HomeMy WebLinkAboutAdministrative Permit APX2017012 - Signed Application• • City of Huntington Beach Departmentof CommunityDevelopment 2000 MainStreet,3rd Floor HuntingtonBeach,CA92648 (714)536-5271 www.huntingtonbeachca.gov PLANNING'A Project Address:6021 Warner Ave. Assessor Parcel Number(s):146-171-13 . Project Description I Request: / 1-14,iL Plannin A lication Number: 17 Entitlement Number s : DPlanning Commission EaStaff Review 0 Zoning Administrator D Design Review LI r I Nearest Major Intersection: Lot Area: Property Owner: Mailin Address: 1_1 Cit :State:c,Zip: IDApplicant /Authorized Agent:ratuCtBe elpAt Mailin Address: cit :State:CA Zip: 24 dale, Tele hone: 41 t4 Email: A 41,4fith CO 1164,_Tele hone: 9 ) oS—:7 LI s -00 Email: OS— I,.I am the property owner of the subject property and have read and unde stand all ta ements includin t e filing requirements on the reverse side of this application. I hereby authorize ;e .to act as my representative and to bind me in all matters concerning this application. I ereby affirm under penalty of perjury that the foregoing statements, facts and attachments are true and correct. I understand that this application for entitlement or variance may be denied, modified or approved with conditions and that such conditions or modifications must be satisfied prior to issuance of building permits. I understand that by filing the application, information on the application including, but not necessarily limited to, the name and address will be included on public records that are posted on the Internet. Z--rld-4 2..0/ roperty Owner's Signature:Date:Applicant's nature: FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Fee:Environmental Review 07 /ff / te: 0 Coastal Area: o Cat. Exclusion o Appeal Area: JZ(Flood Zoe 0)-arthquake Zone 0 Oil District 'OD 41 Methane District Noise/CNEL Zonin : GeneralPlan Desi nation: GeneralPlanSubArea: DM:es- - IDCoastal Development Permit 0 Conditional Use Permit o Design Review DistributedB : El EntitlementPlan Amendment Planned Sign Program 1.•0 Sign Code Exception 0 Temporary Use Permit Variance Total Fee: ReceivedB : Recei t No.:n)(2)Administrative Permit P41 General Plan Amend Da e Received: 0 Zoning Map Amend o Zoning Text Amend Pr Vo a '0 Local Coastal Program Amend Ownership Verification XApplicant Authorization )2rAPN )21.Plans otification Req. arrative Photos/Slides 0 Entertainment Permit HOA Approval Plans Date Stamped (- beismic Hazard cenic Corridor“ esidential infill 1.001ilitary Buffer Waram ...Xt.*. rderrt.1 D Exempt Section: D EA Required EA Fee' PursuantTo: 6:Worms20151Planning\COUNTER/application WITY OF HUNTINGTO4OBEACH PROJECT PROCESSING CHECKLIST - (For Planning Staff Use) • .JVX1.11MITAIMW-f41?/!F . 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NotA licable A ealableArea Non-A e a l a b l e A r e a Exam t Cate oricall Excluded CoastalDevelomentPermit Existin On-SiteUses andAd'acentUses Landsca in Conditiondirt needsre lacement7 An maturetreestoberemoved? GradeDifferentialswithAdjoiningLots? Parkin L o t C o n d i t i o n ? D r i v e w a s ? R e c i r o c a l A c c e s s ? Ille a l s t r u c t u r e s a d d i t i o n s s i n s c h e c k f o r b u i l d i n e r m i t s Non-ConforminSi i s r e u i r e t h e m t o b e r e l a c e d ? Fences/Walls-Hei h t / C o n d i t i o n / L o c a t i o n ? '41.A$1.0.00t$i. 4110.01:1S.101,03:1.006300,0"641ilig. WPilkj/riS,StinStrOVE FloodPlain Easements PreviousEntitlementsandConditions Al