HomeMy WebLinkAboutAdministrative Permit APX2018008 - Signed ApplicationCity of Huntington Beach DepartmentofCommunityDevelopment 2000MainStreet,3rdRoar HuntingtonBeach. CA52648 (714)536-5271 uwearuntinglonbeachcagov Rand ApplicationNumber Entitiemen N s 20 0 — RahnineCm:mission4„,..ErSterfeav 0 ZoningAdministrator 0 DesignReview I G:=AM2t jectAddress: 4 O*0 essorParcelNumber(s):4/a Oct DescriptionI Request Tenant Im rovementof2893s uarefootspaceforpersonalenric ent use- FitBod Boot am N restMajorIntersection:Brookhurst / Garfield La Area: -Pr pert/Owner: -M lin Addresw r •2 1 1.. ' •' . - -.) 1.. • —'6 d --LAS-1-11;1 .State: A--rip: "7 .) .Ap !leant / Authorized Aient:.v Ma in Address:0 8 re- ocr -1,‘ _ci :4-lusl-4104-cryl-Beaell slate:ca,Zp:cic9...k,6 I.et....''7..IL ' LAI .ilWille moonily owner of the subject property and have read and : und rstandall statementsInclu ing the tiling requirementson the reverse side of this application. I hereby authorize 1144.14'thleenYork to act as my representativeand to bind me in all matters concerring this appl lion. I hereby affirmunderpenaltyof perjulythat the foregoingstatements,fads and attachments are true and cc I understandthatthisapplicationfor entitlementor variancemay be denied, moded or approved marconditions and at sUCtlcontfilionsor modificationsmust besatisfiedpriorto issuanc:e of building permits_I understand that by filing the pplication,informationon the applicationincluding,hut inclu edonpublicrecords are postedon e' et. \k-* / I .1 ,,/1 • a.../-- / / 7-)Pro tuner'sSigpature: .Date: a 'AA-iL,lot.,t/t___ f -•.'--:- '_-_::.*.-.1 •-:...-ii.ICOF-ViaitiiiiiiiLi.:r"--''iii4E".:;-.=-'-- ..'-'5:::.-4t -.:---":- ..-.•" -----,-:.- 2 Puis antTo: • . 0 TempeneyUse C-3EttiPit.lbinantPanel/- 7otel Fes: - • No2. Li aimingtenAsians- LoralCoastalProgramAmend GAT ItOLSTImairg\COLDrilltkpfdicathut ..4_ddstaaA—v41Lbe Applicant's Si n S I Date: Zan!••nhe -DCol Delopmenpema p Gen rat'pren:IS -• *•• Or:onriaidnailisePeMzi 77.";staori.- - - "• Mtn UtedB .Noiltication'Reg:- • Gen ralAiriSub Ares:• 0 'DesignReviSvi 1:1Entiownwn An4ndment.•-=• •- Cla*C4deE16/41-rut • Preen'ed .-Ertiniosm:• P, mai§4:-.GeneralPlanAmend 0-ate •0 zimingMap Amend Pre oits Case= - -1:".1App.eat.AdministrativePerms - • -1.412.11ssOaleuternped• - -•• Far.iniaizmoi.._ 0 usgtznetcgsh;4.- ' Residen5217ins! *- • NciseICTIEL • -takieb"Y_ .ButTer.•. Tel 47-i5— Emat c...441 • P/te Telephone:) Emal v't .Cowl APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS:(C le t e / s u b m i t t h e f o l l o w i n g c i r c l e d i t e m s p r i s u b m i t t a l a n d r e t u r n t h i s dpplication with your submittal) CALL 714-536-5271 TO SCHEDULE A MANDATORY PRE-APPLICATION SUBMITTAL MEETING BEFORE PRINTING 12 SETS OF PLAN. Bring the following to the meeting: One (1) complete set of site plan, floor plan and elevations plus all items circled below: ...tiis application must be typed or printed and filled in completely. the applicant is not the property owner, the property owner shall designate the applicant as the authorized agent to act on his/her behalf and both shall sign this application. Proof of property ownership, e.g., deed, title insurance policy. Chain of title indicating prior ownership and date of lot creation, Certificate of Compliance, or copy of recorded map. Environmental Assessment Form if determined necessary per California Environmental Quality Act (see attached). Planning Commission:Twelve ( 1 2 ) p r e l i m i n a r y s i t e p l a n s , f l o o r p l a n s a n d b u i l d i n g e l e v a t i o n s ( a n d f o r n e w construction submit preliminary grading plans) a maximum of 24" X 36" in size. Upon acceptance and scheduling of hearing date, eight (8) additional full sized sets, two (2) sets of plans reduced to 8-1/2" X 11" and one (1) set of plans colored to illustrate the design and development concept of the project shall be submitted. Other plans may be required depending on the complexity of the project. Zoning Administrator:Twelve (12) sets