HomeMy WebLinkAboutAdministrative Permit APX2016012 - Supporting DocumentsBOARDof zoninGADJUSTMEMSleCITYOFHUNTINGTONBEACH•CALIFORNIA P.O. B O X 1 9 0 . 4 2 6 4 8 PHONE(714)536-5271 ' CONDITIONALEXCEPTIONNO.80-32 Applicant: Request: Location: LarryFaith 910HuntingtonStreet HuntingtonBeach,CA. Topermita reductionoftwo- hundredandforty.(240)sq.ft. intherequiredopenspace,five (5)ft.reductionintherequired openspaceminimumdimension,and a reductionofsix(6)feetinthe rearyardsetback Subjectpropertyislocatedonthe eastsideofCrestAvenua andwithinthe10thStreetand CrestAvenueintersection.Lot 6,Block810,WesleyParkTract DateofApproval:July30,1980 FINDINGS: ThegrantingoftheConditionalExceptionwillnotconstitute a grantofa specialprivilegeinconsistentuponotherpropertIesinthevicinityandunderanidenticalzoneclassification. Becauseofspecialcircumstancesduetosize(2350+sq.ft.),the strictapplicationoftheR-1developmentstandardT,mhichare primarilydesignedtoaccomodate5,000sq.ft.orlargzrparcels, isfoundtodeprivesubjdctpropertyofprivilegesenjoyedby otherpropertiesinthevicinity. Thegrantingof a ConditionalExceptionisnecessaryin'orderto preservetheenjoymentof oneor more substantiAlpropertyrights. Thegrantingof a ConditionalExceptionwillnothe m a t e r i a l l y d e t r i - mentaltothepublicwelfare,orinjurioustopropertyinthesame zoneclassifications. S. ThegrantingoftheConditionalExceptionwillnotadverselyaffect theGeneralPlanoftheCityofHuntingtonBeach. CONDITIONSOFAPPRr'kL- CONDITIONALEXCEPTION-NO.8032 Page2 REASONS: 1. Theproposedstructureincludiagsetbacksandopenspace requirementswouldcoincide with developmentstandards designed folsmalltwenty-five(25)footlotslocatedwahin thetownlot- specificplanareaone (1)blockremovedfromthesubjeclparcel. CONDITIONSOFAPPROVAL*. A. TOBECOMPLETEDPRIORTOISSUANCEOFBUILDINGPERMITS: 1. TheconceptualplotplanandelevationsreceivedJuly9,1980 shallbetheapprovedlayout,subjecttothemodificationdes- cribedhereia: a. AlldevelopmentstandardsofArticlea35,TovnlotSpecific Planareaone,aretobecompliedwith. TheDepartmentofDevelopmentServiceswillperforma comprehensive plancheckrelatingtoallOrdinanceCaderequirementsUponsubmittal ofyourcompletedstructuraldrawings. PleasebeadvisedthattheBoard.ofZoningAdjustmentsreviewsthe conceptualplanasa basicrequestforentitlementoftheuseapplied forinrelationtothevicinityinwhichitisproposed.Theconceptual planshouldnotbeconstruedasa precis.:.,planreflectingconformance toallOrdinanceCoderequirements. It is recommendedthatyouimmediatelypursuecompletionoftheConditions ofApprovalandaddressallrequirementsoftheHuntingtonBeachOrdinance CodeinordertoexpeditetileprocessingofyourtotalapplAcation. IherebycertifythatConditional Exception No. 80-32 was approved