HomeMy WebLinkAboutAdministrative Permit APX2016012 - Mailing Labels024-041-02 QuintenSharp 82711ThSt HuntingtonBeach,Ca92648-3409 024-042-10 I NancyAlfano 71111ThSt HuntingtonBeach,Ca92648-3427 024-043-04 VictorZanoni 601PattenAve Oceanside,Ny11572-1034 024-043-09 MichaelNevins 70110ThSt HuntingtonBeach,Ca92648-3403 024-043-12 LynnRichardson 500WOceanfront NewportBeach,Ca92661-1111 024-071-04 DonaldJones 821MainSt HuntingtonBeach,Ca92648-3416 024-071-07 V LewieParisDerigo 807MainSt HuntingtonBeach,Ca92648-3416 024-071-11 LawrenceFulvio 334CrestAve HuntingtonBeach,Ca92648-3408 024-071-14 JoeyHirao 326CrestAve HuntingtonBeach,Ca92648-3408 024-042-05 \ Z CaseyCase 605BarroilhetAve SanMateo,Ca94402-1042 024-043-01 */* EberleJames&CarolineTrust 333CrestAve HuntingtonBeach,Ca92648-3404 024-043-07 TomKirksey 70910ThSt HuntingtonBeach,Ca92648-3403 024-043-10 \Z StephenDwyer 71011ThSt HuntingtonBeach,Ca92648-3428 024-061-05 MichaelGrambusch 908MainSt HuntingtonBeach,Ca92648-3419 024-071-05 WilsonTharpeWeisenburg 817MainSt HuntingtonBeach,Ca92648-3416 024-071-08 d. TedSzuba V 302CrestAve HuntingtonBeach,Ca92648-3408 024-071-12 SaylorDavidDRevocLivingTr 330CrestAve HuntingtonBeach,Ca92648-3408 024-071-17 NZ HoskinsonAJoyceJoyceFamily 829MainSt HuntingtonBeach,Ca92648-3416 024-042-06 I PamelaCosta 403CrestAve HuntingtonBeach,Ca92648-3438 024-043-03 MarkAnthonyMorrissey 70811ThSt HuntingtonBeach,Ca92648-3428 024-043-08 1 LynetteLilleyV 70510ThSt HuntingtonBeach,Ca92648-3403 024-043-11 VictorHutchings 71411ThSt HuntingtonBeach,Ca92648-3428 024-071-03 BrianSullivan 825MainSt HuntingtonBeach,Ca92648-3416 024-071-06 DavidOddo 815MainSt HuntingtonBeach,Ca92648-3416 024-071-09 KathyYturralde 306CrestAve HuntingtonBeach,Ca92648-3408 024-071-13 RoweRichardBFamilyRevocTr 328CrestAve HuntingtonBeach,Ca92648-3408 024-072-01 A CharlesLong 755MainSt HuntingtonBeach,Ca92648-3401 024-072-02 / SeneseFamilyLp 16301PomonaLn HuntingtonBeach,Ca92647-4057 024-072-03 TinaEberly 311CrestAve HuntingtonBeach,Ca92648-3407 024-072-04 V SandraRobinson 130EMontecitoAve246 SierraMadre,Ca91024-1924 024-072-05 V RobertLevin 18800DelawareSt600 HuntingtonBeach,Ca92648-6017 024-072-32 LyndaHermansen 2616NwLogganCt Bend,Or97703-5623 024-081-16 PatrickGleason 806MainSt HuntingtonBeach,Ca92648-3417 024-072-06 x JustinHelwig V 321CrestAve HuntingtonBeach,Ca92648-3407 024-081-13 GaetaneBrummett 19792QuietBayLn HuntingtonBeach,Ca92648-2625 024-081-25 r VirginiaAndujo PoBox2668 LaHabra,Ca90632-2668 024-072-07 /- RobertAllen ' - 18514SantaCruzCir FountainValley,Ca92708-6250 024-081-15 MichaelFennell V' PoBox511 HuntingtonBeach,Ca92648-0511 024-081-26 KathleenRiehl 15521CanmoreSt Charlotte,Nc28277-4153 939-506-55 939-506-58 939-506-60 BrookbankReneA StevenMerrill \ A MichaelCherney 412OliveAve325 17650LosAlamosSt 1118ParkSt HuntingtonBeach,Ca92648-5142 FountainValley,Ca92708-5214 HuntingtonBeach,Ca92648-2729 024-042-05 / Occupant 405CrestAve HuntingtonBeach,Ca92648-3438 024-043-09 Occupant ' 1004PalmAve HuntingtonBeach,Ca92648-3403 024-061-29 \/ Occupant 902MainStUnitA HuntingtonBeach,Ca92648-3456 024-071-03 Occupant 827MainSt HuntingtonBeach,Ca92648-3416 024-071-07 Occupant \ 8071/2MainSt HuntingtonBeach,Ca92648-3416 024-071-17 Occupant 831MainSt HuntingtonBeach,Ca92648-3416 024-072-02 v Occupant f\ 307CrestAveUnitB HuntingtonBeach,Ca92648-3463 024-072-04 Occupant 315CrestAveUnitC HuntingtonBeach,Ca92648-3446 024-072-05 Occupant \/ 317CrestAveUnitA HuntingtonBeach,Ca92648-3407 024-043-04 Occupant 70211thSt HuntingtonBeach,Ca92648-3428 024-043-09 Occupant 1006PalmAve HuntingtonBeach,Ca92648-3403 902MainStUnitB HuntingtonBeach,Ca92648-3456 024-071-06 ‘, Occupant /\ 815MainStUnitB HuntingtonBeach,Ca92648-3416 024-071-08 Occupant 803MainSt HuntingtonBeach,Ca92648-3408 024-072-02 Occupant \/ 307CrestAve HuntingtonBeach,Ca92648-3461 024-072-04 Occupant 315CrestAveUnitA HuntingtonBeach,Ca92648-3446 024-072-04 Occupant 315CrestAveUnitD HuntingtonBeach,Ca92648-3446 024-072-05 Occupant 319CrestAveUnitA HuntingtonBeach,Ca92648-3407 024-043-04 Occupant 1030PalmAve HuntingtonBeach,Ca92648-4012 024-043-12 Occupant V 4 71510thSt HuntingtonBeach,Ca92648-3403 024-061-29 Occupant V 902MainStUnitC HuntingtonBeach,Ca92648-3456 024-071-06 \ „ . Occupant 815MainStUnitC HuntingtonBeach,Ca92648-3416 024-071-09 Occupant A 310CrestAve HuntingtonBeach,Ca92648-3408 024-072-02 A Occupant 307CrestAveUnitA HuntingtonBeach,Ca92648-3462 024-072-04 Occupant 315CrestAveUnitB HuntingtonBeach,Ca92648-3446 024-072-04 Occupant / 315CrestAveUnitE HuntingtonBeach,Ca92648-3446 024-072-05 Occupant 317CrestAveUnitB HuntingtonBeach,Ca92648-3407 024-061-29 Occupant VI 024-072-05 X Occupant 319CrestAveUnitB HuntingtonBeach,Ca92648-3407 024-072-07 x Occupant 327CrestAve HuntingtonBeach,Ca92648-3465 024-072-07 v Occupant 327CrestAveUnit1 HuntingtonBeach,Ca92648-3466 024-072-07 V Occupant 327CrestAveUnit2 HuntingtonBeach,Ca92648-3466 024-072-32 Occupant V 916PalmAveUnitB HuntingtonBeach,Ca92648-4073 024-072-34 Occupant 920PalmAveUnitA HuntingtonBeach,Ca92648-4075 024-072-35 Occupant V/ 922PalmAveUnitB HuntingtonBeach,Ca92648-4076 024-081-15 Occupant X 8101/2MainSt HuntingtonBeach,Ca92648-3417 024-081-25 Occupant 814MainStUnit3 HuntingtonBeach,Ca92648-3454 024-081-26 if Occupant 816MainStUnit2 HuntingtonBeach,Ca92648-3455 939-506-55 Occupant \/ 81611thSt HuntingtonBeach,Ca92648-3410 024-072-07 v Occupant 327CrestAveUnit3 HuntingtonBeach,Ca92648-3466 024-072-33 Occupant 918PalmAveUnitA HuntingtonBeach,Ca92648-4074 024-072-34 Occupant 920PalmAveUnitB HuntingtonBeach,Ca92648-4075 024-081-13 Occupant 90610thSt HuntingtonBeach,Ca92648-3406 024-081-16 Occupant ;( 8061/2 MainSt HuntingtonBeach,Ca92648-3417 024-081-25 Occupant 814MainStUnit5 HuntingtonBeach,Ca92648-3454 024-081-26 Occupant 816MainStUnit4 HuntingtonBeach,Ca92648-3455 939-506-57 Occup ant 82811thSt HuntingtonBeach,Ca92648-3410 024-072-32 v . • Occupant 916PalmAveUnitA HuntingtonBeach,Ca92648-4073 024-072-33 Occupant 918PalmAveUnitB HuntingtonBeach,Ca92648-4074 024-072-35 Occupant 922PalmAveUnitA HuntingtonBeach,Ca92648-4076 024-081-15 Occupant 810MainSt HuntingtonBeach,Ca92648-3417 024-081-25 Occupant V 814MainStUnit1 HuntingtonBeach,Ca92648-3454 