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Initial Plan; Zoning Review IPZ2016007 - Supporting Documents
‘Z41 7 Cit of Huntin ton Beach A. I T __&____ - 2000 MAIN STREET CALIFORNIA 92648 1 £4. DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Plannin Division Code Enforcement Division Buildin Division 714/536-5271 714/375-5155 714/536-5241 October 17, 2016 Application: Initial Plan Zoning & Review No. 16-007 (Pena 3-unit Multifamily Residential) Applicant: Cesar Pena, 216 S. Euclid Street, Anaheim, CA 92802 Property Owner: Cesar Pena, 216 S. Euclid Street, Anaheim, CA 92802 Request: To review the conceptual plans for the development of a 3—story, 3-unit V multi-family residential building. Project Location: 417 Lake Street (west side of Lake St. and north of Orange Ave.) Dear Mr_. Pena: We appreciate the opportunity to review your conceptual plan for the proposed three story, three unit multi-family residential development. The following comments provided in this letter reflect Planning Division review only, should be considered preliminary, and subject to change upon receipt of any new information and/or submittal of an entitlement application. This review does not include comments from the Building Division, Public Works Department, or Fire Department. Zonin lGeneral Plan 1. The General Plan designation for the subject property is M-F-11/25-SP-PD (Mixed Use — 2.0 (MU) — 2.0 (C)/25 DU/acre — Specific Plan Overlay — Pedestrian Overlay). 2. The Zoning designation is SP5-CZ within District 1 (Downtown Specific Plan — Coastal Zone Overlay District) . ' Re uired EntitlementslA lication Submittal Re uirements: 1. The project consisting of a three story, three unit multi-family residential development on a vacant lot on a site with less than 100 feet of street frontage will require a conditional use permit to the Zoning Administrator. The fee for a conditional use permit is $4,556. Additionally, the subject site is located within the coastal zone overlay and will require a coastal development permit. The fee for a coastal development permit is $1,766.50. Lastly, the subject site is also located within a specific plan area and will require review by the Design Review Board. The fee for design review is $905. Enclosed with this letter is the associated application with instructions on submittal requirements. Prior to submitting an application and printing the required 12 sets of plans, please call (714) 536-5271 to_ schedule a mandatory pre-application submittal meeting. 2. Multi-family residential projects within District 1 are subject to'the development standards within District 1 on Figure 3-24 (Lake Ave. standards) of the Downtown Specific Plan (SP5), and n_ot the development standards within District 4. A zoning conformance matrix showing 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. compliance with District 1 standards should be provided on the title sheet of plans submitted for entitlements. Verify with the Public Works Department for any required alley dedications to the rear and side of the subject site. Any required alley dedications must be shown on plans and fully dimensioned. The net lot area after any required alley dedications must be provided on plans and fully dimensioned. - Verify with the Public Works Department for public or private utility and distribution facilities requirements per Section 3.2.28 of SP5. Landscaping must be provided and is subject to Section 3.2.12 of the SP5 and the Huntington Beach Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance (HBZSO). Plans submitted for entitlements must provide conceptual landscape plans with dimensions. Proposed fencing and walls must comply with Section 3.2.13 of SP5 and sight distance requirements for alley access areas within Section 230.88 of the HBZSO. Additionally, walls in the front yard setback shall not exceed 42 inches. Open space requirements are subject to Section 3.2.16 of SP5. There is a 150 sq. ft. minimum of open space (private or common) per residential unit and shall not be located in areas dedicated to parking, access aisles, and driveways. Any proposed private or common open space areas must be fully dimensioned and comply with the minimum dimensions and other provisions within Section and of SP5. For developments of more than 2 units, the developer shall install an on-site lighting system on all vehicular access ways and along major walkways. Lighting must comply with Section 3.2.17 of SP5. Refuse and recycling areas are subject to Section 3.2.19 of SP5 and plans submitted for entitlements must provide full dimensions and elevations with color and material details. Enclosures shall be roofed with a solid, impervious material and must be screened on at least 3 sides by a 6-foot high wall that is consistent with the design, materials, and colors of the main structure onsite. The proposed project is subject to the affordable housing provisions within Section 3.2.20 of SP5 and Section 230.26 of the HBZSO. New residential projects with three or more units must provide a minimum of 10% affordable units. The