HomeMy WebLinkAboutInitial Plan; Zoning Review IPZR2016004 - Supporting DocumentsStateofCalifornia—TheResourcesAgency DEPARTMENTOFPARKSANDRECREATION PRIMARYRECORD Primary# HRI Trinomial# NRHPStatusCode 3C1315S1 OtherListings ReviewCode Reviewer Date Page1of2 *ResourceNameor#(Assignedbyrecorder)216 CrestAvenue Pl. OtherIdentifier: *P2.Location: D NotforPublication la Unrestricted *a.County Oran e and(P2c,P2e,andP2bor P2d.Attacha LocationMapas necessary.) *b. USGS7.5 Quad Date T ;R 1/4ot 1/4ofSec B.M. Address 216 CrestAvenue City Huntin tonBeach Zip 92648 UTM: (Givemorethanoneforlargeand/orlinearresources)Zone mE/ mN Other Locational Data: (e.g.,parcel#, directionsto resource,elevation,etc.,asappropriate) APN 024-081-29 *P3a.Description:(Describe resource and its major elements. Include design, materials, condition, alterations, size, setting, and boundaries) This building is a oneanda halfstory,ColonialRevivalhouseconstructedin 1930. Ithas anirregularlyshapedplanandthesouthfacingfaçadeis asymmetrical.Theexterioris cladin stuccoandwoodshingle. It is coveredbyamoderatelypitched,crossgableroofmadeofwoodshingle.It has veryshallowboxedeaves. Theroofhasonedormer/slocatedonthe centersideof thesidegableroof It consistsof a smallshedroofdormerwith twomulti-light,six-over-sixdoublehungwindows.Thehousehasonebrickchimneylocatedontheeast facade. Decorativeelementsofthishouse includefauxhalf-timberingandwoodwindowshutters. Therearefourclearlyvisiblewindowsonthefacade.Theyareasymmetricallyspacedandconsistofonewoodsash,multi-lightdoublehunglocated onthewestendofthe southfacade,inbetweentwowooddiamond-panewindowsandonewoodsash,multi-lightcasementbaywindow.Themain entryislocatednearthecenter ofthesouthelevationandconsistsofaglazedwooddoorwithsidelights. ThebuildingfrontsontoCrestAvenueandissetbehindalawnthatextendsouttothesidewalklevel. Landscapingelementsincludeseveralmature treesandshrubs.Thereis an asphaltdrivewaythatrunsalongthe eastsideof thebuilding,andared gravelpathwaythatleadsfromthesidewalkto thefrontentrance. Alowstuccowallenclosestheentrancewithawoodengate.Therearenoancillarybuildingsvisiblefrom9thstreet. Noapparentalterationscouldbeobserved.Theconditionofthebuildingisexcellenttogood. *P3b.ResourceAttributes:(Listattributesandcodes) 1-1P2.Sin leFamil Pro ert *P4.Resources Present:ZBuildin OStructure 00b'ect OSite ODistrict 0Element of District 00ther (Isolates,etc.): *P5a.Photo ra h or Drawin Photograoh requiredforbuildings,structuresorobjects)P5b.DescriptionofPhoto:(view, date,accession#)Viewlookingnorth atfa ade Febru 18 2009. DateConstructed/Ageand Sources:ZHistoric Prehistoric 0 Both c. 1930,Ci ofHuntin tonBeach Buildin Records OwnerandAddress: PatrickL.Farrell 216CrestAvenue HuntingtonBeach,CA92648 Recordedby:Name, affiliation,andaddress) GalvinPreservationAssociatesInc. 