HomeMy WebLinkAboutAdministrative Permit AP2014017 - District MapdeserDr. erStrand r. StarDr. La Cir. RL 6 RLDr Dra on ir. ante ir. Cir.56RL RL RL arb rat 5 FiveNa.borsOr. RL OceanwoodDr.' ea .0 A RL WoodcrestDr. 5 5 mtemood CW. RL RL NautilusDr. CandiewoodDr. RL at Liiso CaithnessDr. RL In tanapolisAve. RL RL RL c RL RL ISteDr.f; 2 Ze ndDr. RL as- DumbreckDr.RL Notherwa Dr. ErskineDr. Fdarscou 8 RL.; RL JuraDr.RL ScotstounDr. Vi ur.Dr. innakerDr. RL a a erCir. RL Nazi:brookDr.e RL sok Moun in Hot tin sDr. RL RL HerculesDr Brookhurst St. Harbor Isle Ln. RL Planning, I 6 - CG PS MeditertaneanDr. RL GessDr. t RL sioo, cou a JettDr. a ock ir. RL Dr. rownin Dr. RL trat A 2 CO%an r. RL Ma nolia St. OlsworthDr. I s Carr ownDr. Zoning Adams Ave. 0 ic Dr. rid e r. msto r. Wes • RL FiresideDr. Hi barnDr. RL aslle ateDr. ro Dr RL Lass RL Sm e Ir. RL Eton ' sew e RL RL RL Ba MeadowDr. RL DM7 6 5 - s CG lOn Can onDr. RL MammothDr. RL PeckDr. Bi Sur Dr, RL Atlanta Ave.2 Zoning Designation: Rarceh• Public Right of Ways I1 FtrateRight of Ways RL •••City Boned.ey CAPTION WHENUSINGMB MAP Notes: 0 500 Feet 1000 See lezendpage for description of zoning designations Any zone adjoining any right of way is intended to atend to the center of SIMI right of way Intimation shown Mem is a contiilation of data how melees of varOng am. ny and is plorldtd as a CoaytiseliCe SOthe usn. The City of Huntington Beath does not tiaiantteit.eomidttwsew eaaecteacy It is die limes lesponsnality to stay all attenuation to then Own Satistatlion Ci07ofHuntingtonBeach OrangeCounty,California ADOPTEDAugust15.1960 City CouncilOrdinanceNo. 785 SECTIONALDISTRICTMAP 7-6-10 P:',AreGISPoujectiAtlases,Zoning Atm DM !dwelt 2006