HomeMy WebLinkAboutAdministrative Permit APX2018001 - District MapPla nning it Zoning DM 15 RL Whitne Dr. RL Everest Cir. r.o, RL El". a 5; 8. Er Su ar.Or RL Mc Fadden Ave. -ci',.."-..> -1\.5P1 _c\(...).al/.-I *\.,w.• :in G vc?5, SP1-3 Zoning De,ignations _Parcel,. _ - Crt5 Boinntary CAUTION WHEN USING THIS MAP I I Notes: See lesend page for Amatption of zoniag desiva.Vica, CiO,of Huntington Beach Orange Counol, California Public Right of Ways Plicate ROO of Ways SECTIONAL DISTRICT MAP 14-5-11 Infatuation &own beacon is* mumaation of Mta from sauces of vap.ing acatracy and is potided as a convenience to the ana The Carr of Boating. Beath does tot gum mkt ds completeness or accuracy It as the tsars remansilnItty to verify all Minn./hoe to then own satooctton. Any zone a4onling any ritslat of nny is Mtended to Cdellti to dm enter of mcla right of way. 0 500 1000 ADOPTED June 20, 1960 City Council Ordniauce No. 775 Feet P,AnGIS ProjectslAtImaeS.Zmong AttmDM itnch 206