024-081-25 Occupant .14AF 814MainStUnit6 " HuntingtonBeach,Ca92648-3454 939-506-54 Occupant 82011thSt HuntingtonBeach,Ca92648-3410 939-506-58 Occupant 80211thSt HuntingtonBeach,Ca92648-3410 VI 939-506-59 Occupant 80811thSt HuntingtonBeach,Ca92648-3410 939-506-60 Occupant 81211thSt HuntingtonBeach,Ca92648-3410 OWNERSHIP/OCCUPANTLIST CERTIFICATIONFORM Attachedtothiscertificationformisalistofownersandoccupantswithina 300'-foot radiusofthesubjectpropertyasobtainedfromthelatest Orange CountyAssessment Rolls. Thislistiscertifiedtobetrueandcorrecttothebestofmyknowledgeandbelief. PropertyLocatedat: 328CrestAvenue HuntintonBeachCa 92648 Signed: APN#024-071-13 3cide.Dated DonnaScales Donna'sRadiusMaps 684SGentryLane AnaheimCA92807 (714)921-2921 024-041-02 1 QUINTENSHARP 82711THST HUNTINGTONBEACHCA92648 024-042-06 4 PAMELA&RONALDCOSTA 403CRESTAVE HUNTINGTONBEACHCA92648 024-043-01 7 EBERLECAROLINEV 333CRESTAVE HUNTINGTONBEACHCA92648 024-043-07 10 TOM&LIZKIRKSEY 70910THST HUNTINGTONBEACHCA92648 024-041-03 2 CITYOFHUNTINGTONBEACH POBOX190 HUNTINGTONBEACHCA92648 024-042-10 5 NANCYMALFANO 71111THST HUNTINGTONBEACHCA92648 024-043-03 8 MARK&SHERIMORRISSEY 70811THST HUNTINGTONBEACHCA92648 024-043-08 11 LYNETTELILLEY 70510THST HUNTINGTONBEACHCA92648 024-042-05 3 CASEYCCASE 605BARRIOLHET SANMATEOCA94402 024-042-25 6 JOHNBRAUN 70711THST HUNTINGTONBEACHCA92648 024-043-04 9 VICTOR&PATRICIAZANONI 601PATTENAVE OCEANSIDENY11572 024-043-09 12 MICHAEL&EUGENIANEVINS 70110THST HUNTINGTONBEACHCA92648 024-043-10 13 STEPHEN&DALVADWYER 7101ITHST HUNTINGTONBEACHCA92648 024-061-05 16 MICHAELGRAMBUSCH 908MAINST HUNTINGTONBEACHCA92648 024-071-04 19 DONALDLJONES 821MAINST HUNTINGTONBEACHCA92648 024-071-07 22 LEWIEDERIGO 807MAINST HUNTINGTONBEACHCA92648 024-071-11 25 LAWRENCEBFULVIO 334CRESTAVE HUNTINGTONBEACHCA92648 024-043-11 14 VICTORHUTCHINGS 71411THST HUNTINGTONBEACHCA92648 024-061-29 17 DAVIDPODDO 815MAINST HUNTINGTONBEACHCA92648 024-071-05 20 WILSONTHARPE& LORIWEISENBURG 817MAINST HUNTINGTONBEACHCA92648 024-071-08 23 TEDLSZUBA 302CRESTAVE HUNTINGTONBEACHCA92648 024-071-12 26 DAVIDDSAYLOR 330CRESTAVE HUNTINGTONBEACHCA92648 024-043-12 15 LYNNCRICHARDSON 500WOCEANFRONT NEWPORTBEACHCA92661 024-071-03 18 BRIANJ SULLIVAN 825MAINST HUNTINGTONBEACHCA92648 024-071-06 21 DAVIDPODDO 815MAINST HUNTINGTONBEACHCA92648 024-071-09 24 KATHYLYTURRALDE 306CRESTAVE HUNTINGTONBEACHCA92648 024-071-13 27 RICHARDBROWE 328CRESTAVE HUNTINGTONBEACHCA92648 024-071-14 28 024-071-17 29 024-072-02 30 JOEYHIRAO HOSKINSONAJOYCE SENESEDANTEMICHAELTR 326CRESTAVE 829MAINST 16301POMONALN HUNTINGTONBEACHCA92648 HUNTINGTONBEACHCA92648 HUNTINGTONBEACHCA92647 024-072-03 31 TINACEBERLY 311CRESTAVE HUNTINGTONBEACHCA92648 024-072-06 34 JUSTIN&LISAHELWIG 321CRESTAVE HUNTINGTONBEACHCA92648 024-081-13 40 GAETANERBRUMMETT 19792QUIETBAYLN HUNTINGTONBEACHCA92648 024-072-04 32 SANDRALROBINSON 130EMONTECITOAVE#246 SIERRAMADRECA91024 024-072-07 35 ROBERTRALLEN 18514SANTACRUZCIR FOUNTAINVALLEYCA92708 024-081-15 41 DAVID&NANCYFENNELL POBOX511 HUNTINGTONBEACHCA92648 024-072-05 33 ROBERTILEVIN 18800DELAWAREST#600 HUNTINGTONBEACHCA92648 024-072-32,33,34,35 36-39 LYNDALHERMANSEN 2616NWLOGGANCT BENDOR97701 024-081-16 42 PATRICK&GINAGLEASON 806MAINST HUNTINGTONBEACHCA92648 024-081-25 43 024-081-26 44 939-50-654 45 VIRGINIAANDUJO KATHLEEN0 RIEHL MICHAELJ CHERNEY POBOX2668 15521CANMOREST 1118PARKST LAHABRACA90632 CHARLOTTENC28277 HUNTINGTONBEACHCA92648 939-50-655 46 939-50-657,658,659 47-49 939-50-660 50 RENEABROOKBANK STEVENFMERRILL MICHAELJ CHERNEY 412OLIVEAVE#325 17650LOSALAMOSST 1118PARKST HUNTINGTONBEACHCA92648 FOUNTAINVALLEYCA92708 HUNTINGTONBEACHCA92648 024-042-05 3 OCCUPANT 405CRESTAVE HUNTINGTONBEACHCA92648 024-061-29 17 OCCUPANT 902MAINST#A HUNTINGTONBEACHCA92648 024-072-02 30 OCCUPANT 307CRESTAVE HUNTINGTONBEACHCA92648 024-072-04 32 OCCUPANT 315CRESTAVE#C HUNTINGTONBEACHCA92648 024-072-05 33 OCCUPANT 317CRESTAVE HUNTINGTONBEACHCA92648 024-072-07 35 OCCUPANT 327CRESTAVE#2 HUNTINGTONBEACHCA92648 024-072-32 36 OCCUPANT 916PALMAVE#B HUNTINGTONBEACHCA92648 024-072-34 38 OCCUPANT 920PALMAVE#A HUNTINGTONBEACHCA92648 024-072-35 39 OCCUPANT 922PALMAVE#B HUNTINGTONBEACHCA92648 024-043-04 9 OCCUPANT 70211THST HUNTINGTONBEACHCA92648 024-061-29 17 OCCUPANT 902MAINST#B HUNTINGTONBEACHCA92648 024-072-04 32 OCCUPANT 315CRESTAVE#A HUNTINGTONBEACHCA92648 024-072-04 32 OCCUPANT 315CRESTAVE#D HUNTINGTONBEACHCA92648 024-072-05 33 OCCUPANT 319CRESTAVE HUNTINGTONBEACHCA92648 024-072-07 35 OCCUPANT 327CRESTAVE#3 HUNTINGTONBEACHCA92648 024-072-33 37 OCCUPANT 918PALMAVE#A HUNTINGTONBEACHCA92648 024-072-34 38 OCCUPANT 920PALMAVE#B HUNTINGTONBEACHCA92648 024-081-13 40 OCCUPANT 90610THST HUNTINGTONBEACHCA92648 024-043-12 15 OCCUPANT 71510THST HUNTINGTONBEACHCA92648 024-061-29 17 OCCUPANT 902MAINST#C HUNTINGTONBEACHCA92648 024-072-04 32 OCCUPANT 315CRESTAVE#B HUNTINGTONBEACHCA92648 024-072-04 32 OCCUPANT 315CRESTAVE#E HUNTINGTONBEACHCA92648 024-072-07 35 OCCUPANT 327CRESTAVE#1 HUNTINGTONBEACHCA92648 024-072-32 36 OCCUPANT 916PALMAVE#A HUNTINGTONBEACHCA92648 024-072-33 37 OCCUPANT 918PALMAVE#B HUNTINGTONBEACHCA92648 024-072-35 39 OCCUPANT 922PALMAVE#A HUNTINGTONBEACHCA92648 024-081-15 41 OCCUPANT 810MAINST HUNTINGTONBEACHCA92648 024-081-25 43 024-081-25 43 024-081-25 43 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 814MAINST#1 814MAINST#2 814MAINST#3 HUNTINGTONBEACHCA92648 HUNTINGTONBEACHCA92648 HUNTINGTONBEACHCA92648 024-081-25 43 OCCUPANT 814MAINST#4 HUNTINGTONBEACHCA92648 024-081-26 44 OCCUPANT 816MAINST#2 HUNTINGTONBEACHCA92648 024-081-26 44 OCCUPANT 816MAINST#7 HUNTINGTONBEACHCA92648 024-081-25 43 OCCUPANT 814MAINST#5 HUNTINGTONBEACHCA92648 024-081-26 44 OCCUPANT 816MAINST#3 HUNTINGTONBEACHCA92648 939-50-654 45 OCCUPANT 82011THST HUNTINGTONBEACHCA92648 024-081-25 43 OCCUPANT 814MAINST#6 HUNTINGTONBEACHCA92648 024-081-26 44 OCCUPANT 816MAINST#4 HUNTINGTONBEACHCA92648 939-50-655 46 OCCUPANT 81611THST HUNTINGTONBEACHCA92648 939-50-657 47 939-50-658 48 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 82811THST 80211THST HUNTINGTONBEACHCA92648 HUNTINGTONBEACHCA92648 SamP1 etter Date: Thisletteristonotifyyouthat (NameofBusiness/Applicant)isproposing to (ProjectDescription)at (Address)HuntingtonBeach,CA.PursuanttoSection241.24of theHuntingtonBeachZoningandSubdivisionOrdinance,theNeighborhoodNotificationprocessis required.YoumayreviewtheproposedplansattheDepaitalentofCommunityDevelopment,2000Main Street,HuntingtonBeach,CA,from (date)to (date)(Minimum10 days),orcontacttheDepartmentofCommunityDevelopmentat(714)536-5271.Allcommentsmustbe submittedtotheDepartmentofCommunityDevelopmentpriortotheexpirationdateforreviewofthe proposal. UndertheprovisionsoftheHuntingtonBeachZoningandSubdivisionOrdinance,theactiontakenbythe DirectorofCommunityDevelopmentbecomesfmal,unlessappealed.Apersondesiringtoappealthe decisionshallfileawrittennoticeofappealwiththeDepartmentofCommunityDevelopmentwithinten calendardaysofthedateoftheDepartmentofCommunityDevelopment'saction.Thenoticeofappeal shallincludethenameandaddressoftheappellant,thedecisionbeingappealed,andthebasisforthe appeal.Afilingfeeshallalsoaccompanythenoticeofappeal.Theappealfeeis$494.00.Theappeal periodstartsattheendofthe10-dayreviewperiod. Ifyouhaveanyquestions,pleasefeelfreetocallmeat Sincerely, (Applicant) Cc: CityofHuntingtonBeachDepartmentofCommunityDevelopment RevisedOctober29,2015 StepSeven: -10-dayappeal periodends. - Submitapplication forCertificateof Occupancyand/or buildingpermits. ATY OFHUNTINGTOOBEACH ADMINISTRATIVEPERMITS/ NEIGHBORHOOD NOTIFICATIONREQUIREMENTS NeighborhoodNotificationisrequiredifyouareproposinganyofthefollowing: Alterationstonon-• PersonalEnrichmentinaleasespaceless conformingstructures than5,000sq.ft. Eating&Drinking • ManufacturedHomes Establishments •LaboratoriesinCO/CGZones>5,000sq.ft. OutdoorDiningexceeding • Carts&Kiosksonprivatecommercial 400sq.ft.(excludes property(excludingDowntown) alcohol)• AccessoryDwellingUnits DayCare,LargeFamilyin • HomeOccupationPermits(music, ResidentialDistrictsand swimminglessonsandbeautyshops) CO/CGZones • GameCenters NeighborhoodNotificationis processedin conjunctionwith an Administrative PermitbysubmittingthefollowingtothePlanningDivision: TheAdministrativePermitApplicationform Acopyofthenotificationletterwhichindicatesthefollowinginformation: (Seeattachedsampleletter) - Nameofbusiness/ applicant DepartmentofCommunity Locationofproject Developmentphonenumber(714)536- Projectdescription 5271andaddress Hoursofoperation/square Thedatesbywhichanycommentsmust footage/#ofemployee,bereceivedbytheDepartmentof students,#ofdiningchairs(if CommunityDevelopment(Minimum applicable)ten-businessdaysfromsubmittalof Reasonfordeviationfrom application) coderequirements(if Cityappealprocess applicable) Listofallpropertyownersandtenantswithin300feetofsubjectproperty Proofofmailingfromthepostoffice SitePlan,floorplanand/orelevationsapplicabletotheproject. Correspondingapplicationfee(seetablebelow) Theinitialreviewoftheapplicationrequiresten-businessdaysandstartswhenthePlanning Divisionreceivestheinformationstatedabove.Duringtheten-businessdayreviewperiod, staffwillanalyze,andconsideranycommentsreceived.Followingthetendayreview period,staffwillsenda Noticeof Actionletterapproving,conditionallyapprovingor denyingtheproject.ThetendayappealperiodbeginsonthedateoftheNoticeofAction. Oncetheappealperiodends,yourapplicationis finalandbuildingpermitsand/oryour certificateofoccupancymaybeissued. FEES NoFeeforLargeFamilyDayCares OutdoorDinin Eatin andDrinkinEstablishmentsnotre uirin aCUP HomeOccuations PersonalEnrichmentServices>5,000s .ft ParkinReduction Carts&Kiosks WaiverofDevelomentStandards Non-conforminstructureadditions Privac Gates GameCenters Accesso DwellinUnits ManufacturedHomeParks $0 PersonalEnrichmentServices<5,000sq.ft. QuestionsregardingthisprocessshouldbedirectedtothePlanningDivisionat:CityofHuntingtonBeach,DepartmentofCommunityDevelopment 2000MainStreet,P.O.Box190,HuntingtonBeach,CA92648(714)536-5271 0 2 A StepOne: ObtainAdmin. PermitApplication fromtheDepartment ofCommunity Development StepTwo: - CompleteAdmin. PermitApplication - Prepareplans, mailinglist,and notificationletter. StepThree: MailNotificationnotice (Note:10daycomment periodmustbeginafterthe lettersaredeliveredbythe postoffice.) StepFour: SubmitAdmin.Permit Application,plans, mailinglist,proofof mailing,notificationletter andfeetothePlanning Division. StepFive: -10-daycomment periodbegins. StepSix: - Departmentof Community Developmenttakes action. - 10-dayap period $612 $1,090 $1,451 &Toms 2015Tlanning\COUNTERNeighborhoodNotificationFlyer10-07.doc 50,01 "-r- .... ,,„ow , , ,.......i,,c1\\ a , , , „ $o\9\ _.--loofa sz-, ,fflosiA% In s- *R c .c. ...‘ 4.46o 46" \....1•-4- 'at: .4 •7 ..---.,_ 0 lc os 1‘II?CD\,\— \• 0 • o •,„ -Cr _ -7 ob- •- 2.Sco PAR.2 PAR.3 44 .1 C) -0 se o.T.Ac.0.177 AC.,t!"• / . •—0 -- - PAR. n • tf: 0.498 AC. , PARK c • a3/-, -y:7)4.l4"I 4'2 0' 4 ••/ 4.,6 3 r,„ / .10 ," • .0 4 /.1. 0-.1_ . ,...• p5 EN 024 ARK .41,1 ON • 6‘ EcTI1...-, ..„ . 0 '5 t, 18 PROJEC1 939-50- 653-657 • E , -®--- PROJEC 939-50-65 C. 0A . 0.30 A CO 4c: (1°1 1 1 1 3 4. 3 A 4\\ \ \ \ \\1 z7 25 3 A. Ale 0, TO,•. L9 0 - BLK 0 805 'ICD\ A . 3 41 5 3; t. Ta5 f2" - \'' \ . ' '8 . a 25 t) 5? 4,4 7 ,... * ": j'ir , 150., .. - ‘ I. 1811'7 ..46 ‘, ;1• v,..,;QN* 7°-) 4! sf c'T I „:„ ; ,,--. ..,50 • - , \ • • • .. t- 4r 4wee, .v. IA; -, \ , A A AI, \ \ \ \ . \ \ t \ \ t • El ' \14 8 *‘.,. , , 49 \lc t;:i 42 \ ,,...4 , 1, , ,‘• ,,., ., ,• \(3 ,, \\ \ \ , ‘ ‘v Ji 45 7A x te.\ \ \ s 25 ' (-) Al I \ -- ; <9 31 13 f; . 36 csofe 5,0;585pcLEs oTE PARcws`Ir4cisHo 1 `7, • 024-01- it 42 2. 4 44 s MAP s'INA NG.-ccE5GGP. PAGE .85 °RA coo 47 ......... ,! 35---..36 37 48 .33 \ ...\ --.. ' •• 8 \0'12 \ Wi 45 . • t.I PAR.4 26-.27 „ • - •••o29 5 29 0 "1 ": 31 2 • CESSOR S BL OCK NUMBERS 'N CIRCLES ...i.