uist-Priolo Seismic HazardousWasteSite AffordableHousin Plan Develo mentIm actFees Sub-Areaandmax.FAR Re uirernentsinGeneralPlan .1:111KKJO S ecificPlanArea OilWells InfillLotOrdinance DATMeetin Park&Rec.Fees/Re ,s Greaterthan3' grade differentialexistin AdacentEntitlementsandConditions Reci r O c a l A c c e s s o n A d ' a c e n t P r o e i Pro e r M a i n t e n a n c e O r d i n a n c e Water u a l i M a r i a e m e n t P l a n W M P HistoricalIssues Doesproposeddevelopmentterracewith thegradewhengreaterthan3' —.14 hit,,of)..erty.i.oNyker.ht.diff03.en0,1.ynthin..30da s ! f r tn.subrntt41107 &Icatittmittitsttituv.:allownv,hcant,1ifn r.A';VVV:0100..w;Fl. "o. . .. .dt . '•• ,0. "1.•r • : . - . . 1 04% - CONTINUED ONBACK SIDE - :813-rattpin i,*"•.41 14A. gON8;,. A..0S CIAFORMSTLANNING\ApplicationChecklist3c 2015 Is1:I.:B.zITis ttic. SjdkFotie ?:1)Et01%falittY•ItW.:IMNI;INOillt-•a .1:,Ny,x1:01\TNINT;AtiieAf8stssmIti‘sTzdommr.t.T.E11......,. ;h :qii •.11),MMItil . • , w 4amis.•••• !!,,1,10011,014;9,, .• •••• • r c ,ectife.v:• J.'•"' • • anclMr.414.Tg lidant . • v y . .I.""a" i i t 6 1 L e A t e d - . E k i r tne , 4fiAtEWX.E.IMEMOZW.0011)40.44Ai?RiVORTAIW:i0TA001X'NT:i5'.M19Afiflii,!;!ii1411,111:af41104WOO:i!i:;:66..;ihliqe:i.::A.:1!A!'41. ConditionsofA royal ReducedSizePlans RevisedPlans If coloredattachments,co incolortothePC staff&website.Le ibleB/Wco iesto others. Ifre ortwascontinuedfroma reviousmeetin ,besureto attachan LateCommunicationsfromthe riormeetin s . •PORt:L.0).E.ORIOOT61).;IVAP.E4104/YMINDETHETVALO.:...1-NO:WEI1/0,SU1ttgok.4WE477-AV:'' PlanningCommissioners(Kimbed DeCoite InterestedParties Checkaccurac onwebsite OtherDe t s P u b l i c W o r k s , F i r e , E c o n D e v , e t c . Applicant&PropertyOwner(Callandemailto confirmtheyareawareofme e t i n g a n d t h e y r e c e i v e d s t a f f r e p o r t o n Thursda) gab:•11 * g10.11I 4 4 9 , i u .tivE4 MARJECJ ...• KgrNtOtiff.''' . ColoredSitePlans,FloorPlansandElevationsdis la ed Massin Model ReviewPresentationOutline seehandout PowerPointPresentation Laser o i n t e r a v a i l a b l e Confirma l i c a n t c a n a t t e n d After F i n a l M e e t i n g NOTICE OFACTIONLETTER (WITH CONDITIONSANDCODEREQUIREMENTS)MAILEDTO APPLICANT&/PROPERTY OWNER INCLUDE C U S T O M E R S U R V E Y C A R D NOTICE OF ACTIONLETTER WITH CONDITIONSANDCODERE UMEMENTS LINKED TO CITYVIEW UPDATEPROjECT STATUSONCITY'S WEBSITEPAGE CALLAPPLICANTIF THEYDM NOT ATTENDAND/ORTO FOLLOW-UPANDAN S W E R A N Y Q U E S T I O N S FOR THEM CustomerService CEQANOTICEANDMITIGATIONMONITORINGFEE whenre uired APPEALABLEDEVELOPMENTOR CATEGORICALEXCLUSIONLETTER FOR COASTAL ifa licable MAKE SUREPLANSSTAMPEDWITH NOTEDACTIONAREINFILE INCLUDEPLANNINGCOMMISSIONMINUTESIN Fru ORGANIZEZONINGFILE ANDPLACE IN FILE CABINET seeDe t. Polk Memofor fileor anization If A p p e a l e d NOTIFYAPPLICANTIF APPEALEDBYSOMEONEELSE. NOTIFYOTHERDEPARTMENT'SREPRESENTATIVES. INFORM APPLICANT/ OTHERDEPARTMENTSIF STAFFRECOMMENDATIONCHANGES. NOTIFYAPPLICANT/ OTHERDEPART M E N T S O F S C H E D U L E D H E A R D I G D A T E . GAFORIvIS\PLANNING\Application Checklist 3c 2015 • Cit of Huntin ton Beach a 2000 MAINSTREET CALIFORNIA92648 DEPARTMENTOFCOMMUNITYDEVELOPMENT Plannin Division Code Enforcement Division Buildin Division 714/536-5271 714/375-5155 714/536-5241 August 2, 2017 Brandi Bryant 19744Beach Boulevard#407 Huntington Beach, CA 92648 ENTITLEMENT:AdministrativePermitNo. 