HomeMy WebLinkAboutAdministrative Permit APX2017001 - Signed ApplicationPA I7-00" /945' \"'l' 00) APPLICATION FOR NOISE DEVIATION PERMITO A A (Pursuant to Huntington Beach Municipal Code Section 8.40.130) @ ° RECEIVED JAN 19 2017 Dept. of Planning Chris Conrad on behalf of Vans 805-904-9019 8. Building Applicant/Property Owner ‘ Telephone Number 6550 Katella Ave. Mailing Address Case Number Cypress CA 90630 _ City State Zip Receipt No. Fee: $XXX.XX REQUEST: To permit deviation from the provisions of Chapter 8.40 Noise Control for the following activities: Vans BMX4 Invitational LOCATION OF PROPERTY: Street Address: _7471 Center Ave Assessor’s Parcel Number: / - - DM#: I, e,e_, ‘( “"'2/ , have read and understand all statements (Property Owner) including the requirements on the reverse side of this application. I am the property owner of the subject property. .I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that the forgoing statements,-facts and attachments are true and correct. I understand that this application for entitlement may be denied, modified or approved with ‘conditions and that such conditions or modifications must be complied with prior to issuance of permit. I hereby authorize ®V\N'»9 Qovwul I/01/\ to act as my representative and to bind me in all matters concerning this application. Signature of: ‘ . Z /7 ro rty Ow ’ Date ‘//4/ Aut ' ed Agent M Date E. Decision on Appeal. The hearing officer may reverse or affirm in whole or in part, or may modify the hearing officer's decision that is being appealed. The decision of the hearing officer is final on the date of its decision. (3940-7/12) » To Be Completed by Applicant Pursuant to Section 8.40.130 A. above: (Print legibly or complete on separate sheet of paper) Actions Taken b A licant to Com I with Provisions of Noise Control Cha ter: Maintain control of sound levels; face speakers away from residents; operate in daytimé -- hours (9 am — 6 pm) ' Reasons Wh Com liance Cannot be Achieved: A’ - ~e,~\ §®u.(. I '€U\»(A— {\9\, Pro osed Method of Achievin Com liance: Maintain control of sound levels; face épeakers away from residents; operate in daytime hours (9 am - 6 pm); On-site staff to address any issues. Reasons Wh Deviation from Noise Levels Produces a Greater Benefit to Communit : Element of international event that promotes the park and City of Huntington Beach. H ~ I 8.4.130 Permit Process A. B. C. D. E. F. 8.40.150 A A. B.‘ C. D. Applications for a permit to deviate from the provisions herein shall be initiated by submitting an application and data as proscribed by the director and paying the required fee. The agglication form will be as directed by the director and shall set forth all facts re ardin the re uest for deviation includin an actions the a Iicant took to com I with the rovisions of this cha ter the reasons wh com Iiance cannot be achieved and a ro osed method of achievin com Iiance if such method exists. The a ' Iicant must demonstrate at a minimum the need to deviate from the noise level roduces a reater benefit to the communit which outwei hs -the tem ora increase in noise level above the re uirements of this cha ter. Within 10 days after receipt of a complete application, the director will notify affectéd property owners within 300 feet of the alleged/proposed noise source of the application for a permit to temporarily deviate from this code. A separate application shall be filed for each noise source; provided, however, that several mobile sources under common ownership, or several fixed sources on a single property may be combined into one application. Upon receipt of said application and fee, the director may approve, conditionally approve or deny the permit upon finding that the above factors as well as factors