HomeMy WebLinkAboutAdministrative Permit APX2016012 - District MapandAve P rtland sta.:pc:7,z oAve. NashvilleAve. OS-PR fMm hisAve LincolnAve.HHEJJ KnoxvIlleAve, Joist Ave. HartfordAve Macia Ave GenevaAve FrankfortAve. ElmiraAve Peca Ave DetroitA e. ChilesoAve.O&M RMHA BaltimoreAve, CAUTION WHEN USINGTHIS MAP Information shown hereon is a compilation of data from sources of varying amurocy and is provided as a convenience to the user. The City of Huntingthn Bench does not guaranteeits completenessOraccuracy. It is the user's responsibility to verify all information to their own satisfaction. ET PublicRightof Ways I:7j PrivateRightofWays Notes: See legend page for description of zoning designations Any zone adjoining any right of wny is intended to extend to the center or such right of way. CityofHuntingtonBeach OrangeCounty,California ADOPTEDMarch7,1960 City CouncilOrdinanceNo. 754 RL ZoningDesignations 1 Parcels --- CityBoundary SECTIONALDISTRICTMAP 11-6-11 500 1000 Feet P: AroGIS Projects\Atlases1Z.oningAtlas DM March 2006