HomeMy WebLinkAboutAdministrative Permit APX2017012 - Mailing LabelsSUSAN W . C A S E , I N C . orders@ s u s a n c a s e i n c . c o m jek File# 174667 11. 6021 Warner Ave Huntington Beach CA APN(s) 146 171 13 300' Keyed Owner & Occupant July 19 2017 RECEIVED JUL212011 ArirrimilnitvDevelopment PAIDPOSTAGE HUNTINGTON B E A C H , C A92647JUL 2 0 , 1 7AMOUNT $9 3 6 R2303;100247-16 UNITED STATES POSUIL seRIIICEM 0000 917 G l e n n e y r e S t r e e t , S u i t e 7 • L a PHONE ( 9 4 9 ) 4 9 4 - 6 1 0 5 • F A 110 301 20 (1) Giap Tien Thi Nguyen V4451 Ontario Cir Westminster CA 92683 110 301 34 (4) Sparks Enterprises 100 Bayview Cir #2600 Newport Beach CA 92660 146 171 13 (7) Nr. Stephen Andrews 29288 Whitley Collins Dr RlIng Hs Est CA 90275 No APN (13) Orange County Flood Control Po Box 4048 Santa Ana CA 92702 110 301 20 (1) Occupant 17011 Pinehurst Ln #C Huntington Beach CA 92647 110 301 33 (3) Occupant V 6060 Warner Ave Huntington Beach CA 92647 O6 171 12 (6)ccupant 6241 Warner Ave #98 Huntington Beach CA 92647 110 3 0 1 3 2 ( 2 ) Pa2ific C o u n t i e s L L Lp6 Box 1 1 5 9 Deerfield I L 6 0 0 1 5 1 3 0 1 3 5 ( 5 ) Spar n t e r p r i s e s 6621 E P a c ' f i c , Q . o a s t H w y # 2 7 0 Long B e a c h C A 9 0 8 0 3 — 110 3 0 1 3 4 ( 4 ) f6ccupant010 W a r n e r A v e Huntington B e a c h C A 9 2 6 4 7 146 1 7 1 1 2 ( 6 ) Occupant 6241 W a r n e r A v e # 9 9 Huntington B e a c h C A 9 2 6 4 7 I 0-5)-i-ft 110 3 0 1 3 3 ( 3 ) Sparks E n t e r p r i s e s j 6621 E P a c i f i c C o a s t H w y # 2 7 0 Long B e a c h C A 9 0 8 0 3 146 1 7 1 1 2 ( 6 ) V . Sea-Aira M o b i l e H m P a r k L P 9597 C e n t r a l A v e Montclair C A 9 1 7 6 3 110 3 0 1 3 5 ( 5 ) Occupant 100 W a r n e r A v e Huntington B e a c h C A 9 2 6 4 7 146 1 7 1 1 2 ( 6 ) Occupant 6241 W a r n e r A v e # 1 0 0 Huntington B e a c h C A 9 2 6 4 7 • 163 080 02 (10) Kls Property LLC 17659 Alva Rd San Diego CA 92127 z 146 3 1 3 0 8 ( 8 ) 146 3 1 3 0 9 ( 9 ) v e " Gas & S m o g W a r n e r Kitsigianis P r o p e r t i e s 5981 W a r n e r A v e 3903 R i d g e m o n t D r Huntington B e a c h C A 9 2 6 4 9 - • 0 1 4 Malibu C A 9 0 2 6 5 vi –oco3 ce (00 1 Z o o L . .N.Q 080 0 3 ( 1 1 ) V 5 3 1 1 - 3163080 1 4 ( 1 2 ),., Lindin.Custodian'John P a u l B a k l a y a n 916 S i l v e r S p u r R d # 2 1 0 - - C f r i 1 6 1 0 5 W h i t e c a p L n lip Rling- H i s E s t C A 9 6 2 7 4 t . --LIGArfb Huntington B e a c h C A 9 2 6 4 9 el 110 3 0 1 2 0 ( 1 ) Occupant 17011 P i n e h u r s t L n # Huntington B e a c h C A 110 3 0 1 2 0 ( 1 ) Occupant 17011 P i n e h u r s t L n # D Huntington B e a c h C A 9 2 6 4 7 Itlje6 , N)4.0\301 2 0 ( 1 ) c-91:7aPnint e h u r s t L n # 6a,c---,Huntihgton B e a c h C A 9 2 6 4 7 1W 3 0 1 3 2 ( 2 ) -Ccupant 6012 W a r n e r A v e Huntington B e a c h C A 9 2 6 4 7 s '• 146 171 12 (6) Occupant ii741 Warner Ave #101 Wntington BeachCA 92647 146 171 12 (6) Occupant 6241 Warner Ave #104 Huntington Beach CA 92647 146 171 12 (6) ON&p" #107.e`' .1.01 Occupant 6241 Warner Ave Huntington