•\\ , ' \ . \ \,./. \\\ \\ \' \ \ \\ \ \ \ \\ \ \ 9 '.._.,`, P, ,i. \, , , \ , , ,, , \\ \ 0112 \ ' \\ \ s6\ 5 - \1 79 • a77 15 oc), DONNA'S RAD US DATE: 684 S GENTRY LANE ANAHEIM CA 92807 (714) 921-2921 ASSESSOR S MAPBoor(024 PAGE 07 COUNT Y OF ORANGE A PS May20,2016 Thisletteristo notifyyouthatRichardRoweisproposingtoaddawalk-incloset to MasterBedroomlocatedonthesecondfloorat328CrestAvenue,Huntington Beach,CA92648.Thisrequiresawaiverofdevelopmentstandardsforlot coverageof55%inlieuof50%.PursuanttoSection241.24oftheHuntington BeachZoningandSubdivisionOrdinance,theNeighborhoodNotificationprocess is required.YoumayreviewtheproposedplansattheDepartmentofCommunity Development,2000MainStreet,HuntingtonBeach,CA,fromMay23,2016to June3,2016orcontacttheDepartmentofCommunityDevelopmentat (714) 536-5271.AllcommentsmustbesubmittedtotheDepartmentofCommunity Developmentpriortotheexpirationdateforreviewoftheproposal. UndertheprovisionsoftheHuntingtonBeachZoningandSubdivision Ordinance,theactiontakenbythe DirectorofCommunityDevelopmentbecomes final,unlessappealed.A persondesiringtoappealthedecisionshallfileawritten notice!ofappealwiththeDepartmentofCommunityDevelopmentwithinten calendardaysofthedateoftheDepartmentofCommunityDevelopment's action.Thenoticeofappealshallincludethenameandaddressoftheappellant, thedecisionbeingappealed,andthebasisfortheappeal.A filingfeeshallalso accompanythenoticeofappeal.Theappealfeeis$494.00.Theappealperiod startsattheendofthe 10-dayreviewperiod. Ifyouhaveanyquestions,pleasefeelfreetocallmeat(714)743-1859. Sincerely, RichardRowe Cc:Cityof HuntingtonBeachDepartmentofCommunityDevelopment PUBLIC PROJECT PLANNER:c5C13 tAt NOTIFICATION ENTITLEMENT NO:P 0 I2_ CHECKLIST ADDRESS:2-5 Crc--51- 'Planning App No:741(,-(061 APN: -t-I-07 I - I LI ZONING ADMINISTRATOR D PLANNING COMMISSION (one week for APs)*STAFF REVIEW ERIFY CORRECT DIMENSION OF RADIUS VERIFY APPLICANT AND PROPERTY OWNERS' NAME & ADDRESS LkVERIFY OCCUPANT ADDRESSES WITH G.I.S.'aELIMINATE DUPLICATE LABELS 0 ADD INTERESTED PARTIES LIST (to be completed by project planner) REMADE IN-HOUS WITH G.I.S. FOR ACCURACY DATE: DATE: (Project Planner) • While reviewing mailing labels continuously indicate where you stopped so that work can be completed by another staff member._ . ._._ Label Count: Owner: LI Occupant: - Total Labels: _ /1" ASSIGNED :5 .Z4 6, DUE BY:.(three weeks) / )41:V IFY LOCATION OF PROJECT SITE ON RADIUS MAP COMPLETED BY: APPROVED BY: Name and Address of Sender P.Ichos-a gowe '32e Cre54 Avenve WA/ +1/1 cht_c q26116 Article Number 1 t C hard S. ?ZS Cre54 Av4 ,7 c7 geachaz 2 12tasi r 5 gow& Sze Ce-e,54--Ave,,,Le_ v e2e,:ck qzrog 3 r 6_Row '57,8 Cres-i Averfv.e, -fir) Ion ach_Cil 4 PichIt5 Pouie. 32S Cre5-i" AVol 4,4 ciZ& ICh {A.vovve '3213Cre54-Avenve n C 6126 6 g.tcha.cot e,.izowe 3-aoCre54 Ave',we ActiaLinqf 7 TZ-Ch&rOk IZO '32-8 Cre,54 Avencie toAeach_cA c42648 6 12-tChok,r-'4 16,(2-ovae Cres4--Avehcl n otal Numbe of Pieces otal N Listed by Sender Receiv Check type of mail or service Certified LI COD Delivery Confirmation Express Mail Insured Addressee (Name, Street, City, State, & ZIP Code) virtlari Siwp 1321 /RA 511 gunlinglere-Laeac6 CAI i(e3 PAAttc(Sit -y/or 3C, Cjee5:i Ave, bng /or/eectch C q 2,62 -Ted I 52 L,bet_ao2 Cr es-f_Ave. i7e/47,-;:79.Sevtgeotch Ce_wt-e _Dertgo 1307 .446tir) sr /4,-Iitii9,(6,113eac4 CA 12exvtd___ P add° _tyLai-,7 5T- /7/041149 710/1 &aci-) Sri an Svrnv,a.", 805 /4..1,1 57 , ge_ach CA WI ISon Thov.pc svi rv16,in sT tif bea,ch0,1 ci-46,4t& orcad _Joti 21,1 n infien eacil C9_ 14 f wing epiployee) q43 be I)Pieces Postmaster, Per a o t Office Postage Affix Stamp Here (If issued as a certificate of mailing,' or for additional copies of this bill) Postmark and Date of Receipt F Hand,ee Cha UNITET !STATES POSTAL SENVICE 0000 U POSTAGE PAIDLONG BEACH, CA 90809MAY 20,.16 AMOUNT $2.88 R2304M111477-06 ReUuTi 1ecei!:2 0 SiEnztua Zo See Privacy Act Statement on Reverse Recorded Delivery (International) O Registered Return Receipt for Merchandise Signature Confirmation Z-Cd-f cei-6qe QZ6740 4126,1-(1 PS Form 3877,February 2002 (Page 1 of 2)Co e by Typewriter, Ink, or Ball Point Pen The full declaration of value is required on all dot stic and international registered mail. The maximum indemnity payable for the reconstruction of nonnegotiable documents under Express Mail document reconstruction insurance is $500 per piece subject to additional limitations for multiple pieces lost or damaged in a single catastrophic occurrence. The maximum indemnity payable on Express Mail merchandise insurance is $500, but optional Express Mail Service merchandise insurance is available for up to $5,000 to some, but not all countries. The maximum indemnity payable is $25,000 for registered mail sent with optional postal insurance. See Domestic Mail Manual R900, S913, and S921 for limitations of coverage on insured and COD mail. See International Mail Manual for limitations of coverage on international mail. Special handling charges apply only to Standard Mail and Parcel Services parcels. PS Form 3877,February 2002 (Page 2 of 2) Check t y p e o f m a i l o r s e r v i c e : Certified O R e c o r d e d D e l i v e r y ( I n t e r n a t i o n a l ) COD O R e g i s t e r e d Delivery C o n f i r m a t i o n El Return R e c e i p t f o r M e r c h a n d i s e Express M a i l O S i g n a t u r e C o n f i r m a t i o n Insured Addressee (Name, S t r e e t , C i t y , S t a t e , & Z I P C o d e ) A g rooV....tc/7 Vroiinja oz/ve. A v - e . RecacA c o t c t 2 - 6 q 0 Anc(eica ctie,4>x 2 6 6 Lei g a b r - Q _ C A 6 1 0 6 ' . 1 . , . - ..‘Go...-th..leen.0. g t . e . - ' 1 • 1 1 1.56Z-I. Chad°NC 2 9 5 7 - q Vober-Ir-tev/e7 .1136.00 Re/au/etre, S T 4*-0 1764rte 006 /Kam r geach CA e t Z 6 lie Lyelefa L . 1-lernio..risen „I-416 N L a s i y A t i ---13er7CAo/ OP-171.0 f . 0,, a 01 net( Q Sc7)6 .e.e-ac4Ci qz611.0 Affix S t a m p H e r e (If i s s u e d a s a certificate o f m a or f o r a d d i t i o n a l ' copies o f t h i s b i Postmark a n o Date o f Race) Postage Fee Z'Afff:;:ge. 0000 . _ 4;to t y . -}`/..i tr' • U.PRSTAGE LONt B E A C H , C A 90E109MAY 2 0 , _ 1 6 AMOUNT $2.88 R2304M111477-06 ,`c -es's.... !CAT 0 CA) l.ltho,,r&1 12-0v4/0 32-0 Cre.54 Ave //c),7-6;7 '10,7 e 2-giCharCA 8 -Rowe- 32.0 cre54 Ave SectelLe4 '116 3 'lalthaed f,.Rowe 3z5 C re51 Ave . ØiJ2e cb 4-94 ak/rd B.Rowe. Cres-i- Av loy?&well CA6126(-0 5-ickT6trot fl0vv& 3a0 6-e54 AV& ll(14_4;n4kr CIZ 6-czickle. 