HomeMy WebLinkAbout123 14th St - CofOMI Ell CERTIFICATE OFOCCUPANICY CITY; & COM P4 L No MUMM-DEVELOPMENT bEPARtMENT Or 11 Of I -his is to certify'that the--- ----j IHENLRENTALS (4 Utlit.,q) :is authoriz 'I d is idefftilled W.; 6611 -r Buildi ("Pitmit No. - Huntiligton BepcjI-t—___ - arirtruss T'aIiaIxu-4A-- and doscribed as it! 11116 buildlho'owned by --M=9AA-.A 1! . a tk ItUa j0tf3j_A0 Dr. Woodland-IR113, 115M a add0ess Complies with the 'provisions Of all pertinent laws, codes, ordinances and any inipbsed cooditl6hsJor the use described and 0ass'IfiPcI as an,-- -IL- Occupancy. MAXWUM -OCCUPANT LOAD - PERMITTED j rke: This Ceirtifl6ate of occupancy p offn F. B'diiiens Director of 13taming & Community Develop6iont SHALL Bc7posted in a conspic'Umis place can the. 'premises ' and shall not 'be removed except byihe Building Official, By x-. 1.4 Apfi 1 i c A Ll oh 1' iJ ,. i 't+. ..i^G. F'4'k,.^{ .-✓ t Certific,,jte of OCC-tjp�ti y _ r r. City of Ht i' t in trim Be' ch, c;.a1.1forb i _. , Da t� G -1.C1� err App x.i ca ioil i s hereby n1adc for. t, ccjrti f ixat_c? of Oc (,upancy fc�r Apt. Rent,A �3 (4 Unj Cs ) — T6scribe Business Use To t.0 known "is Dona IJI A. P(11tri.c'i:a Win A1, 1 N irtt<? of Btis 111eS.S 1�ocared -at � 123 - f/ItIII Sfree - Business Address (213) Donald cYPai rici.0 Win A t. 201 B7 Adele Drive, Wocdlnrt l tli.l is 91364 348-7814 Mart-e: BITILDIN, "C;WN811 Address city ?gyp Ph6he No. 'f ha;s, .e would ,b - described as: Bxist;ing Build int-q.J',linh�,e of t{se hAnge of dwner�Ghange of Occupan Indicate -former rise if any a- tt-,s'1.. _ Same a_s' ab6ye Pl..ttii4' BUSINESS t74YNl;R . Residence Address f; I t,Y_ . Zip PH nF� N�. _ BUsiness: Resi.dc1 ice 6 (213) 348-781�+)