)3'3' 2'2' 3 0 " m i n c l e a r a n c e 2' 3 0 " m i n c l e a r a n c e 2' 6'3'4'5' 4'2' ( 3 0 " m i n c l e a r a n c e ) 4'4' ( 3 0 " m i n clearance) 2.5'2.5' 3 0 " m i n c l e a r a n c e 2.5'2.5' 3'2' 3 0 " m i n c l e a r a n c e 3'3' 0 0 5' ( m a x p r o j e c t i o n 1 / 2 w i d t h o f streetside a r d 5' UtilitymetersshallbescreenedfromviewfrompublicROW. E l e c t r i c a l t r a n s f o r m e r s i n f r o n t o r s t r e e t s i d e setbackshallbeplacedunderground.Backflowdevicesshallbenotbelocatedinfrontyardsetback. AB939requiresan additionalrefusestorageareafor recyclablematerial. Secondrefusestorageareon siteplanora noteaddedto siteplanindicatingrefusesto r a g e a r e a f o r t r a s h a n d r e c y c l a b l e s . Dimensionsshown: d a t u m top o f s l a b t o p o f r o o f sq.ft. sq.ft. sq.ft. sq.ft. 9'x 19'minimumwith7' verticalclearance 26'nonresidential;20 f t . p a r a l l e l & 2 - w a y a n g l e d k g ; 3 0 ° - 1 4 ' ; 4 5 ° - 1 4 ' ; 6 0 ° - 1 5 ' ; 2 4 f t . f i r e l a n e 20'for0°-60°parking;26'for 90° p a r k i n g • 2 4 ' w i t h o u t a d j a c e n t p a r k i n g ; 2 5 ' f o r a c c e s s t o r e a r o f nonresidentialbldg. ShownperDiagramA Adjacenttowalkways,buildings,fencing,orlandscaping Requiredif morethan200parkingspaces;2-24ft. widelanesw/4'islandfor 100' 3'x 3' maneuverareafordeadendparkingaisleslessthan150';spaceforaislesover150' Buildingsupto 5 0 , 0 0 0 s q . f t . = 1 b i c y c l e s p a c e f o r e v e r y 2 5 p a r k i n g s p a c e s r e q u i r e d ( m i n i m u m 3 ) Buildingsover50,000sq.ft. = Directorshalldetermine# of bicycles p a c e s b a s e d o n u s e a n d e m p l o y e e s 0 s p a c e r e q u i r e d f o r b u i l d i n g s l e s s t h a n 2 0 , 0 0 0 s q . f t . 1- 14'x 20'spaceper20,000sq.ft. bldgarea SeePolicyPP-105 3ft. o r 5 f t . w i d e p e r i m e t e r p l a n t e r ; 1 t r e e p e r 1 0 p a r k i n g s p a c e s ; o t h e r p l a n t e r s Subjectto separateplancheck Subjectto s e p a r a t e p l a n c h e c k total total total total PROVIDED REQUIREDPRIORTO BUILDINGPERMITSUBMITTAL,ISSUANCE,AND/ORFINALINSPECTION Amount/DueDate CompletedRequired Item ResidentialIntikProofof Mailing NoiseStudy ReciprocalAccessEasementDocument MaintenanceEasementDocument JointUseParkingAgreement Copyof RecordedMap Copyof Certificateof Compliance ApprovalfromCoastalCommission CategoricalExclusion (Coastal)Letter LandscapeandIrrigationPlan LightingPlan GradingPlan CC&RsReviewandApproval ElevationCertificate MitigationMonitoringProgram Noticeof Exemption ParklandDedicationIn-lieuFee DowntownSpecificPlanFee In-lieuParkingFee $831peracre= $ 10/26/12 G:Forms\Planning\PlansCheck —Page2 Cit ofHuntintonBeach 2000 MAINSTREET CALIFORNIA92648 DEPARTMENTOFPLANNINGANDBUILDING www.huntin onbeachca. ov Plannin Division 714.536.5271 June24,2014 Buildin Division 714.536.5241 PeggyApelianBarsam 5044Edinger HuntingtonBeach,CA92649 ENTITLEMENT:AdministrativePermitNo.14-008 PROJECT ADDRESS 5044EdingerAve PROPERTYOWNER:RobertHElsner 5505GardenGroveBlvd#150 Westminster,CA92683 DATERECEIVEDAT ZONINGCOUNTER:June23,2014 PROJECTPLANNER:JoannaCortez 714-374-1547 JoannaCortez surfci -hb.or DearApplicant: Thankyouforsubmittingyourentitlementtothe CityofHuntingtonBeach,PlanningDepartment.The assignedProjectPlanneris responsibleforprocessingyourentitlementandwillbe responsibleforthe followingtasks: 1 Reviewingyourentitlementforcompleteness; V EvaluatingtheprojectforconformancewiththeGeneralPlan; 1 Reviewingplansforcompliancewiththe ZoningCode,DesignGuidelines,andapplicableCity Ordinances; V PreparationofenvironmentaldocumentspursuanttotheCaliforniaEnvironmentalQualityAct(CEQA); V Analyzingthesiteplanlayoutand,ifapplicable,thefloorplansandelevations; 1 Evaluating the project for compatibilitywith, and potential impacts to, surrounding uses/structures; 1 CoordinatingissuesrelatedtotheFireDept.,PublicWorksDept.,BuildingDivision,etc.; 1 ObtainingotherCitydepartment'scommentsrelativetotheproject; V Coordinatinganynecessarycommunitymeetings; 1 Preparinga staff report and recommendation(approval/denial)with suggestedfindingsand conditionsofapproval 1 Schedulingtheprojectforapublichearing;and 1 Assistingyouwithanyfollow-upactionsarldiorconditionsofapproval. Entitlement PageTwo PleasebeadvisedthataNoticeofFilingStatusletterwillbesenttoyouregardingthestatus/completeness of your entitlement(s)notifyingyou of the pendinghearingdate within 30 days of receiptof the entitlement(s)atthezoningcounter.Theletterwillindicateoneofthefollowingcircumstances: Entitlement Deemed Incomplete; additionalinformationis required (e.g., revisedplans, supplementalplans,environmentalinformation,additionalentitlements,etc.);or Entitlement DeemedComplete;theProjectPlanneriscontinuingto processyourentitlement(s) andyouwillbenotifiedas to whenyourprojectwillbescheduledfora hearingby(1)the DesignReviewBoard,(2)theZoningAdministrator,or(3)thePlanningCommission. Thethreescenarioslistedbelowarethesubsequentstepstotheabovenotification: Iftheprojectissubjectto PlanningCommissionreview,astaffreportwithafullanalysisofthe proposalwillbeprepared.Yourplansandsupplementalinformationwillbeattachedtothestaff report. Acopyofthestaffreportwillbemailedtoyoupriortothehearing; If theprojectisscheduledforZoningAdministratorreview,anexecutivesummarywithstaffs recommendationfor the projectwillbe prepared. A copyof the executivesummarywill be mailedtoyoupriortothehearing; If the projectis scheduledforDesignReviewBoard action,no staffreportwillbeprepared, howeverstaffwilladviseyouofthestaffrecommendationpriortothemeeting. Generally,the completeprocessingtime from submittalto fmal actionby the reviewingbody and expirationoftheappealperiodisasfollows: DesignReviewBoard: 30-45days(dependentuponthecomplexityofyourproject) ZoningAdministrator: 2-3months(dependentuponthecomplexityofyourproject) PlanningCommission: 4-6 months(dependentuponthecomplexityofyourproject) Please note: WhenZone Changes,GeneralPlan Amendments,TentativeMaps,or preparationof environmentaldocumentsareinvolved,additionalprocessingtimeisnecessary. Pleasedirectyourquestionsand communicationsto the assignedProject Planner. If youhaveany subsequentcommentsorneedadditionalclarification,pleasecontactmeat 714-536-5271.Thankyouin advanceforyourinterestinHuntingtonBeach-welookforwardtoworkingwithyou! Sincerely, aneJam s PlanningManager xc: PropertyOwner ProjectFile