Beach CA 6262 /Q.I /I • 146 171 12 (6) Occupant 6241 Warner Ave #102 Huntington Beach CA 92647 146 171 12 (6) Occupant 6241 Warner Ave #105 Huntington Beach CA 92647 146 171 12 (6) Occupant 6241 Warner Ave #108 untington Beach CA 92647 146 171 12 (6) Occupant 6241 Warner Ave #103 Huntington Beach CA 92647 146 171 12 (6) Occupant 6241 Warner Ave #106 Huntington Beach CA 92647 146 171 12 (6) Occupant 6241 Warner Ave #109 Huntington Beach CA 92647 146 171 12 (6)tOccupant 6241 Warner Ave #0 Huntington Beach CA'92647 146 171 12 (6) Occupant 6241 Warner Ave #113 Huntington BeachCA 92647• 146 171 12 (6) Occupant 6241 Warner Ave #116 HuntingtonBeachCA 92647 146 171 12 (6) Occupant 6241 Warner Ave #119 Huntington BeachCA 92647 1 6 171 12 (6) ccupant 241 Warner Ave #111 Huntington Beach CA 92647 146 171 12 (6) Occupant 6241 Warner Ave #114 Huntington Beach CA 92647 146 171 12 (6) Occupant 6241 Warner Ave #117 Huntington Beach CA 926e 146 171 12 (6) Occupant 6241 Warner Ave #120 Huntington Beach CA ' 146 171 12 (6) Occupant 6241 Warner Ave #112 Huntington Beach CA 92647 146 171 12 (6) Occupant 6241 Warner Ave #115 Huntington Beach CA 92647 2 (6) ltington Beach CA 92647 o • ix(),A•-• 74- 71 12 (6) 1%4 Apant sok'1Warner Ave #121 arnerAve #118 ,ton Beach CA 92647 146 171 12 (6) Occupant 6241 Warner Ave Huntington Beach 146 171 12 (6) Occupant 6241 Warner Ave #14, _ Huntington Beach CA 92647 146 171 12 (6) Occupant 0241 Warner Ave #129 Huntington Beach CA 92647 146 171 12 (6) Occupant 6241 Warner Ave #122 Huntington BeachCA 92647 46 171 12 (6) )ccupant 6241 Warner Ave #124 Huntington Beach CA 92647 146 171 12 (6) Occupant 6241 Warner Ave #125 Huntington BeachCA 92647 41,6 171 12 (6) cupant L.4241 Warner Ave #128 Huntington BeachCA 92647 146 171 12 (6) Occupant .92'41 Warner Ave #127 n-luntington Beach CA 92647 146 171 12 (6) Occupant /62/1 Warner Ave #130 Huntington Beach CA 92647 c.) /0 6/7e.frofeS-r-3o •• 146 171 12 (6) Occupant A241 Warner Ave #131 Wintington Beach CA 92647 146 171 12 (6) Occupant 6241 Warner Ave #132 Huntington Beach CA 92647 1,46 171 12 (6) ccupant 6241 Warner Ave #133 Huntington Beach CA 92647 146 171 12 (6) Occupant 6241 Warner Ave #134 Huntington Beach CA 92647 146 171 12 (6) Occupant 6241 Warner Ave #137 Huntington Beach CA 92647 146 171 12 (6) Occupant 6241 Warner Ave #140 Huntington Beach CA 92647 146 171 12 (6) Occupant 6241 Warner Ave #143 Huntington Beach CA 92647 146 171 12 (6) Occupant 6241 Warner Ave #135 Huntington Beach CA 92647 146 171 12 (6) Occupant 6241 Warner Ave #138 Huntington Beach CA 92647 146 171 12 (6) Occupant 6241 Warner Ave #141 Huntington Beach CA 92647 146 171 12 (6) Occupant 6241 Warner Ave #144 Huntington Beach CA 92647 146 171 12 (6) Occupant 6241 Warner Ave #136 Huntington Beach CA 92647 146 171 12 (6) Occupant 6241 Warner Ave #139 Huntington Beach CA 92647 146 171 12 (6) Occupant 6241 Warner Ave #142 Huntington Beach CA 92647 46 171 12 (6) Ne #145 :ach CA 92647 146 171 12 (6) Occupant 6241 Warner Ave #146 Huntington Beach CA 92647 146 171 12 (6) Occupant 6241 Warner Ave #147 Huntington Beach CA 9264' (6)iv co &eiCV ;tier Ave #148 on Beach CA 92647 s, s, °'s.kcssip-3 146 171 12 (6) Occupant 6241 Warner Ave Huntington Beach aea 1. 6 171 12 (6)i ccupant 6241 Warner Ave #159 Huntington Beach CA 92647 146 171 12 (6) Occupant 6241 Warner Ave #149 Huntington Beach CA 92647 146 171 12 (6) Occupant 6241 Warner Ave #152 Huntington Beach CA 92647 146 171 12 (6) Occupant 6241 Warner Ave #155 Huntington Beach CA 92647 06 171 12 (6)..)ccupant 6241 Warner Ave #158 Huntington Beach CA 92647 p7e_fvfki —3 0 /1 12 (6) ,pant I Warner Ave #151 ltington Beach CA 92647 ,46 171 12 (6) Occupant 6241 Warner Ave #154 Huntington Beach CA 92647 -0146 171 12 (6) l 'Icupant`441 Warner Ave #157 untington Beach CA 92647 / 146 171 12 (6) cupant 241 Warner Ave #160 Huntington Beach CA 92647 146 171 12 (6) Occupant 6241 Warner Ave #150 Huntington Beach CA 146 171 12 (6) Occupant 6241 Warner Ave Huntington Beac' 146 171 12 (6) Occupant 41 Warner Ave #161 vpintingtonBeachCA 92647 146 171 12 (6) Occupant 6241 Warner Ave #162 Huntington Beach CA 92647 146 171 12 (6) Occupant 6241 Warner Ave #163 Huntington Beach CA 9264 146 171 12 (6) Occupant 6241 Warner Ave #164 Huntington BeachCA 92647 146 171 12 (6) Occupant 6241 Warner Ave #167 Huntington BeachCA 92647 146 171 12 (6) Occupant 6241 Warner Ave #165 Huntington Beach CA 9264 146 171 12 (6) Occupant 6241 Warner Ave #168 Huntington Beach CA 92647 146 171 12 (6) Occupant 6241 Warner Ave #166 Huntington Beach CA 92647 146 171 12 (6) Occupant 6241 Warner Ave #169 Huntington Beach CA 92647 ,Y 146 171 12 (6) Occupant 6241 Warner Ave #170 Huntington BeachCA 92647 146 171 12 (6) ccupant 6241 Warner Ave #171 Huntington Beach CA 92647 146 171 12 (6) Occupant 6241 Warner Ave #172 V Huntington Beach CA 92647 rail 841 8 146 171 12 (6) Occupant 6241 Warner Ave #173 Huntington BeachCA 92647 1110 146 171 12 (6) Occupant 6241 Warner Ave #176 Huntington BeachCA 92647 146 171 12 (6) Occupant 6241 Warner Ave #179 Huntington BeachCA 92647 146 171 12 (6) Occupant 6241 Warner Ave #182 Huntington BeachCA 92647 146 171 12 (6) Occupant 6241 Warner Ave Huntington Beach 146 171 12 (6) Occupant 6241 Warner Ave Huntington Beach 146 171 12 (6) Occupant 6241 Warner Avi Huntington Beac 146 171 12 (6) Occupant 6241 Warner A) Huntington Bea 146 171 12 (6) Occupant 6241 Warner Ave #175 Huntington Beach CA 92647 146 171 12 (6) Occupant 6241 Warner Ave #178 Huntington Beach CA 92647 146 171 12 (6) Occupant 6241 Warner Ave #181 •\.) Huntington Beach CA 92647 146 171 12 (6) Occupant i6241 Warner Ave #184 Huntington Beach CA 92647 146 171 12 (6) Occupant 6241 Warner Ave #185 Huntington BeachCA 92647 O6 171 12 (6)ccupant 6241 Warner Ave #188 Huntington BeachCA 92647 -3o 146 171 12 (6) Occupant 6241 Warner Ave #189 Huntington Beach CA 92 7 146 171 12 (6) , Occupant V 6241 Warner Ave #187 Huntington Beach CA 92647 6 171 12 (6) ccupant 6241 Warner Ave #186 Huntington Beach CA 92647 ,171 12 (6) cdtipant 6241 1)yarnerAve #190 Huntington Beach CA 92647 N.) ,71 .44,1/ c.