whole number established by dividing the total unit count proposed by 10 shall be affordable housing units unless the developer elects to pay a fee in lieu of providing the units on-site to fulfill the requirement. Any. fractional amount may be paid with an equivalent in-lieu fee. The number of parking spaces must comply with Section 3.2.26 of SP5 and with Section 231-_18(D)(6)(a). - The minimum parking space requirements for residential uses are 9 ft. in width and 19 ft. in depth. All residential parking spaces are subject to the design standards within Chapter 231 of the HBZSO. In accordance with Section of SP5, the minimum aggregate interior setback - requirement for parcels of exclusively residential development shall be 20 percent of the street frontage, with a minimum of 3 feet on a side. Due to the irregular lot shape, the aggregate side yard setbacks must be an average of the street frontage along Lake Street and the rear property line. Plans submitted for entitlements must clearly identify the average of the front and rear property line, and the aggregate side yard setbacks must reflect that average. 15. The design of the proposed project should be consistent with the recommended design guidelines in Section 4.4 of Book 2 of SP5 and compatible with the surrounding structures. Zonin Code Re uirements Based upon preliminary review of the conceptual site plan for conformance with the Huntington Beach Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance following issues have been identified below. Again, these requirements do not address Building and Fire codes, and Public Works requirements. Please note that several comments identify incomplete information and therefore compliance could not be confirmed. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Sustainable or “green” building practices shall be incorporated into all projects proposing new structures and site improvements. Sustainable building practices shall include (but are not limited to) those recommended by the US Green Building Council’s Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) program certification or Build it Green’s Green Building Guidelines and Rating Systems. (Downtown Specific Plan Section 3.2.2) If any existing Oceanside or on-street parking within the coastal zone is removed, it shall be replaced on a one for one basis in an area that would not result in the loss of any sandy beach area and within walking distance of the existing site. Replacement parking shall be assured prior to the issuance of the coastal development permit and shall be provided before any existing parking is removed so that there will be no reduction in the number of ' parking spaces available. (HBZSO Section 231.28) The minimum dimension for a residential parking space is 9 ft. in width and 19 ft. deep. (HBZSO Section 231.14) The maximum building height shall be set at the highest point of the curb along the front property line. If no curb exists, datum shall be set at the highest centerline of the street along the front property line. (HBZSO Section 230.70) The site plan shall include all utility apparatus, such as but not limited to, backflow devices and Edison transformers. Utilitylmeters shall be screened from view from public right-of- ways. Electric transformers in a required front or street side yard shall be enclosed in subsurface vaults. Backflow prevention devices shall be not be located in the front yard setback and shall be screened from view. (HBZSO Section 230.76) All exterior mechanical equipment shall be screened from view on all sides. Rooftop mechanical equipment shall be setback a minimum of 15 feet from the exterior edges of the building. Equipment to be screened includes, but is not limited to, heating, air conditioning, refrigeration equipment, plumbing lines, ductwork and transformers. Said screening shall be architecturally compatible with the building in terms of materials and colors. If screening is not designed specifically into the building, a rooftop mechanical equipment plan showing proposed screening must be submitted for review and approval with the application for building permit(s). (HBZSO Section 230.76) ' The site plan and elevations shall include the location of all gas meters, water meters, eleqtrical panels, air conditioning units, mailboxes (as approved by the United States Postal Service), and similar items. If located on a building, they shall be architecturally integrated with the design of the building, non-obtrusive, not interfere with sidewalk areas and comply with required setbacks. (HBZSO Section 230.76) All parking area lighting shall be energy efficient and designed so as not to produce glare on adjacent residential properties. Security lighting shall be provided in areas accessible to the public during nighttime hours, and such lighting shall be on a time-clock or photo-sensor system. (HBZSO 231.18.C) Thank you for submitting your Initial Plan Zoning & Review application. Please call me at (714) 374-5317 or via email at 'essica.bui surfcit -hb.or if you have any questions regarding the information in this letter or if you would like to schedule an appointment to discuss this matter in detail. Sincerely, Jessica Bui Assistant Planner Enclosures: General Planning Application Cc: Jane James, Planning Manager Project File 1 4 K EU) 52 E§‘ct’; \ MARCH 1943 <0&1\/ ‘fig st“ e _L \\ J < ,4 . 