17-012 PROJECTADDRESS 6021WarnerAvenue PROPERTY OWNER:Andrews,Andrews,Andrews 23101MoultonParkway, Suite210 LagunaHills, CA 92653 DATE RECEIVEDAT ZONINGCOUNTER:July 21, 2017 PROJECTPLANNER:KimoBurden (714)536-5438 kimo.burden@surfcity-hb.org DearApplicant: Thank you for submittingyour entitlement to the City of Huntington Beach, Community Development Department. The assigned Project Planner is responsible for processing your entitlement and will be responsible for the followingtasks: 1 Reviewingyour entitlementfor completeness; 1 Evaluatingthe project for conformancewiththe GeneralPlan; 1 Reviewing plans for compliance with the Zoning Code, Design Guidelines, and applicable City Ordinances; 1 Preparation of environmentaldocumentspursuantto the CaliforniaEnvironmental QualityAct (CEQA); 1 Analyzing the siteplan layout and, if applicable,the floorplans and elevations; 1 Evaluatingthe project for compatibilitywith, andpotential impactsto, surroundinguses/structures; 1 Coordinating issuesrelatedtotheFireDept.,PublicWorksDept.,BuildingDivision,etc.; 1 Obtainingother Citydepartment's commentsrelativeto the project; 1 Coordinatinganynecessarycommunitymeetings; 1 Preparing a staff report and recommendation (approval/denial)with suggested findings and conditions of approval 1 Schedulingthe project for apublichearing; and 1 Assistingyou with any follow-upactionsand/orconditionsof approval. Entitlement Page Two Please be advisedthat a Notice ofFiling Status letterwill be sentto you regardingthe status/completeness of your entitlement(s) notifying you of the pending hearing date within 30 days of receipt of the entitlement(s)atthe zoningcounter. The letter will indicateone ofthe followingcircumstances: Entitlement Deemed Incomplete;additional information is required (e.g., revised plans, supplementalplans, environmentalinformation,additional entitlements,etc.);or EntitlementDeemed Complete;the ProjectPlanneris continuingto process your entitlement(s) and you will be notified as to when your project will be scheduled for a hearing by (1) the DesignReviewBoard,(2) the ZoningAdministrator,or (3) the PlanningCommission. Thethree scenarioslistedbelow arethe subsequentstepsto the abovenotification: If the project is subjectto Planning Commissionreview, a staff reportwith a full analysisof the proposalwill be prepared. Your plans and supplementalinformationwill be attachedto the staff report. A copy ofthe staffreport will bemailedto you priorto the hearing; If the project is scheduledfor Zoning Administratorreview, an executive summarywith staff s recommendation for the project will be prepared. A copy of the executive summary will be mailedto you priorto thehearing; If the project is scheduled for Design Review Board action, no staff report will be prepared, however staffwill adviseyou of the staffrecommendationprior to the meeting. Generally, the complete processing time from submittal to fmal action by the reviewing body and expirationofthe appealperiod is asfollows: DesignReview Board:30-45days (dependentupon the complexity ofyourproject) ZoningAdministrator:2-3 months (dependentupon the complexity ofyourproject) Planning Commission:4-6 months (dependentupon the complexity ofyourproject) Please note:When Zone Changes, General Plan Amendments, Tentative Maps, or preparation of environmentaldocumentsare involved,additionalprocessingtime is necessary. Please direct your questions and communications to the assigned Project Planner.If you have any subsequentcomments or need additional clarification,please contact