231CaliforniaStreet El Se ndo CA90245 DateRecorded: August 2009 SurveyType:(Describe) 0 Intensive El Reconnaissance ReportCitation:(Citesurveyreportandothersources,orenter"none.")Huntin ton Beach Historic Architectural Surve U date2008-2009, U dated2012 *Attachments: NONE LI LocationMap 0 SketchMap Z ContinuationSheet 0 Building,Structure& ObjectRecord 0Archaeological Record 0 DistrictRecord OLinear FeatureRecord 0 MillingStationRecord 0Rock Art Record I:Artifact Record ['Photographic Record 0 Other(List) DPR523A(1/951 *Reauired Information Stateof California---TheResourcesAgency Primary# DEPARTMENTOFPARKSANDRECREATION HRI CONTINUATIONSHEET Page2 of 2 RecordedBy: *ResourceNameor#(Assignedby recorder) GalvinPreservationAssociates Date:August2009 CIUpdateContinuation Viewlookingnorthatfacades DPR 523L (1/95)*Required Information casr 6 mock WALL EXIST. CURB (Nomr4rE 566.031 r REFERENCE " r 6"; 97«70 0 - (7.5)AL Ley (2.54') DEPARTMENT OF 1,1841ONG A 0120.0180 CRY STANDARD PLAN 6,0- HIGH MAX 6 BLOCK WALL PLAN 100.2 A87•80°'.=0 tC110.1 (CIPTIONI) CCM'..01.411,0111103Pl•.3TEW RE00/11159 T.tro-r, secnaa,L orona.L "117,PNWIVOLLYITVOLISFOOLINOMCCRWIED OG.TwOrNRA71.6.1 74:r.r =f417...free ' _ .23.007n •..;=.707°""="°' 4.7.1,4 71 PILP.12. CONDITIOUMBtiPROVEU C..4 6-95A 66 801015 0 -1=s EXIST.CURB & TYPICAL SECTION A-A ler,DATE NV Underground Service Alert Call: TOLL FREE 81 1 6 (N0017'47T 91.24) PARCEL 2 (4000.) ;!. A JOIN DOSE WOOD to, I FENCE TO NEW BLOGYWALL i PROPEPTYUNE 10.00.-1--•—•-i, I Fl -1 -1 I II (75.00)IL." CONSTRUCTION NOTES: 0 sxrxis• TALl SFUT Pato etoat WALL PER CPT PLAAME 010 exam sm.PLAN too (41 mow).me -on °MC HMO relax ALCM ALLEY ro NEM ELM% MALL(010 No.uors ALL/rods was.? lacomArrr laE wax N PLACE) LEGAL DESCRIPTION PAR03.PAP 9a-229. MANCE COWINNom.BOOK 05 PAGES 4.2 804. PARCEL 2. 45' 15** I1P.=rg 4,5-,c. iz (TYP) 5' SIDEWALK TREE E !'§'PARK.Ay c,1- BLOCK WALL I ALLEY BLOCK WALL PROFILE MOIL t.ICOR Of NALL MEASURED MOP BACK C9 SEEWALK. MCP IS LC. WM AILICROIC PROPERTY CC-1470 LAKE 8401ANAPOUS TO TORKTOON 1T1 1.0881T.OWG EFONOTFO 01824011 114F1TOIAT1018 VOW.he 0.1.• MAMA MEM..MOE tan 71.1-2.00 AMMAN':FINE AU. MOPAmass zoo KA. POET aTFLOcHUNTINGTONBEACH ON-SITE IMPROVEMENT PLAN815 LAKE STREET 6-FOOT HIGH BLOCK WALL BETWEEN CREST AVE. & 10TH ST. REVISIONS REFERENCES OR,/ P PAP MI 99-229 =IBIS CORDS BOOK PA S 0 . 44. OF EXIST. 3' BLOCK WALL - GRAPHIC SCALE COST. ALLEY APPROACH STREET 64'± " 9' PILASTER SPACING 809 IAKE AEOST. DWI'I\ SCALE al Fro I h.. 20 IL LAKE KNCRYILLE AVE: 1484N6 sr) (ABA A r a E . o srsokeocic o n t v e (.8_L9-20- - i9 • --NO. 0 8 0 9 Ie./6 3 0 , 7 3 L 1 7 1 6 . s a 36.5 Y 57.50' 25 -05 0 R. R . R / 1 0 ' . 1 141-30-20-1 BLK. 8 0 4 400' F. / 7 AC. 024-08 17 I 1 =100 110 11. LAKE STREET \ \ f`- IS 0. 4 9 8 A C . POR. S 1 / 2 . N 1 / 2 . S E C . 1 1 . T 6 S . R 1 1 W MAIN STREET (Di PAR. 4 PAR. 3 0.1790.172 A C • A C . 2 43 41 3 ? 3 , 7 j - " . • A . . , . E , V 2 8 4,, s f 2 ' 2 6 : \18'" \ 28r.%\ 47 4 - ' 2 , - - " 3 6 , 3 4 32 7 - ' , . , -t,r) %, - . . . - 2 , 7 7 S)42,1.7\ 7 7 ‘ \ 1.55149 l'';') 7 , 7 1 . i t % 7 7 % ‘ - 6 ' 5-S*5 \ 7 \ 1 7 r 14 ,, s . . . ,.STREET, " f : , \ . . 6 - . \ .. \7\7 - . 7 III % 7 \ \ . \ 7 7 \ \ -0-i\ \ 3 \ 7 \ \ , \ 7 \\ \ , , , , ' II 3 7 0 E k 2 \ \ \ , \ , \ , . • ' 9 ' 7 \ 5 - 1 \ 7 7 , r ‘ 7 1 3 " 1 . 