024 1 3 ‘3 ACACIA AVENUE ‘S /, . ND’ 115' - . 27.2!‘ 4’._=‘~*== 31..5- 2a L___@i " = 32 2 "'5 25 . *2. “=,_—¢ 33 " '2 x.¢9N@—- 1-: 1734 22 21 us‘ “ § ,\/ 21 BLK1‘ M17506 28 4 "5'. "C5 27 :\ (D :$ 7" = 700’5 ‘MD 14211.! 26 h .<‘->\ Igré‘ o< Vex BLK 505 "' .66 I H \\\ I “G .l2~nIs — — — _ \ . 0- "fr. , 25 uI.5' :7: \((> . /\ (7.3 24 23 b g \ E F S 23 4;‘ :2 11.5’ H I 22 E: ,6 I \-3:‘ 24--, ,65 30 Q M ‘x 26 _ _ :_4..3 9'’ ?~ . 25 3 @n1.so' 2 5 n7.s' 29 '5' \\ '6' U” ~ . -9,, 96) ms /40 0 2019 25 % $0‘ J. 9* TRACT *=e, ' as E3 ”,,,~’ :5 27 / 2 PECAN AVENUE ‘:2 Q 5 ‘ PROJECT 957-19-1.54-225 2/ *5 / .4 ’ / . LOTS 14. 2 A -‘b _, J7 *5 15*): / ' 24 zo-'14 13 29 ""/ .5 47 75 '7 I -@—__y H 7 25 1.vc 1' 30 jfii - *5 +4 Ii-‘F?-\4 K7‘-9- . . 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' ‘ ' I “_ No, 290.03 E‘ I 5: "I I #2 7-5 I I -a ‘I b 2 ORANGE i: l—- .9 —l ‘n AVENUE '2 I’!R K I l' I I I f 1 14 I I I I I 1 W I :3 I‘ D‘ HUNTINGTON BEACH. (mm 57. SEC.) M. M. 3-43 NOTE — A$$E$5UR’$ BLOCK a ASSESSU/?’5 MAP 'nucr /v0. 12900 M.M. s21—42 1'0 47 inc. PARCEL /vumams 300K 024 PAGE 13 I: TRACT NO. 1412.? MM. 656-11. 12 SHOWN IN CIRCLES COUNTY OF ORANGE /A P A T I-:.sMEAn_:_1/crc/u;tact: Tn: Cesar Pena 342 5"‘ Street Huntington Beach. CA 92648 ATTN! U COURIER CEIFIEE 2 Sets for City of Huntington Beach- Initial Plan, Zoning & Review DATE: PRI:I.JEI:T NAME: PSA PRDJEBT ND: CLIENT FREIJECT NEH U FACSIMILE (0 Pages to 000.000.0000) DESCRIPTION _.U U HAND DELIVERY IF ATTACHMENTS ARE NOT AS NDTED, PLEASE NDTIFY US IMMEDIATELY. __ Cesar, The fee for the Initial Plan, Zoning & Review should be $357.00. FREIMI “ ICFI‘/En mu-" M1/5 I. of <3 Build/h:W”"‘9 September 6, 2016 Lake Street UU.S. MAIL This transmittal is confidential, may be legally privileged, and is for the intended recipient only.Access, disclosure, copying, distribution, or reliance on any part of it by anyone else is prohibited and may be a criminal offense. If you have obtained this in error, please notify us immediately. pa‘: 1;.’ y».-gg-F .,:;'*.‘«ev ’‘ ' I ITEM . General Planlzoning Design Guidelines Sustainable Development (322 pg. 3-3) Alleys and Vehicular Access Ways (32.6 pg. 3-5) October 10, 2016 IPZR 16-007 (PENA 3-UNIT MFR) — 417 LAKE ST. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS PROPOSED General Plan: M-F11/25-SP-PD - -- (Mixed Use — 2.0 MU — 2.0 C/25 DU/acre - Specific Plan Overlay — Pedestrian Overlay) Zoning — SP5-CZ Downtown Specific Plan — Coastal Zone Overlay) SeeBook 2: Downtown Specific Plan Guidelines and Strategies, -- Chapter 4, Design Guidelines Sustainable or “green" building practices shall be incorporated into -- all projects proposing new structures and/site improvements. ' Sustainable building practices shall include (but are not limited to) those recommended by the US Green Building Council’s Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) program certification or Build it Green's Green Building Guidelines and Ratin S stems. -1. Access to development shall not be taken directly from 1. PCH, Main St, or 5"‘ St.; new driveway or alley curb cuts on these right-of-ways are prohibited. 2. 2. Vehicular access shall be limited to the alley where alleys are provided. Not located on PCH, Main St., or 5"‘ St. Vehicular access into garage is taken from side and rear alley. 3. All alleys not highlighted on Figure 3-3 shall be a 3. Side and rear alleys are minimum of 20' wide and no more than ‘/2 of the total highlighted for even alley dedication shall be from one side, as measured dedication. from the centerline of the public right-of-way. 4. 4. Figure 3-3 designates the amt. of dedication required from each side for alleys within or bordering District 1. All alleys shown on Figure 3-3 shall be 24' wide. a. For alleys with Even Dedications, no more than ‘/2 Alley must be 24’ wide. Even dedication = no more than1/2 of the alley dedication shall be from one side, as measured of the total alley dedication shall be from one side, from the centerline of the as measured from the centerline of the public right- public right-of-way. of-way. 5. No service/loading area b. For alleys with Uneven Dedications, an ultimate proposed. right-of-way width of 14' shall be dedicated from 6. Paving per PW the existing centerline to the commercial side of the 7. No lighting proposed alley and an ultimate right-of-way width of 10' shall be dedicated from the existing centerline to the residential side of the alley. 5. Service or loading areas shall not impede vehicular flow in alleys, and truck deliveries shall not interfere with parking or vehicular travel through alleys. 