included in Section 8.40.111 of this chapter are satisfied. The permit.shall become effective five days after action by the director unless appealed as provided herein. The director will provide the applicant as well as the affected property owners notice of decision within 24 hours after the decision is made. ' An ‘applicant for a permit shall remain subject to prosecution under the terms of this chapter until a permit is granted. (2379-7/79, 3940-7/12) eals Notice of Appeal. A person desiring to appeal the director’s decision shall file a written notice of appeal with the director within five days after the director’s decision. Notice of appeal shall be accompanied by a fee as set forth in the City’s current fee resolution. ' Form of Notice on Appeal. The notice of appeal shall contain the name and address of the person appealing the action, the decision appealed from and the grounds for the appeal. The director may provide the form of the notice of appeal. A defect in the form of the notice does not affect the validity or right to an appeal. Action on Appeal. The director shall set the matter for heafing before a hearing officer and shall give notice of the hearing on the appeal in the time and manner set forth in California Government Code Section 65091. De Novo Hearing. The" hearing officer shall hear the appeal as a new matter. The original applicant has the burden of proof. The hearing officer may .act upon the application, either granting it, conditionally granting it or denying it, irrespective of the precise grounds or scope of the appeal. In addition to considering the testimony and evidence presented at the hearing on the appeal, the hearing officer shall consider all pertinent information from the file as a result of the previous hearings from which the appeal is taken. » CITY 0FHUNTINGTO¢ V BEACH PROJECT PROCESSING CHECKLIST “ (F or Planning Staff Use) .. ..._ _. -.._ , _. -..‘ffiR‘..' - .._ ./ Pro er Owne1"s Si nature or Letter of Authorization /Additional Fees Paid /’ Le a1Descri tion/AP No./AP Ma X Address Correct /Veri Zonin /Narrative Justification for Re uest ./ Veri General Plan Sub-Areas Re uirements & FAR Ci View — Com lete Call a licant, introduce ourself as the ro'ect lanner and describe the next ste s. Pro er Number of Plans A 1icant’s Name, Address Tele hone Number, Email Develo ment Corn liance Matrix Entitlement No. On Plans Com lete and internall consistent Sets Site Plan Elevations, Floor Plans Sections Drawin s Accurate, Full Dimensioned Drawn to Scale and with North Arrow Must include Property Lines, Street Names, Street Width, Existing and Proposed Buildings, Easements, Adj ace_nt Im rovements & Uses Floor Plan Elevations must reference to of curb for hei ht datum Elevations/Section drawin s must reference to of curb for hei ht datum Pro e1‘cy Owne1"s Name, Address, Tele hone Number, Email gi fie’ §“ Cfité ouricailfl E$(e1n H. ‘ Ne :l1t'1ve:'MDe:'c1ha.r;ati§11 I b Check Mitigation Measures of Previousl a roved EIR/N.D. . -1 . , . /NotA licable A ealable Area Non-A ea1ab1eA1'ea Exem t Cate oricall Excluded Coastal Develo ment Permit / % ._ . ._ . _ ._ .. ._ % . ... .. fl Existm On-Site Use s and Ad'acent Uses Parlcin Lot Condition? Drivewa s? Reci local Access? 7 Landsca in Condition dirt, needs re Iacement? Ille a1 structures additions, si ns check for buildin ermits ? /V ,An mature trees to be removed? Non-Conformin Si s re uire them to be re laced ? V ' Grade Differentials with Ad'oinin Lots? Fencesl Walls - Height} Conditionl Location? ._ .I ':::b.Es11'¢1>1;= “;u—xfi:ELr1N.Es:%,:!:' }'=i?'T02v‘?I'J7l?.1’?'