5. gowe 320 Cres-1-Awe. 44th ica_Beac cAqZ6V7 2ecJ,rd B.Rowe 32S Cre54Ave. v_tch0.4--ok5.Rowe -529 Gre5A kve rivi rxtoTotal Number o Pieces Total N b Listed by Sender Receive 5,-vmmeit Quite4 Bow Ln, tfurrt Beacf, C I A 420 ' 1 0 Postmaster, P e r ( e f e c e i v i n l o y e e ) Name and Address of Sender id10.ra (3-gOtAie/ 3z-8 Cre.51 Ave, gun-irifion 13eatchCA 9.2a46 Article Number ef2.64113 Pieces Office See P r i v a c y A c t S t a t e m e n t o n R e v e r s e PS Form 3877,February 2002 (Page 1 of 2)Co p l e t e b y T y p e w r i t e r , I n k , o r B a l l P o i n t P e n The full declaration of value is required on all domestic and international registered mail. T h e m a x i m u m i n d e m n i t y p a y a b l e f o r t h e reconstruction of nonnegotiable documents under Express Mail document reconstruction insurance is $500 per piece s u b j e c t t o additional limitations for multiple pieces lost or damaged in a single catastrophic occurrence. The maximum indemnity payable on Express Mail merchandise insurance is $500, but optional Express Mail Service merchandise insurance is available for up to $5,000 to some, but not all countries. The maximum indemnity payable is $ 2 5 , 0 0 0 f o r r e g i s t e r e d m a i l s e n t w i t h o p t i o n a l p o s t a l insurance.See Domestic Mail Manual R900, S 9 1 3 , a n d S 9 2 1 f o r l i m i t a t i o n s o f c o v e r a g e o n i n s u r e d a n d C O D m a i l . S e e International Mail Manual for l i m i t a t i o n s o f c o v e r a g e o n i n t e r n a t i o n a l m a i l . S p e c i a l h a n d l i n g c h a r g e s a p p l y o n l y t o S t a n d a r d M a i l and Parcel Services parcels. PS Form 3877,February 2002 (Page 2 of 2) Name and Address of Sender giGhavd P,Rowe,ze Cee5* Ave _ o Article Number Check type of mail or service: Certified COD Delivery Confirmation Express Mail Insured Addressee (Name, Street, City, State, & ZIP Code) Affix Stamp Here (If issued as a certificate of mdilinn or for additiona copies of this 15 Postmark ani Date of Recd Postage Fee Recorded Delivery (International) Registered Return Receipt for Merchandise Signature Confirmation UNIrEDSTAMS POSTAL SERVICES 0000 1.ctr. (3.. Rattle 3Ze Gres.' Avc, _ilvr7h:-ai 261-1 2-cztchekva a i2owe 3z-6 Ce-€5. Ave. 3.-Fdirce>. 32 -E3Cres-1 Ave- _Rol/JAI cte--A 1_26,11 V---t C-Prar E.12-ovve_ 3z.g3 Cre54-Ave, _5-1(221/1-__Cdel ciziA3 •gidictrot 12-avve 3Z6 Cre5-1 Ave. IP 0 C4_926c,kLr B-Evecres-tAve. q-(1 ic a 1?)9-owe 32e Cfe54 Ave. e a /4 1ChAfOk 5 1Zovie '37)Crt-54-Ave 6 9) Total Nk r of Pieces Tot N r f Pieces Listed by Sender Rec ive Po t Office 165111 5exeliet. Crvz, c FoGY.1-14.thWiley CA 12100 a,906,-,:t ,i2e:Pbf.-15e,...7 13o (140,1.--Aec17.0.Ave-#ZY/0 Stei,r6t_ Ma_qt07-6.1. ile/vvi. Cee.5-/ 74.7 Re,r.c4 q 2,67ge 77/74t, c 6-136-pi_y (.1 Cre5-7 Ave. 17i4,21/;y742t,, 45&.s2c14 Uoey Roc-0,o 326 .Ce€54 Avcge-etcX CA qz6q0. Serie5e.ftlich-eat Pomona -Lr.v. 8eckc4 C14 eiwiee idiot r B.P.ovve 3“; Ceesit Ave crZ61-la ....105.grti5on A J'Yce •-537,-c1 n 5.T tivri.41./N9 f,13eocil CA 6t1,040 U. POSTAGEPAIDLONG BEACH, CA90809MAY M.113AMOuNT $2.88 R2304M111477-08 Postmaster,a o ceiving employee) See Privacy Act Statement on Reverse PS Form 3877,February 2002 1 of 2) lete by Typewriter, Ink, or Ball Point Pen The full declaration of value is required on all domestic and international registered mail. The maximum indemnity payable for the reconstruction of nonnegotiable documents under Express Mail document reconstruction insurance is $500 per piece subject to additional limitations for multiple pieces lost or damaged in a single catastrophic occurrence. The maximum indemnity payable on Express Mail merchandise insurance is $500, but optional Express Mail Service merchandise insurance is available for up to $5,000 to some, but not all countries. The maximum indemnity payable is $25,000 for registered mail sent with optional postal insurance. See Domestic Mail Manual R900, S913, and S921 for limitations of coverage on insured and COD mail. See International Mail Manual for limitations of coverage on international mail. Special handling charges apply only to Standard Mail and Parcel Services parcels. PS Form 3877,February 2002 (Page 2 of 2) Check t y p e o f m a i l o r s e r v i c e : El C e r t i f i e d 0 R e c o r d e d D e l i v e r y ( I n t e r n a t i o n a l ) COD CI RegisteredDDelivery C o n f i r m a t i o n 0 Return R e c e i p t f o r M e r c h a n d i s e CI Express M a i l 0 S i g n a t u r e C o n f i r m a t i o n Li Insured Addressee (Narre, S t r e e t , Clly,State, & ZIP Code)Postage Affix S t a m p H e r e (If i s s u e d a s a I certificate o f m a i l or f o r a d d i t i o n a l 1 copies o f t h i s b i l l Postmark a n d ; Date o f R e c e i Fee U.POSTAG E PAIDLONG B E A C H , C A 90809MAAMY20 1 6 OUNT Name and Address of Sender 7,Cha,-0(5- iz otA/37,0 Cre5.1 A ,ve- 4177 CA 1.1 Article Number 0000 $2.88 R2304M111477-06 r 1-P-(cha.0(a R o w e Cre5-1 Ave 2.tz(ciut,--d gowe sze Cresi Ave- 3 VIC 5_gouve 37-0 Cee54 Av di 4 j3eadi_04 q W i t •12-1C11Ot g, i z - o w e 3243 Cre51 Ave- ekciziOkei CV p...ouve 320 Cresi Ave, CA__UW 6-gichoTr-diRowe 57-5Cire54 t\ve 1-1 10.7 _ete4 -Pidiotr-R0 .4./49 32,9 Cre51 Ave flun1Vd_m_B4cA C11 q Z 6 8 IZIC/arrd v-ow -52.1 reyf Ave fh irrettete, 55)6 Cv _/.744,71/is,/ow R e . c 4 c 4 9 0 6 0 3 eves A . / e . _ _.#6,4-4-)25,c4e7 Nitchea.1 4 herli-ey Pacgs`r1-47:77,kr,96'44 CA 4 / 0 6 1 - ( 0 5 e v e w Merril 1-76 41et.4,745 veraey e n - 427 ( P O p.;,„ Ala i n 5/ (14,,?-4-.1,1c,,t &ear-A CA c 1 0 6 . 4 i e Ck-citpovt Av6 qzoys... ()Gat) . r O V A Cr e - 5 4 Av< e-ctc1:,TZ0"46 ....Occc./t it& P e t t 1 4 % , e . # 4 0 . ,--471,..2e2•Bectc4 cq. / 7 G 1 1 6 ciz6tfe 4e) 0 91 -•417,-4 M' -2 tal Numb,0 Pieces Listed by Sender Total Recei b o f P i e c e s P o s t m a s t e r , a s t O f f i c e me-ef c e i v i n g e m p l o y e e ) See P r i v a c y A c t S t a t e m e n t o n R e v e r s e PS Form 3877,February 2002 (1 o f 2 )Complete b y T y p e w r i t e r , I n k , o r B a l l P o i n t P e n The full declaration of value is required on all domestic and international registered mail. The maximum indemnity payable for the reconstruction of nonnegotiable documents under Express Mail document reconstruction insurance is $500 per piece subject to additional limitations for multiple pieces lost or damaged in a single catastrophic occurrence. The maximum indemnity payable on Express Mail merchandise insurance is $500, but optional Express Mail Set-vice merchandise insurance is available for up to $5,000 to some, but not all countries. The maximum indemnity payable is $25,000 for registered mail sent with optional postal insurance. See Domestic Mail Manual R900, S913, and S921 for limitations of coverage on insured and COD mail. See International Mail Manual for limitations of coverage on international mail. Special handling charges apply only to Standard Mail and Parcel Services parcels. PS Form 3877,February 2002 (Page 2 of 2) Name and Adyress of Sender Ric64,A /5 leo -3ze, 9425146 Co0 z ze.ea Article Number 12 lc ha../-laotz- 3 a g ape-S141.c., cr-26‘.