HomeMy WebLinkAboutInitial Plan; Zoning Review IPZR2017006 - Signed ApplicationCity of Huntington Beach Department of Community Development 2000 Main Street, 3rd Floor Huntington Beach, CA 92648 (714) 536-5271 www.huntingtonbeachca.gov Planning Application Number: Entitlement Number s : 0 Planning Commission p6,Staff Review 0 Zoning Administrator 0 Design Review PLANNINGAP-PLibAii-ON Project Address: 16446-16490 Bolsa Chica St. Huntington Beach, CA 92649 Assessor Parcel Number(s): 146-031-09 Project Description / Request: Re-striping of entire parking lot after asphalt repairs had been completed. Nearest Major Intersection: Bolsa Chica St & Heil Ave Lot Area: 0 0 Property Owner:Hubbell Family, LLC - CIO: The Management Works Telephone:949 )244-5799 Mailing Address: 1303 Avocado Ave. Suite 260 Email: City: Newport Beach State: CA Zip: 92660 AL. off e) Applicant / Authorized Agent:The Management Works, Inc Telephone:949 244-5799 Mailing Address:1303 Avocado Ave. Suite 260 Email:alberto@mgtworks.com Cit : Newport Beach State: CA Zip: 92660 Alberto Rodriguez - Project Manager Hubbell Family, LLCI,'Print P ,rt.• „r'.4 Nrirnol am the property owner of the subject property and have read and understand all statements including the filing requirements on the reverse side of this application. I hereby authorize 1401 -gement Works, Inc to act as my representative and to bind me in all matters concerning this application. I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that the foregoing statements, facts and attachments are true and correct.I understand that this application for entitlement or variance may be denied, modified or approved with conditions and that such conditions or modifications must be satisfied prior to issuance of building permits. I understand that by filing the application, information on the application including, but not necessarily limited to, the name and address will be included on public records that are posted on the internet. Alberto Rodriguez (Owner's Agent) 06/02/2017 Property Owner's Signature:Date:Applicant's Signature:Date: FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Fee;Environmental Review Zonin :DM:14f El Coastal Development Permit 0 Exempt 0:4 • vnership Verification GeneralPlanDesi nation:6- -/[3Conditional Use Permit Section: •i,pplicant Authorizationrti — , . Entitlement Plan Amendment EA Fee: :a El N General Plan Sub Area: 0 Design Review 0 EA Required .Plans 0 Notification Req.Distributed B :0 Planned.Sign Program ji244arrative El Temporary Use Permit Pursuant To:0 Sign Code Exception 0 Coastal Area: 0 Photos/Slides 0 Cat. D Entertainment Permit Exclusion ....0 VarianceA 0 110AAppmval Total Fee:Recei t No.: [3 ppeal Area:.2PlansID Administrative Peimit Date Stamped Received By:0 General Plan Amend 0 Flood 2one Date Received: 0 Zoning Map Amend 0 Earthquake Zone 0 Seismic Hazard 0 Zoning Text Amend (7150i1 District 0 Scenic Corridor Previous Cases:0 Local Coastal Program Amend 0 Methane District ri0 mResilit:InienatiaufflelnfirII 0 NoiseICNEL .--............01....s G:Torms 20 151Planni4COUN1ERIappIication CITY OF HUNTINGTav EACH PROJECT PROCESSING CHECKLIST - (For Planning Staff Use) - . .wrrte• ICINtitit'hyait ppvil:VP1i70-0;liP -o 14%60t014:1A.1 I/1790 Re uest Com lete S ecialPermits Variances Photo ra hs Pro e Owner's Si ature or Letter of Authorization Additional Fees Paid Le al Descri tion/AP No./AP Ma Veri Zonin Veri General Plan Sub-Areas Re uirements & FAR OiPt.XX.SY4!r!jfi:.:7.:1!i!' i.:;9:1!Yk-11111.41!1!igil4.-;!1!1:!;i:T;;!!;!!!:NiiV.,!:;li!:1V;!!;!!!.i:';1!