of site plans, floor plans and building elevations (and for new construction submit preliminary grading plans) a maximum of 24" X 36" in size, and one (1) set of plans reduced to 11" X 17. Other plans may be required depending on the complexity of the project. taff Review or Design Review:Twelve ( 1 2 ) s e t s o f s i t e p l a n s , f l o o r p l a n s a n d b u i l d i n g e l e v a t i o n s a m a x i m u m o f 2 4 " 36" in size. A materials palette, preliminary landscape plans, and colored elevations of all proposed walls are also required for design review. (No additional plans required for PC/ZA projects requiring Design Review).Administrative • e uire onl three 3 sets of lans. [I ( 1 7 10. Preliminary Grading Plan with all existing an proposed grades as well as all walls/fences shown on plan. ovide a digital copy of the plans (pdf) and color elevations. ans conforming to the following requirements: a) An electronic version (PDF) of the plans shall be required. Draw to scale (minimum scale 118"= 1' or 1"= 30'); indicate scale; indicate dimensions of building and floor uses; and north direction arrow. Plans shall be oriented so that north points to the top of the page. Plot the entire parcel and dimension all pertinent data such as easements, driveways, landscaping, parking, fencing; and distances to all property lines. Indicate any grade differential between adjacent properties, alleys, or streets. Depict existing property improvements on abutting parcels and across streets and/or alleys within fifty (50) feet of the subject parcel. Improvements should include location and dimension of parking, landscaping, driveways, building layouts and uses, windows and entryway locations and any other information useful to analyze the project. Plot all existing and proposed physical features, fences/walls, and structures on the subject property a n d a b u t t i n g properties. (Window locations on adjacent properties required for all Residential Infill properties.) Dimension to the nearest intersecting street and identify all street names. Dimension height of all structures from the highest adjacent curb to the top of slab and to the roof peak on all elevations. Building elevations shall depict all sides of building and indicate colors and materials proposed. Locate and dimension existing and proposed reciprocal driveway access and parking. Include a legend (locate in lower right corner of the site plan) which lists the name, address, and phone number of the recorded owner and the applicant. Identify the legal description of the subject property on the site plan. (I) Label existing and proposed uses of each room on floor plan. Dimension section drawings for walls, grade differential, and buildings. Fold all plans to a maximum size of 8-1/2" X 14" (lower right corner out). Public notification requirements for Coastal Development Permit, Variance, Conditional Use Permit, Zoning Map Amendment, Precise Plan Street Alignment, General Plan Amendment, and Sign Code Exception (See attached sheet). A letter from the Property Owner Association or Architectural Committee, if applicable, shall be submitted indicating that the proposed project has been approved, denied, or that the CC&R's do not require Association or Committee review. II entitlements require photographs of the subject site and surrounding properties. 16. All Planning Commission applications require digital photographs of the subject site and surrounding properties. (—DA written narrative of the proposed use or project. The narrative shall contain the following minimum information: Description of project and services, including proposed use, square footage, hours and days of operation, num b e rf-- of employees, and other information as appropriate. Reasons for initiating this application. Description of surrounding uses to the north, south, east and west. (d) Description of population served by the proposed use or project. G:\Forms 2015\Planning \COUNTER/application Cit of Huntin ton Beach 2000 MAINSTREET CALIFORNIA92648 DEPARTMENTOFCOMMUNITYDEVELOPMENT Plannin Division Code Enforcement Division Buildin Division 714/536-5271 714/375-5155 714/536-5241 May 18,2018 KathleenYork 20082 ShorewoodCircle Huntington Beach,CA 92646 ENTITLEMENT:AdministrativePermitNo. 