(8 R ichar at 13 we-- -3t8 /1644/1/%7_9?1 8 h qz69425 cal chexed 13 12-0 c res-/-Mve szic.15 #7 ife• V-tchewel Row 32G Gtres-f Ave, -e-`112-44?51'if Check type of mail or service: Certified O R e c o r d e d D e l i v e r y ( I n t e r n a t i o n a l ) El COD O Registered El Delivery Confirmation El Return R e c e i p t f o r M e r c h a n d i s e Express Mail O Signature C o n f i r m a t i o n Insured Addressee (Name, Street, City, State, & ZIP Code)Postage Occ.a_pan Ave e4k_C C q 2 , 6 E S Affix S t a m p H e r e (If i s s u e d a s a certificate o f m a i or f o r a d d i t i o n a l ( copies o f t h i s b i l Postmark a n c i , Date o f R e c e i Fee LOOTEDSIZTES POSTAL S E R I N C E S 0000,i1: ,- - - - - z e - - - - - - - - c o - rn 0%........ . ÷ •IRIchava 3va cve54,/I Seitti_th erzCti8 6 P-tC 44-61 1?-0 liumhhi/.0 a 7 If 7'R-lehet I-Di .6 gaw‹, 32.6 6,64 vt, 1.17-C„ &LC'09 Total Numbef Pieces Total Nu r f ieces Listed by Sender Received t t ffice P,ottrei A v e IVA W'r 1:011 f3mch c12.6q0 ti9 arid" il-IL/e7G1f°,2)a5 eteA efl‘ l e e cce/pct,b4efq111441 5 _3 10,44 716,7-ecLeiiG•e 2 , 4 4 1 5 e.7.cctipciet 71. 7‘-rj R..-ekr,./7 q2 6.1(13 ..Occvpott4 ..5(q matn.54.7 14) -(-11/4-1-1y-krI_Oectclueil etzo,Wsreg=4-11.5-4.14( , „-1104.4.3.91,0-neateh 11,2 & .6 c .4.7req 8.t2ic-Aa,-0?Oa. parij eft( moo 54 441Z-6 e-A-e54 1-71trfiv Veach 4.71.(6 Postmaster, Per ( e iy e m p l o y e e ) .0 0 Matto I STAGEPAILONGEACH. C A 90809MAY 2 0 1 6 AMOUNT $2.88 R2304M111477-06 2urri 2ecei 2 11.01.1 2 See P r i v a c y A c t S t a t e m e n t o n R e v e r s e PS Form 3877,February 2002 (Pag 2)om l e t e b y T y p e w r i t e r , I n k , o r B a l l P o i n t P e n The full declaration of value is required on all domestic and international registered mail. The maximum indemnity payable for the reconstruction of nonnegotiable documents under Express Mail document reconstruction insurance is $500 per piece subject to additional limitations for multiple pieces lost or damaged in a single catastrophic occurrence. The maximum indemnity payable on Express Mail merchandise insurance is $500, but optional Express Mail Service merchandise insurance is available for up to $5,000 to some, but not all countries. The maximum indemnity payable is $25,000 for registered mail sent with optional postal insurance. See Domestic Mail Manual R900, S913, and S921 for limitations of coverage on insured and COD mail. See International Mail Manual for limitations of coverage on international mail. Spedal handling charges apply only to Standard Mail and Parcel Services parcels. PS Form 3877,February 2002 (Page 2 of 2) Affix S t a m p H e r e (If i s s u e d a s a , certificate o f m a i l i i or f o r a d d i t i o n a l copies o f t h i s b i l l ) Postmark a n d Date o f R e c e i p Hk Name and Address of Sender gich d 5 12c7cv_- 3z-B Article Number Ric,h,ct,- c, F--ICACte,-01 13 gC' Ciee5-1 A ve_ 3'la(Chard 5 12-otAie- SZO Cre5-74 Ave-- 4. 328 Gie5-1 /117 FiGhot,t3 37'8 Cve5t Ave- 1:041 6.a rala4,of E3 Roth. 32,s Cre..54---.4+ye.. gtchavd f2-c”.4-,.e1 37-8 ce-e-s-i 4 ve- _&141401413r!elfACCh_citgaioYS erk ANk., AkialAtiN Total Numbt of Pieces Listed by Snder Check t y p e o f m a i l o r s e r v i c e : Certified COD El Delivery C o n f i r m a t i o n Express M a i l Insured Addressee (Name, S t r e e t , C i t y , S t a t e , & Z I P C o d e ) OCCC/Mara ,7‘4 Cer-apet77. szo . 1 1 1 A 5 . 1 7 g3cw,ak a o ! q z 6 . 4 1 5 en- / N A 5 7 - et .61 g 7 . 6 . 4 4 5 , Occ-c-pceei..ezi3 25ez?z;4 qZ-6.Ve ~1/2 7 1 4 4 r t it(OIVon i 3 4 " C h 6tVOtif3 cc-cc/0607 , 61.0 pun-tv • 7 , 1 1 1 3 2 e t c h C 4 4IbVie) ct..APvvlP foa t n • 3 4 - 4 1 i v/1-141.574n eeteil c 4 9 - c w o,,,t1(W•if °102_ffl #-C ill/11,4(9 rt teach CA-41.4. Postmaster, P receiving emp/oyee) 6q. Total r P ces Recei at ost 0 ice 6 Postage Fee UTBSED S T A T E S IDS nu.SERVICE 0000 If - 5. U.AIDPOSTAGEPLONG B E A C H C A 90809MAYA_20 1 8 mOUNT $2.88 R2304M111477-08 0 11 0 •POE ar:.1 0 E-4 Fij 13 t egurn Rece152 See P r i v a c y A c t S t a t e m e n t o n R e v e r s e CI Recorded D e l i v e r y ( I n t e r n a t i o n a l ) Registered Return R e c e i p t f o r M e r c h a n d i s e CI Signature C o n f i r m a t i o n PS Form 3877,February 2002 (Pa e mplete b y T y p e w r i t e r , I n k , o r B a l l P o i n t P e n The full declaration of value is required on all domestic and international registered mail. The maximum indermity payable for the reconstruction of nonnegotiable documents under Express Mail document reconstruction insurance is $500 per piece subject to additional limitations for multiple pieces lost or damaged in a single catastrophic occurrence The maximum indemnity payable on Express Mail merchandise insurance is $500, but optional Express Mail Service merchandise insurance is available for up to $5,000 to some, but not all countries. The rna>dmum indemnity payable is $25,000 for registered mail sent with optional postal insurance. See Domestic Mail Manual R900, S913, and S921 for limitations of coverage on insured and COD mail. See Intemational Mail Manual for limitations of coverage on international mail. Special handling charges apply only to Standard Mail and Parcel Services parcels. PS Form 3877,February 2002 (Page 2 of 2) pet ti-IA .agett-GX eize./.6 .0.6c,c/part4- 40z eAla ( A P 5--/ occ.c/ v8t.96/1- 71.71/eitt. e r z a z ( e occupot,11(1 cre5-F A v e 4 1 - P 174 Ce-cc/pecri-f, (q' e v e - 5 - f A c z e . . . veittifTbiA i 3 e A e i k CA:- 4 3 1 0 4 6 -aecc/pan-1- :32.1 54 Ave.A.3 Decil C A 42040 Postmaster, Pe ame o f r employee) Check type of mail or service: El Certified COD O Delivery Confirmation LI Express Mail Insured Addressee (Name, S t r e e t , C i t y , S t a t e , & Z I P C o d e ) Pall4 5(57. _..ctrar7r)j...910,2_..perrd,er74Lig OccuPa-,1,4 711:- .Tz„&ie Recorded D e l i v e r y ( I n t e r n a t i o n a l ) Registered Return R e c e i p t f o r M e r c h a n d i s e Signature C o n f i r m a t i o n 0 0 0 0141. •mnit te) 0 ) CO) Name and Address of Sender rtches4-01 13 • Article Number 1.9-tchai,a "Y1,0 C,re54 thke (404Tilin 6 2. V-(Gh-45t,rd ROVV-41/ -62 •S CV-e 4" rave/ Ai:OPPIAZP 3 N-\(APfrddk 'R) 12/43c1rc,54-fAv_e, Aktk_S&611_CPAM,,6 r7)/Or4 k Av'& 32641J2r_t____G otra v_ovutd 4DISC.re-St Ave, V---(01f mr j czovv.e. r3A/S,Gt•-3--V Poike, u .y44 C A 8-v-kbvxrd -524, CrOA' tkVV/ GM Total Nu r of Pieces Total b r o Pieces Listed by Sender Recei d o Office Affix S t a m p H e r c (If i s s u e d a s a I certificate o f m a i l i m or f o r a d d i t i o n a l copies o f t h i s b i l l ) Postmark a n d Date o f R e c e i p t See P r i v a c y A c t S t a t e m e n t o n R e v e r s e 2_64 51,-10k4fA.r.fax,w,v 72-t CreS4 Postage Fee umrensrarEs POSMI. S E R V I C E S 0000 u.%ANSTAGE LONVIEACH, C A90809MAYM20, _ 1 8 AOUNT $2.88 R2304M111477-08 PS Form 3877,February 2002 (of 2 ) plete b y T y p e w r i t e r , I n k , o r B a l l P o i n t P e n The full declaration of value is required on all domestic and international registered mail. The maximum indemnity payable for the reconstruction of nonnegotiable documents under Express Mail document reconstruction insurance is $500 per piece subject to additional limitations for multiple pieces lost or damaged in a single catastrophic occurrence. The maximum indemnity payable on Express Mail merchandise insurance is $500, but optional Express Mail Service merchandise insurance is available for up to $5,000 to some, but not all counties. The maximum indemnity payable is $25,000 for registered mail sent with optional postal insurance. See Domestic Mail Manual R900, S913, and S921 for limitations of coverage on insured and COD mail. See International Mail Manual for limitations of coverage on international mail. Special handling charges apply only to Standard Mail and Parcel Services parcels. PS Form 3877,February 2002 (Page 2 of 2) Name and Address of Sender 1Z(Cilet•e0(g, -5z-E3 CreYq .ve et Gtet Check type of mail or service: Affix Stamp Here (If issued as a 0 Certified 0 Recorded Delivery (International)certificate of mailinEiCOD0Registeredor for additional 0 Delivery Confirmation LII Return Receipt for Merchandise copies of this bill)U. IA119VSTAGE 0 Express Mail 0 Insured 0 Signature Confirmation Postmark and Date of Recei t LO G BEACH, CA90809 Postage ././refTN a C" A ‘'C'IrI-2a'42 MAAMOY20 16UNT $2.88 R2304M111477-06 0 jrJ 45041 UNITED STATES POSTAL SEAWCE 0000 41 tc.• 0 3 iestricte I ?-46/10., 70 Cr.e. ve, qzlon e I tc-1 1z-ce.ve-- 3ze Ave- ( hit gie got4/0 ,af5 0,6751 vrri- 4'gi .-120 C4re'S-1 4 97 5 12-c>64,-e, z cfre-(- CA 4°2<ii awd got,tr-e 2-8 c ee54 Ava eoLcAC 61204'g 7.(2-Iau-r-al (3 W&Cr€ 5,/ A v ficzi_Beatih_cil AZ 8 //-taltAr di 6 120„il Cre-A0 2 t& et,~a 176 Ave, oft,a- ,-7,4,1 C.4 izazr6 CC e/oec."-/ otzo Ave.1. f/A614 elZa Occ c,p2.1-7/ 0100 /0-19-7 51 ,g ‘3.1 e z6Le Occci pzet-71--eig rev,,,5-7.4etz eczt-A ei qz64fe Article Number Addressee (Name, Street, City, State, &ZIP Code) Qççci1'1 4014- /7/161,";7 /744-19///1 ge."1- Oce&pa/2-( ct Z2-Pah,/ 477A-,z_ 4,7 Bc,acA eit 2- 4/8 if:Ttizif A. 61- (•70?-4:Pj-471'eect:h at el Total Numbe f Pieces Total Nu e f Pi ces Postmaster, Per (N o eceivinS- employee) Listed by Sender Receive st 0 ice See Privacy Act Statement on Reverse PS Form 3877,February 2002 (Pag f 2) Compl te y Typewriter, Ink, or Ball Point Pen The full declaration of value is required on all domestic and international registered mail. The maximum indemnity payable for the reconstruction of nonnegotiable documents under Express Mail document reconstruction insurance is $500 per piece subject to additional limitations for multiple pieces lost or damaged in a single catastrophic occurrence. The maximum indemnity payable on Express Mail merchandise insurance is $500, but optional Express Mail Service merchandise insurance is available for up to $5,000 to some, but not all countries. The maximum indemnity payable is $25,000 for registered mail sent with optional postal insurance. See Domestic Mail Manual R900, S913, and S921 for limitations of coverage on insured and COD mail. See International Mail Manual for limitations of coverage on international mail. Special handling charges apply only to Standard Mail and Parcel Services parcels. PS Form 3877,February 2002 (Page 2 of 2) Name and Addriess of Sender gtChae01 ?;'• geCAIC '326 Cre-51—At/e. Check t y p e o f m a i l o r s e r v i c e : Certified El COD D Delivery C o n f i r m a t i o n El Express M a i l LI insured 0 R e c o r d e d D e l i v e r y ( I n t e r n a t i o n a l ) 0 R e g i s t e r e d CI Return R e c e i p t f o r M e r c h a n d i s e CI Signature C o n f i r m a t i o n Affix S t a m p H e r e (If i s s u e d s e certificate o i or f o r a d d i t i i copies o f t h l Postmark I Date o f R e Fee • • • • • • - '.;AG •0000 i: LA Postage UNITED S I E V E S ICIS SacSERVICE.Article Number 1.v..(a,txrd6 9-cnk-t, 3z-0 cfr-1 -krt 2'e o c c x — e - - 3-to cre-o _L-kojapleA giac6 (A q z & t 0 9 3-gicitard 0 Rowe. Ctrz53-ictt/& tm-4..-fest GA CA q Z 6 a 6 ) 4 .tztcha-e-Rowe qzocfey Reex-fow-ot go.t,e 7,g3.c,p-e5.1 Ave., _y_u_Ajf;T e ; y 7 ize.A AL4 6.RiCha g/71.w 52-0 c r e 5 - 1 Ave, rirryt-U#77,-3-0/1 7-Tlicharof 6 o w - c i c,re,r7-1 A v - C . --r o 4 toil G c'57.6 &r 5ir` Addressee (/Varne,Street, C i t y , S t a t e , & Z I P C o d e ) OCeri-f9a.414- ee.o.c4 C 4 q z 6 i 1 5 . ' 3Z4 C ' f - e s l A y e # 2 — CA- q Z . 6 . 4 1 6 /*--Ca-vage_ 410 2 n ? l e 5 7 # . 4 6/v/i71•7116/1 8 c " c t e i 4 CA0(26"ti e5Cea".4, Ave 1-4,,z/evAt L)(i:v.err,&y (t..f Pa,-145-I- .-idwbf,94t g e a d i C A .1.taq.,§ .MiCheck,I Cr-otribri5cA CiCe 14"-gtin 5 4 ..--e74.5 G.4 G1.18 U.S.,POSTAGE LONPAIDG B E A C H , C A 90809MAYM_20 1 1 3 AOUNT $2.88 R2304M111477-08 <65 ••-1 if-4 <-3 10'1 0 0 47;er al!.