#-INIV-!;T1,::51'!i:01!i!;11.0:34t!i3O;;;;;;4;itlE5,;',:.7,;:;;i..!;.1;.!:,q;:;R.,!ii);,v;0!!1:;;Ai,;iV1,:i.,,,i:,::::;';1:-;;;:niip:',0:::;;i:v1;;;:i',f-it:W4!i,!)in.:;t:,',.:;;::,, Pro erNumber of Plans A licant's Name Address Tele hone Number Email /7 Develo ment Corn HanceMatrix Entitlement No. OnPlans Coin lete and internall consistent Sets Site Plan Elevations, Floor Plans Sections Drawin s Accurate Full Dimensioned Drawn to Scale and with North Arrow Must include Property Lines, StreetNames, StreetWidth, Existing andProposed Buildhigs, Easements, Adjacent Iin rovetnents &Uses Floor Plan Elevations must reference to of curb for hei ht datum Elevations/Section drawin s must reference to of curb for hei ht datum Pro erty Owner's Name, Address, Tele hone Number, Email Address Correct Narrative Justification for Re uest Ci View—Coin lete Call a licant, introduce ourself as the ro ect lanner and describethe next ste s. ,0:4 1,-z..11•Arie.1,...,.llstnlemo, Cate oricall Exem t Ne ative Declaration EIR Check Mitigation Measures of Previously a royed EIRJN.D. .1;e6;024ijoy.,44us.i.;:,041;;:TF,'1.,,NP.;:"!;;i:0;',Y;Ti;110!i!!;1;11,4',;! :$;41;:1;1!'iik,,i.!,1,'r 3, 7", •I ' Not A licable A ealable Area Non-A ealable Area Exem t Cate oricall Excluded CoastalDevelo ment Permit Existin On-Site Use s and Ad'acentUses Parkin Lot Condition? Drivewa s? Reci rocal Access? Landsca in Condition dirt needs re lacement?Ille al structures additions si ns check for buildin ermits ? An mature trees to be removed?Non-Conformin Si is re uire them to be re laced ? Grade Differentials with Ad'oinin Lots?Fences/ Walls - Height/ Condition/Location? IRAttIMINKAYitt'ANVII.OK4;.!: Flood Plain Al uist-Priolo Seismic Hazardous Waste Site Affordable Housin Plan Develo ment Int act Fees Sub-Area and max. FAR Re uirements in General Plan Easements S ecific Plan Area OilWells Infill Lot Ordinance DAT Meetin Park & Rec. Fees/Re 's Greater than 3' grade differential existin Previous Entitlements and Conditions Ad'acent Entitlements and Conditions Reci recal Access onAd'acent Pro et Pro er Maintenance Ordinance Water ualit Mana ementPlan W MP Historical Issues Does proposed developmentterrace with the rade when greaterthan 3' " P • mu thittI ;INV„0.1*04W,Pli,PX0014tXtt1Wal.**,00..$!1:00,8011:Slta•MMPNp•ATIO0'1'4,ND,:"Ctii tb1qlci,NSW:i4:: /1 ('AR • ..• - CONTINUED ON BACK SIDE - CMFORMS\PLANNING\Application Checklist 3c 2015 .1s151§tilv.IS'0,61,4MEETN-d:ME.Ritogoddirro,tiag ebadItii0eWS. !!!!!rihex:ty'sER.vicEs!!REq.0Esix-isENT.4R4iiti-6d:co"KO-ediii fE,N.'.V.113.0NNIE.NT:ALMSESSMEN..f:IldoMMvintaAsili&NotiCe§ ..tRIL'A.S.N11101.0)MlYIISSIO.MSZOD.Y.;i!'S'ESSioNp.:86itaNd.tiiev.6thifee.iit:d: . . -.OWNil8fAX!f!I ConditionsofA royal ReducedSizePlans RevisedPlans If coloredattachments,co incolortothePC,staff&website.Le ibleB/Wco iesto others. Ifre ortwascontinuedfroma reviousmeetin ,besuretoattachan LateCommunicationsfromthe riormeetin s . PORtiejii0RWITE:WPOliAP416'.-A1V,VAN)ETHEtrOtt.0: -INO:WEANtSDAY'iME60;MEttINO. Plannin Commissioners(Kimberly De Coite)InterestedParties Checkaccurac onwebsite OtherDe ts ublicWorks,Fire,EconDev,etc. Applicant&PropertyOwner(Callandemailto confirmtheyareawareofmeetingandtheyreceivedstaffreporton Thursda) t51‘ Ayr T:1!!..R!!!!!;.!.)::t!!,! • 4.1 ;1 y.1\04. &i-OkrION' ..4•Jr. ColoredSitePlans,FloorPlansandElevationsdis la ed Massin Model ReviewPresentationOutline seehandout PowerPointPresentation Laser ointeravailable Confirma licantcanattend After Final Meeting NOTICE OFACTIONLETTER (WITHCONDITIONSANDCODEREQUIREMENTS)MAILEDTO APPLICANT&/PROPERTY OWNER INCLUDE CUSTOMER SURVEY CARD NOTICE OF ACTIONLETTER WITH CONDITIONSANDCODERE UIREMENTS LINKEDTO CITYVIEW UPDATEPROJECT STATUSONCITY'S WEBSITEPAGE CALLAPPLICANTIF THEYDIDNOTATTENDAND/ORTO FOLLOW-UPANDANSWERANYQUESTIONS FOR THEM CustomerService CE ANOTICEANDMITIGATIONMONITORINGFEE, whenre uired APPEALABLEDEVELOPMENTOR CATEGORICALEXCLUSIONLETTER FOR COASTAL,ifa licable MAKESUREPLANSSTAMPEDWITH NOTEDACTIONAREIN FILE INCLUDEPLANNINGCOMMISSIONMINUTESINFILE ORGANIZEZONINGFILE ANDPLACEINFILE CABINET seeDe t. Polic Memofor fileor anization If Appealed NOTIFYAPPLICANTIF APPEALEDBYSOMEONEELSE. NOTIFYOTHERDEPARTMENT'SREPRESENTATIVES. INFORMAPPLICANT/ OTHERDEPARTMENTSIF STAFFRECOMMENDATIONCHANGES. NOTIFYAPPLICANT/ OTHERDEPARTMENTSOFSCHEDULEDHEARINGDATE. G:\FORMS\PLANNING\Application Checklist 3c 2015 ke-STriiszAl I A 5 per R.XiSi-c/v At t(ptfq(0—1(2(00 R o L G A ci-tx,A.ST. q u i t / 1 7 4 g rem/ gewk.9g,c,/t9 RECEIVED JUN05 2017 DePtOfCOM*Development id •Cit of i untin ton Ieach 2000 MAINSTREET CALIFORNIA92648 DEPARTMENTOFCOMMUNITYDEVELOPMENT Plannin Division Code Enforcement Division Buildin Division 714/536-5271 714/375-5155 714/536 -5241 June8,2017 Alberto/TheManagementWorks,Inc. 1303AvocadoAve.Suite260 NewportBeach,CA92660 ENTITLEMENT:InitialPlanningandZoningReviewNo. 