by theBoardof ZoningAdjustmentsof theCityof HuntingtonBeach,Calif- orniaonJuly30,1980,upontheforegoingconditionsandcitations. rlesP.Spence,Secretary BoardofZoningdjustments BOARDofMN ADJUSTMEITTS CITYOFHUNTINGTONSEACH•CAUFORNIA NOTICEOFACTION MI PDX19642444 PHOW(114)536-5471 DATE:JAY_EL.1.980 APPLICANT:Larr Faith •• •• •• •••• • • SUWECT:ConditionalExcel:It:Linno.80,.12 Yourapplicationwasacteduponby ineftltinotonBeachBoardof ZoningACjustmentson Jni SO 190 , and yourrequestwas: CONDITIONALLYAPPROVED CONTINUEDUNTIL ,WITHDRAWN APPROVED DENIED X (seeattached) Undertheprovisionsof theRuntingtonBeachOrdinanceCode,the actiontakepby thehoardof ZoningAdjustmattsisfinalunlessan appealis filedto thePlanningCommissionbyyouorbyan interested party.Saidappealmustbe inwritingandmustsetforthin detailthe actionandgroundsby anduponwhichtheapplicantor interestedparty AlaelTShimselfaggrieved.Saidappealmustbe accompaniedby a filing feeof seventy-five($75.00)dollarsandsubmittedtotheSecretaryof thePlanningCommissionwithinten (10)daysof thedateof the Board'sdecision. Thelastdayforfilingan appealandpayingthefilingfeeforthe above-notedapplicationis crt es -_-_____. Provisionsof theHuntintonBeachOrdinanceCodearesuchthatany applicationbecomesnullandvoidone (1)yearafterthefinalapproval, unlessactualconstructionhasbegun. Verytrulyyours, CharlesP. Spencer,Secretary Boardof ZoningAdjustments \4 yv vePci. i ‘ek f.A7jv'• 9gt.:PCM5D Ov.itit.'-141:, bi5 Louerrf:pco.:::: \ \ -<5."`ci ••• . Lo'r s F2O f.9.4.4-. 51,14.L31/01060: 1694 Sq, Zeme. R-1 Laws:. De% .pntto,! Lo• 6,-PM<WO We5i4Y PARKSaan.w..1, 45,:nc44, P), ri,',MC,HAP. R.Ik/46r.coontrY 00 ApPgbx.e•At4,:ffidt=si-cf orrt op *.r1:0.17a7N. OZACIS LAPR.; L. rt.:Th io guiPttrWrot $4LAYiert4-1mtIWA611,GAWK 92(.48 14kor35:5-St.-2710t4 mn-m;nti BEECH p. ituriunewnaddt, C.lq. 42640 -OJ1 l",.!'4%;USTIV.IEkra • DATE-2...4q.' f1F.}1701ED ETVg2a4d 341- G11 8 17 I--— -- – -- - - 5'- CY'r5 4 • ••• 9 R00 tel ORDEN ?AD Rcort 8 1:el 2'e ,••••••: —'r i -11 _j___A. --,- .r r ••t:!, ' .. ,- .•• .1 • " '. ''' ' ,- ' :,.is....,t;1,‘ . .4. , I .1 ' , 4 24 _6, (3, 0—CI Cup, te, 1 VAC -".41'•plata)"Aty.CS,7..)4`0001140 cluald 4'On ' WALK it4 ctamet* Sal 0'i Lit;.3.15 FENT Fite.&AMR 5e.'NIA• ,14%tLd' fr 411INT H.-. -ten Laull . IOPtAt1 LARP,-1EArTHgioliumimIstramrst Will riCifori60:H ,CA 5*b6-i101-1. 'ft SI --- 41 --1..ell ‘0' PAIs Dit4iNtA itcom 1 4nthottrf .....,..„. ., 1..,,,•,,,t 1 •,, 4 . , ,- •, 1;sr'1444414'.'+.• ' 1 ; •.1-.'oi li. ,',L.!,t.4__, si.-e i ' ,,t:.,::.t,"- r ,, , ,4 fc4'.,i,.. ' ili:j.l''e... -4,::. '0'::*,.i''' IC(W I e I'.."-1 1•.:"+'!Vt.' I .,r,', i . ;7,;,,,,,,,,II, i ..:. ..,..,41'",...%!, t, 73. -- ,., ' ,$ 1, , 2 •;,1,1"41,,, 1 f C 1 1,,,, , ,. . ,,, ,.,,, r'."'4,• ' ,tif'r , 1... • s .