me at 714-536-5271. Thankyou in advanceforyour interestin HuntingtonBeach -we lookforwardto working withyou! Sincerely, aneJam s PlanningManager xc: Property Owner ProjectFile Date: PROJECTADDRESS: ENTITLEMENT: Fee: •CITYOFHUNTINGTON BEA, PRE-APPLICATIONMEETING CHECKLIST Planning & Zoning Counter 714-536-5271 A'? APPLICANT/OWNERINFO Required Provided Notes: / NO VJ / NO Typed, printed, and complete / NO / NO Applicant is authorized agent and property owner/designee both signed application YES/grp YES/ NV Proof of property ownership hain of title- Certificate of corn Hance; or copy of recorded map Notes: ENVIRONMENTALASSESSMENT red Provided Notes: YES/YES/ N Determined necessary by CEQA Notes: REVIEWINGBODY Planning Commission Zoning Administrator Staff Review or Design Review Notes: „RESIDENTIALINFILL.REQUIREMENTS.• Required Provided Notes: YES/-YES/ GACLERICALCOUNTERFORMS\Pre-Application Meeting Checklist Page 1of 6 PRELIMINARYGRADINGPLAN Required Provided Notes: YES/All existing and proposed grades as well as all walls/fences shown on plan 5: PLANS Required Provided Notes: YO/ NO / NO Drawn to scale; Dimensions; North direction arrow YO/ NO Y S/ NO Plot of the entire parcel and dimensions all pertinent data YE,/ NO Y S/ NO Depiction of existing property improvements on abutting parcels and across streets/alleys within 50' / NO Y S/ NO Plot all existing & proposed physical features, fences/walls, and structures on subject property & abutting properties Y / NO Y S/ NO Dimension to the nearest intersecting street and all street names / NO Y / NO Dimension height of all structures from the highest adjacent curb to top of slab and roof peak on all elevations / NO YE / NO Building elevations depict all sides of building and indicate colors/ materials proposed Ytt / NO YE / NO Locate and dimension existing and proposed reciprocal driveway access/parking NO YE / NO Legend lists name, address, & phone number of the recorded owner and applicant NO YE / NO Identify the legal description of the subject property on the site plan / NO YE / NO Dimension section drawings for walls, grade differential, and buildings S/ NO YE / NO Fold all plans to maximize six of 8-1/2"X14 (lower right corner out) Notes: PUBLICNOTIFICATIONREQUIREMENT Required Provided Notes: E / NO YES/ NO For the following: CDP,VAR, CUP,ZMA, PPSA,GPA,SCE Notes:I L.- A.,I iC.- •-•" A.,<---er 1-,it7 i C ---Gt" •• •••.. G:\CLERICAL\COUNTERFORMS\Pre-ApplicationMeetingChecklist Page2 of 6 LEITER FROM ASSOCIATION AND PHOTOGRA Required Provided Notes: YES/YES/Letter from Property Owner Association or Architectural Committee 4s /NO Photographs of subject site and surrounding properties YES/ Nt) YES/Digital Copies of Photographs for Planning Commission Notes: WRITTEN NARRATIVE OF PROPOSED USE OR PROJECT Required Provided Notes: / NO Y NO Description of project, including proposed use, sq.footage, hours and days of operation, and number of employees / NO Y / NO Reasons for initiating this application / NO Y / NO Description of surrounding uses to the north, south, east, and west / NO Y 5 / NO Description of population served by the proposed use of project OS: MASSING MODEL Required Provided Notes: YES/YES/ NO For all commercial development and for all residential developments of 10 units or more YES/ N YES/ NO For redevelopment project areas 3 units or more YES/N YES/ NO Models shall be submitted prior to sending out the public hearing YES/ N YES/ NO Models can be simple and have