HomeMy WebLinkAbout10124 Adams Ave - CofO (2)%J ► CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH January 8, 1979 ? DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Date s HUNTINGTON BEACH This is to certify that the WOR4IrN t S FPEPARsL as autlc.:..ed under Building Permit No. Existing and is identifiers as 1033.24- Adams Ave _ r T-TriF'r'i' i Tirri-nn Beach address California and described as _ MOODY Tr70j~�'V ('�s' �.rt3 ;v aynp Ahf in the building owned by Businc ys Prauerties at 77.E k; Panic R1 sari _ Trztlile name address�� California complies with the provisions of all pertinent laws, codes, ordinances and any imposed conditions for the use described and c.assified as an E - 2 occupancy. MAXIMUM OCCUPANT LOAD PERMITTED No tire: This Certificate of Occupancy"J)ohn'F.�Behrens SHALL BE poster; in a conspicuous place on ommunity Development the premises and shall not be removed except � ,+ by the Building Official. By��/ APPLICATION FOR FMMEA-AE OF OCCUPANCY City of Huntinatnn RPArh nnnA r *mPn t- of Riii l rli nn x rr%mr.mini tv Pn%rol nn"nnt FOR APPLICANT TO FILL IN (Print or type only) DATE 28 /78 Application is hereby made for a Certificate of Occupancy for a: Women? , Appari?-,:j 779 e(Occu anc : Gr. Dive Describe Business Use To be known as NiC?oIIY v=OMAIN -- Name of Bines°� L: Located at 10124 AdamsYAvenrie, Huntington Beach, California 92646 Business Address wgr� and T,,7r T, Tustir. rCalif. 92680 Dame: BUSINESS OWNER. Residence Address City Zip Phone No. - Business: 714/ 1168-2251 Residence: 714/ 832--1459 Business Pr,-) erties 17340 n Park lf T-, o s 9�-8800 Name:BUILDING OWNER ress it p one No. THIS USE WOULD BE DESCRIBED AS: � = Newly Constructed Building Change of Owner Change of Oc^upant ', Existing Building Change of Use Additional Occupant Indicate former use if any Occupancy: Gr. Div. NOTICE: -1. Occupancy of any building is prohibited and a business license will not be issued until the building has been inspected and a Certificate of Occupancy is issued. 2. No electrical service will be released for any existing building until the service has been inspected and certified sate. All applicants for occupancy in an existing build-.... are required to schedule an electrical "fuse up" t inspection in the Department of Building and Community Development at the time this application is filed. 3. CHANGE OF OCCUPANCY OR USE INSPECTION FEE. Whenever it is necessary to make inspection of a building or premises in order to determine if a change may be made in the character of occupancy or use of the building or p,Aemises which would place the building in a different division of the same gruup of occupancy or in a different group of occupancy, a change of occupancy inspection fee of $30.00 shall be paid to the City. J 2 Y _ C,4 /-,.--79,_� (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION Of Sq. ft. of building Phan Check No. iX.cupancy group - Permit No. Occupant Load Admin. Action No. of Stories No. Parking Spaces 4ealth Dept. Approval � Utilities Released 6_2,Z APPROVED BY T w T 1 CtR►IFIGATE OF OCCUPANCY FEE $ .gu CHANGE OF OCCUPANCY OR USE INSPECTION FEE' TOTAL ( 5-039 1 F F1'01� � I HL MNMON BEACH CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Address __— Business Name _ Business Type — BUILDING OWNER i Name Address _ __ Address City____- _ Tel. . City _ Date Distri Tei. —,. _ Occ. Group OWNERWANAGER� Cori,t!uction _._No. of Stories_ Occup:)nt Loyd ___v_. Sprinklered Notice: This Certificate of OccnNancy SHALL BE posted in a conspicuous place on the premises and shall not :.e removed except by the Building Official. TO, DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT SERVICES by x r HUNTINtTON RA(:II APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICA` (i OF OCCUPANCY CITY OF HUNTINGTON $EACH DEPARTMEi 'r OF DEVELOPMENT SERVICES (PRINT OR TYPE ONLY) Address taus:tress ititame— Business Type�'�`� _ /-_;?o -,moo DATE District Tel. -u 9 Oco. Group_ BUILDING OWNER OWNERiMANAGER Name Address _ __ i`_/`/rCi �L- _ .. Addres; - 59 C'tv Tei. — ._ City i7'%s`V THIS USE WOULD BE DESCRIBED AS: NEWLY CONSTRUCTED BLDG. EXISTING BUILDIMG W, f Indicate former use, if any CHANCE OF OWNER gCOANGE OF USE a Occupancy Gr. — CHANCE CF OCCUPANT ADDITIONAL OCCUPANT Div. NOTICE; 1. Occupancy of any building is prohibited and a business license will not be isscs;�d until the building has been inspected and a certificate of occupancy is issued No electrical service will be released for any existing building until the service has been inspected and certified safe. .All applicants for occupancy i.i an existing building