HomeMy WebLinkAboutAdministrative Permit APX2016025 - Project DescriptionRECEIVED .DEC302016 Dept. o f P l a n n i n g & B u i l d i n g 16381Silver L a n e , H u n t i n g t o n B e a c h , C A 9 2 6 4 7 Family C h i l d C a r e P r o j e c t P l a n Applicant N a m e : M a c h i k o H o r n y a k Contents Summary Applicant Name/ Project Description /Family Child Care Location Offered Service (Family Child Care Component) Operation Hour Age Group Capacity Staff Plan Indoor Space Outdoor Space 10.ParkingPlan 11.CurriculumApproach 12.ChildCare Daily Schedule 13.ChildCare Snack Plan 14.SummerSchool 15.Feesand Tuition This ro'ect Ianis the ro e of M chikoHorn akma notbeco iedwithoutthewrittenconsentfromthe snylicant. 2 1.Summary of Projected Family Child Care A licant Name Machiko Horn ak Pro'ect Descri tion A Lar e Family Child Care Location of m'ect 16381Silver Lane, Huntin on Beach, CA, 92647 Lot size Total Lot: 6298 sqf/ Building size: 1468sqf+ 414sqf Sunroom which is subject to build Offered Service Montessori full time program + Morning/Afternoon Day Care Corn nent Age Group Montessori School Hour : 30 months old to 6 y/o (Kindergartner) Morning Day Care: 30 month old to 6y/o ( Kindergartner) Afternoon Da Care :30 month old to 5th Grade Capacity *12children + 1owner's child (6 years old*) /or *13children + 1owner's child (6 years old) when child care has 2 children of 6 ears and older Operation Hour *Extended Morning Day Care: 1hour before Full Time Program *MontessoriFull Time Program: 8:20 AM to 2:20 PM 8:30 AM to 2 :30PM 8:40AMto 2:40PM *AfternoonDay Care: 3:00PM to 6:00 PM *Extended Afternoon Da Care: 2 .5hours after Full Time Pro am* Staff Plan *Child Care owner takes the role of a head teacher of a class *1 full time teacher (7:50 AM to 4:50PM) *1 art time teacher 1:00PM to 6:00 PM) Indoor Space for child care *SunroomArea :Approx. 414sqf *Livingroom Area: Approx. 322sqf TOTAL INDOOR SPACE: 736 s f 52 s f / child * Outdoor Space for child *OutdoorPlay time is scheduled. Half of the children use outdoor space care at a time. (Max 7 children use outdoor area at a time) *Rear Yard Area : 973 sqf *Side Yard Area: 224 sqf TOTAL OUTDOOR SPACE : 1197sqf (171sqf / child) *Child Care also may use an additional 814sqf gated front yard area as necess Parking plan Seepage 6 *AtDecember30,2016 *ExtendedDayCareisavailableonlyforthechildrenwhoareenrolledtoMontessoriSchoolHouse *Thereisnominimumrequiredindoor/outdoorspaceforfamilychildcareunderCaliforniaStateChildCarelicense (Title22).However,thecenterbasedchildcaremusthaveminimum35sqfindoorspaceand75aqfoutdoorspaceper child.Thus,ourfamilychildcarehasmuchmorespacethanCaliforniaStateregulationrequirementforcenterbased childcare. 3 A licantName/ Pro'ect Descri tion/ Child Care Location This is the project detail to open a Large Family Child Care which was submitted by Machiko Hornyak. Family Our Child Care will locate at 16381Silver Lane, Huntington Beach, CA, 92647. The name of a Family Child Care will be "Montessori International School of Science"(MI S S ) . Offered Service Child Care Corn nent MISS will offer the following services; Full time program w i t h 5 d a y s , 3 d a y s a n d 2 d a y s / w e e k Before/After school Day Care A high quality academic program Daily S c i e n c e / T e c h n o l o g y l e s s o n Second language program andcultural appreciation Individualized a c a d e m i c l e s s o n Authentic Montessori program Safe and reliable c a r e Various e n r i c h m e n t p r o g r a m s Child Care 0 eration Hour MISS's operation hours are as follows: Extended Mornin Da Care Montessori Full Time Program Extended Afternoon Da Care Afternoon Day Care 1hour b e f o r e F u l l T i m e P r o a m 8:20AM t o 2 : 2 0 P M 8:30AMto 2 : 3 0 P M 8:40AMto 2 : 4 0 P M 2.5 h o u r s a f t e r F u l l T i m e P r o a m 3:00PM t o 6 : 0 0 P M ( D r o p o f f a v a i l a b l e a f t e r 2 : 4 5 P M by a o i n t m e n t ) *Extended Morning/Afternoon Care is available only for the children who a r e e n r o l l e d i n Montessori Full Time Program. *MISS will use 3 different hours to avoid street parking by parents. This will also vary the drop-off time during extended morning Day Care hour. The detail of parking plan will be in page 6. Age Group Extended Mornin Care Montessori Full Time Pro am Extended Afternoon Care Afternoon Care 30 m o n t h s o l d t o 6 e a r s o l d . n d e r a r t n e r 30 m o n t h s o l d t o 6 e a r s o l d k i n d e r a r t n e r 30 m o n t h s o l d t o 6 e a r s o l d ( k i n d e r a r t n e r ) 30 m o n t h s o l d t o 5 t h G r a d e ( E l e m e n t a r y 4 6. Child Care Ca acit According to title 22, a large family child care can serve up to 12children, or up to 14children when the child care has 2 children of 6 years old and older. Thus, MISS will accept up to 12children, or 13children when MISS has 2 children of 6 years old and older including the owner's child. MISS will reserve a space for the owner's child who is 6 years old at the date of December 30, 2016. The owner's child will not attend Full time program daily basis, however, the space needs to be reserved for the child in case of sickness and need to stay home. Enrollment Capacity Owner's Child (6 years Total Capacity and older 12 1 13 14 When Child Care has 2 13 1 children of 6 years and older includin the owner's child 7. Staff Plan MISS will hire 1full time teacher and 1part time teacher. The Child Care owner will take the role of a head teacher of a class. 8. Indoor Space MISS will use the Sun Room area and Living Room Area of the building. Sun Room will be built subject to the closing of the Huntington Beach City Administrative Permission Process. Sun Room area will have approx. 414 sqf. Living Room Area has approx. 322 sqf. The total available indoor s ace f r child care is 736s f. This allows approx. 52 s f. r child indoor s ace when child care has 14children. According to title 22, there is no required minimum indoor/outdoor space for a large family child care, however, center based child care facilities must have minimum 35 sqf per child. Compare with this, MISS will have very spacious indoor spaceto be used for child care. Current living room function will move to one of the bed rooms which is currently not used for any purpose. 9. Outdoor Space MISS's will use mainly rear yard and side walk area as playground which has total approx. 1197sqf For the safety reason and to keep normal noise level, only half of children, which is 6 or 7 children, will use outdoor space at a time during outdoor play time. MISS will separate its children into 2 groups and these 2 groups will take turns for playground. While one group uses outdoor area, the other group takes lunch or does indoor play. This will allow child care at least 171s f outdoor ace per child. According to title 22, there is no required minimum indoor/outdoor space for a large family child care, however, center based child care facilities are required to have minimum 75 sqf per child. Compare with this, MISS will have very spacious outdoor space to be used for child care. The lot also has additional usable outdoor space in front area, which is 814 sqf. Thus, the total availableoutdoors aceforchildcareis2011s f.Thismeans,thesitehasmorethan 143sqfusable outdoorspaceperchildfor 14children.Thoughthisusuallydoesnothappen,allchildrenwillbe in outdoor area at a time when the cases of fire/earthquake drill,. MISS will also place 2 playground structures in outdoor area, which are a play house and small slide. Also MISS will always have other toys such as LEGO on a blanket,jump ropes during outdoor play time. This will naturally avoid all children from gathering one place and raising noise level up, as well as avoid children from injuries. 5 10.ParkingPlan Average drop-off/pick-up time is 10minutes. MISS will also encourage our parents to minimize their drop-off/pick-up time. MISS will have 3 cars parking space in its lot (Drive Way area) beside a garage. The house owners use the car gar a g e f o r t h e i r o w n c a r s . A n a v e r a g e d r o p o f f / P i c k u p t i m e i s 10minutes. According to the parking plan in the following list, up to 9 cars will park in the site's parking space during busy time. (8:10AMto 8:40AM, 2:10PM-2:40PM). Beside, some of our family will use Extended Morning/Afternoon Day Care, which will use our parking area earlier or after tha n these hours. Drop-off/Pick-upTime 7:20AM - 7:45AM 7:45 AM - 8:00 AM 8:10 AM - 8:20 AM 8:20 AM - 8:30 AM 8:40 AM - 8:40 AM Enrollment l i m i t 3 3 3 3 3 Dro o f f T i m e f o r 8 : 2 0 A M – 2 : 2 0 P M c h i l d r e n Dro o f f T i m e f o r 8 : 3 0 A M – 2 : 3 0 P M c h i l d r e n Dro o f f T i m e f o r 8 : 4 0 A M – 2 : 4 0 P M c h i l d r e n 2:10 PM – 2:20PM 3 Pick u T i m e f o r 8 : 2 0 A M – 2 : 2 0 P M c h i l d r e n 2:20 PM – 2:30PM 3 Pick u T i m e f o r 8 : 3 0 A M – 2 : 3 0 P M c h i l d r e n 2:30 PM – 2:40PM 3 Pick u T i m e f o r 8 : 4 0 A M – 2 : 4 0 P M c h i l d r e n 2:40PM 2:50PM 3 Dro o f f t i m e f o r A f t e r n o o n D a C a r e 2:50PM 3:00PM 3 Dro o f f t i m e f o r A f t e r n o o n D a y C a r e Pick u time for afternoon da care children will be varied. 