HomeMy WebLinkAboutAdministrative Permit APX2016025 - District Map• .RMH CGBluesails Dr. RL RMH Vo Dr. 2 Amazon Dr.OS-PR : : Stmevrood Dr. Ho ye. Ma H OG:t at Aye._ • Candle ht Cir.Boat set Dr. RL Stall ht Cir. 5.1 RL MOOnli ht Cir. s RL RL Valentine Dr. RL Rhone Ln. RL ANta Ln. Juliette Low Dr. kL Nancy Dr Gtencoe Ave. - Alhambra Ave. RM-15RL RL Danube Dr. RL Seine Or. RL DOn Dr r /..vi Chrysler Cf. RM RM Warner Ave. 6-.At=RIVI 25 Zoning • 0 DM 26 Edin er Ave. ; " . 7" • •..• 1.1 3 - . • . • „ . Aldnch St. .Sunfi ht Dr.tii 71)RLa)g c ,:'-';'•,:. T-,-..-RMH ":-., -:;--:,.- 1•,..;:"'-'.--'-fc5::'-4-4'. :"'-'•' •' ,. -...':. - „ - -,.CD a), --0 --... -..-,..,2 RM RL Heil Ave. rn RL ;i•RL - RL RI,_IZoning Designations Parcels. . City Boundary CAUTION wlIEN USING THES MAP I I Public Right of Ways Private Right of Ways Notes: See kaend pont for &Iwo-Intim of zoning densnations SECTIONAL DISTRICT MAP 23-5-11 Cit), ofHiintington Beach Orange County, California Information Nown hereon in a compilation of data from son ces of vaOnt acciany and is ntovided as a convenience to the wer Me (Ty of illogingtor, Bead, iloes not plainotee its comideteness vf accuracy. D ts the useis tcponsibihty to vertfy information to then Non satisfadion Any normadjoining any right of usy is intended to eStend to the center of midi r&Oltof usy. 0 500 1000 ADOP ICU larch '. 1960 City Council Ordinance No. 754 Feet rtAivit3ISPo*iitstArlaiou,Zmitig Alias DM March 2006