6. Pavin in alle s shall be er Public Works standards. COMPLIES Add code requirement to letter Need to show full alley dimensions for verification. Check for alley dedications already done. Advise applicant to consult with PW for requirements. Page 1 ITEM Exceptions to Height Limiis (32.6 pg. 3-7) Accessory Structures (3.2.9 pg. 3- 7) Building Separation (3.2.10 pg. 3- 8) Landscaping (3.2.12 pg. 3-9) October 10, 2016 Chimneys, vent pipes, cooling towers, flagpoles, towers, spires, IPZR 16-007 (PENA 3-UNIT MFR) — 417 LAKE ST. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS PROPOSED The driving area shall be capable of supporting a fire apparatus (72,000 pounds and 12,000 pound point load). 7. Alleys shall be well lit; landscaping shall remain low, and visibility within and around the alley shall remain 0 en. Architectural feature on the front elevation (right side) goes over the max building height. domes, Cupolas, parapet walls not more than 4-’ high, water tanks, fire towers, fly towers associated with performing arts theaters, transmission antennae (including wireless communication facilities) radio and television antennas (except satellite dish antennae), and similar structures and necessary mechanical appurtenances (except wind—driven generators) may exceed the maximum permitted height in the district in which the site is located by no more than 10'. Adverse impacts to public views shall be minimized. All structures incidental and accessory to a permitted principal use or structure may be erected on any parcel containing a main building provided that such structures conform to the following: 1. Shall not exceed 15' in height. 2. Shall not be closer than 10’ to any other structure on the same parcel. 3. Shall not encroach into utility or other recorded easements. 4. Shall conform to all setback requirements. 5. Parking structures are excluded from this provision but must meet the standards set fourth in Section 3.2.26. Parkin of this document. 1. 10’ minimum separation between buildings on the same site. 2. 6' minimum separation between a patio cover and another building on the same site. In addition to City standard landscape plans and specifications, as well as requirements found in Chapter 232 of the HBZSO, the following standards shall apply. 1. All setback areas fronting on or visible from an adjacent public street shall provide: a. 70% minimum landscaping material, including a combo of trees, shrubs, and groundcover. b. 30% max of the setback area shall be covered in hardscape materials, which may include driveways, paths or accent features. c. Commercial and mixed-use development in District 1 and sin le-famil residential develo ment shall None proposed No detached structures on-site None shown on plans. COMPLIES Yes Advise applicant to comply with requirements in SP5 and HBZSO. Page 2 ITEM Fences and Walls (3.2.13 pg. 3-10) Minimum Dwelling Unit Size (3.2.15 pg. 3-12) Open Space for MFR Development (3.2.16 pg. 3-12) October 10, 2016 EPZR 16-007 (PENA 3-UNT-MFR) — 417 LAKE ST. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS be exempt from this requirement for all setbacks. 2. The setback areas adjacent to parking lots shall include at least 300 square feet of landscaped area with trees planted no closer than 30’ on center. Tree variations shall adhere to the City's approved tree species. Landscaping located within the setback shall not be included when calculating the minimum landscaping required within the parking lot interior. 4. All landscaped areas shall be permanently maintained in an attractive manner: 5. Landscaping shall not interfere with visibility for crime prevention purposes. 6. Landscaping shall not impede or affect sight distance and visibility requirements of vehicular traffic. 7. Special sub-surface construction may be required by the City. 8. All landscaped areas shall comply with the City's Water Efficient Landsca e Requirements of the HBZSO. All Districts 1. 6’ maximum height. 2. 42" maximum height within the front yard setback. 3. Sight distances shall be maintained per Section 230.88 of the HBZSO. 4. Both sides shall be articulated with materials and colors that are similar or complementary to the project buildings. 5. A pilaster, change.in wall plane, or other design feature shall be provided a minimum of every 12' to avoid presenting a blank wall where visible from the public right-of-way. 6. Chain link fencing, barbed wire fencing, and smooth-face block walls are prohibited. 500 square feet minimum dwelling unit size shall apply to all _C,'.) ' residential dwelling units. 150 square feet minimum per residential unit shall be consolidated to provide open space area (privéte and common) For purposes of this section, open space shall mean an area that is designed and intended to be used for active and passive recreation. Parking areas, access aisles, and driveways shall not qualify as usable o en space. PROPOSED No details of proposed fencing on plans. Unit 1: 3,651 SF Unit 2: 1,677 SF Unit 3: 1,226 SF No open space areas shown on plans. COMPLIES Advise applicant of requirements per SP5 for fencing and walls. Wall in the front yard (landscape wall) shall not exceed 42" Sight distances must be maintained’ for alley access per HBZSO Section 230.88 Yes Advise applicant of open space for MFR developments. Needs 450 sq. ft. total. Page 3' ITEM Private Open Space ( pg. 3-13) Common Open Space ( pg. 3-13) V Lighting for MFR Development (3.2.17 pg. 3-13) October 10, 2016 EPZR 16--007 (PENA 3-UNT MFR) — 417 LAKE ST. DEVELOPMENT STANDARbs 1. 