HomeMy WebLinkAbout10059 Adams Ave - CofOCERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY CITY OF HUNTINGTf)N BEACH t�'rpzii of `j 11 r 1 9 3 " DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 3iUMUNGTON KA04 !� ,•'r Address _ils'+ Mt€ ma A'ate• - h.. r. m W District Business Name I"F'H 88 .PA: Tel. Business Type AUOR RV.-Ohin -- - _ `Jcc. Group BUILDING OWNER BUSINVSS OWNER/MANAGER Name ---_-_-_-- Name Ok PiO HOOT Nome 1046� Slat:2r �*a. , # �J Address Address City Tel. __ _ City . KORKItAtlin '78VcY a i Home Tet �-63-7434 Construction No. of Stories Occupant Load, �. O _ .Sprinklerncl !Notice: (1 This Certificate of Occupancy r #!J SHALL DE posted in a cwspicuou: place on the premises and ; iali not be removed except by the Building Official, DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT SERVICES by 4rwnNGTON efAC" Address Business Business Type APPLICATION FOR QUI`iPI,'pIsa�'ICATIE OF OCCUPANCY L"ITY Or- HUN i IN„ 1 ON INIA H DEPARTMENT OF DI 11%t,l'3f'WIN'T SERVICES 4PRINT OR TYPI_ ONLY) District Tel. _7jP ©_ Occ. Group_ i DATE BUILDING OWNI=R BUSIN17.85 OWNERIM NAGER j fyJ .3 e-,,-__.,�.� � 1 •' C.'A�._�_l _. Home Address Address` / e City Tel. City �w. I Horne. Tel. 5 , r THIS USE WOULD BE DESCRIBED AS: NEWLY CONSTftUG 1 ED BLDG, CHANGE OF OWNER � CHANGE OF OCCUPANT EXISTING SUiLDING CHANGE OF JSE ADDITIONAL OCCUPANT Indicate forms: 7.jse. if any ,., _ �, /" occupancy Gr. , A Div. SQUARE FT. OF BUILDING TO BE OCCUPIED "Q _ ~ !NOTICE: 1. Occupancy of any building is prohibited and a business license will not be issued until the building has been inspected ar.0 a certificate of occupancy is issued. 2. No Electrical service will be released for any existing building until the service has been inspected and certified safe. All applicants for occupancy in an existing building are required to :� hedule a;i electrical 'fuse up' inspection in the Department of Development Services at the time this applica- tion is filed. 3. Charge r.-t occupancy or use inspection fee. Whenever it is necessary to make inspection of a build- ing or premises in order to determine if a Change may be made in the character of occupancy or usP of the building or premises vvhich would place the building in a different division -,f the same group of occupancy or in a different group of occupancy, a change of occupancy inspection fee of $ shall be paid to the city. 4. Huntington Beach Fire Code Section 10,:208 requires that building numbers must be a minimum of four (4) -Inches in height with one half (Y2) inch stroke, and of a contrasting color from the back- ground. These numbers must be posted un your building in a location that is visiNe from the street. 5. Huntington Beach Fire Code Section 10,301 requires fire extinguisher selection and distribution per the national Fire Protection Association pamphlet 10 (see averse side), (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) r SUPPLEh'ENTAL INFORMATION ZONING OCCUPANCY GROUP _. PLAN CHECK NO. NO. PARKING ;SPACES _ OCCUPANT LOAD _�1� PERMIT NO. HEALTH DEPT. APPROVAL. _ NO. O1: STORIES -- ADMIN. ACTION UTILITIES RELEASED __ _�J��✓�t�-- ` L�J.. S CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY FEE APPROVED BY ATE CHANGE OF USE OR OCCUPANCY FEE $ TOTAL $-- 76.039 REV. DEVE p MMEN1 SERVICES CERT{fImATEOFOCCUPANCY CITY op*uwT/moTomBEACH DEPARTMENT CF DEVELOPNA�-N'T SERVICES Data HUNTINGTON BEACH Address Distri SovinusoTel._Y2��� Business Type Occ. Group_I'A—:4__ BUILDING OWNER OWNERIMANAGER Name _Name Addmm_____ Address_� � . City- TeL_______ City ToL_,�.�^��.� Cunstrucdun______Nn.ofGrohox_______—DucupantLoad— No This Certificato o( Occupancy SHALL BEposted inoconspicuous place ox the premises and shall not bommovednxoop! bythe Building Official. DEPARTMENT dFDEVELOPMENT SFRV(�--zS HUNTINGTON RACH APPLICAT'.10 1 r-011 CERTIFICATE ATE OF OCCLPANCY CITY OF KLINTi(Vf3TOR 6EACH DEPARTMENT OF DEMOPMENT SERVICES (PRINT OR TYPt ONLY) DATE Address Z aram- �` � — - _ District _ Business Names ✓2 �- �' tL-; Tel. Business Type Occ. Groulid�i BUILDING.01NNER- OWNER/MANAGER Name . Address city - - THIS USE WOULD BE DESCRIBED=- C] NEWLY CONSTRUCTED BLDG. - - Address Tel. _ - — CitA-- CHANGE Or OWNER EXiSTING BUIUDING CHANGE OF USE `Indicate former use, if any Occupar._ y Gr. I- iL Tel. ;1 CHANGE OF OCCUPANT �J ADDITIONAL OCCUPANT /?--) Div. NOTICE: 1. Occupancy of any building is prohibited and a business license will not be issued until the building ! has been inspected and a certificate of occupancy is issued. f1 2. No electrical service wi ' be released for any existing building until the service has been inspected and certified safe. All applicants for occupancy in an existing building are required to schedule an electrical 'fuse up' inspection in the Department of Development Services at the time this applica- tion is fired. 