HomeMy WebLinkAboutAdministrative Permit APX2018009 - Signed ApplicationCity of Huntington Beach Department of Community Development 2000 Main Street, 3rd Floor Huntington Beach. CA 92648 (714) 536-5271 www.huntinglonbeachCa.gOv MIR Plannin Ap lication Number: Entitlement Number s : 0 Planning Commission 0 Zoning Administrator rtaff Reviewesign Review PLANNINGAPVLICATIONtpui Project Address:6824-Warner Avenue, Huntington Beach, CA 92647 Assessor Parcel Number(s):146-591-07 Project Description / Request: Fitness Studio Nearest Major Intersection:Warner Avenue and Goldenwest Street Lot Area:4.05 acres PropertyOwner:Diane Kastner, G.P. Warner Center, LP Telephone:949 378-1067 Malin Address*2052 Newport Blvd #6-155 Email:dianekastner hotmail.com Cit : Costa Mesa State: CA Zip: 92627 Applicant/ Authorized Agent:Jesus Zer a Tele hone: 858- 52-9755 Mailin Address:170 Compass Email:JZerpa24Fil©Gmail.com Cit : Irvine State: CA Zip: 92618 ;Diane Kastner am the property owner of the subject property and have read and understand all statements including the filing requirements on the reverse side of this application. I hereby authorize . ,, . • • • .,,..„ ,Jesus Zerpa to act as my representative and to bind me in all matters concerning this application. I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that the foregoing statements, facts and attachments are true and correct. I understand that this application for entitlement or variance may be denied odified or approved with conditions and that such conditions or modifications must be satisfied prior to issuance of buil in permits. I understand that by filing the application, information on the application including, but not cessa •y lim ed o, the name and address will be included on public records that are postedonthe internet. — /— Property Owner's Signature:Date: (.1""" Ap licant ignature: —12--1(2) Date: FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Fee: Zonin General Plan Desi nation: General Plan Sub Area: Olstributed B Lo .14 Pursuant To: Total Fee: Received B Date ce've :4( Previ C s s: DM: 0 Coastal Development Permit C.El Conditional Use Permit 13 Design Review 0 Entitlement PlanAmendment 0 Planned Sign Program 0 Sign Code Exception 0 Temporary Use Permit 0 Variance KAdministratIve PermitGeneral Plan Amend El Zoning Map Amend 0 Zoning Text Amend 0 Local Coastal ProgramAmend Rec I t No.: zo Environmental Review 0 Exempt Section: 0 EA Required EA Fee: Coastal Area: El Cat. Exclusion o APPealArea: 0 Flood Zone Earthquake Zone 0 O Distnct EJ Methane District o Nolse/CNEL grOwnership Verification E Ri R APPlicantAuthorizationAPNans tTotificationReq. Narrative Photos/Skdes El EntertainmentPermit 0 HOAApprovaljaPlans Date Stamped 0 Seismic Hazard 0 Scenic Corridor 0 ResidentialIntik O MilitaryBuffer I •/111%21113Planning ( I)1 NTEK/applicalmin Cit of Huntm ton Beach 2000 MAIN STREET CALIFORNIA92648 DEPARTMENTOFCOMMUNITYDEVELOPMENT Plannin Division Code Enforcement Division Buildin Division 714/536-5271 714/375-5155 714/536-5241 July 3, 2018 Jesus Zerpa 170Compass Irvine, CA 92618 ENTITLEMENT:AdministrativePermitNo. 18-009 PROJECT ADDRESS 6833WarnerAve. PROPERTY OWNER:DianeKastner,G.P.Warner Center,LP 2052NewportBlvd #6-155 CostaMesa, CA92627 DATE RECEWED AT ZONING COUNTER:June 19,2018 PROJECT PLANNER:Lindsay Ortega (714) 536-5271 lindsay.ortega@surfcity-hb.org Dear Applicant: Thank you for submittingyour entitlement to the City of Huntington Beach, CommunityDevelopment Department. The assigned Project Planner is responsible for processing your entitlement and will be responsible for the followingtasks: Reviewingyourentitlementforcompleteness; EvaluatingtheprojectforconformancewiththeGeneralPlan; 1 ReviewingplansforcompliancewiththeZoningCode,DesignGuidelines,andapplicableCityOrdinances; 1 PreparationofenvironmentaldocumentspursuanttotheCaliforniaEnvironmentalQualityAct(CEQA); Analyzingthesiteplanlayoutand,ifapplicable,thefloorplansandelevations; 1 Evaluatingtheprojectforcompatibilitywith,andpotentialimpactsto,surroundinguses/structures; 1 CoordinatingissuesrelatedtotheFireDept.,PublicWorksDept.,BuildingDivision,etc.; 1 ObtainingotherCitydepartment'scommentsrelativetotheproject; Coordinatinganynecessarycommunitymeetings; Preparinga staffreportandrecommendation(approval/denial)withsuggestedfindingsandconditionsof approval 1 Schedulingtheprojectforapublichearing;and 1 Assistingyouwithanyfollow-upactionsand/orconditionsofapproval. Entitlement Page Two Pleasebe advisedthat a Notice of Filing Status letterwill be sentto you regardingthe status/completeness of your entitlement(s) notifying you of the pending hearing date within 30 days of receipt of the entitlement(s)atthe zoning counter. The letter will indicate one ofthe followingcircumstances: Entitlement Deemed Incomplete;additional information is required (e.g., revised plans, supplementalplans, environmentalinformation,additional entitlements, etc.); or Entitlement Deemed Complete;the ProjectPlanner is continuingto process your entitlement(s) and you will be notified as to when your project will be scheduled for a hearing by (1) the DesignReview Board, (2) the ZoningAdministrator,or (3) the Planning Commission. Thethree scenarios listed below are the subsequentstepsto the abovenotification: If the project is subject to Planning Commission review, a staff report with a full analysis ofthe proposal will be prepared. Your plans and supplementalinformationwill be attached to the staff report. A copy of the staffreport will be mailed to you priorto the hearing; If the project is scheduled for ZoningAdministrator review, an executive summarywith staff's recommendation for the project will be prepared. A copy of the executive summary will be mailed to you prior to the hearing; If the project is scheduled for Design Review Board action, no staff report will be prepared, however staff will adviseyou of the staff recommendationprior to the meeting. Generally, the complete processing time from submittal to fmal action by the reviewing body and expirationof the appeal period is as follows: Design Review Board:30-45days (dependentupon the complexityof your project) ZoningAdministrator:2-3months(dependentupon the complexityof your project) Planning Commission: 4-6 months(dependentuponthe complexityof your project) Please note:When Zone Changes, General Plan Amendments, Tentative Maps, or preparation of environmentaldocuments are involved,additionalprocessingtime is necessary. Please direct your questions and communications to the assigned ProjectPlanner.If you have any subsequentcomments or need additional clarification,please contact me at 714-536-5271. Thankyou in advancefor your interest in HuntingtonBeach -we look forward to working with you! Sincerely, aneJam s PlanningManager xc: Property Owner Project File