HomeMy WebLinkAboutAdministrative Permit APX2018001 - Supporting DocumentsANS Vans BMX Invitational 2018 Parking Plan As we have implemented at previous events, Vans will establish an approved parking area for its guests. Vans will also combine staff and signage to help direct patrons to the designated parking location. Parking plan elements include: Vans will work with Golden West College to secure an event parking area Vans will post signs directing patrons to approved parking areas Vans will post signs indicating "No Event Parking" at Costco and Old World Village at least 2 hours prior to the event. Vans will place security guards at park entrance to assist in directing patrons to approved parking lots We will make periodical PA Announcements reminding guests to park in approved areas and not at Costco or Old World Village Vans BMX Invitational ProAm 2018 Logistics Thursday, March 29: Bleacher install Tent install Vans merch pick up/delivery Build back drop Banner frames Porta potties delivered Water & supply run Friday, March 30: Bleacher conclusion Dumpsters delivered Banner install Sound install Directional sign prep Saturday, March 31: Event Sunday, April 1: Bleacher removal Tent Removal Monday, April 2: Porta pottie removal Dumpster removal Vans BMX Invitational March 31, 2018 Vans Off the Wall Skatepark Security Overview March 30 5 pm —7 am:1 guard equipment watch March 31 7 am —7 pm:1 guard back gate 1 guard front gate Ticket taker/wristband exchange 8 am —8pm:2 guard front gate Ticket taker/wristband exchange 3 guards Course Crowd control 2 guards VIP Credential check 11am —7pm:2 guards Roamers Crowd Control CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH 2000MAIN STREET CALIFORNIA92648 HUNTINGTON BEACH SPECIFICEVENTPERMIT Permit# 3-17-8 COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT (714)536-5486 March24, 2017 Event: Vans BMX Invitational Pro Am Date: Saturday, March 26, 2017 Time: 10:00 AM —7:00 PM Location: Vans Skate Park Contact: Chris Conrad @ 805-904-9019 On-Site Conditions AllconditionsasoutlinedintheJanuary23, 2017conditionsofapprovalletterapply. Thefollowingconditionsofapprovalarerequiredforyourevent. Anon-sitemanagerwithanoperatingcellphonemustbeavailablethroughouttheevent,including timesofsetupandbreakdown. A minimumofone(1)multipurpose2a-10bcfireextinguishershallbeprovided,taggedaccordingly andspacednotlessthan75feetapart. Foodserviceforeventparticipantsispermittedprovidedtheproperpermitsareobtainedthroughthe CountyofOrange. Thesoundlevelofthemusicmustnotcreatea disturbancetoareavisitors,residentsandbusinesses. IfthePoliceDepartmentreceivescomplaintsaboutthelivemusic,themusicianswillbeaskedtoturn thevolumedown.Ifcomplaintspersist,themusicmustbeshutoff. Amplifiedsoundmayonlybeusedduringeventhoursandnotduringsetuportakedownhours,with theexceptionofsoundchecks. Theapprovedparkingandtrafficplanmustadheredtothroughouttheeventoperatinghours. TheCityofHuntingtonBeachhasa policyprohibitingtheuseofexpandablepolystyrene(commonly referredtobythetradenameStyrofoam)foodserviceproducts.Theuseoftheseproductsis prohibitedatalleventsonpublicpropertyandwithincityfacilities.Thisprohibitionshallapplytoevent organizers,agentsofeventorganizers,eventvendorsandanyotherpartywhoenterintoan agreementwithoneormoreofthesponsorsoftheeventtosellorprovidegoodsorbeveragesatthe event. APPROVED DATE 5 (4 rector of Community Services PERMITTEE IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE ACTIONS OF ALL VENDORS AND PARTICIPANTS DURING THE EVENT. PERMIT MUST BE IN POSSESSION OF THE EVENT CONTACT DURING THE EVENT. CMC3/24/2017 30'-0" 12'-9"4'-6"12'-9" 30' X 6 ROW GROUND LEVEL 99 SEATS PLAN VIEW Scale: 3/16" = 40" LEG ..•.... . I. • ... •-•.. . .**..