are required to schedule art electrical 'fuse up' inspection in the Department of Development Services at the time this appi:ca- jj tion is filed. ,., 3. Change of oc'cupzkncy or use inspection fee. Whenever it is necessary to make inspection of a build- ing or premises in order to determine if a change may be made in the character of occupancy or use of the builcing or premises which would place the building in a different division of the same group of occupancy or in a different group of occupancy, a charge of occupancy inspection fec of $30.00 shall he paid to the city. 4. Huntington Beach Fire Corse Sevtion 10.208 requires that buildina nnmbt?rs mitct h� � nrnemurtt of four (41; ',tchas ir, height with sine catt (nj tncn stroKe, and of a contrasting color from the back- ground. I hese numbers must be posed on your building in a location that is visible from the street. S. Huntington Reach Fire Cods Section 10.301 requires fire extinguisher selection and distribution I per the National Fire Protection Association Pamphlet lJ (see reverse side). � ��f r (FOR OFF USE ONLY) h SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION SQUARE FT. OF BUILDING _ PLAN CHECK NO. _ __. NO. PARKiNG SPACED - .. OCCUPANCY GROUP r'- _ PERMIT NO. HEALTH DEPT. APPROVAL OCCUPANT LOAD _ ADMIN, ACTION— ——� UTILITIES RELEASED -- �w !40� OF STOR€ES --+--- - ___ CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY FEE S! � --- APPROVED BY � DATE CHANGE OF OCCUPANCY FEF S ^ __ TOTE $ 75 Q39 REV. "-A(F-VJ 6 - Szo)u TOTAL-o JYX�I!�M-9�'A 6CALZ- DAM. aP t. tz • APPROVXD IMYj t DRAVM my ADAA-tS 4'-ZE4 77? 1.-- 47-,-40 /V A05 w e �s WJ?'nNCiON BEACH CERTIFICA E OF OCCUPANCY CITY OF HUNTINGT" N BEACH Dr-P^I":"MENT OF DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Address Business Name Business Type Date Diistrict OCC. Group. - �{ BU LOING OWNER OWNER/NWANAGER Name _. — — -- ___ Name _ Address 2 . _ Address — City—. Tel.._— City Tel. Constvuetion -No. of Stories. - Occupant Load _____Sprinklwred _ _ - !Jot%e: This Certificate of Occupancy DEPARTMENT Or DEVELOPMENT SERVICES SHALL SE "posted in a c<inspicuous place on the premises and shall not be removed except by the Building Official, by—__ I fr HUNTINGTON REACH APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATi OF OCCUPANCY CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH DEPART MENT OF DEVELOPMENT SERVICES (PAINT OR TYPu ONLY) Address /�7 �f�✓`7/r' %i �J Business Name �221, Business Type WILDING OWNER Name f//S✓%IJ�` .�S'e�' %/�` _ Address Z5 THIS USE WOULD BE DESCRIBED AS: NEWLY CONSTRUCTED BLDG. EXISTI JG BUILDING Indicate former use, if any DATI District Tel. Occ. Group OWNER/MANAGER Name Address.w City � il++r•f,�i: i�f�. - .Tel. CHANGE OF Of".NEP, A CHANGE OF OCCUPANT CYANGE OF USE a ADDITIONAL OCCUPANT ,_. Occupancy Gr. — Div. N NOT;CE: 1 riv` cupanay of any building is prohibited and a business license will not be issued until the buildil^g has been inspecte- and a certificate of occupancy is issued. D 1Vo electrical service will be released for any existing building until the service has been inspeL.... and certified ,afe. All applicants for occupancy in an existing building are required to schedule an electrical 'fusa up' inspection in the Department of Development Services at the time this applica- tion is filed. Z :�r 3. Charge of occupancy or use inspection fee. Whenever it is necessary to make inspection of a build- ing or premises in order to determine if a,,hange may be made in the character of occupancy or use of the building ur ,premises which would place the building in a different division of the same group of occupancy or in a different group of occupancy, a change of occupancy inspection fee of $30.00 shall be paid to the city. 4. Huntingion Beach Ere Code Section 10.203 requires that building numbers must be a minimum of four (4) inches in height with one half (rz) inch stroke, and of a contrasting color from the back- ground. These numbers must be posted o!� your building in a location that is visible from the street. 5. Huntington Beach Fire Code Section 10.301 requires fire extinguisher selection and distribution per the National Fire Protection Association pamphlet 10 (see reverse side). (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION SQUARE FT. OF BUILDING =— _ PLAN CHECK NO. OCCUPANCY GROUP- FERMIT NO. OCCUPANT LOAD r �2 ADMIN. ACTION NO. OF STORIES CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY FEE APPROVED BY 'DATE ^RANGE OF OCCUPANCY FEE 70'f�� 75 fl39 REV. DEVELOPMENT SERVICES NO. PARKING SPACES _ HEALTH DEPT. APPROVAL __ UTILITIES RELEASED--�P~�'�"