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10036 Adams Ave - CofO (3)
JXel CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH A*riil_.4'6 1971E -;�p "It DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING & COMMUNITY DEVrI,.0FMENT asuvtiN,-TON HEAci! Th i is to certify that the MAW,% A. GE"'X ..�.�,...,�.....y..w:�,�Qs authorized under Buildingl Permit No. ?4i -and is identified as 10036 Acf=g 17treet,, fluntington Beach . lrbss California and oescribed as 3`1100XIiUitST TRAVEL, VCr fo and Pr moe) in the building owned by _ James Xamboor at 14611. Valley Vis'.a _Bj d5 _ - namo sdufass _Sherman Oaks. Calif. corppiies with the provisions of ai pertinent laws, codes, ordinances and any imposed conditions for the use describe:i and classified as an V'12 _occupancy. MAXIMUM OCCUPANT LOAD PERMITTED 54 Notice: This Certificate of Occupancv John .Behrens . SHALL. BE posted in a cttnspicucus place on {r�Gcor of 1u99JInp as cnmt+,ur�fiv ou>,a� �s�rit the premises and shalt not be removed except by the Building Official. By h Application For rDCertificate of Occupancy�.7,d City Certificate Huntington Beach, California 6=H—L Application is hereby made for a Certif"cate of Occupancy for a: BUI1_D1NG DEPT. Describe. Use T o be known as _ ,[ /� G�.?. ,!-� /�S L Z. R- �9 L,//,eSL ..L l C Dame of Business Located at Address By Ld' [11 �Ti4 ✓7L!%/�MA� (�1`vyC "� Owner of Building Address City Phone No. Datr, This use would be described as: New Bui ldingZExisting Building[Change of I1seElChange of Ow-nerFj Change of Occupant] Indicate former use if any �is�__ Name BUSINESS OWNER Address r City Phony No. - Business:= Residence:�C=/'�, NOTE: A business license Y7i11 not be issued until the building has ')een inspected and a Certificate of Occupancy is issued. OFFICE USE ONLY DEPARTMENHAL APPROVALS: 1. Planni;wg Department Remarks: Name t Date 2. Fire Department Remarks: Name Date 3. Building D partment Remarks: Name --' Da 4. Public [forks Department Remarks: ,� ; L Name Date SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION Sq. ft. of building, _ a Occupancy Group M Occupant Load-/ No. of Storks Plan Check No. _ No. harking spaces C.E. or U.P. No. Utility Release Permit No. c� rD W ,t App-I cation For Certificate of Occupancy City o. Huntington Beach' California Application is hereby made for a Certifi�,ate of Occupancy for a: -` Describe Use To be known as a , ,Name of Business Located at t ry 'T a # "1t x ^ " ' . fat' i;7' s >"' � "ear 1 #" F.t' 6�"1..ra T ----�T j'Address Owner a: Bu.�.ld::ng Address City Phone N,Date This use would be described as: New BuildingZExisting Build ngoChange of Use[]Change of Ownero Change of Occupant[) j Indicate former use if any Nance BUSINESS OWNER Address City Phone No, - ;a sines Residence:` NOTE: A business license will not be issu d until the building has been inspected azd a Certificate of Occupancy- is issued, OFFICc USE ONLY DE2A4T14VNTAL kPPROVALS i.. Planning Department Remarks; C m Name Date < 2. Fire Department F.8marks , Fame Date 3., Building Department Remarks: n Ir17A �i Name Date , u 4. 1 Works D , ment Remarks: BUILDING DEPT. 7 i SUPPLEMENTAL INFORLSATION Sq. ft. of building flan Check No. ' Occu arc Grou P Y p No. Parking, spaces a�3coupar�� Load C.E. or 7-T.P. No. i NO. oi:,Stories - Ut lity' R.e.lease �x Application For Certificate of Occupancy City of Huntington Beach, Califo.nia Application is hereby made for a Certificate of Occupancy for a; Describe Use To be known as P C: I J �s + , t ° ..-LAY Name of business Located at 340 /'Address By 'JA144-�5 ,t,� � q Owner Address -lity e No. Date This use would be described as: New BuildingZExisting BuildingoChange of UsenChange - ` Ownero Change of OccupantCj Indicate former use if any d.,Aj21 Name BUSINESS OWNER Address City ` Phone No. - Business: Residences NOTE: A business license will not be issued until the building has been inspected and a Certificate of Occupancy is issu4. OFFICE USE ONLY DEPARTMENTAL APPROVALS; 1. Planni Department Remarks; Axj m cn e Date 2. Fire Department Remarks: Name Date 0. 3. Building Department Remarks: Name Date 4. Public Works Department Remarks: Name Date SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION Sq. ft. of building - Pi -an Check No. Pecupancy.Croup No. Parking spaces 1 Occupant Load C.E. or-U.P.-'.No., No. of .Stories Utility Release Pirmit No: ALI- J I A a e. CERT[FICAT€ OF OCCUPANCY CITY OF HUNTINGTON SFA(:ii Date Address n e b:- ,- District Business Narne �4- , P,= t Tel. Business Type 7 Ali T, T � rI� Occ. Group � BUILDING OWNER BUSINESS OWNER/MANAGER Name _ _, _ _� Name jlt-� r,: LOUISA PELCT Home Address — --. sj Addres �. •<v 1 �� v r. �.; v: Home City _.. Ta!• _ — C'� Te1. Construction No. of Sior;es 1_ Occupant Lead 1 G SprinklerE .CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT This Certificate of Occupancy SHALL BE posted in a conspicuous place on %he premises and shall not oe removed except by the by �• Builaing OYncial. 1 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 1Y1 -7 . �d APPLICATION FOR CERIVICATE OF OCCUPANCY a s CITY OF Ht1NTINGTON BEACH � Pl DEPARTMEN OF COMMUNITY DE'..'ELOPNiENT 0_ yurmr:UON BEACH DATE (PRINT OR'rY',E OPA_Y, Address ' (���=' 1)A ✓ / �—� , District Business Name �rc�i/�-�'7�//K Z �' U �� Tel. Business Type �,� �`��� G�� — Occ. Group BUILDING OWNER BUSINESS OWNEr, MANAGER Nsfne _ _ Name Home /�i � 7ZZ Address __ Address r City Tel. / City �� ��1 �� Ae �4 ` ' > tome Tel.Oy/Ob %v THIS USE WOULD BE DESCRIBED AS: 0 Np /LY CONSTRUCTED BLDG. ,R CHANGE OF C";JNER 1:1CHANGE OF OCCUPANT EXISTING BUILDING ❑ CHANCE OF USE ❑ ADDITIONAL OCCUPANT Indicat,.; former use, if any _. Occupancy Gr Div. SQUARE FT. OF BUILDING TO BE OCCUPIEC NOTICE, 1. Occupancy of any building is prohibited and a business license will not be;ssued until the building has been inspected and a certificate of occupancy is issued. 2. No electrical service will be released for any existing building until Ine service has been inspected and certified safe All applicants for occupancy in an existing builo;ng are required to schedule an electrical 'fuse up' inspection in the Department of Community Developr;ent at the time this application is filed. 3. Change of occupancy or use inspection fee. Whenever it is necessary to make inspection of a building or premises in order to determine it a chance may be made in the character of occupancy or use of the building or premises which would place the building in a different division of the same group of occupancy or in a different group of occupancy, a change of occupancy inspection fee of $ shall be paid to the city. 4. Huntington Beach Fire Code Section 10.208 requires that building numbers must b • a minimum of four (4', inches in height with one half ("A) inch stroke, and of a contrasting colo, from the background. These numbers must be posted on your building in a location that is visible from the street. 5. Huntington Beach Fire Code Section 10.301 requires fire extinguisher selection and distribution per the National Fire Protection Association pamphlet 10 (see everse side). SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMA OCCUPANCY GROUP OCCUPANTLOAD — NO. OF STORIES — (FOR OFFICE USE ON,,V) 7 P'_AN CHECK NO. PERMIT NO. ADMIN. ACTION D�(I CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY FEE CHANGE OF USE OR 0 ,CUP'NCY FE T(.TAL ZONING NO. P C a SPACES A; TH DEPT. APPROVAL__. UTILITIES RELEASED G7 J~ s— E $ %— J 0 75-039 Rev. 6/88 COMMUNITY DEVELP. SiI�P,�MENTAL INrORMTION 1. 3USINESS ADDRESS 2. Person to contactin case ®�.f emergency: Telephone namber: 7/1-/ 3. Does the building in question have electricity? M a. Yf No. are you requesting that the electricity be turAed on? 4. The building is sprinklered? 5. Operations will produce dust/woad shavings or similar material? 5. Operations will involve the re.pair or replacement of automobile parts Tf yes: (a) Describe the components repaired or replaced. 0 yes ONO C3Yes ONO ©Yes Q No ayes A NO ®Yes ;'No (b) Does the operation involve the use of gn " Vame? Oyes ONO 7. The business is drink_ng, dining or assembly use that will result in an occupant load of more than .50 persons. OYes —.� ANo 8. The following best describer my operation: Office Only es Ware ouse Manufacturing/Distribution (describe process and end product)_'-ALC.<— ! C/ .�.....� e1�"etaur,•en� .✓a a �3ut o0 Medical/Dental ,� Other (describe) SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION (Continued) Does the operation involve any of the following materials? T 'es, ire Ica a quanta* es- Material Quantity I. Flammable liquids Class I -A Class Class I-C 2., Combustible liquids AL • +n ❑Yes PNo Class II Class II °.-A 3. Combination flammable liquids 4. Flammable gases 5. Liquefied flammable gases _ 6. Flammable fibers —loose 7. Flammable fibers - baled 8. Flammable solids 9. Unstable materials 10 'corrosive liquids 11. Oxidizinq material - gases 12. Oxidizing material - liquids 13. Oxidizing material - solids 14. Organic peroxides 15. Nitromethane (unstable materials) 16. Ammonium nitrate 17. Ammonium nitrate compound mixtures containing more than 60% nitrate by weight 18. Highly toxic material and poisonous comas �^ _ 19. Smokeless Dowder 20. Black sporting powd,; r I hereby certify that the above in. -formation is true and correct to the �� best: 7of my �kn ledge. v Signature Date (0562D) South Coast AIR QUALITY MANAGEMENT DISTRICT 9150 FLAIR DRIVE, EL MONTE, CA 91731 18181 532-6200 DATE: March 8, 1990 TO: Anytown Building Department FROM: Arthur Lawler, Air Quality Engineer SUBJECT: BUILDING PERMITTI s UNDER AB3205, WATERS BILL Regarding PLAN CHIEC X # 0 9 0 -12 3 4 5 LOCATI01, : John Doe Inc. 12345 Main St. Anytown S A M c L E S A M P L E S A 11 P L E S A M P L E I This site has met or is meeting the requirements of Section 42303 of the Health and Safety Code and the requirements for a permit to construct and operate for the South Coast Air Quality Management District APPLICANT HAS ALL REQUIRED PEP14ITS FROM THE SOUTH !!! COAST A.IR QUALITY MANAGEMENT DISTRICT FOR THIS i iSITE AND/OR PLAN CHECK ONLY. APPLICANT HAS FILED FOR PERMITS TO CONSTXIUCT EQUIPMENT WITH THE SOUTH COAST AIR QUALITY MANAGEMENT DISTRICT. APPLICANT IS EXEMPT FROM PERMIT REQUIREMENTS AT THIS SITE AND/OR PLAN CHECK ONLY. RL 1SED 7113/89 0 0 rj�5embly Bill 3205 requires the Budding Departments not Co issue the final cert if i -ate of occupancy unless the applicant has met or is e eting thz: requirements of the District. The Building Oepartment must obtain a written release from the District to show the applicant ha€. compl'•.•sd with this law. The attached check list is designed to help the applicant and the bu�.i,d .ng departments to meet these requirements. 1. The applicant ( the same person applies permits from the Buildinc Departra aztI must fill the check list which can be obtained either at. the Building Department or at the District. 2� If all boxes in tha list a e checked "nee', the Building Department can accent the check list as the release. 3. If there are any "yes' answers in the list, the appls-:ant must contact a District engineer by calling (818---572 6406, 818-572 6111, .818-572 6261 ) to find out whether air per-4.ts are required for the proposed construction Iec.t. 4. If air permits are not required, the applacamz will obtain a written release from the District engineer. 5. If air permits are required, the applicant must submit the necessary permit applications before the release can be issued. A sample copy of the release is attached. Because of the time it may take for the District engineer to go through above proced.;:xes, the applicant is advised to contact the District im:aediately aifter applying for Building permits. myl/al A.B3205ID I 0 1�1 SOUTH COAST AIR QUALITY MANAGEMENT DISTRICT (Nonresident.ial Buildings Only) Location of Subject Property:. �j �; l�T./ ), 7 �' 1 (, z/ Property Owner name: - - Phone Name of the Person Preraring this form in print d signa e Name �%�J/- �C �-� % Signatur" 141 The person preparing this form must be the same person applying for building permits. Please answer the following questions regarding your propo;ad occupancy of the subject building. IF YOU DO NOT KNOW THE ANSWER TO A QUESTION MARK IN THE "YES" COLUMN: SCAQMD PERMITTING CHECKLIST YES NO 1. Does your facility use any internal combustion engines greater than 50-HP? 2. Does your facility involve mixing, blending, or processing any solvents, adhesives, paints or coatings? 3. Does your facility create any dusts ur smoke? 4. Does your facility refine any liquids or solids? Reclaim any metals? Ed [�J 5. Does your facility plate or coat anything? 6. Does your facility have any combustion equipment i.e. boiler, furnaces, broiler, baking ovens, stc.) rated greater than 2,000,000 BTU/HR? (� 7. Does your facility handle or store solvents or motor fuel 8. Do you use or store any acids? � 9. Do you use any chemical process? 10. Do you se any solvents for clean-up': 11. Are you a dry cleaner, restaurant wi°<:h a charbroiler, body shop, gasoline station, printer, or part cost-e-r-? 12. is the subject building located within one thousaaid C� (1,000) feet of any school? PROPERTY LINE TO PROPERTY LINE. GRADES K-12. If ye,i have narked "NO" in all columns, you do not need an Air Quality permit at this time. If you have marked any questions in the "YES" Column you must contact the South Coast Air Quality Management District located at: 9150 FLAIR DRIVE, EL MONTE, CA 91731 Please call these offices: Plan Check (818) 572-6406 1818) 572-6111, (818) 572-6261 D:AL00603 � _ I