HomeMy WebLinkAboutInitial Plan; Zoning Review IPZR2016004 - District MapPlArcGISPrtsiedslAstlases`sioning A t l a s D M M a m h 2 0 0 6 DM12Zoning 2 1 Adams Ave. RL LornaAve ThirteenthSt RL; NashvileAve. _ . . I 1Zoning Designations Public Right of Ways SECTIONALDISTRICTMAP 11-6-11 Sec legend page for description ol zoning deszoations Pnvate Right of Ways Notes:CAUTION WHEN USING THIS MAP Parcels City Bounclan CityofHuntingtonBeach OrangeCounty,California SP5 BaltrnoreAve. In:onnotaal shoon hereon a a somoilation ot Ista from soursen of garging usaura.: and is provided as a conseniense to the us,' The CII of fisoisegon Beasts dues hot guarantee 10 sornpictencns or .1.00101 As, torn adj.nrang am nth, o!" wa intended in entend to thr center of such sigh, of \ 0 500 1000 Feet ADOPTED March 7, 1960 City Council Ordinance No. 754 It is the asses respsnisthubt in galls all information 10 their own satisfactionj