_Yi/fIIls“;'I,4' Flood Plain Easements Previous Entitlements and Conditions Al uist—Priolo S ecific Plan Area Ad'acent Enti'tlements and Conditions Seismic Oil Wells Reci _rbca1 Access on Ad'acent Pro e1 Hazardous Waste Site Infill Lot Ordinance Pro er Maintenance Ordinance Affordable Housin Plan DAT Meetin Water ualit Mana ement Plan W M? Develo ment Im act Fees Park & Rec. Fees/Re ’s Historical Issues Sub-Area and max. FAR Greater than 3’ grade Does proposed development terrace with Re uirements in General Plan differential existing the grade when greater than 3’ ‘ - CONTINUED ON BA CK SIDE - G:\FORMS\PLANNING\/Application Checklist 3c 2015 zEEI5:fi‘EI51§1éE33S=T,5iEERERORIT/INGL‘UDEl3?i5i:Ii§EPiPI?R0BRIz1'TEA%i1I?TA'€HMENTL$° ::s'i;I13'J')i.’I'-.V—.I's" "<'9;N;"=MEE-E1‘.-'ING&:§RTE 1REDe;t' Se‘ii'd—§N6itié3§)" =2:-DESIGN%im§§ziE‘W::1ME-E111Nicriik-E'QUiREb‘=eiM5'£é+i-a'Is;!&&=:@315?:=36" '--;=1:'EG&IB‘1'sEPMGEs'%=IéE‘xjmsm-:‘sEN.rr.e'-';Ré" 1i_‘i_x_'-'é‘d':f6‘fi;:2U'fii1ifiaficie‘-i?'Q. -'fiirii-SH;i1i?鑧is1uEi‘6h';-i'Z6ii‘in' r._frV'e"x’t“/;=-1'\'/I’a’ «a=ENyIR0N.ME.Nm;mii2&7SSESSME-Nméé<9QMMWBE-E;;::‘(s'éxiawotiaas %3iNNI4I*it:::s;c3:oMM1SSIQ.N%§ss:mUD_¥;;%s*E‘ssIoN.r*:é‘(‘séfid'=Nt:t-a-ae§zé;i‘fifih'i?ii-ii:j"=;l.iE'a‘:i‘£=;'éin_fi‘-éitté‘fi'<I)f :§»+'s1+:j1.~i;jj';i~:t'1{w;;=(';_.2;g;1;:=1~‘Ioi-tens':FOR?_1>u'BuIQ;:.HEAR1Nd:-‘hie1ii'a1H"' ;=m?'rfi11'§g V 'Ii‘c”sib'ié— I;s"‘.é1 ll‘. .,. -I .,-. Conditions of A roval [:1 Reduced Size Plans l::] R6VlS6d Plans If colored attachments, co in color to the PC, staff & website. Le ible B/W co ies to others. Ifre ort was continued fiom a revious meeting, be sure to attach an Late Communications fi‘orn the rior meetin s . i:eiENS.£ZR1fié=S=TA'M=:?€E;éOR-is-I5:;;DI$%&RfB.UTED:rTo.!t4RaticéimmLND':«THE‘=?Fb1:L'a‘WINGf'rVEDNEsD2iW3EE6RE%MEErING.=:=-r- Planning Commissioners (Kimberly Dc Coite) Check accurac on website Interested Parties Other De ts Public Works, Fire, Econ Dev, etc. Applicant & Property Owner (Call and email to confirm they are aware of meeting and they received staffreport on Thursda ) - NNING%=Et'0M]i§iIS‘LS‘f(i1V,€‘Z0NI]S/G?!DMIMLS‘TRH’TO1tEEMEETINGWREPAR§519Tib" I Colored Site Plans, Floor Plans and Elevations dis la ed Massin g Model Review’ Presentation Outline see handout) PowerPoint Presentation Laser ointer available Confirm a licant can attend After Final Meeting NOTICE OF ACTION LETTER (WITH CONDITIONS AND CODE REQUIREMENTS) MAILED TO APPLICANT &/ PROPERTY OWNER INCL UDE CUSTOMER SUR VE Y CARD NOTICE OF ACTION LETTER WITH CONDITIONS AND CODE REQUIREMENTS LINKED TO CITYVIEW UPDATE PROJECT STATUS ON CITY’S WEBSITE PAGE CALL APPLICANT IF THEY DID NOT ATTEND AND/OR TO FOLLOW-UP AND ANSWER ANY QUESTIONS FOR THEM Customer Service CEQA NOTICE AND MITIGATION MONITORING FEE, when re uired APPEALABLE DEVELOPMENT OR CATEGORICAL EXCLUSION LETTER FOR COASTAL, if a licable MAKE SURE PLAI‘-IS STAMPED WITH NOTED ACTION ARE IN FILE INCLUDE PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES IN FILE ORGANIZE ZONING FILE AND PLACE IN FILE CABINET see De t. Polic Memo for file or anization IJ’Appealed NOTIFY APPLICANT IF APPEALED BY SOMEONE ELSE. NOTIFY OTHER DEPARTN[ENT’S REPRESENTATIVES. INFORM APPLICANT / OTHER DEPARTMENTS IF STAFF RECOMMENDATION CHANGES. NOTIFY APPLICANT / OTHER DEPARTMENTS OF SCHEDULED HEARING DATE. G:\FORMS\PLANN1'NG\Application Checklist 3c 2015 - #0 ‘K! ‘V \‘ \ I Am 35$ ; /-' ~. Cit of Huntin ton Beach \.J..J\.A..