2. 9'1 6. 7. 1. .99!” 4. 5. 1. 2. PROPOSED 6’ minimum width shall be provided in courts or balconies. T 60 square feet minimum of private open space shall be provided in a minimum of 75% of the dwelling units. Shall be contiguous to the dwelling unit. Shall not be accessible to any dwelling unit except the unit it serves. 42" minimum height wall or hedge shall physically separate private open spacefrom common areas. 60" minimum height wall, hedge, or planted vine fence shall provide a physical separation between individual private open spaces. Shall be open on at least one side but need not be open to the sk . - 10' minimum width in any direction shall be provided for any interior side yard, patio, court, terrace, and/or rooftop deck counted toward common open space requirement. Shall substantially be open to the sky. Driveways and parking areas shall not be counted toward common open space requirement. Projects with more than 20 units shall inciude at least one amenity, such as a clubhouse, a swimming pool, a tennis court, a volleyball court, an outdoor cooking facility, or other recreation facility. Such common amenity spaces shall count toward the common open space requirement. In multiple unit developments, common areas shall be guaranteed by a restrictive covenant describing the common area and its maintenance and improvement, running with the land for the benefit of the residents. The developer shall file with the Department of Planning for recordation with the final subdivision map legal documents that will provide for restricting the use of common spaces for the designated purpose,.as approved on the final deveiopment plan. All lands to be conveyed to the homeowner’s association shall be subject to the right of the grantee or grantees to enforce maintenance and im rovements of the common s ace. For developments of more than 2 units, the developer shall install an on-site lighting system on all vehicular access ways and along major walkways. Li htin shall be directed onto drivewa s and walkwa s No private open space shown on plans. No common open space shown on plans. No lighting detail provided. COMPLHES Advise applicant of private open space provisions. Advise applicant of private open space provisions. Advise applicant of lighting provisions. Page 4 ITEM —St3réQé §paEe'f5'c/iVTF§ V” '- Development (3.2.18 pg. 3-14) Refuse and Recycling Coliection Areas (3.2.19 pg. 3-14) October 10, 2016 EPZR 16-QB? (PENA 3-UNET MFR) — 417 LAKE ST. % DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS ’ *1“. 2. 3. within the development and away from adjacent properties. '5?J"cu6iE§’fe'et mifiimu'r}vEncI6§e'éi sfoTac]e s6:£é'I6cétEd ' ' outside the unit for each dwelling unit where a proposed residential development doesnot include a separate attached garage. All storage space shall be architecturally designed to complement the design of the dwelling units. All access ways shall be free and clear of any and all structures including, but not limited to, storagggreas. In all dei/a%3ments, refuse and recycling collection areas shall comply with the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 7. 8. 9. 10. Shall be located within a single enclosure that is roofed with a solid, impervious material. Shall be located within a building or screened on 3 sides by a 6’ high wall that is clad or finished with materials utiiized on the primary building surfaces and equipped with a gate. Shall be situated in order to minimize noise and visual intrusion on adjacent property as well as to eliminate fire hazard to‘adjacent structures. Shall not face a street or be located in a required setback. Shall be provided prior to occupancy. All access ways shall be free and clear of any and all structures including, but not limited to, refuse and recycling enclosures. Specific location shall be depicted on the grading plan and shall be approved by the City. ' The area shall be paved with impervious surface, designed to not allow run-on from adjoin areas, designed to divert drainage from adjoining roofs and pavements diverted around the area, and screened or walled to prevent off-site transport of refuse. The connection of refuse area drains into the storm drain system is prohibited; however, if feasible, the refuse enclosure shall be connected into the sanitary system. Develo ment shall adhere to Section 8.21 of the HBMC. PROPOSED 1. Each unit has a proposed attached garage. 2. No storage areas proposed. 3. None proposed. Not sufficie-nTdetaiIs for trash enclosure — only a site plan without dimensions and an elevation with no wall details are provided. 1. Single enclosure. 2. Screened on 3 sides — by 6’ high wall unknown 3. Is situated toward the rear of the site and should not affect adjacent structures. 