„ .'atr • • at• la , ... . ,. •' I la•F''''-' i ' 4.'„ ' ‘, -.' •' ..' l ' . ' ' 71' 4.1"'' 'i' 7„': ,' '0 '1'.;'',I4 It ff .N4ii.t "i''.•*-1''''...'y' 'it A'lifi,:::„.,--t,.- .-,-4,-,,..,.,..,..._, ..., ., ,,,,..‘,4,...',.-,.. 10.i.-,..,-----,,,,,. „,..,.-..,';',-f.'L. ".11,,,f ,-. •:,.., 1. 0 •;let- ,..4 'at, , 12.,AI,)1% •2 j'y ., ‘• g$. •t -.- - . -..4,1,‘.:- ;.- i,'' ...'• c ,,...• 4,1,,,_ ‘41' - ••,'„);:.,,-, s'%„:',:s1-tr,. , M1 r3Ebr2C014 VNLIED Gel A r if 4 "// , `•',1s,''' •s II L.Wit40i Vt0014 'IL'S ‘f f. '%ityle:13.1)4=V , ' •,c1 •' • ', 1 'a 2 • •• .• ' • • 'h . ,,,...4Itto,kit.cillo.,, )t - - '"t. .-.., ,„.... . '5' 4' PRI:0141E1?cliitatiq .1,1-,,' a't r, 6 0 ,.....' r ' '4 ::%": .1.I. , ,.,"...'''''.1‘..: .1 ' If •., 'f 7 •I,..ai-,*igfr,, 'I r ' • ..-- , ..., • . ,. -,sIti-'1 :.`ti'l.--,::,i1,-4',..',...;T ' .,- • ,, -,. -I ,I :. :>:,i '"gli.:::•••tia7kii) ' v '`...14.'"' i; ' °AA;,I 201- 0" G,An AG,s ,•41. ,t p. LARRY FA 1114 le IU II(1•014 NUNT IN610,4 IleAc44 es-0 3 144 WerV 1/410,---ILdMAIN:11A{11115MATI I I I ill 11 I I,ii I I 11 .1 I II I 4 1 I I t (Illf ‘I a 4"° .41 I fr; I '.44t (.0 II, C. ELEVAT ILiII=1-0 , BOARDof /WHIGADJUSTMEMS CITYOFHUNTINGTONBEACH•CALIFORNIA P.O. BOX19042640 PHONE(714)536-5271 ' CONDITIONALEXCEPTIONNO.80-32 Applicant: Request: Location: LarryFaith 910HuntingtonStreet HuntingtonBeach,CA. Topermita reductionoftwo- hundredandforty.(240)sq.ft. intherequiredopenspace,five (5)ft.reductionintherequired openspaceminimumdimension,and a reductionofsix(6)feetinthe rearyardsetback Subjectpropertyislocatedonthe eastsideofCrestAvenua andwithinthe10thStreetand CrestAvenueintersection.Lot 6,Block810,NesleyParkTract DateofApproval:July30,1980 FINDINGS: ThegrantingoftheConditionalExceptionwillnotconstitute a grantof a specialprivilegeinconsistentuponotherproperties inthevicinityandunderanidenticalzoneclassification. Becauseofspecialcircumstancesduetosize(2350+sq.ft.),the strictapplicationoftheR-3developmentstandardi-,whicharc primarilydesignedtoaccomodate5,000sq.ft.orlargcrparcels, isfoundtodeprivesubjdctpropertyofprivilegesenjoyedby otherpropertiesinthevicinity. Thegrantingof a ConditionalExceptionisnecessaryin 'orderto preservetheenjoymentofoneormoresubstanti0.1propertyrights. • 4. Thegrantingofa ConditionalExceptionwillnotbe materiallydetri- mentaltothepublicwelfare,orinjurioustopropertyinthesame zoneclassifications. 5. ThegrantingoftheConditionaltxceptionwillnotadverselyaffect theGeneralPlanoftheCityofHuntingtonBeach. CONDITIONSOFAPPR('AL- C O N D I T I O N A L E X C E P T I O N - W . 