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Administrative Permit APX2016008 - Supporting Documents
PLANNING DIVISION DEVELOPMENT REVIEW REQUEST TO: Josh McDonald, Public Works Mark Camahan, Building Steve Eros, Fire FROM: Kimo Burden Ext: 5438 DATE: APRIL 21, 2016 El PC El ZA Cl DRB M STAFF PETITION(S): Planning App1icat1on No. 16-079: Administratwe Permit No. 16-008 REQUEST(S): To permlt the construction of a new 650 sq ft accessory dwelhng unit in the rear yard and the remodel and additlon to an exlstmg single family resldence, consisting of a 684 sq ft first floor and 1,203 sq ft second floor add1t1on, 1,132 sq. ft garage, 381 sq. ft. loggia, and 340 sq ft. covered patio. LOCATION: 817 Main St., 92648 (north of Crest Ave., west of Main St.) ZONE: Qualified Classificatlon - Residential Medlum Density (Q-RM) GENERAL PLAN: Residential Medium Density — Maximum of 0.15 dwelling units per net acre (RM-15) EXISTING USE: SFR Please submit your concerns and recommended changes or conditions In writing on or before May 6, 2016. (Use attachments or back side of sheet If necessary) RESPONSE BY: Attachments 1 Plans Extension 2 Narrative /' 024-07 1" = 700’ EETSTR \0§— an \ \. \\ ,0.. \\\ \, - 0 \ \ \ \2\\ \ 50 \n. \\ ® 3* atG \ \ \ \ 2 ‘\4. ‘go‘ 5“. \\ \\ \\ - \ ®s \ 5. ‘Q, t 5 ‘"5" \ \ ’-_—\ ® \ 3-‘: ‘ V" ‘ 1 ‘\ \\ '5. @ \ \ Q .30 \A 1 ,—\ 1- ‘* \ 4 5 -5, \\\ 6 .9’: 1 \v ® ‘9 ® \ \ \1 9 ~o, .<9.«. \ \ 9n 53 \\ \ U A :1. /3,Q ,5 - 8\o72\,v;‘ °° v»5 15 6 :»’~.' _ "°‘ \ -7 \\ "‘ -551: \*'=-‘X2 19 '5.» '7 G‘..s€ 5?; @ “MN 5“, V’: \\ \‘L \T _ co- ‘f,_T<$ 2\2 -<a\2;7 26 3: \s\)' \ » 3:7 ° L 7 . e3"\“ 5 "~ \ ~ § ~~<:; wassh \ ._ -s_‘$. ___ \_L$,.“ KJ1 \ . ‘ -_ 50- n/5§L AP RK @«-,; \mi 32 _,.i .5”; :» Z0 1 \@ \ -C PROJECT \® ® \_ \ 3. ‘I ‘\\ ‘Q2! \5-' \\‘)-‘J.\222222; @ ‘ \ I 5 @\\ ‘B - 5 - 0-, ;-,_ . ,3 3 \ , \\A JJ - :1 ‘ii \ \\ 1 ‘,7’ 7? g_ 2 mm» \\@“-1:. ‘7 ll. J4\\ \\ _ 1 0.24540.\23 2; m. * 4 I ‘ . \' ,) J5 @ 2 24 0 _1s\; _ \ ' ~\46‘${'J5 _ \ _ .9 <. 4 12 )’,- I5. )6 \® 45 FVVJ7 29 ,1, '39 O in “Us BL\K.§ - 13 2 \ go I M“ .,I_ J8 ., so 939g:7U—Jzg:aT—ssa » it .5 1 4 J9 31 ' "<’.:.i,® 5°. 1 42 4 4o 32 '2 ' «D 2 ' - \ o 1: 33 1,9‘" "”»,o.3o AC. V’ ' ‘° 4' 34 . ‘€‘« \ . "7 TH 35 . q‘A I}? Q?‘ 15 ' air. 03‘ ~”' 04 NOTE - ASSESSU/?'$ BLOCK 8. A$5E$$0F\"5 MAPMARCH 1946 HUNTINGTON BEACH, WESLEY PARK sec. MM. 4-17 PARCEL NUMBERS BOOK 024 PAGE 07 SHOWN IN CIRCLES COUNTY OF ORANGE