18-008 PROJECT ADDRESS 19030Brookhurst •PROPERTY OWNER:BrookhurstAssets, LLC 730El Caminoway #200 Tustin,CA 92780 DATE RECEWED AT ZONING COUNTER:May 17,2018 PROJECT PLANNER:LindsayOrtega (714) 536-5271 lindsay.ortega@surfcity-hb.org DearApplicant: Thank you for submittingyour entitlement to the City of Huntington Beach, Community Development Department. The assigned Project Planner is responsible for processing your entitlement and will be responsiblefor the followingtasks: 1 Reviewingyour entitlementfor completeness; 1 Evaluatingthe project forconformancewith the GeneralPlan; 1 Reviewingplans for compliancewiththe Zoning Code,DesignGuidelines,and applicableCityOrdinances; 1 Preparationof environmentaldocumentspursuant to the CaliforniaEnvironmentalQunlityAct (CEQA); 1 Analyzing the siteplan layout and, if applicable,the floorplans and elevations; 1 Evaluatingthe project for compatibilitywith, andpotentialimpactsto, surroundinguses/structures; 1 Coordinatingissuesrelatedto the FireDept., Public WorksDept.,BuildingDivision,etc.; 1 Obtainingother Citydepartment's commentsrelativeto theproject; 1 Coordinatinganynecessarycommunitymeetings; 1 Preparing a staff report and recommendation (approval/denial)with suggested findings and conditions of approval 1 Schedulingthe projectfor apublic hearing; and 1 Assisting you with any follow-upactionsand/or conditionsof approval. Entitlement Page Two Pleasebe advised that a Notice of Filing Status letter will be sent to you regarding the status/completeness of your entitlement(s) notifying you of the pending hearing date within 30 days of receipt of the entitlement(s) at the zoning counter. The letter will indicateone of the following circumstances: Entitlement Deemed Incomplete;additional information is required (e.g., revised plans, supplemental plans, environmental information,additional entitlements, etc.); or Entitlement Deemed Complete;the Project Planner is continuing to process your entitlement(s) and you will be notified as to when your project will be scheduled for a hearing by (1) the Design Review Board, (2) the ZoningAdministrator, or (3) the Planning Commission. Thethree scenarios listed below are the subsequent stepsto the above notification: If the project is subject to Planning Commission review, a staff report with a full analysis of the proposal will be prepared. Your plans and supplemental information will be attached to the staff report. A copy of the staff report will be mailed to you prior to the hearing; If the project is scheduled for Zoning Administrator review, an executive summarywith staff's recommendation for the project will be prepared. A copy of the executive summary will be mailed to you prior to the hearing; If the project is scheduled for Design Review Board action, no staff report will be prepared, however staff will advise you of the staff recommendationprior to the meeting. Generally, the complete processing time from submittal to final action by the reviewing body and expirationof the appeal period is as follows: Design Review Board:30-45days (dependent upon the complexity of your project) ZoningAdministrator:2-3months (dependent upon the complexity of your project) Planning Commission:4-6 months (dependent uponthe complexity of your project) Please note:When Zone Changes, General Plan Amendments, Tentative Maps, or preparation of environmentaldocuments are involved, additional processingtime is necessary. Please direct your questions and communications to the assigned ProjectPlanner.If you have any subsequent comments or need additional clarification, please contact me at 714-536-5271. Thank you in advance for your interest in Huntington Beach - we lookforwardto working with you! Sincerely, ane Jam s PlanningManager xc: Property Owner Project File