4. Does not face a street and is not located within required setback area. TBD Access not obstructed by proposed location of trash enclosure. Request on grading plan TBD TBD 0. TBD .°’.‘-7'"$°.°°." COMPLIES ‘ ’i.—'7es 2. N/A 3. N/A Advise applicant of refuse and ‘ recycling area provisions. 2. Request wall details 7. Show on grading plan 8. Must be on impervious surface 9. Connection to sanitary system 10. Adhere to Section 8.21 of HBMC Page 5 r ITEM ' Affordabie Housing (3.220 pg. 3- 15) : Parkiné (3.226 pg. 3-26) Genera! Parking Requirements ( October 10, 2016 EPZR 16»-097 QPENA 3-UNET MFR) -— 417 LAKE ST. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS 2. 1. 2. 3. 4. _O‘l 6. Affordable housing 1.Ail residential development must adhere to Section _230.26 0 the HBZSO. _ __ if the sits: is within the Redevebpment Project Area, at__‘ least 15% of all new residential units developed shall be_ 'provideo' aiaffordable housing cost to low anq >lmoderate—income households. Fora change of use, all parking shall be required as stated within this Specific Plan. All parking requirements not addressed by the Specific Plan shall be as required by Chapter 231 of the HBZSO. The impiementation of restrictions on public parking along public streets that would impede or restrict public access to beaches and/or other visitor serving amenities (including but not limited to the posting of “no parking" signs, red curbing, physical barriers, and preferential parking programs) shall be prohibited except where such restrictions are needed to protect public safety and where no other feasible alternative exists to provide public safety. Prior to implementing restrictions on public parking along public streets, the public safety concerns justifying such restrictions shall be on going and clearly documented by the City in a manner consistent with the City's standard procedures for documenting public safety concerns. Where restrictions are imposed, an equivalent number of new public parking spaces shall be provided within 500 feet of the public parking restriction as mitigation for impacts to coastal access and recreation. Such restrictions shall require a coastal development permit in accordance with Chapter 245 of the HBZSO. Modification to existing, legally established preferential parking districts shall be subject to CDP requirements in accordance with Chapter 245 of the HBZSO. Establishment of new preferential parking districts in the coastal zone shall be prohibited. Coastal Development Permit applications that include special permit or variance requests to deviate from off- slreet parking requirements may be approved, except . that requests that are found to impact public parking available for coastal access shall not be granted. Changes to parking hours and/or fess for on-street ublic parkin shall be sub'ect to CDP requirements in PROPOSED None~ proposed COMPLEES 1. Adhere to Section 230.26“ - 10% affordable or pay in-lieu fees, or off-site con§truction. 2- TED. Page 6 1 ml-Er1~c7:_a§T5§rW1g Spaces ‘£222:-1i”c1E'§g'aéz_c&a7<.s'_£2Ecga1Ted_(?27.2é_:.4 ‘ . Coaetai Zone Design Standaréis District 1 Special Parking 1. EPZR 16v-G97 {PEN/A 3-JJNET MFR) -=- 417 LAKE ST. “E” DEvE1_<:)PsmE.NT STANDARDS accordance with Chapter 245 of the HBZSO.’ 4.,» fiarliirigiSpacéADEneriéfic$}2§W . ‘H ' "r""ar_kTng: spéce dimerfiiong §h_a/ll’EE bér—'Sé'cEonT31 .1_4_'an'd ( pg. 3-27) -Section 231.16 of the HBZSO. _fiaTd1c:é[:§paces shall be per Section 231.12 of the HBZSO. ( pg. 3-27) pg. 3-27) computed on the basis of gross floor area, unless otherwise specified. 2. Any use classification not specifically identified herein shall be subject to he off—street parking requirements of Chapter 231 of the HBZSO. 3. Vehicle spaces required shall be per Figure 3-15. Fi ure 3-5 Re uirements: Multi-Family in District 1 (excluding subdistricts): 1. Studio and 1 bedroom units = 1 enclosed space per unit 2. 2 bedroom units =2 spaces (1 enclosed) per unit 3. 3 or more bedroom units =2.5 spaces (1 enclosed) per unit 4. 0.25 guest parking spaces per unit Bicycle Spaces Required ( Multi-family in District 1 = 1 bicycle space per dwelling unit & Figure 3-16 pg. 3-30) Bicycle spaces required shall be per Figure 3-16, however additional spaces may be required as deemed necessary during the review @0638. Each dwelling unit located in the Coastal Zone shah have a minimum of 2 on-site parking spaces. If the total coastal parking requirements exceed the total minimum parking as required by this section, the additional required parking spaces may be in tandem with enclosed spaces, provided the tandem spaces is assigned to an enclosed space and complies with the turning radius required by Chapter 231 of the HBZSO. Parking for residentialdevelopment shall be provided on-site. 2. Parking for hotel, motel, and bed and breakfast development shall be provided on-site. 3. Commercial develo ment is ermitted to satis some or ( pg. 3-30) Standards ( pg. 3-33) October 10, 2016 R‘e-.’férences to spaces per squargfbgf (SF) aE=,_{c'>?e'_ ' PROPOSED All pa:7l<i?1g/sfiacefeé ea'n'_e—9'§<>1*9'"l':>er HBZSO "‘UT1'ii'1":§T3R—‘ " _ " Unit 2: 2 BR Unit3: 1 BR Total required parking =6 3 enclosed, and 1 guest parking Proposed:6enclosed and 2 carport 3 bicycle spacés 3 units in CZ = 6 on~site parking spaces. Proposed =7 Yes N/A N/A N/A N/A .