17-006 PROJECTADDRESS 16446-16490BolsaChicaSt. PROPERTYOWNER:ShawnLoutter/HubbellFamily,LLC 1303AvocadoAve,Suite260 NewportBeach,CA92660 DATERECEIVEDAT ZONINGCOUNTER:June5,2017 PROJECTPLANNER:KimoBurden (714)536-5438 kimo.burden@surfcity-hb.org DearApplicant: Thankyou for submittingyourentitlementto the Cityof HuntingtonBeach,CommunityDevelopment Department. The assignedProjectPlanneris responsiblefor processingyour entitlementand will be responsibleforthefollowingtasks: ( Reviewingyourentitlementforcompleteness; 1 EvaluatingtheprojectforconformancewiththeGeneralPlan; 1 Reviewingplans for compliancewith the Zoning Code, Design Guidelines,and applicableCity Ordinances; 1 PreparationofenvironmentaldocumentspursuanttotheCaliforniaEnvironmentalQualityAct(CEQA); 1 Analyzingthesiteplanlayoutand,ifapplicable,thefloorplansandelevations; 1 Evaluatingtheprojectforcompatibilitywith,andpotentialimpactsto,surroundinguses/structures; 1 CoordinatingissuesrelatedtotheFireDept.,PublicWorksDept.,BuildingDivision,etc.; 1 ObtainingotherCitydepartment'scommentsrelativetotheproject; 1 CoordinatinganynecessaTycommunitymeetings; 1 Preparinga staffreportandrecommendation(approval/denial)withsuggestedfaidingsandconditionsof approval 1 Schedulingtheprojectforapublichearing;and 1( Assistingyouwithanyfollow-upactionsand/orconditionsofapproval. Entitlement Page Two Please be advisedthat a Notice ofFiling Status letterwill be senttoyou regarding the status/completeness of your entitlement(s) notifying you of the pending hearing date within 30 days of receipt of the entitlement(s)atthe zoning counter. The letter will indicate one ofthe following circumstances: Entitlement Deemed Incomplete;additional information is required (e.g., revised plans, supplementalplans, environmentalinformation,additionalentitlements, etc.); or a EntitlementDeemed Complete;the Project Planner is continuingto process your entitlement(s) and you will be notified as to when your project will be scheduled for a hearing by (1) the DesignReviewBoard, (2) the Zoning Administrator, or (3) the Planning Commission. Thethree scenarioslistedbelow arethe subsequent stepsto the abovenotification: If the project is subject to Planning Commissionreview, a staffreport with a full analysis of the proposalwill be prepared. Your plans and supplemental informationwill be attached to the staff report. A copyof the staffreport will be mailedto you priorto the hearing; If the project is scheduled for Zoning Administrator review, an executive summarywith staff s recommendation for the project will be prepared. A copy of the executive summary will be mailedto you prior to the hearing; If the project is scheduled for Design Review Board action, no staff report will be prepared, however staffwill adviseyou ofthe staffrecommendationpriorto the meeting. Generally, the complete processing time from submittal to fmal action by the reviewing body and expirationof the appealperiod is as follows: Design Review Board:30-45days (dependentupon the complexity ofyour project) ZoningAdministrator:2-3months (dependentupon the complexity ofyour project) a Planning Commission: 4-6 months (dependentupon the complexityofyour project) Please note:When Zone Changes, General Plan Amendments, Tentative Maps, or preparation of environmentaldocumentsare involved,additionalprocessingtime is necessary. Please direct your questions and communications to the assigned Project Planner.If you have any subsequentcommentsor need additional clarification, please contact me at 714-536-5271. Thank you in advancefor your interestin HuntingtonBeach -we lookforward to workingwith you! Sincerely, aneJam PlanningManager xc: Property Owner Project File