8 0 3 2 Page2 REASONS: 1. T h e p r o p o s e d s t r u c t u r e i n c l u d i a g s e t b a c k s a n d o p e n s p a c e requirementswouldcoincidewithdevelopmentstandardsdesigned folsmalltwenty-five(25)foot l o t s l o c a t e d w4thinthetownlot- specificplanareaone(1)blockremovedfromthesubject.parcel. CONDITIONSOFAPPROVAL: A. T O B E C O M P L E T E DPRIORTOISSUANCEOFBUILDINGPERMITS: 1. T h e c o n c e p t u a l p l o t p l a n a n d e l e v a t i o n s r e c e i v e d J u l y 9 , 1 9 8 0 shallbetheapprovedlayout,subjecttothemodificationdes- cribedherein: a. A l l d e v e l o p m e n t s t a n d a r d s o f A r t i c l e 9 3 5 , T o w n l o t S p e c i f i c Planareaone,are t o b e compliedwith. TheDepartmentofDevelopmentServiceswillperforma c o m p r e h e n s i v e plan checkrelatingtoall O r d i n a n c e C o d e r e q u i r e m e n t s u p o n submittal ofyourcompletedstructural d r a w i n g s . Pleasebeadvisedthat theBoardofZoningAdjustmentsreviewsthe conceptualplanasa b a s i c r e q u e s t f o r e n t i t l q m e n t o f t h e use a p p l i e d forinrelationtothevicinityinwhichitisproposed.Theconceptual planshouldnotbeconstruedasa p r e c i s . : p l a n r e f l e c t i n g c o n f o r m a n c e toallOrdinanceCoderequirements. Itisrecommendedthatyouimmediatelypursuecompletion oftheConditions ofApprovalandaddressallrequirementsoftheHuntingtonBeachOrdinance Codeinordertoexpeditethe p r o c e s s i n g ofyourtotalapplication. I h e r e b y c e r t i f y thatConOilionalException N o . 80-32 was a p p r o v e d by theBoard of Zoning Adjus t m e n t s o f t h e C i t y o f H u n t i n g t o n Beach,Calif- orniaonJuly30,1980,upontheforegoingconditionsandcitations. rlesP.Spence,Secretary Boardof Z o n i n g d j u s t m e n t s 4.71,1 BOARDof 101lifiGADJUSTMEATS CITYOfHUNTINGTONBEACH.CALIFORNIA NOTICEOF ACTION p.oNot190.4261111 MOM (714)5$6-52171 Igt.21_1980 APPLICANTt Lar Faith SUBJECT;ConditionalExceptiinIgo.8042 Yourapplicationwasacteduponby ineHue.tingtonBeachBoardof ZoningACjustmentsOn Jui SO 1986 , and yourrequestwasp CONDITIONALLYAPPROVED CONTINUEDUNTIL WITHDRAWN APPROVED DENIED X • ••• ,.(seeattached) Undertheprovisionsof theHuntingtonBeachOrdinanceCode,the actiontakenbytheBoardofZoningAdjustmantsisfinalunlessan appealis filedto thePlanningCommissionbyyouor byan interested party.Saidappealmustbe inwritingandmustsetforthindetailthe actionandgroundsby awluponwhichtheapplicantor interestedparty deemshimselfaggrieved.Saidappealmustbe accompaniedby a filing feeof seventy-five($75.00)dollarsandsubmittedbotheSecretaryof thePlanningCommissionwithinten (10)daysof thedateof the Board'sdecision. Thelastdayforfilingan appealandpayingthefilingfeeforthe above-notedapplicationis m (14 ......._....._....._.• ProvisionsoftheHuntingtonBeachOrdinanceCode are such thatany applicationbecomesnullandvoidone (1)yearafterthefinalapproval, unlessactualconstructionhasbegun. Verytrulyyours, CharlesP.Spencer,Secretary' Boardof ZoningAdjustments Def:t 1-o1t,-P»..K BLO Wast..S./ PARK s5c.lbt3, t3,01414, Pcs,11,MI54, HA R.Andr.coohrri Lo'r 2'3.50 e3Ln4.VR.AC IO94 /e.t.a R-S. . I ,... ', •!.\cr.X ....--, ',.. X •-CA, 11,,,,,„:,.,,.... ..‘,7.• \ -L?C'''' - - - -- *-P '\ AI-vs • •A--. ..-R c.A:• ....• •"' • ._ .-••••0•••;R:W-544,16 Psi', _ 4-O 'Zn - •go 4tx k ! II 1 it\s",\APPKoi -4GA1,0 Ike =-(), • `•.? • • :•<1 N.044 ' Ai -- j - * C5TY -•::!:41:g2.7.W21aaacn OF '2531KIENKA 1-,21i..".1:5111VJEufra (*KU DATF 7.1.11"1IED 53111,4Z4 ; LAR;L. 910 1o41116-1•0t, 551.;t•retriGirm 61FAGIi,eAbIA. 9•164s ih401.551 -picot SEACH. v.lbHtmun5tonpoen,cit.0264V ec-:-Flo-•• -3it' G" zi it Asa Cin 11,g gloomE ROOVI OA DEN ' Miva•CER S5020:44 1 a gr:;•::;;iF.,.; / a.:I. '8I•el ---k- 2 Z 2=6 •`-`<l),:-;;,..••.• - 1 -6-1,-6, o c--. .........„ . ,• ... .•., - -. : ; , . i .,..,-rta VALL-M0 7,! .•„I;A,:•:i .„ •L. r! s" ' CE11.1Nd - ..1/401;• Isar'. ••- . •, 61-e . . • •• •'1.• • •• ' 14 • ,' .•• ,,k • „tj.%--:it0 41.•!;;4ff4,4 4-1-4.4 .• • (relx:f.-;:•."-..404--: . . .• • .....•• • our?0g-nun 5c.A LE • IA= 04 ' , LAIZKY stol4uN:111•MoN 51•• , . itufmt.K.4616.5A1-1A,CA 5'519-i1o44- • • _ oge4r, ,cr:7411 WALK -10 Clefri 61. AFE 0 -•-k) < a ••-•.9 4 ,t , • %,• 9711(..4 cYJ • r 4 -I 2 I ;II J1 1 I I 1.1 I A.A III 4 I I I I I 1 Ai 44 , sof,p0 X". 1A.1 , ,,, • - ""1 o'c"" 1/111,17:114 rrI4 FD Ouni-risl4rtg4 5 - 0 14014TINGT0N g e A c 4 - 1 \PSU,- 2 4 0 4 _ G e--d--0 0 2 - MERCITK&Min ILE‘qtrligH I 1 I—-Id I' •BOARDof ZOIIII1GfiDJUSTMECITS 14 le CITYOFHUNTINGTONBEACH.CALIFORNIA P.O. B O X 1 9 0 4 4 2 6 4 8 PHONE(714)536-5271 LarryFaith 910HuntingtonStreet HuntingtonBeach,CA. Topermit a reduction of two- hundredandforty.(240)sq.ft. intherequiredopenspace,five (5)ft.reductionintherequired openspaceminimumdimension,and a reduction of six (6) feet in the rearyardsetback Subjectpropertyislocatedon the east side of Crest Avenue and within the 10th Street aria Crest Avenueintersection. Lot 6,BlockBIO,WesleyParkTract Dateof Approval:July30,1980 FINDINGS: ThegrantingoftheConditionalExceptionwillnotconstitute a grant of a special privilege inconsistent upon otherpropertiesin the vicinity and under an Identical zone classification. Becauseof special circumstances due to size (2350+sq. ft.), the strictapplicationof theR-1developmentstandards,mhichare primarilydesignedto accomodate5,000sq.ft.or largcrparcels, is found to deprive subjdct property of privileges enjoyed by otherpropertiesin thevicinity. The grantingof a ConditionalExceptionis necessaryin'orderto preservethe enjoymentof one or more substantiAl property rights • 4. Thegranting of a ConditionalExceptionwillnotbe materiallydetri- mentaltothepublicmelfare,or injurioustopropertyin thesame zoneclassifications. 5. ThegrantingoftheConditionalExceptionwill not adverselyaffect the General Plan of the City of Huntington Beach. C&DITIONALEXCEPTIONNO.80-32 Applicant: Request: Location: CONDITIONSOPAPPRAL - CONDITIONALEXCEPTION,NO.8032 Page2 REASONS: 1. Theproposedstructureincludiagsetbacksandopenspace requirementswouldcoincidewithdevelopmentstandardsdesigned. foismalltwenty-five(25)footlotslocatedwahinthetownlot specificplanareaone(1)blockremovedfromthesubjectparcel. CONDITIONSOFAPPROVAL:. A. TOBECOMPLETEDPRIORTOISSUANCEOFBUILDINGPERMITS: 1. TheconceptualplotplanandelevationsreceivedJuly9,1980 shallbetheapprovedlayout,subjecttothemodificationdes- cribedherein: a. AlldevelopmentstandardsofArticle935,TownlotSpecific Planareaone,aretobecompliedwith. TheDepartmentofDevelopmentServiceswillperforma comprehensive plancheckrelatingtoallOrdinanceCoderequirementsUponsubmittal ofyourcompletedstructuraldrawings. PleasebeadvisedthattheBoardofZoningAdjustmentsreviewsthe conceptualplanasabasicrequestforentitlementoftheuseapplied forinrelationtothevicinityinwhichitisproposed.Theconceptual planshouldnotbeconstruedasa precisaplanreflectingconformance toallOrdinanceCoderequirements,. ItisrecommendedthatyouimmediatelypursuecompletionoftheConditions ofApprovalandaddressallrequirementsoftheHuntingtonBeachOrdinance CodeinordertoexpeditetheprocessingofyourtotalapplAcation. IherebycertifythatConOilionalExceptionNo.80-32wasapprovedby theBoardofZoningAdjustmentsoftheCityofHuntingtonBeach,Calif- orniaonJuly30,1980,upontheforegoingconditionsandcitations. rlesP.Spence,Secretary BoardofZoningdjustments .7. BOARDof 10flifiGfIDJUSTMERTS CITYCf HUNTINGTONillEACH•CALIFOtNIA NOTICEOF ACTION P.O.KA 1911.924411 11104/(714)51111-5471 DATE:July10,1940 APPLICANT;Lar Faith SUBaECT;ConditionalExcentiinNo.8042 Yourapplicationwasacteduponby tneHuntingtonBeachBoardof zoningAfjusbeentson JillSO IPSO ,and yourrequestwas: CONDITIONALLYAPPROVED CONTINUEDmal WITHDRDIN APPROVED DENIED X (seeattached) Undertheprovisionsof theHuntingtonBeachOrdinanceCode,the actiontaketbytheBoardof zoningAdjustmantsisfinalunlessan appealis filedtothePlanningCommissionbyyouorbyan interested party.54.13appealmustbe inwritingandmustsetforthin detailthe Actionandgroundsbyand.uponwhichtheapplicantor interestedparty deemshimselfaggrieved.Saidappealmustbe accompaniedby a filing feeofseventy-five($75.00)dollarsandsubmittedtotheSecretaryof thePlanningCommissionwithinten (10)daysof thedateof the Board'sdecision. Thelastday forfilingat appealandpayingthefinnyfeeforthe above-notedapplicationis pi 4 __-______. ProvisionsoftheHuntinytonBeachOrdinanceCodearesuchthatany applicationbecomesnullandvoidone (1)yearafterthefinalapproval, unlessactualconstructionhasbegun. Verytrulyyours, CharlesP.Spencer,Secretary Boardof ZoningAdjustments 5185-1 .z. ••,fr cr.c- _„,-------",, • \\ ‘. 