°‘P.°-’.'\’:“ COMPLEES Yes TBD — advise applicant of Section 231.12 Yes_ Yes Yes Yes Page 7 EPZR 16—®®!'I.’ (PENA 3»-UNETA‘ MFR) — 417 LAKE ST. ITEM DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS PROPOSED all of the required parking off-site upon approval of a 6. N/A Shared Parking agreement pursuant to No. 8 below and 7. N/A is subject to coastal development permit requirements in 8. N/A accordance with Chapter 245 of the HBZSO. Any parking provided on—site or off-site with an approved Shared Parking Agreement will require the payment of an in—lieu fee pursuant to No.7 below. 4. Ail new development‘ wiil be required to replace any on- siige parking associated with an existing use to be retained that is lost due to redevelopment as well as providing any net new parking required. All net new square footage shall provide parking as required by the Specific Plan. If 50% or more of existing square footage is demolished, all replacement square footage shat! provide all required parking consistent with the Specific Plan. For constrained sites parking may be provided on-site, off-site with a Shared Parking Agreement per No.8 below, or via the in-lieu Parking Fee program per 7 below. There shall be no reduction in the number of existing parking spaced for retained square footage. 6. Vehicular access to parking lots and structures must be taken from an alley or street. 7. In-lieu fee 8. Shared Parking Arrangements _U‘l No on—street parking is removed on plans. Oceanside or On-Street Parking within the Coastal Zone (231.28 HBZSO) If any existing oceanside or on street parking within the coastal zone is removed, it shall be replaced on a one for one basis in an area that would not result in the loss of any sandy beach area and within walking distance of the existing site. Replacement parking shall be assured prior to the issuance of the Coastal Development Permii and shall be provided before any existing parking is removed so that there will be no reduction in the number of _parking s aces available. Outdoor Storage (32.27 pg. 3-35) 1. Outdoor storage that is not enclosed within a structure is - not permitted, except for on single—family residential parcels. Storage of boats, trailers, RVs, and other similar vehicles shall be prohibited unless specifically designed areas for the storage of such vehicles are set aside on the final development plan, and in the case of condo developments, provided for in the association's covenants, conditions, and restrictions. Where such No outdoor storage is proposed. [0 October 10, 2016 COMPLIES Verify with applicant that no on- street parking spaces will be removed as a result of the project. Reference code section. Yes Page 8' 'L__J ITEM FUt7él'iti—eé_(é.2.2§‘z3T;:;T3-E Permitfied Uses ( pg. 3-41) s=erfite—c: Uses District‘: (Figure " 3-23 pg. 3-43) Minimum Parcel Size on Lake Avenue (pg. 3-45) October 10, 2016 EPZR ‘E6-06‘? {PENA 3-UNET MFR) — 417 LAKE ST. DEVELOF‘E‘J§ENT STANDARDS areas are provided, these areas shall be enclosed and screened from view on a horizontal plane from adjacent areas by a combo of a 6' high masonry wall and permanently maintained landscaping. 3. An average of 50 cubic feet of private storage shall be provided for each residential dwelling unit outside such unit. The private siorage space shall be fully enclosed and able to beflsked. _ _' All new and existing public and private utility lines and distribution faciiities, on both toe street and alley froniages, including but not limited to electric, communications, street lighting, and cable television lines, shaH be installed underground, except that surface mounted transformers, pedestal-mounted terminal boxes, meter cabinets, concealed ducts in an underground system and other equipment appurtenant to underground facilities located on private property or installed pursuant to a franchise or other agreement need not be installed underground. 2. Backflow protection device locations shall be constructed per the latest Public Works Standards and approved by the PW Dept. 3. All access ways shall be free and clear of any and all structures including, but not limited to utilit devices. Projects with 100’ frontage or greater shall require a CUP from the PC, and projects with less than 100' frontage and additions shall require a CUP from the ZA. _\ In areas where single—famiIy residential is permitted, no CUP shall be required for such use. Single~family residential in District 1 shali comply with development standards for District 4. Multi-familyTm—using, apartments, condos, and stock cooperatives (up to 4 units) = permitted with no entitlement. 25’ street frontage & 2,500 sf net area PROPOSED TBD Project site is less than 100' — CUP to ZA required? 