11.Curriculum A roach One of MISS's academic goals is to develop skills of children's critical thinking. MISS believes that the Montessori philosophy is the best to reach the goal. MISS's classrooms will be carefully set up to meet truly authentic Montessori philosophy and to allow children learn independently and with individual pace. Montessori Philoso h The Montessori Method of education, developed by Dr. Maria Montessori, is a child-centered educational approach based on scientific observations of children from birth to adulthood. It is a view of the child as one who is naturally eager for knowledge and capable of initiating learning i n a s u p p o r t i v e , thoughtfully prepared learning environment. It is an approachthat values the human spirit and the development of the whole child—physical, social, emotional, cognitive. Adult role in Montessori philosophy is to provide "Prepared Environment" to allow children the excitement of learning b y c h o i c e ratherthanbyforce.Throughthis,childrenacquireaninnerdisciplineandlearntothinkcritically. TheMontes oriA roach In Montessori philosophy, each child is respected as a unique individual. Children learn in different ways, on their ownpace. One of the main role of teachers, as a guide, to allow children develop their natural desire to learn and seek knowledge is to prepare the classroom environment carefully to fulfill this goal. 6 • Classroomdesign:Montessori classroom need to be designed to allow children to work both individually and as a group, using individual tables and work mats. Teachers carefully present their classrooms not to disturb children's concentration, such as by using bright wall papers, filling the wall with children's art works or posters. Classroom has to provide quiet space to allow children to be alone, such as by providing a reading corner or a peach table. Teachersasa"guide":Children are centered in Montessori classrooms. Teachers do not teach. Instead, they guide, observe children, they create and environment. Teachers know when to intervene and when to step back. Multi-aginggroup:Montessori classrooms are composed of students whose ages typically span 3 years. Many times, children learn more by observing close older children than from adults. Not only that, older children learn how to take responsibility and take care of younger classmates. LearningMaterials:All Montessori materials are made for hands-on learning. These materials are displayed on open, easily accessible shelves beautifully and neatly. All materials must have its control of error to allow children to think and figure out their mistakes and correct them. Through this process, children develop their logical/critical thinking skill. Bunn ualEducation A roach Another MISS's main goal is to provide children a fully bilingual environment. MISS's main focus of second language is Japanese. This means, one teacher speaks only Japanese language to children and the other teacher speaks only English to children throughout child care hour. Most of preschools or child cares have limited hours of second language lessons. Unfortunately, this does not make children learn second language deeper level. MISS's unique environment isjust as same as bilingual family, one parent speaks one language and other parent speaks one language to their children. This allows children to learn second language better and make it more fluent. Also MISS will provide additional second language lessons during after day care time twice a week without any additional cost beside extended day care fee. Parents can avoid spendingtheir weekend time for children's second language classes. Science A roach Children are born eager to learn. Children have a sense of wonder and natural curiosity about objects and events to explore the world. Their curiosity is the cue for young children to develop. If they watch a line of ants, they have a question "What is this?" and then start exploring by touching, watching closer, or even trying to put them in their mouth. This is science for young children. Science for this age is not just to do fun experiments. It is to find out about everyday environment that surroundsthem and it comes from hands-on experiences. Our goal by bringing scienceto our curriculum is for children to develop a rich interconnected knowledge base about the world around them. Whyis science important inpreschool curriculum? When we bring science to preschool curriculum, there are a lot of benefits for children's development. Open-ended experimentation develops children's problem solving skills.Not only that, the scientific approach of 'trial and error" welcomes error. Children's social skills develop best when they have opportunities to learn and practice them in the context of meaningful activities. Science experimenting activities are also important to foster language and literacy. Children build their vocabularies the best when it's related to the actual experiences. Also, science demonstrations help children become more comfortable in large-group conversations. These are not all, butjust a few examples bringing science to preschool curriculum. 