%.1e..641.8 Ck-e5.-47.,Ave Total Numb r of Pieces Total Nu r f Pi ces Postmaster, P a e o f r e m g e p l o y e e ) Listed by Sender Receive s t 0 i c e See P r i v a c y A c t S t a t e m e n t o n R e v e r s e PS Form 3877,February 2 0 0 2 (Pa C p l t b y T y p e w r i t e r , I n k , o r B a l l P o i n t P e n trrt°:,:- .t The full declaration of value is required on all domestic and international registered mail. The maximum indemnity payable for the reconstruction of nonnegotiable documents under Express Mail document reconstruction insurance is $500 per piece subject to additional limitations for multiple pieces lost or damaged in a single catastrophic occurrence The maximum indemnity payable on Express Mail merchandise insurance is $500, but optional Express Mail Service merchandise insurance is available for up to $5,000 to some, but not all countries. The maximum indemnity payable is $25,000 for registered mail sent with optional postal insurance. See Domestic Mail Manual R900, S913, and S921 for limitations of coverage on insured and COD mail. See International Mail Manual for limitations of coverage on international mail. Special handling charges apply only to Standard Mail and Parcel Services parcels. PS Form 3877,February 2002 (Page 2 of 2) Affix Stamp Here (If issued as I certificate of or for additiol copies of this Postmark at Date of Redi Postage Fee Name and Address of Sender grcha rot 6. ac.we? 3 z-6 0P.4. Ave a " Article Number 1.g (Cho.,--ot roce.e. //I 2.le4 -1245t- C-At/e.-- -e. 3.1RACNv ctou, CcroXAvt, 4.1 kcirlAx4)- ant Crok 9-eAP .3zg Cff.-e-5,11114/ P-tchatrrA6 Ro‘4,- Cre1 Ave. ea&CO P-18 S v- 814(clot"- 32-6 eye 5 11-01.1- Check type of mail or service: CI Certified LI COD El Delivery Confirmation Express Mail El Insured AddressPe (Name,Street City,State,& ZIP Code) Xe7/.1 C. eteA... lae°4-°11-07( 111(ene-t4 Afev/A-5- • 70'1 /22,344 5r1.- /9e-rcA Vector-(./.47cAtio. vi/-7 5 V-- ige,,qe,A CA eiZa. xt.7 7.Yc 444-4771.9•‘=?:".1 Ctl erZ64(8 5*e7s10.4 .///m CA... Id 4-6 5 €ctc.17 67267 taoi 7-!;triort .f Go( t7a4-tert Aye- td-e ivy 11.5712, Mark- Artocro5,-ey 7613 f(Fth 54". 610ryt;Al_ez#011 CA 170'4 • (?2,0Crif ckt qX‘e8 ZO. 0 1200(/ v-e- 47"-- 490 18 UNITED VIITES POSTAI. SIR VICES 0000 U.S.POSTAGEPAID LONG BEACH, CA90809 MAY 20-16AMOUNT $2.88 R2304M111477-06 LII Recorded Delivery (International) El Registered O Return Receipt for Merchandise CI Signature Confirmation Total Num er of Pieces Total Nu r 'f Piece Postmaster, P (a e of receiving employee) Listed by Sender Received at •t Office See Privacy Act Statement on Reverse PS Form 3877,February 2002 (Pag 1 of C plete by Typewriter, Ink, or Ball Point Pen The full declaration of value is required on all domestic and international registered mail. The maximum indemnity payable for the reconstruction of nonnegotiable documents under Express Mail document reconstruction insurance is $500 per piece subject to additional limitations for multiple pieces lost or damaged in a single catastrophic occurrence. The maximum indemnity payable on Express Mail merchandise insurance is $500, but optional Express Mail Service merchandise insurance is available for up to $5,000 to some, but not all countries. The maximum indemnity payable is $25,000 for registered mail sent with optional postal insurance. See Domestic Mail Manual R900, S913, and S921 for limitations of coverage on insured and COD mail.See International Mail Manual for limitations of coverage on international mail. Special handling charges apply only to Standard Mail and Parcel Services parcels. PS Form 3877,February 2002 (Page 2 of 2) Name and Address of Sender 'pie-A."61 g 3z -E3C ..,51 A v e- 4 /71/fr,'Al Article Number 1•12,a,b„,Row& '3243,Cre 51 p eetet 2-gicitard 13-g'ou'se- B Cr.e."1 A acci 6. -2,ze> 0,4:24 ,a‘ 4.,P-oc4/ Z-6 Ce.-.93,74. 5.1?-4chave(e_<, c",e ;./ .4t/e,„ 64/4" Affix S t a m p H e r e (If i s s u e d a s a certificate o f m a i l i — or f o r a d d i t i o n a l I copies o f t h i s b i l l ) Postmark a n d I Date o f R e c e i 7. Check t y p e o f m a i l o r s e r v i c e : 0 Certified El R e c o r d e d D e l i v e r y ( I n t e r n a t i o n a l ) COD Registered El D e l i v e r y C o n f i r m a t i o n Return R e c e i p t f o r M e r c h a n d i s e Express M a i l • Signature C o n f i r m a t i o n El I n s u r e d Addressee (Name, S t r e e t , C i t y , S t a t e , & Z I P C o d e ) Postage CGti 33_3 C e - : , 5 ° 4 4 C . , (420 z j O doh":. meer, am 5 q zCz(5 .cv / 1 4 A (feteu, ti • .5 -4-- -1:749i7 igoa?gzaii Pecwi9/c.c.co s . - 6 = z , 4iez3 O f - e 3 . 1 A t z e , en C14-y0,-c 4;11.&hetc P-„ r e 2 ) . ( r c t d - Bel:4CA ei26-48 045.eyC g a - 5 C _.Zaire- 0 f l e 4 " .5 a r f . f i l e a e o ert Fee IS • 1, - ,%0 • 12016_ s P s 0000 U.PIOSTAGE 4IuLONG B E A C H , C A 90809MAY 2 0 1 6 AMOUNT $2. 1 6 R2304 M111477-06 0.) owesMOM L.;11 a11.1 L-3(3_) 1,113 • 0ta) 7SI tei) 0 8. Total Number of Pieces Total ber of ces Postmaster, Per (Name o f r e c e g e m p l o y e b ) Listed by Sender Recei d at Post ice See P r i v a c y A c t S t a t e m e n t o n R e v e r s e PS Form 3877,February 2002 •ag of )Corn e e b T y p e w r i t e r , I n k , o r B a l l P o i n t P e n e: The full declaration of value is required on all domestic and international registered mail. The maximum indemnity payable for the reconstruction of nonnegotiable documents under Express Mail document reconstruction insurance is $500 per piece subject to additional limitations for multiple pieces lost or damaged in a single catastrophic occurrence. The maximum indemnity payable on Express Mail merchandise insurance is $500, but optional Express Mail Service merchandise insurance is available for up to $5,000 to some, but not all countries. The maximum indemnity payable is $25,000 for registered mail sent with optional postal insurance. See Domestic Mail Manual R900, S913, and S921 for limitations of coverage on insured and COD mail. See International Mail Manual for limitations of coverage on intemational mail. Special handling charges apply only to Standard Mail and Parcel Services parcels. PS Form 3877,February 2002 (Page 2 of 2)