3—unit MFR Street frontage = 66.5’ Approx. site = 5,545 SF COMPLIES Reference Utilities Section 3.2.28 of SP5 and advise applicant to speak to Public Works. TBD — is CUP to ZA required; or is it permitted by right? Definition of project per HBZSO: Project. Any proposal for new or changed use, or for new construction, alteration, or enlargement of any structure, that is subject to the provisions of this ordinance. Yes Yes ~ verify site size Page 9 EPZR ‘Q6-D37 (PEN/-X 3-UNET MFR):-— 417 LAKE ST. '75” l DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS PROPOSED CONIPLIES ' Max._SiEe CoveragE3.3.1.6 T None Required 7 J.” -~ *——__—'_~_—_.M— -7 ‘ '?' — Mai. D'éhsi'ty’é.3.1'.7" ‘ " ‘T ‘[36 dll‘/ac —' ' ’ ' “" ”""T ’’"_ ' 3uhifs ‘ "' " " " ‘ ’\/Es“ " " '_' "”_'—_" "' approx. site size = 5,545 SF/43,56OSF _. _ _ _,- -_-.. . . __ ___W _- 7 _ __ __._ _________ __ _. >I _ __3.Q_'_3L_J5.12_7 =_~°:8,__,_.__ ._ __ _ ___. _ ____.__ - Min. Building Height 25’ 35’ Yes Max Bldg. Height 35’_& 3 storieg G V 3 stories , _No? Max differential? 35' and 3 stories max for developments with less than 8,000 sf net 36.64’ from TOC site areas. Upper Stony Setback (3rd-4"‘ story) None required —- -- Front Yard Setback Min. 10’ 10‘ Yes 10' minimum setback for exclusively residential development. Setback may be reduced to 5' on up to 50% of the frontage provided that the average setback for the total street frontage is 10'. A 10' minimum landscaped setback shall be provided where a _ parking lot is adjacent to a public right-of-w*ay. _ Interior Side Yard Setback 3’ TBD Check Policy Memo CI-68 for _ __ _ _ fl interior setback policies for lots ‘The minimum aggregate interior setback requirement for parcels abutting alleys (interior or exterior). of exclusively residential development shall be 20% of the street jfroniage, with a minimum of 3’ on a side. 5’ minimum exterior setback for parcels where only residential _ __deyelopments are permitted. Exterior Side Yard Setback 5’ TBD, Check Policy Memo Cl-68 for interior setback policies for lots 10’ minimum exterior setback for parking abutting alleys (interior or exterior). October 10, 2016 Page 10 ..i 3 ._.‘_A N. 1 ITEM Comer Setback iéeaflérd §etbac'k' 31.3.1] 3 T "l>TzEiT(:“\7i'éi/TsT3"T” Public Open Space October 10, 2016 EPZR 16--0@7€P‘ENA 3»-UNET MF) -v— 4617 LAKE ST. I [DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS None required '3» Required Development proposals in District 1 between PCH and Walnut Avenue shall inciude a public View analysis. Setbacks may be increased and site coverage, density, and building heights may be reduced as necessary to protect public views of the ocean. Provision of public viewing locations from within a development may be required to offset adverse impacts of the development proposal on public views of the ocean. None required PROPOSED 31 ‘None pr'ovided_ COMPLIES ' ves“ Request from applicant Page 11 "7 . (095 ' Q9 4‘4* Y. .__, I \\ , < ,4 . 024 '1 3 5- ACACIA AVENUE 3% /_‘__ ___ 3 mo‘ ' - ,5, 2711- ‘(IW »~ 1... 2aM21___@’.‘_. '2 32 2 ' , ‘:1 ‘Q, I. 33 2" 2‘, J-Q/¥@§_:_ 1-. ‘L E 34 222°’ 21 us‘ 5‘ El 17 \/K -m I».xn 20 20 I9 12 " to 21 BL/(£5 ,,_, 17506 23 ' . \ '.5; " C” 27 _ \\ © 5 7" = 700’5 Q ,, 26 3 <<s{é\ Q 5; ,°_ 6 5 ,3 \- \BLK. 505 J___ a 7 as H— — —@—— \ \ u.ao- er. 25 111.5’ \'\? (.7 k: 24 "" 23 2 g (‘E-\ /\ V‘ \ 23 . "<3 « u1.' ‘: Q5’? . 2 — - — 6 5 5 .:'15;- 22 g ‘of 5”?’ '45 5 2425 — _ L _ 4 '3 ' 30 . § $7 ‘a - F‘\ ‘ 21 25 .3‘- ? ..,_,.- 2 " ' ..,.5- 29 ‘= '5' 'o. -= " Q90 .9‘ /5° ° 2° 28 “Ix %‘x x 9 . .0‘ . 39 $19 27 a Q“90* O;.._»o TRACT “oh, ‘,0 /67. 4,8 :5 / ;- <3 ‘s PECAN AVENUE ‘:2 Q 5 PROJECT 9J7—1g—154—226 /‘ ~*’ ’ 4 17 , ,O -1:. Q} J N» '5‘. / /"-3 " _ Lars 1 4.2 - .,¢'/ .' /{,5 I6 /1“ K ’:- /.»,_ ® _'__2, 24 2°-~ 13 29 /‘.1, 35 °.,’5 -" ;’ H - 25 ' uoa AC. " 3° ‘’ ~=.../ \~",~.='~ ’-"(igk21 25 _n . 31 . /.._,_ + «®/J1 . L. 9.9 ‘ \ é '// 6‘ - /___zo vs 3‘ ~ 2. ..-~°rRAcn,, é /;¢ /.20 '3» / __. 4 - - ¢\ _ / . ELK. "-5, 406 32 3% § zu;k’o. ‘_ - LOT 4 ‘"5’ L // /_// //'9’-/6 ¢,¢ 6;‘ 6/] ®,/’ In-so‘ E ,, ,, . _ _ . ' I / us‘. , 25 5 15-»-@5\=\ 9 .. "" _ ' ‘ .@ W '9‘‘::?..-- Mai)’ ,° ’*" :4, «- ’_ .51/<. 403 22 = .. .»-29 2 ., is *= ~ e 17 16 15 ®“ ;,_ 32, ,. ,,/ as °- 2 6 9.. 22 Q; “ - ‘u :2 5' 445' ‘in L0- .\o- “"5" m - ®/// ' St: I15 “L5”, §; ' 5 3° 12 “ :1 13 , 3 , .. ___ ',_ U‘, 34 “Q,_ * 7 _ K» °___®__za ' _____®___ V) ;- 1 . - _ - - 9- ii 4: 3 " - 5 - . h >. -E ____ 9 14 ’15 . 1 near 1225- =7.o1'Lm. C 9 " - H. 5 "7 . E 7 2 m.u- nus‘ 125' 5 1;~ 125- g ® if-“'75 h h 18 - ao- § _®‘=L__ ______ E h 4955-7 5 9_ - 11:033. H ,2 . 3.1;. 8 36 mm >~4__@___«_ ________.g_6 <4 ~ ‘cl , 5- '3‘! _ ._,_,, _ :.7a' . 5 us or 15 _; ‘E S l 3 19 3 *-__ _.._._ Q, _ __ _._____ _.__ __ 5' _@_I_ ’_8 4 _ _ _ _ _ __ O @ @ 23 24 @ Q 37 3 <2 _ _ _ _ __3'«'__ €[:A_C_H____¥'3;-u __ _-"¢_ lg 15' I '7 2” I Q" "5'. . . , . . 25- N0’ 5. ' . i 75- . 322‘, .5 ’ . ii ‘I '2 ORANGE ‘= I-— —J '2 AVENUE 2 3 N K " II‘ '‘''""I I If 1 I II I F It 1 I‘. 14 ,% : TRACT ND. 12900 M.M- 527"42 ‘/‘O 47 /‘no. PARCEL NUMBERS BUUK 024 PAGE 13 MARCH 1948 I HUNTINGTON BEACH. (mm sr. 55:.) M. M. 3-43 NUTE — Ass/5550/?’5 BL UCK & ASSESSU/?’$ MAP - TRACT ND. 14122 M.M. 656-11. 12 SHOWN IN CIRCLES COUNTY OF ORANGE E: