HomeMy WebLinkAboutGeneral Plan Conformance GPC2017006 - Signed ApplicationCity of Huntington Beach Department of Community Development 2000 Main Street, 3rd Floor Huntington Beach, CA 92648 (714) 536-5271 www.huntingtonbeachca.gov Planning Application Number: 0\ - 1:27 Entitlement Number s :eo (5-Qp Planning Commission D Staff Review 0 Zoning Administrator El Design Review PLANNING APPLICATION Project Address: Assessor Parcel Number(s): Project Description / Request: V in-4 Nearest Major Intersection: - Lot Area: at -1140C1 State: State: Zip:3 zi A {LI vex-ck._ Olt-NI-Li' Telephone: ( Email: Telephone:) (40 Email: Property Owner: Mailing Address: 70 )(6b City: Applicant / Authorized Agent: Mailing Address: City:SOL.(1-17A I,'Print P-o ert Owner's Nam&am the property owner of the subject property and have read and understand all statements including the filing requirements on the reverse side of this application. I hereby authorize Pnnt A .rit N'srner to act as my representative and to bind me in all matters concerning this application. I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that the foregoing statements, facts and attachments are true and correct. I understand that this application for entitlement or variance may be denied, modified or approved with conditions and that such conditions or modifications must be satisfied prior to issuance of building permits. I understand that by filing the application, information on the application including, but not necessarily limited to, the name and address will be included on public records that are posted on the internet.c-ce Property Owner's Signature:Date:Applicant's Signature:Date: Zonin : General Plan Desi nation: General Plan Sub Area: Ma- DM:I{El Coastal Development Permit El Conditional Use Permit Design Review Entitlement Plan Amendment El Planned Sign Program El Sign Code Exception 0 Temporary Use Permit El Variance 0 Administrative Permit El General Plan Amend o Zoning Map Amend 0 Zoning Text Amend Local Coastal Program Amend Distributed B : Pursuant To: Total Fee: Received By: Date Received: Previous Cases: FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Fee: Recei t No.: Environmental Review o Exempt Section: 0 EA Required EA Fee: o Ownership Verification El Applicant Authorization 0 APN 0 Plans 0 Notification Req. 0 Narrative 0 Photos/Slides D Entertainment Permit 0 HOA Approval El Plans Date Stamped El Seismic Hazard 0 Scenic Corridor 0 Residential lnfillriMilitary Buffer .—...—casryMennr_stre. Coastal Area: El Cat. Exclusion fl Appeal Area: D Flood Zone El Earthquake Zone D Oil District 0 Methane District Noise/CNEL G:Worms2015\Planning\COUNTER/application APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS:(Complete/submit the following circled items prior to submittal and return this application with your submittal) 1. CALL 714-536-5271 TO SCHEDULE A MANDATORY PRE-APPLICATION SUBMITTAL MEETING BEFORE PRINTING 12 SETS OF PLAN. Bring the following to the meeting: One (1) complete set of site plan, floor plan and elevations plus all items circled below: 2. This application must be typed or printed and filled in completely. 3. If the applicant is not the property owner, the property owner shall designate the applicant as the authorized agent to act on his/her behalf and both shall sign this application. 4. Proof of property ownership, e.g., deed, title insurance policy. 5. Chain of title indicating prior ownership and date of lot creation, Certificate of Compliance, or copy of recorded map. 6. Environmental Assessment Form if determined necessary per California Environmental Quality Act (see attached). 7.Planning Commission:Twelve (12) preliminary site plans, floor plans and building elevations (and for new construction submit preliminary grading plans) a maximum of 24" X 36" in size. Upon acceptance and scheduling of hearing date, eight (8) additional full sized sets, two (2) sets of plans reduced to 8-1/2" X 11" and one (1) set of plans colored to illustrate the design and development concept of the project shall be submitted. Other plans may be required depending on the complexity of the project. 8.Zoning Administrator:Twelve (12) sets of site plans, floor plans and building elevations (and for new construction submit preliminary grading plans) a maximum of 24" X 36" in size, and one (1) set of plans reduced to 11" X 17". Other plans may be required depending on the complexity of the project. 9.Staff Review or Design Review:Twelve (12) sets of site plans, floor plans and building elevations a maximum of 24" X 36" in size. A materials palette, preliminary landscape plans, and colored elevations of all proposed walls are also required for design review. (No additional plans required for PC/ZA projects requiring Design Review).Administrative Permits require only three (3) sets of plans. 10. Preliminary Grading Plan with all existing and proposed grades as well as all walls/fences shown on plan. 11. Provide a digital copy of the plans (pdf) and color elevations. 12. Plans conforming to the following requirements: An electronic version (PDF) of the plans shall be required. Draw to scale (minimum scale 1/8"= 1' or 1"= 30'); indicate scale; indicate dimensions of building and floor uses; and north direction arrow. Plans shall be oriented so that north points to the top of the page. Plot the entire parcel and dimension all pertinent data such as easements, driveways, landscaping, parking, fencing; and distances to all property lines. Indicate any grade differential between adjacent properties, alleys, or streets. Depict existing property improvements on abutting parcels and across streets and/or alleys within fifty (50) feet of the subject parcel. Improvements should include location and dimension of parking, landscaping, driveways, building layouts and uses, windows and entryway locations and any other information useful to analyze the project. Plot all existing and proposed physical features, fences/walls, and structures on the subject property and abutting properties. (Window locations on adjacent properties required for all Residential Infill properties.) Dimension to the nearest intersecting street and identify all street names. Dimension height of all structures from the highest adjacent curb to the top of slab and to the roof peak on all elevations. Building elevations shall depict all sides of building and indicate colors and materials proposed. Locate and dimension existing and proposed reciprocal driveway access and parking. Include a legend (locate in lower right corner of the site plan) which lists the name, address, and phone number of the recorded owner and the applicant. Identify the legal description of the subject property on the site plan. (I) Label existing and proposed uses of each room on floor plan. Dimension section drawings for walls, grade differential, and buildings. Fold all plans to a maximum size of 8-1/2" X 14" (lower right corner out). 13. Public notification requirements for Coastal Development Permit, Variance, Conditional Use Permit, Zoning Map Amendment, Precise Plan Street Alignment, General Plan Amendment, and Sign Code Exception (See attached sheet). 14. A letter from the Property Owner Association or Architectural Committee, if applicable, shall be submitted indicating that the proposed project has been approved, denied, or that the CC&R's do not require Association or Committee review. 15. All entitlements require photographs of the subject site and surrounding properties. 16. All Planning Commission applications require digital photographs of the subject site and surrounding properties. 17. A written narrative of the proposed use or project. The narrative shall contain the following minimum information: Description of project and services, including proposed use, square footage, hours and days of operation, number of employees, and other information as appropriate. Reasons for initiating this application. Description of surrounding uses to the north, south, east and west. Description of population served by the proposed use or project. G:Torms 20 15Tlanning\COUNTERJapplication 18. A massing model for all commercial development and for all residential developments of ten (10) units or more (three [3] units or more in redevelopment project areas). Models shall be submitted prior to sending out the public hearing. Models can be simple and have a minimum scale 1/8"= 1' or 1"= 30'. 19. Draft Affordable Housing Plan for residential projects with new construction of three (3) or more units. 20. In order to support findings for approval for a Variance, respond to the following on a separate page: What exceptional circumstances apply to the subject property (including size, shape, topography, location or surroundings) that deprive it of privileges normally enjoyed? Explain why the request will not constitute a grant of special privilege. Why is this request necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of one or more substantial property rights when compared with other properties in the same zoning designation? State reasons why the granting of the request will not be materially detrimental to the public welfare. 21. Entertainment permit requests shall be accompanied by evidence of review and conceptual approval by the Police Department. 22. Photographs of all existing signs on the subject property and at surrounding businesses. 23. Design Review checklist(s). See Attached 24. Location and dimension of existing and proposed reciprocal driveway access and parking. 25. List of tenants for multi-tenant properties. Include the following information for each tenant: address/suite number, business name, type of business, gross business square footage, required parking ratio, provided number of parking spaces, and hours of operation. 26. Include a zoning conformance matrix on the cover sheet of the site plan. The matrix shall include information on how the project complies with all aspects of the Huntington Beach Zoning Subdivision Ordinance regarding setbacks, building height, site coverage, parking, landscaping, etc. The following sample chart should serve as a guideline to help you develop your matrix.Do not produce this exact chart on your plans as you need to develop your own matrix using the appropriate code sections applicable to your specific project. Your matrix will most likely include more code sections than the ones used in the following example. SUBJECT CODE SECTION REQUIRED PROPOSED Parking 231.04 Retail: 1 space/200 sf 15,000 sf = 75 s aces--% 84 s aces-- Landscaping 232.08 Min. 8% of entire site Site = 55,8(rf .\\ 8% = -',,46, 'Ff-/---).8.9% = 4,989 sf Site Coverage 210.06.:M..it)% c‘;'entire site., Sit.'. \:..6,,000 sf .-----A \50% = 3,000 sf covera e 44.5% = 2,670 sf cov. Setbacks Front Yard Min. dimension = 15 ft.18 ft. Etc. Clearly identify all ADA/Title 24 accessible path of travel (private and public property) throughout the project on a preliminary grading/site plan. Attach additional project plans including preliminary grading plan, preliminary drainage plans, and conceptual Water Quality Management Plans (WQMP's), including construction site Best Management Practices (BMP's) Plans for the following projects: Residential Development of 10 units or more. Commercial and industrial development greater than 100,000 square feet including parking spaces. Automotive repair shops. Restaurants where the land area of development is 5,000 square feet or more including parking areas. Hillside development on 10,000 square feet or more, which is located on areas with known erosive soil conditions or where natural slope is 25 percent or more. Impervious surface of 2,500 square feet or more located within, directly adjacent to (within 200 feet), or discharging directly to receiving water within Environmentally Sensitive Areas. Parking lot area of 5,000 square feet or more, or with 15 or more parking spaces, and potentially exposed to urban runoff. Gas station modifications (underground storage tank, fuel island, canopy replacement or installations.) All significant redevelopment projects, where significant development is defined as the addition of 5,000 or more square feet of impervious surface on an already developed site.a)New/raw land (previously undeveloped) that includes 5,000 or more square feet of pervious surface. G:Worms 2015WIanning\COUNTERJapplication . TAM :Z IN0111.$1,1,1: leirai l4;14/4 161011 JITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH PROJECT PROCESSING CHECKLIST - (For Planning Stqff Use) • . .. .IM19307-LIMIllt YEATMYRIPTIV:VIS Jet..L Mt. 4.11L'it!AMItLIF2.M.Jeri.rfe(211.WMWM.M.7.N.Valga..0.Y.PritrP '*OM IVO 4:00:01). tl,,;?•1n 10 AOMakAARBP12..'Or ITiJj ,6"Toit'if1,14,144tIblV0,0.341$..4,114lA14:000410051,,Vii.14,•gli,,VON004.PV:.;•.01'ii,1411 Re uestCoin let(' S ecialPermitsVariances Photo ra hs Pro er Owner'sSi natureorLetterofAuthorization AdditionalFeesPaid Le alDescri tion/APNo./APMa AddressCorrect Yen Zonin Narrative JustificationforRe uest Verif GeneralPlan Sub-AreasRe uirements&FAR Ci View—Cornlete Calla licant introduce ourselfasthe ro'ect lanneranddescribethenextste s. „PAN 111,q0E1.1i!!'16hW4.4,K.1111:16''ARIF.SI :q11,0i.fAll$141,!IMP.,10:410;00!,00"0 Pro erNumberofPlans A licant'sName AddressTele honeNumberEmail Develo mentCom HanceMatrix EntitlementNo.OnPlans Com teteandinternal' consistentSets SitePlan ElevationsFloorPlans SectionsDrawin s AccurateFull DimensionedDrawnto ScaleandwithNorthArrow MustincludePropertyLines,StreetNames,StreetWidth,ExistingandProposedBuildings,Easements,Adjacent Im rovements&Uses FloorPlan Elevationsmustreferenceto ofcurb forhei litdatum Elevations/Sectiondrawinsmustreferenceto ofcurb forhei htdatum Pro artyOwner'sName Address,Tele honeNumber,Email II!,VA:414Int14"1 1.811'''.61116" l'6•1*,...1-i:-• • . ?.cifli : "I -avicladtsitliniA,411000 1. 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ConditionsofA royal ReducedSizePlans RevisedPlans If coloredattachmentsco in colorto thePC staff&website.Le ibleB/Wco lesto others. Ifre ortwascontinuedfroma reviousmeetin be sureto attachan LateCommunicationsfromthe riormeatin s . ..PoR4aslatsta•BrafgrAMPAPRri.WANVANDITIME1.t0: .4y-,6:*EMOLsc.D.;40tE.:0 ;ikt.E4tr, Plannin Commissioners(Kimberl Do Coite InterestedParties Checkaccurac onwebsite OtherDe ts PublicWorks,Fire,EconDev,etc. Applicant&PropertyOwner(Callandemailto confirmtheyareawareofmeetingandtheyreceivedstaffreporton. Thursda i10*.gip 'ilt•tOkittti.eka TosfrolvU:01{,tilie ••irk' 1?..244.07;11\01/16e:r.ts.siONIdAtiNO:j0.4as,27201'Vor.7111:irtjVREPMZIAtr ColoredSitePlans FloorPlansandElevationsdis la ed PowerPointPresentation Massin Model Laser ointeravailable Review.PresentationOutline seehandout Confirma licantcanattend After Final Meeting NOTICE OF ACTIONLETTER (WITH CONDITIONSANDCODEREQUIREMENTS)MAILEDTO APPLICANT &/PROPERTY OWNER INCLUDE CUSTOMER SURVEY CARD NOTICE OF ACTIONLETTER WITH CONDITIONSANDCODERE UIREMENTS LINKED TO CITYVIEW UPDATEPROJECT STATUSONCITY'S WEBSITEPAGE CALLAPPLICANTIF'THEYDFDNOT ATTENDAND/ORTO FOLLOW-UP ANDANSWERANYQUESTIONS FOR THEM CustomerService CEQANOTICEANDMITIGATION MONITORINGFEE whenre uired APPEALABLEDEVELOPMENT OR CATEGORICALEXCLUSIONLETTER FOR COASTAL if a licable MAICESUREPLANSSTAMPEDWITH NOTEDACTIONARE ENTFILE INCLUDEPLANNINGCOMMISSIONMINUTESINFILE ORGANIZEZONINGFILE ANDPLACE IN FILE CABINET seeDe t. Polic Memofor fileor nnization If Appealed NOTIFYAPPLICANTIF APPEALEDBYSOMEONEELSE. NOTIFY OTHER DEPARTMENT'-SREPRESENTATIVES. INFORM APPLICANT/ OTHERDEPARTMENTSIF STAFFRECOMMENDATIONCHANGES. NOTIFYAPPLICANT/ OTHERDEPARTMENTSOF SCHEDULEDTTRARINGDATE. OAPORMS\PLANNINCAApplicationChecklist 302015 Cit of Huntin ton Beach 2000 MAIN STREET CALIFORNIA 92648 DEPARTMENTOFCOMMUNITYDEVELOPMENT la •• i •m t Ervi B 1 •• • • 714.536.5271 714.375.5155 714.536.5241 December13,2017 RaymondRivera PO Box4048 SantaAna,CA92702 ENTITLEMENT:GeneralPlanConfonnanceNo.17-006 PROJECTADDRESS 5501SeapointSt PROPERTY OWNER:CountyofOrange POBox4048 SantaAna,CA92702 DATERECEIVEDAT ZONINGCOUNTER:December11,2017 PROJECTPLANNER:LindsayOrtega (714)536-5271 lindsay.ortega@surfcity-hb.org DearApplicant: Thank you for submittingyour entitlement to the City of Huntington Beach, Community Development Department. The assigned Project Planner is responsible for processing your entitlement and will be responsible forthe followingtasks: 1 Reviewingyour entitlementfor completeness; 1 Evaluatingthe project for conformancewiththe GeneralPlan; I Reviewingplans for compliancewiththe Zoning Code,DesignGuidelines,andapplicableCityOrdinances; 1 Preparationof environmentaldocumentspursuantto the CaliforniaEnvironmentalQualityAct (CEQA); AnalyZmgthe siteplan layoutand, if applicable,the floorplans andelevations; 1 Evaluatingthe project for compatibilitywith, andpotentialimpactsto, surroundinguses/structures; 1 Coordinatingissuesrelated to the Fire Dept., Public WorksDept.,BuildingDivision,etc.; I Obtainingother Citydepartment's commentsrelativeto the project; 1 Coordinatinganynecessarycommunitymeetings; 1 Preparing a staff report and recommendation (approval/denial)with suggested findings and conditions of approval 1 Schedulingthe project for apublichearing; and 1 Assistingyou with any follow-upactions and/or conditionsof approval. Entitlement Page Two Pleasebe advisedthat aNotice ofFiling Status.letterwillbe senttoyou regardingthe status/completeness of your entitlement(s) notifying you of the pending hearing date within 30 days of receipt of the entitlement(s)atthezoningcounter. Theletterwillindicateoneofthe followingcircumstances: Entitlement Deemed Incomplete; additional information is required (e.g., revised plans, supplementalplans, environmentalinformation,additionalentitlements,etc.);or Entitlement Deemed Complete;the ProjectPlanneris continuingto processyour entitlement(s) and you will be notifiedas to when yourprojectwill be scheduledfor a hearing by (1) the DesignReviewBoard,(2)theZoningAdministrator,or(3)the PlanningCommission. Thethree scenarioslistedbelowarethe subsequentstepstothe abovenotification: If the project is subjecttoPlanning Commissionreview,a staffreportwith a full analysis of the proposalwillbe prepared. Yourplans andsupplementalinformationwill beattachedto the staff report. A copyofthe staffreportwill bemailedtoyou priorto the hearing; If the project is scheduledforZoning Administrator review,an executivesummarywith staff's recomniendationfor the project will be prepared. A copy of the executive summary will be mailedtoyoupriorto thehearing; If the project is scheduledfor Design ReviewBoard action, no staff report will be prepared, howeverstaffwilladviseyouofthe staffrecommendationpriorto the meeting. Generally,the complete processing time from submittalto final action by the reviewing body and expirationofthe appealperiodis asfollows: Design ReviewBoard: 30-45days(dependentuponthe complexityofyourproject) Zoning Administrator: 2-3months(dependentuponthe complexityofyourproject) Planning Commission: 4-6 months(dependentupon thecomplexityofyourproject) Please note:When Zone Changes, General Plan Amendments,Tentative Maps, or preparation of environmentaldocumentsare involved,additionalprocessingtime isnecessary. Please directyour questions and communicationsto the assigned ProjectPlanner.If you have any subsequentcommentsorneed additionalclarification,pleasecontactme at 714-536-5271.Thank you in advanceforyour interestin HuntingtonBeach -welookforwardto workingwithyou! Sincerely, tal/ aneJam s PlanningManager xc: PropertyOwner ProjectFile