6 . \7 \,,9 \2 2 3 \ ` ' ,,, ' \ \\7 3j 3 1 729 2 7 5 /4 r 5.r 6o.P. M . PAR. 2 IJ 33 V 308-43BLK80.552 150' 29 2 ' 4 25 141.50'28 15a 2 7 V la' 2 4 /0 .17 0 8 5,6 gt / 4 . ` 7:1 ,/8 1 6 7. 3/ 30 6'2.5 g61 - 7 3 ` 15' /ay. PAR. 1 38 37 36 PARK tq WESLEY 5 0.181 A C . MARCH 1948 HUNT I N G T O N B E A C H . W E S L E Y P A R K S E C T I O N TRACT N O . 1 0 8 0 9 PARCEL M A P M. M . 4 - 1 7 M. M . 4 6 8 - 2 9 . 3 0 . 3 1 P.M. 1 5 2 - 4 7 . 3 0 8 - 4 3 NOTE - A S S E S S O R S B L O C K 8 . PARCEI N U M B E R S SHOWN I N C R C L E S ASSESSOR S M A P BOOK 024 PAGE 08 COUNTY O F O R A N G E Finance1111Ortment Receipt MarcusKemmerer July11,2016 ReceiptNumber 3 8 0 2 3 0 Cashier 228CrestAve. Batch# 2 0 1 6 0 7 1 1 0 0 0 P C 2 7 9 5 HuntingtonBeach CA 9 2 6 4 8 Dept.ofIssuance PlanningDepartment AmountPaid $357.00 Permit/ License#20160138 PaymentMethod Check AmountOutstanding $0.00 Fee AmountPaid AutomationFee $14.00 InitialPlan,ZoningReview(landusechanges,zo $343.00 ReviewPermitsStatusOnline: www.huntingtonbeachca.gov/permitonline Questions? BusinessLicense:(714)536-5267 Planning&Building:(714)536-5241 210 ‘M" Cit ofHuntin tonBeach 2000 MAINSTREET CALIFORNIA92648 DEPARTMENTOFPLANNINGANDBUILDING www.huntin tonbeachca.gov Plannin Division Buildin Division 714.536.5271 714.536.5241 July 25, 2016 Application:InitialPlanZoning& ReviewNo. 16-004 (Farrell Residence) Applicant:MarcusKemmerer,228 CrestAvenue, HuntingtonBeach,CA 92648 PropertyOwner:PatrickFarrell,216 CrestAvenue, HuntingtonBeach,CA 92648 Request:To review the conceptual plans for the development of a two-story addition to an existing pool house and bath house with a proposedjoint parking agreement for an existing 4-car garage and easement for a shareddriveway. Project Location:815 LakeStreet,92648 (westside of Lake St. and south of 10thSt.) Dear Mr. Kemmerer: We appreciate the opportunity to review your conceptual plan for the proposed two-story additionto an existing pool houseand bath housewith a proposedjoint parkingagreementfor a shared garage and an easementfor shared driveway. The following commentsprovided in this letter reflect Planning Division review only, should be considered preliminary, and subject to change upon receiptof any new informationand/orsubmittalof an entitlementapplication. This review does not includecommentsfrom the BuildingDivision,PublicWorks Department,or Fire Department. Zonin /General Plan The General Plan designation for the subject property is RM-15 (Residential Medium Density). The project is located on one parcel with two zoning districts. The easterly half of the lot is locatedwithin the RMH (MediumHigh DensityResidential)zone and the westerly half of the lot is within the RM zone (Medium Density Residential). The development standards and regulations for these zoning districts may be found online at: http://www.qcode.us/codes/huntingtonbeach/ Re uired Entitlements/ A lication Submittal Re uirements: 1. The project consisting of a two-story addition to an existing pool house and bath house is subject to approvalof (2)variances.One requestfor a variance is requiredfor the front yard setback (fronting Lake St.)where 