• SIDE ELEVATION2Scale: 3/16" =1-0" KNEE BRACE EXISTING STRUCTURE American Grandstand Seating DATE: 2160 CentralAve.SCALE: Duarte, CA 91010 ph: 626.303.5112 fx: 626.303.5115 11/15/11 APPROVEDBY: REVISED: JOB NO.DRAWN BY: DTO DRAWING30' x 6 row NO. 1 0-AA (tR) L-#) Ci ofHuntin ton Beach 2000 MAIN STREET CALIFORNIA 92648 DEPARTMENTOFCOMMUNITYDEVELOPMENT t . . .o 714.536.5271 714.375.5155 714.536.5241 March 13, 2018 SUBJECT: TEMPORARY NOISE PERMIT NO. 2018-001 (VANS SKATE PARK) 7471 CENTER AVENUE Dear Interested Parties: This letter is to inform you that on March 13, 2018 the Director of Community Development approved Temporary Noise Permit No. 2018-001 to allow the Vans BMX Invitational event on March 31, 2018 from 9:00 AM to 7:00 PM to temporarily deviate from the exterior noise standards in Huntington Beach Municipal Code Section 8.40.050. The approval was based on the Findings and Conditions of Approval in Attachment No. 1. A person desiring to appeal the Director's decision shall file a written notice of appeal to the Department of Community Development within five (5) calendar days of the date of action. The notice of appeal shall include the name and address of the person appealing the action, the decision being appealed, and the grounds for the appeal. Said appeal must be accompanied by a filing fee of Two Thousand Six Hundred Sixty Dollars ($2,660). The appeal shall be heard by the hearing officer in accordance with the procedures outlined in the Huntington Beach Municipal Code. The last day for filing an appeal and paying the filing fee for the above noted application is Monda March 19 2018 at 5:00 PM. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at (714) 374-1774 or at tn u en surfcit -hb.or . Sincerely, n(14 0— Tess Nguyen Associate Planner ATTACHMENT NO. 1 FINDINGS AND CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL TEMPORARY NOISE PERMIT NO. 2018-001 FINDINGS OF APPROVAL —TEMPORARY NOISE PERMIT NO. 2018-001: Temporary Noise Permit No. 2018-001 to deviate from the exterior noise standards in Huntington Beach Municipal Code Section 8.40.050 for a Vans BMX Street Invitational event is necessary because the event will occur at an outdoor skate park where methods for noise containment are limited. The Vans BMX Street Invitational event features top professional and amateur athletes from all over the world, will be open to the public and free of charge. The noise during the BMX Street Invitational event will be temporary and occur during daytime hours (9:00 AM to 7:00 PM). The applicant has taken the following actions to minimize the noise impacts: Temporary speakers will be directed away from residences and businesses. A staff DJ will play music and be available at all times to make adjustments as needed. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL —TEMPORARY NOISE PERMIT NO. 2018-001: The site plan received and dated February 1, 2018 shall be the conceptually approved layout to depict locations of bleacher seating and DJ/announcer. The applicant shall take the following actions to minimize the noise impacts: Temporary speakers shall be directed away from residences and businesses. A staff DJ shall be available at all times to make adjustments as needed. INFORMATION ON SPECIFIC CODE REQUIREMENTS: Temporary Noise Permit No. 2018-001 for the Vans Skate Park shall not become effective until the five-calendar day appeal period has elapsed.(HBMC Section 8.40.150) The project shall comply with all applicable provisions of the Municipal Code, Building Department, and Fire Department as well as applicable local, State and Federal Fire Codes, Ordinances, and standards, except as noted herein.(City Charter, Article V) INDEMNIFICATION AND HOLD HARMLESS CONDITION: The owner of the property which is the subject of this project and the project applicant if different from the property owner, and each of their heirs, successors and assigns, shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City of Huntington Beach and its agents, officers, and employees from any claim, action or proceedings, liability cost, including attorney's fees and costs against the City or its agents, officers or employees, to attack, set aside, void or annul any approval of the City, including but not limited to any approval granted by the City Council, Planning Commission, or Design Review Board concerning this project. The City shall promptly notify the applicant of any claim, action or proceeding and should cooperate fully in the defense thereof. Vans BMX Invitational - March 31, 2018 Parking/Directional Signage - Placement • .. '-• .6.2. IMP Of a Directionmal Signs are 36"tallx 24"wide and placed on plastic A-frame sign holers. Sign holders are 36"tall x 28" wide. (similar to road construction A frames)