3. Change of occupancy or use inspection fee. Whenever it is necessary to make inspection of a buila- ing or premises in order to determine if a change may be made in the character of occupancy or use of the build'ng or premises which would place the building in a different division of the same group o' occupancy or in a different group of occupancy, a change of occupancy inspection fee of $30.00 shall be paid to the city. 4. Huntington Beach Fire Code Section 10,208 requires that building numbers must be a minimurn of four (4) inches in height with one half ('/2) inch stroke, and of a contrasting, color from the bick- ground. These numbers must be posted on your building in a location that is visible from the street. 5. Huntington Beach Fire Coa Section '10.201 requires fee extingL',sher selec!'on and distribution per the National Fire Protection Associat"on pamphlet 10 (see reverse side). SUPPLEMENTAL iNFORMATION y SQUARE FT, OF BUILDING 4/ OCCUPANCY GROUP„ OCCUPANT LOAD NO. OF STO . APPROVED BY DATE (FOR OFF(CE USE ONLY) PLAN CHECK NO, NO. PARKING SPACES PERMITNO. _ HEALTH DEPT. APPROVA ADMIN. ACTION __ 1 M I_iTiES RELEASES _ r: CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY FEEf$ _ CHANGE OF OCCUPANCY FEE$ TOTAL r ' -E03gREV. DEVELOPMFNT SERVICES ®I CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY g C,TYOFHUNTINGTONULAGH riecr;--W��'r' �� DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT SFRVIL<,ES rax o HurvN acitcit Address— xA District—. - +'9'pnG�7j.q h P, ?z+b Business Name- � �` ,� .'`� .�.� Tel, ,.,.,<, Business Type_,w- "'' z , T r,. Occ. Grovp� BUILDING OWNER BUSIN[SS OWNERIMANAGER Name_. z��° t -:�� � r� r, � r Name Tice 4 g1113 pO Home l 1)9 A 9 C"_t°�vo-11 Address Addrass �_� y- - %l--66 t.- 56G y cf --Home -� City Git T�sz��-�.r� � �av� l�r,�arx'f+ Construction, No, of Stories Occupant Load S0 Sprinklered This Gertlficate of Qccupsncy DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT SERVICES SHALL BE posted in a conspicuous place on the premises and shaii not be removed ex- cept by the Building Official. by---.�<-" APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY OTY OF HUNTINGTON sF,ACW DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT,, aRVICES (PRIM` OR TYPE ONLY! DATE �D� J ��''? -% r ,,fu ,ddress ....�, ., District usinessNFttt@ TeIC.fQ'� *uSineSs Tah I e3 r20 7`_ S°hJd f��� a %/ / __ Occ. Group '5i BUILDING OWNr-P BUSIK-88 tiWNERIM ANAGER Name Home /' .�' C'�rc}f Address Address - City zd l3Grf! . city Horne Teti 69 r THIS USE WOULD BE UESCRIBED AS: f NEWLY CONSTRUCTED BLDG. i,� CH ANGE OF OWNER 17 CHANGE OF OCCUPANT n EXISTING BUILDING CHANGE OF USE ADDITIONAL OCCUPANT Indicate former use, if any -- OGc4pency Gr, Div. SQUARE FT. OF BUILDiNG TO BE OCCUPIED F7 NOTICE. i. Occupancy of any building is prohibited and a business license will not be issued until the building has been inspected and a certifloate of occupancy is issued. 2. No electrical service will be released for any existing building until the service has been inspected and certified sane. All applicants for occupancy in an existing building are required •1'o srhedule an electrical 'fuse up' inspection in the Department of Development Services at zhe time this applica- tion is filed. 3. Change of occupancy or use inspection fee. Whenever it is necessary to make inspection of a build- ing or premises in order to determine if a change may be made in the coaracter of occupancy or use of the buiilding or premises which would piace the building in a different division of the same group of occupancy or in a different group of occupancy, a change of occupancy inspection fee of shall be paid to the city. 4. Huntingtrin Beach Fire Code Section 10.208 requires that building numMvrs must be a minimum of four (4) incher in height with one half ( ) inch stroke, and of a r.untrasting color from the back- ground. These numbers must be posted on your building ir, d location that is visible from the street. 5. Huntington Beach Fire Code Section 10.301 requires fire extinguisher selection and distribution per the National Fire Protectio,-i Association pamphlet 10 (see reverse side). SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION OCCUPANCY GROUP f ".-`� OCCUPANT LOAD NO. OF STORIES (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) ZONING ° PLAN CHECK NO. NO. PARKING SPACES - - — PERMIT NO. HEALTJ-I DEPT. APPROVAL. ADMIN. ACTION UTILITIES RELEASED, 1 } CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY FEE $-- APPrROVED BY DATE CHANGE OF USE OR OCCUPANCY FEE $ TOTAL $. s 76M9 REV. 0EVEJ`0PMENT VER,V4 E