a minimum scale of 1/8"=1' or 1"=30' Notes: GACLERICAL1COUNTERFORMS1Pre-ApplicationMeeting Checklist Page3 o f 6 VARIANCE QUESTIONS Required Provided Notes: YES/YES/What exceptional circumstances apply to the subject property (including size, shape, topography, location or surroundings) that deprive it of privileges normally enjoyed? / N YES/Explain why the request will not constitute agrant of special privilege. YES/ N YES/ N Why is this request necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of one or more substantial property rights when compared with other properties in the same zoning designation? YES/ N YES/ N State reasons why the granting of the request will not be materially detrimental to the public welfare. Notes: MISCELLANEOUSREQUIREMENTS Required Provided Notes: YES/YES/Draft Affordable Housing Plan for residential projects with new construction of 3 or more units YES/ 0 YES/ N Entertainment permit requests shall be accompanied by evidence of review & thriceptual approval by PD YES/ N YES/ N Photographs of all existing signs on the subject property and at surrounding businesses. YES/ N YES/ N Design Review Checklist(s) YES/ N YES/ N Location and dimension of existing and proposed reciprocal driveway access and parking 411111kS• LISTOFTENANTSFORMULTI-TENANT PROPERTIES Required Provided Notes: YES/YES/ N Address and suite number with business name and type of business YES/YES/Gross business square footage YES/YES/Required parking ratio YES/YES/ N Provided number of parking spaces YES/YES/ N Hours of operation Notes: G:\CLERJcAL\COUNTERFORMS\Pre-ApplicationMeeting Checklist Page4 of6 CONFORMANCE/ ADA ,Required Provided Notes: YE YES/Include a zoning conformance matrix on the cover sheet of the site pla n YES/Clearly identify all ADA/ Title 24 accessible path of travel on a preliminary grading/site plan Notes: ATTACH PREUM. GRADING & DRAINAGE PLANS; & CONCEPTUALWQMPS INCLUDING BMPS PLANS FORTHE FOLLOWING: Required Provided Notes: YES/YES/Residential Development of 10 units or more YES/YES/ - Commercial & Industrial development greater than 100,000 sq.feet including p a r k i n g s p a c e s YES/YES/0 Automotive repair shops Y N YES/ 0 Restaurants where the land area of development is 5000 sq. feet or more including parking areas 0 YES/ 0 Hillside development on 10,000 sq. feet or more which is located on areas with known erosive soil conditions or where natural slop is 25% or more YES/0 YES/ 0 Impervious surface of 2500 sq. feet or more located within,.directly adjacent to (within 200 feet),or discharging directly to receiving water within Environmentally S e n s i t i v e A r e a s YES/0 YES NO Parking lot area of 5000 sq. feet or more, or with 15 or more parking spaces, and potentially exposed to urban runoff YES/ 0 YES NO Gasstation modifications (underground storage tank, fuel island, canopy replacement or installations) YES/0 YES NO All significant redevelopment projects, where significant development is defined as the addition of 5000 or more sq. feet of impervious surface on an already developed site YES/ 0 YES/NO New/Raw land (previously undeveloped) that includes 5000 or more sq. feet of pervious surface Notes: GACLERICALCOUNTER FORMSTre-Application Meeting Checklist Page5 o f 6 NEXTSTEPS 4100 Update Plans Provid Provide Fee Provide all other information as noted on form-"..,s ubmit Entitlement Packageat Planning Counter Other: 3 <J-‹ • GACLERICALCOUNTERFORMS\Pre-ApplicationMeeting Checklist Page6of6