7 • How to expandMontessori curriculum withscience-base In Authentic Montessori classrooms, science is categorized into zoology, botany, biology, chemistry, physics and astronomy. However, due to the limit of classroom space, work materials in each category are usually not enough. Beside,those activities are usually not systematized and children use each work materials individually. They are not given enough time and opportunities to deepen their thinking about the phenomena and extend their activities. MISS's science curriculum will be made on weekly basis, to deepen the thinking about a topic. All daily activities are based on active and open-ended research for new knowledge. It involves not only observation, children working together in building theories, testing theories and then evaluating what worked, what didn't and why. For example, if a concept of a week is "leaf', we could start by showing children a picture of "rake" and discuss what it is used. As a next step, take children outside and collect leaves and show them an actual rake. They have an opportunity to touch and collect fallen leaves, and also use rake. In the end of the class, children evaluate their theories. Through a week, children are given opportunities to explore leaves and build their knowledge. Also, teachers enrich the science concept in each area of a Montessori classroom. For the example of leaf, teacher could place tweezers work to pick veins from a leaf with tweezers. In sensorial Area, we can place a mystery bag with various kinds of leaves. By relating a science curriculum topic to daily Montessori activities, we increase children's interests and awareness toward science. 8 • Child Care Dail Schedule 7:20 AM 8:15 AM Indoor Play 8:15 AM • 8:40 AM Outdoor Play only for Extended Child Care Children 8:40 AM • 8:45 AM Transition 8:45 AM • 9:15 AM Morning Circle 9:15 AM 9 :30AM Morning Snack 9:30AM 10:45AM Montessori Work Time 10:45AM • 11:15AM Second Circle (Science Lesson) 11:15AM 11:45AM <Group 1> Lunch <Group 2> Outdoor Play 11:45AM - 12:15PM <Group 1> Outdoor Play <Group 2> Lunch 12:15PM - 2:15PM Nap Time 2:15 PM - 2:30PM Clean up beddings & Dismiss <Kindergarten> 12:15PM - 2:30PM Montessori Work Time Japanese/ English Language Art Afternoon Da Care Schedule 2:30PM - 3:00PM OutdoorPlayforExtendedDayCareChildren AfternoonDayCareChildrenmeetindoor(Lesson) 3:00M - 4:00PM DailyLesson(Japanese/ EnglishLanguageArt, Math) 4:00PM - 4:30PM <Group1>OutdoorPlay <Group2>IndoorPlay 4:30PM - 5:00PM <Group I> IndoorPlay <Group2>OutdoorPlay 5:000PM - 6:00PM IndoorPlay Child Care Snack Plan MISS's snack menu will include 2 food groups from Vegetables, Fruits, Grains, Diary. The following is an example of daily snack menu that MISST will offer; AM PM Grou 1 Grou 2 Grou 1 Grou 2 Monda a le sauce Crackers carrots Cheerios Tuesda strin s cheese Cheerios Banana Crackers Wednesda D raisins cheese crackers tan erine Graham crackers Thursday A le sauce Mini Pancakes raisins cheese crackers Frida stick cele Cheerios a le slices Cheese crackers 9 SummerSchool MISSisayearroundChildCare.OuracademicyearwillbefromSeptembertoJune,however,we offercontinuousprogxamassummerschoolfromJulytoAugust.Sinceourtargetisdouble-income family,summerschoolprogramisnecessaryforthosefamilies. FeesandTuition 5Days/Full Time EarlyChildhood (Preschool/Pre-$795 K/) $795Kindergarten Additional rate for Extended Day Care AM(lh $60 PM 2.5h $110 AM+PM $135 After School Care rate 5Days/Full Time 3 D a y s / F u l l Time (Mon/Wed/Fri) $640 3 D a y s / F u l l Time (Mon/Wed/Fri) 2Days/Full Time (Tue/Thu $535 2 D a y s / F u l l Time (Tue/Thu) FullyPotty Trained Kindergartensare requiredto a t t e n d 5 f u l l d a y c l a s s e s All Age $360 $290(3pm—6pm)$245 RegistrationFee $150.00 Non-refundable $200/Famil MaterialFee ull TimePro am $100/ e a r MaterialFee(AfternoonDa Care $60/ e a r TextFee AfternoonDa Care $50/ e a r TextFee(ExtendedDay Care/kinder artnerandolder $50/ e a r TextFee ExtendedDa Care-other $20/ e a r 10