-kl‘ x ._.. -- v 'r ‘ ' I Q \» 1 »‘ If a_\\ f. Plannin Division 714/536-5271 2000 MAIN STREET CALIFORNIA 92648 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Buildin Division 714/536-5241 Code Enforcement Division 714/375-5155. J anuary 20, 2017 Chris Conrad 6550 Katella Avenue Cypress, CA 90630 ENTITLEMENT: Administrative Permit No. 17-0007 PROJECT ADDRESS 7471 Center Drive PROPERTY OWNER: Kellee Fritzal City of Huntington Beach 2000 Main Street - Huntington Beach, CA 92648 DATE RECEIVED AT ZONING COUNTER: Januaxy 19, 2017 PROJECT PLANNER: Kimo Bum (714) 536-5438 Kimo.Burden@surfcity-hb.org Dear Applicant: Thank you for submitting your entitlement to the City of Huntington Beach, Community Development Department. The assigned Project Planner is responsible for processing your entitlement and will be responsible for the following tasks: / / I \'\\'\\\\'\'\ Reviewing your entitlement for completeness; Evaluating the project for conformance with the General Plan; Reviewing plans for compliance with the Zoning Code, Design Guidelines, and applicable City Ordinances; Preparation of environmental documents pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA); Analyzing the site plan layout and, if applicable, the floor plans and elevations; Evaluating the project for compatibility with, and potential impacts to, surrounding 1_1ses/structures; Coordinating issues related to the Fire Dept., Public Works Dept., Building Division, etc.; Obtaining other City department’s comments relative to the_§roject; Coordinating any necessary community meetings; Preparing a stafi‘ report and recommendation (approval/denial) with suggested findings and conditions of approval Scheduling the project for a puh lic hearing; afid Assisting you with any follow-up actions and/or conditions of approval. Entitlement Page Two Please be advised that aNotice of Filing Status letter will be sentto you regarding the status/completeness ofyour entit1ement(s) notifying you ofthe pending hearing date Within 30 davs of receipt of the entit1ement(s) at the zoning counter. The letter will indicate one ofthe following circumstances: D Entitlement Deemed Incomplete; additional information is required (e.g., revised plans, ,supp1em'enta1 plans, environmental information, additional entitlements, etc.); or Cl Entitlement Deemed Complete; the Project Planner is continuing to process your e11tit1ement(s) and you willbe notified as to when your project will be scheduled for ahearing by (1) the Design Review Boaxd, (2) the Zoning Administrator, or(3) the Planning Commission. The three scenarios listed below are the subsequent steps to the above notification; D Ifthe proj eat is subject to Planning Commission review, a staff report with a_fu11 anal)/sis. 6ft11e ' proposal will be prepared. Your plans and supplemental information willbe attached to the staff report. A copy ofthe staff. report will be mailed to you prior to the hearing; D Ifthe project is scheduled for Zoning Administrator review, an executive summary with staffs recommendation for the project Will be prepared A copy ofthe executive summaly will be mailed to you prior to the hearing; ‘ D If The project is scheduled for Design Review Board action, 110 staff report will be prepared, however staffwill advise you of the stafl recommendation prior to the meeting. Generally, the complete processing time from submittal to final action by the reviewing body and expiration of the appeal period isas follows: ' ‘E1 Design Review Board: 30-45 days (dependent upon the complexity of your project) D Zoning Administrator: 2-3 months (dependent uponthe complexity ofyour project) D Planning Commission: 4-6 months (dependent upon the complexity of your project) Please note: When Zone Changes, General Plan Amendments, Tentative Maps, dr preparation of environmental documents are involved, additional processing time is" necessary. Please direct your questions and communications to the assigned Project Planner. If youhave any subsequent comments or need additional clarification, please contact me at 714-536-5271. Thank youin advance for your interest in Huntington Beach - we look forward to Working with you! Sincerely, Tne Jam 5 Planning Manager xc: Property Owner Project File \