*:\ ••146 171 12 (6) Occupant 41 Warner Ave #191 Wintington BeachCA 92647 146 171 12 (6) Occupant 6241 Warner Ave #194 Huntington Beach CA 92647 146 171 12 (6) /ccupant. 6241 Warner Ave #197 Huntington BeachCA 92647 46 171 12 (6) Occupant 6241 Warner Ave #192 Huntington Beach CA 92647 146 171 12 (6) Occupant 6241 Warner Ave #195 Huntington Beach CA 92647 / 46 171 12 (6) Occupant 6241 Warner Ave #198 Huntington Beach CA 92647 v146 171 12 (6) Occupant 6241 Warner Ave #193 Huntington Beach CA 92647 _.\1/46 171 12 (6) Occupant 6241 Warner Ave #196 Huntington Beach CA 92647 146 171 12 (6) i.ccupantN241 Warner Ave #199 Huntington Beach CA 92647 (5 0 lOccupant 46 171 12 (6) 6241 Warner Ave #200 HuntingtonBeach CA 92647 46 171 12 (6) Occupant 6241 Warner Ave #203 HuntingtonBeachCA 92647• )6 171 12 (6) ccupant 6241 Warner Ave #206 HuntingtonBeach CA 92647 146 171 12 (6) J Occupant,\ 6241 Warner Ave #209 Huntington BeachCA 92647 yc6 171 12 (6) cupant 6241 Warner Ave #2( Huntington Beach CA 146 171 12 (6) x Occupant 6241 Warner Ave #20 Huntington Beach CA 146 171 12 (6) Vaccupant6241 Warner Ave #20' Huntington Beach CA ' 146 171 12 (6) VOccupant 6241 Warner Ave #21C Huntington Beach CA c 46 171 12 (6) )ccupant 241 Warner Ave #202 untington Beach CA 92647 4 171 12 (6) cupant ?41Warner Ave #205 intington Beach CA 92647 .6 171 12 (6) .:cupant 41 Warner Ave #208 intington Beach CA 92647 p 171 12 (6) cupant 41Warner Ave #211 ntington Beach CA 92647 146 171 12 (6) y62 ccupant 41 Warner Ave #212 Huntington BeachCA 92647 iO46 171 12 (6) ccupant 6241 Warner Ave #213 Huntington Beach CA 92647 146 171 12 (6) V6iccupant241 Warner Ave #214 Huntington Beach CA 92647 146 171 12 (6) j2ccupant41 Warner Ave #215 Huntington BeachCA 92647 jc1 e 171 12 (6) cupant 241 Warner Ave #216 Huntington Beach CA 92647 46 171 12 (6) upant arner Ave #217 H ntingt n Beach CA 92647 ffp 171 12 (6) ccupant 6241 Warner Ave #218 Huntington BeachCA 92647 74 712)1j --- 30 162 46 171 12 (6) Occupant 41 Warner Ave #219 Huntington Beach CA 92647 xtLch—d „6I 3"'/ 647 146A711 (6) CupaQt ner Ave #220 urtKgton Beach CA 92647 tvit.N.9.52.;," 146 171 12 (6) Occupant A1241 Warner Ave #221 Wuntington Beach CA 92647 146 171 12 (6) Occupant 6241 Warner Ave #224 Vuntington Beach CA 92647 146 171 12 (6) Occupant 6241 Warner Ave #227 Huntington Beach CA 92647 vgc1 6 171 12 (6) cupant 6241 Warner Ave #230 Huntington Beach CA 92647 146 171 12 (6) Occupant 6241 Warner Ave #222 Huntington Beach CA 92647 146 171 12 (6) j Occupant V 6241 Warner Ave #225 Huntington Beach CA 92647 146 171 12 (6) Occupant 6241 Warner Ave #228 Huntington Beach CA 92647 146 171 13 (7) ccupant 6011 Warner Ave Huntington Beach CA 92647 146 171 12 (6) Olcupant IA241 Warner Ave #226 Huntington Beach CA 92647 146,171 12 (6) 0 cupant 241 Warner Ave #229 Huntington Beach CA 92647 146 171 07 (7) \ki 6pant 013 Warner Ave Huntington Beach CA 92647 14 171 12 (6) cupant 6241 Warner Ave #223 Huntington Beach CA 92647 11 146 171 07 (7) ( . Occupant 6015 Warner Ave Huntington Beach CA 92647• /Occupant 6021 Warner Ave 46 171 07 (7) Huntington Beach CA 92647 146 171 07 (7) Occupant 6027 Warner Ave Huntington Beach CA 92647 146 171 07 (7) ;<?cupant33 Warner Ave Huntington Beach CA 92647 146 313 09 (9) Occupant 5885 Warner Ave Huntington Beach CA 92649 ,P6 313 09 (9) ccupant 5901 Warner Ave Huntington Beach CA 92649 pc`te Icc14 ' 171 07 (7) upant 017 Warner Ave Huntington Beach CA 92647 0000 vb029 Warner Ave Huntingibn Beach CA 936A twilit.-iv L /46 313 09 (9) 7,:744" Occupant SS5881 Warne' et Avit Huntinaton Beadb CA 96311.19 \ i589(9) 1 313 09 1 Warner Ave N s.'frR NO1ccupant Huntingion Beach CA 92649/1 6 313 09 (9) ccupant I 5905 Warner Ave Huntington Beach CA 926, 146 171 07 (7) 0 upant 019 Warner Ave Huntinotnn RctachCA 92647 7) 1ve ich CA 92647 i6lecupant031 Warner Ave Huntington Beach CA 92647 46 313 09 (9) Occupant 5841 Warner Ave co Huntington Beach CA 92649 -2- 313 09 (9) ccupant 5895 Warner Ave Huntington Beach CA 92649 146 313 09 (9) Occupant 11 Warner Ave Huntington Beach CA 92649 U.S. POSTAGEPAIDHUNTINGTONBEACH,CA JUL 20, 17 92647 AMOUNT $1 1 30 B23039100247-16 146 313 09 (9)146 313 09 (9)146 313 09 (9) Occupant Occupant Occupant 40015 Warner Ave 5921 Warner Ave 5931 Warner Ave Ipuntington Beach CA 92649 Huntington Beach CA 92649 Huntington Beach CA 92649 146 313 09 (9)146 313 09 (9)146 313 09 (9) Occupant Occupant Occupant 5935 Warner Ave 5941 Warner Ave 5961 Warner Ave Huntington Beach CA 92649 Huntington Beach CA 92649 Huntington Beach CA 92649 146 313 09 (9)146 313 09 (9)146 313 09 (9) Occupant Occupant Occupant 5965 Warner Ave 5971 Warner Ave 5983 Warner Ave Huntington Beach CA 92649 Huntington Beach CA 92649 Huntington Beach CA 92649 163 080 02 (10)163 080 03 (11)163 080 14 (12) Occupant Occupant Occupant 5972 Warner Ave 5966 Warner Ave 17071 Springdale St Huntington Beach CA 92649 Huntington Beach CA 92649 Huntington Beach CA 92649 /04 7e 71b .j•Zs \. 6 • •(t:z0 NGe GP'c,,KxSeS4014 ‘A 164/ \-1 Sik*s9\001-"wasoz o00° 30 D. • ,et , ta F opct chow) tr)‘I%,a Dept.° 21 t DelePets 4.n A C . P. A I . 2 7 - 3 SPR/NGDALE / 4 4 4 soo 1 WARNERo3 AVENUE .14 ”3.13. ®It f0Co• ®20 `I••90 as.• 403.? 110.301 A- 4•01:•• • •••1 .1S817113N/r1rP8 r. a +.1.7' PAR 4 t8.13 -s -48 i•$4. 't c a . c . t • File # 1 7 4 6 6 7 — P r e p a r e d 0 7 / 1 8 / 2 0 1 7 6021 W a r n e r A v e Huntington B e a c h C A APN(s) 1 4 6 1 7 1 1 3 300' K e y e d O w n e r & O c c u p a n t U..84143•67' dieg. 0 7 - 8 R 1 ) , G e G a T • e o -'1'.'4-.,..,i •66 . , ?OA . C)`m eke e G e e l e 4S.N. • •7. z o*..T.T.ZE•4 SUMMERDALE DR/VE t . 84' 70• O. tit t t 7 0 - 9 SUSAN W . C A S E , I N C . 949.464.6105 •so •orders@susancaseinc.com 917 G l e n n e y r e S t . # 7 Laguna B e a c h , C A 9 2 6 5 1 SUSAN W. CASE,INC. 917 GLENNEYREST# 7 LAGUNA BEACHCA92651 PHONE OR TEXT(949)494 -6105 orders@susancaseinc.corn RECEIVED JUI.21201i Ostpt.Commit/DeveloprO Certification of Preparation The attached list represents the names and addresses of all property owners & occupants located within 300' of the exterior boundaries of the following address/APN) Address: 6021 Warner Ave, Huntington Beach APN(s): 146 171 13 This information was obtained through First American Core Logic, a data source utilizing the county assessor rolls and other available sources. This information is generally deemed reliable, but is not guaranteed. Return of property addresses that are deemed undeliverable by the United States Postal Service is, therefore, a possibility. Susan W. Case, Inc. is not responsible for providing further investigation of said labels. Acceptanc f this package acknowledges this fact. Susan W. Case, Inc.Date: 07/18/2017 •RECEIVED Ci ofHuntin onBeadil 212017 2000 MAINSTREET CALIFORNIAggoinommunityDevelopment DEPARTMENTOFPLANNINGANDBUILDING c v ' ivisicm 714.536.5271 .1 • ' • ' 714.536.5241 PUBLICNOTIFICATIONREQUIREMENTS The Cityof Huntington Beach requires notification to all property owners, business owners, and tenants renting or leasing units or land on commercial,industrial,and multi-family residential properties within a (300)500-foot radius of the subject parcel (additional noticing distance required for public school sites and for sites greater than 5 acres in size pursuant to Policy Memo PP-57). The applicant(s) shall provide the following: (300) 1. An area map indicating all properties within a five hundred (500) foot radius of the subject parcel. The subject parcels and tenant spaces shall be identified by the following (see example on reverseside): An Assessor's Parcel Number, (e.g., APN# 149-181-02) An Assigned sequential number A separate plan shall be submitted for all proiiterties.that are occupied by more than one tenant (e.g., commercial centers, industrial centers, mobile home parks, apartment complexes, etc. 2. One typed list and two (2) sets of gummed mailing labels of the following All property owners, including name, address, zip code +4, assessor's parcel number and the sequential number corresponding to the number assigned on the area map. LI Labels addressed to residential, commercial, or industrial tenants on the subject parcel(s) and properties within five hundred (506) feet of the subject site. (300)(300) Labels addressed to homeowner's associations within five hundred (500) fet of the subject site, if any. Labels addressed to applicant and property owner. Labels addressed to the California Coastal Commission for projects within the coastal zone. All property owner information shall be prepared by either a mapping data service or a title company which utilizes one of the following sources: First American, METROSCAN, or DATAQUICK. The preparer shall certify that the information was obtained from the latest available tax rolls and that one of the above sources was utilized. Failure to comply with all of the above items May result in the rejection of the submitted application. APPLICANT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: I, Laura Cas hereby affirm that all public.notfication requirement (Preparer) rin App icants Name)listed above have been completed. 07/18/2017 • Signature (Map Preparer)Date• PUBLIC 1ROJECT P L A N N E R : _ IdiAr NOTIFICATION ENTITLEMENT N O : A I')-011 CHECKLIST ADDRESS:Z.er, 'Planning A p p No:11 -157--171 - 1 ASSIGNED O N : s ElZONING A D M I N I S T R A T O R DUE B Y : s (three w e e k s ) CIPLANNING C O M M I S S I O N (one w e e k f o r A P s ) ASTAFF REVIEW 123rVERIFYLOCATION O F P R O J E C T S I T E O N R A D I U S M A P YVER1FYCORRECT D I M E N S I O N O F R A D I U S VERIFY A P P L I C A N T M D P R O P E R T Y O W N ' E R S ' N A M E & A C I D R E S S 16VERIFY O C C U P A N T A D D R E S S E S W I T H G . I . S . Kaitaeirt N p S w e amp/4e .0 E L I M I N A T E D U P L I C A T E L A B E L S CIADD I N T E R E S T E D P A R T I E S L I S T (to b e c o m p l e t e d b y p r o j e c t p l a n n e r WREMADE I N - H O U S E W I T H G . L S . F O R A C C U R A C Y COMPLETED B Y : U DATE: APPROVED B Y : DATE: (Project P l a n n e r ) - While reviewing mailing labels continuously indicate where y o u s t o p p e d s o t h a t w o r k c a n b e c o m p l e t e d b y a n o t h e r s t a f f m e m b e r . Label C o u n t : O w n e r : I g 5 Occupant:164 T o t a l L a b e l s : k-711 g G c)1QUC1CC/ geElg6 AUG05 2017 July 19, 2017 808168660NOW This letter is to notify you that The Hounds Grounds, LLC is proposing to open a dog training business at 6021 WarnerAve, Huntington Beach CA. The store front is 2500sqft and will have 0-6 employees. The hours of operation will be 8am - 8pm up to 7 days a week. Pursuant to Section 241.24 of the Huntington Beach Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance the Neighborhood Notification process is required. You may review the proposed plans at the Department of Community Development, 2000 Main Street, Huntington Beach, CA, from July 24, 2017 to August 04, 2017, or contact the Department of Community Development at (714) 536-5271. All comments must be submitted to the Department of Community Development prior to the expiration date for review of the proposal. Under the provisions of the Huntington Beach Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance, the action taken by the Director of Community Development becomes final, unless appealed. A person desiring to appeal the decision shall file a written notice of appeal with the Department of Community Development within ten calendar days of the date of the Department of Community Development's action. The notice of appeal shall include the name and address of the appellant, the decision being appealed, and the basis for the appeal. A filing fee shall also accompany the notice of appeal. The appeal fee is $494.00. The appeal period starts at the end of the 10-day review period. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at (714) 317-6233. Sincerely, Brandi Bryant Cc: City of Huntington Beach Department of Community Development.