10ft. is requiredand the plans are showing 5 ft. A second request for a variance is required as the area for the proposed addition exceeds the allowable 50 percent expansion of the existing floor area for nonconforming structures. Enclosed with this letter are the associated applications with applicable submittal requirements. The main dwelling at 216 Crest Avenue is listed as a historic resource; therefore, the accessory bath house and pool house may be historicallysignificant structures.A historic resource evaluationmust be submitted to determine the historical significanceof the pool house and bath house. If both structures are historic resources,the proposed addition will be subject to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and must comply with Categorical ExemptionSection 15331,requiringall alterationsto meetthe guidelines of the Secretary of the Interior'sStandardsfor the Treatmentof Historic Propertieswith Guidelines for Preserving, Rehabilitation,Restoring,and ReconstructingHistoric Buildings.In addition, a historic resource evaluation may be required for the proposed addition to ensure compliancewiththe Secretaryof the Interior'sStandards. Provide accurateandfully dimensionedplansdrawnto scale in orderfor staff to complete a comprehensiveplancheck of proposeddevelopmentplans. Provide heightdimensionsmeasuredfrom the top of curb. A recorded easement agreement is required to allow for reciprocal access and shared driveways betweenthe subjectsite and adjacentsite. A recordedcovenantis requiredfor joint useofthe existing4-car garage. Zonin CodeRe uirements Based upon preliminaryreview of the conceptualsite planfor conformancewith the Huntington Beach Zoning and SubdivisionOrdinancefollowing issues have been identified below. Again, these requirements do not address Building and Fire codes, and Public Works requirements. Please note that several comments identify incomplete information and therefore compliance could not beconfirmed. For new single-familydwellingswith 0-4 bedrooms,2 enclosed and 2 open parking spaces are required. The site plan must identify and dimensionwhere the 2 open parking spaces will be provided.(HBZSOSection231.04) The minimum dimension for a residential parking space is 9 ft. in width and 19 ft. deep. (HBZSOSection231.14) The maximum building height shall be set at the highest point of the curb along the front property line. If no curb exists, datum shall be set at the highest centerline of the street along the front propertyline.(HBZSOSection230.70) The area of enlargement to a nonconformingstructure in any five-year period shall not exceed 50%of the area ofthe structureas it exists.(HBZSOSection236.06) Thank you for submittingyour InitialPlan Zoning & Reviewapplication. Pleasecall me at (714) 374-5317 or via email at .essica.bui surfcit -hb.or if you have any questions regarding the information in this letteror if youwould like to schedulean appointmentto discussthis matter in detail. J sica Bui Assistant Planner Enclosures: GeneralPlanningApplication Cc:Jane James,PlanningManager Project File Sinc