7.— ‘--/ \,- Le511:. tre,.411.11iienr4: Lo-r t, - eri.K Bra v:g5t4Y PARK 55611N4, tJort ‘4, Ps, Il, MIS4, HA p5. crit.ANG crvbr•ri L o'r Lolit-RAG : Yorre . ••Pc''cl • 1.1'..v t;;;X14-`,1) • ;t. _ s1,4-8 - Pgr,pc,<AD •;jot: t.....:146tc, sSg OF 1T6i1ED .13112.4.44' 1.AP.R.1L. r/..;lh 141,,wfirscifcro rxr. VIL;Wit11614,1!1315A(.14,CAr.W. r)1.(.48 5-Str-'271bur P. t;.N. HUrd:ristors(kith. r.144.OMAR po )runirnn 13Et,CH . • • • -...- /RMS..ca; SN • \ 'Cs • 1:0 42.0&.• •-• ....A- .•-• ' • I N N APPRby..ca•t..g.'h IIe. s.. . , ...•• .. • .. ..*-: 21. cLos e l ' ' vALit4ED NC* -4- s•FE - • 0 SKYLIIELc°1 1-1 GIARAGa vinare nom 5c.A L E • Y e " 1 1 - d ' cll votslert ( 3 s o r a . c o m '1;11'1:1117e.611.3..1l'1)1) 0,0 IUDRoom 1 --ic-•2. G . 1f6).ell;±—6.-d ,•, „ t.:.,-........-.. .:... , -\-.- .•. 0 -.,4 ......,0 ' ..'''' .11,,:„...7,-z -1,-.EA ,,,,,,:0‘,,,,,...,.. ..._.,r',,tr'lk- l Jr ri''' .;,-4'..‘• ... 11‘ ', -.9 _I . • -MY° I f t ' y -1-• 4-.b.s•a . . ‘ ' 5 ) ' . 5 ' "r; v,/ I -. rr 4 . L, , 0 a . 1 1 . ! •. ,41*C" - • . ' ' • • . : 1 . 4 1 ) * * 1 1 4 0 C U M i a . l e i - 'Ir..'"11-' 4— -,.:— e ROOMI of{ Dm p' re M I a' -s H.^. - e n L e a c h . . I I 0 2 5 n .0 0 FArni 41014UMTINGTON , uR1ttglibi4650.4H,CA 1.2 ' I I I III II I I. I I If I 1.1 I I I I I I I I I 'I I %. " • •• •• I At '- 4$1,t)— ELEVAT it 7cci" slum leut 1400 R FA rri-1 (40 FIUNTINIderot•I ST, 14umin1aTONBeAGI-1 5 44,- 2404 cf0 -302- vei"-r.ILd - r-...._• , -------r ..---- -. --....„,.....--...,•..,--- 't ....„,,.•-•. ...., •-•-.,_(..---....--- .,-,......4 , , o a,0 r MUM [HAMM , o - 610`1". C oe 7 5 MAIN 15 WErF. P R\K PROJECT 939-50- 653-657 0 248AC \ 242 23\21 l 4 12BLK.8 \ \ \\, .....-%v, b 0,41 e.13 " '- \\f , ' 4 ' 05 \Alf, ' \\ % ,_ z.., 13 6 \ 10 10 \ \s 4, 1"=100' 51111 0 1 so \ a \ \ to \\ \ a \ \\ \ \ \•\ sS1 \ \x a \ - \ \‘'54 , 8 373 S \\ \ 1 Y 8 072 \ 1 , \ I 13.- A \ 6 'fa I> ,» •"."\18 17 - 1. .9. 23 CD —521'rt": s.6 \19 - 'o p 5165k 24rrt \2 -‹ 2 2 , N;7 26 6 , s -.8 •-.5 '.•III °Yo BLK. v, 't049,4 Sr, N.e t N 5 ha os -, -- -- ----f8 33 47 ,•463 35 6 29 44 38 30 \ t\ \ n%1 0)-\9 'To 0 4: <,, 40 39 32 33 't ,,, . . 34 .f0 r,y 435Nr05.411c-e7 et'."....r 4, \6 PROJECT 939-50-658-660 0 30 AC 04 / N NOTE — ASSESSOR'S BLOCK ct PARCEL NUMBERS SHOWN IN CIRCLES ASSESSOR'S MAP BOOK 024 PAGE 07 COUNTY OF ORANGE MARCH 1948 HUNTINGTON BEACH, WESLEY PARK SEC Athl 4-17