HomeMy WebLinkAbout1005 Alabama St - CofO (2)r- 1 CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Date HUNTINGTON BEACH This is to certify that the Earth Unit Ayar-tmexit Buildin as authorized under Building Permit No.- 97788 acid is identified as 11005 Al.Fiblm, eddrdo 1 1t I 'tt.Bea-et and described as L redbgr-oTeata in the building owned by Lgmard LL rinidbor& at 112 18th Strget r;ame address 'E n t=_ B33t?ag cornplies with the provisions of all pertinent laves, codes, ordinances and any imposed conditions for the use described and ciassliled as an 1 occupancy. MAXIMUM OCCUPANT LOAD PERMITTED n/a ryo tke: �,Ap This Certificate of Occupancy In F. � o SHALL BE posted in a conspicuous place on Drrectot of Building & C6mmunity aeveloPmenr ` the premises and shall not be removed except by the Building Official, UTILITY ItELEASE USE ADDRESS �` � 04 ` EXISTING BUILDING NEW'BUILDING POWER POLE TEMP, WORK WITH POWER 1. Plumbing Inspector Clear DATE . Electrical Inspi'ctov Clear DATE UTILITY RELWE AUTHORIZED BY LA U DATE i-----' GAS ELECTRIC UTILITY COMPANY NO iFIM DATE .R # I Citv of Huntinaton Reach APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY Denartment of Bu l cli -ia & Commlmi "j I)evelonme-n°t- FOR APPLICANT TO FILL TN (Print or type only) DATE Application is hereby made for a Certificate of Occupancy for a: fz7 c < Cam( r� r i 1� 72" r U f4, Describe Business Use To be known as L , y,I G Cti f ly �`..�'7-1) / Name of Business Located at fQG,� A t- /yt Business Address Name: BUILDING OWNER Address ty ' Zip Phone No. THIS USE WOULD BE DESCRIBED AS. Newly Constructed Building Change of Owner � Change of Occupant Ex --'sting Building Change of use Additional Occupant indicate former use if any r ftJ�}C {�&Z 7— emu % Name: BUSINESS OWNER Residence Address � City zip ` Phone NoM - Business: .�� Residence; NOTICE: 1. Occupancy' of any building is prohibited and a business license will nat be Y issued until the building has been inspected and a Certificate of Occupancy 'r•. .is issued. 2j:. No electrical service will be xeleased for any existing building until. the service iias been inspected and certified safe. All applicants for occupancy in an existing building are required to schedule ar_ electrical "fuse up" <.:.. inspection in the Department of Building and Community Development at the time -this application is filed. ,3`: CHMNGE Or OCCUPA11CY OR USE iNSPECTION FEE. Whenever it is necessary to make inspection of a building or premises in order to determine if a change may be made in the character of occupancy or use of the building or premises which would place the, buildiny in a different division of the same group of occupancy or in a different group of occupancy, a change of occupancy inspection fee of $25,,00 shall be paid to the City. (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) SUPPLEMENTAL, INFORMATION Sq. ft. of building Plan Check No. Occupancy Group Permit No. % Occupant Load) Admin. Action No. of StoraieB No. Parking Spaces _ Health Dept. Approval. . Utilities Released I2.OVED 13Y DATE CERTTFTC�TE OF OCCUPANCY FEE $_ 5.00 (#75-039) C(iA.NGE OF QCCUPANcY OR USE INSPECTION FEE T1'OTAL DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING b- CO*R NIT`! DEVELOPME�`M' t' OCCUIiANC': RELEASE REQUEST LANDSCAPE DATE ROUTLrD FIRE ry{ (Div7IC. Ptq��7bry..ORKWk(s 1 t PURL S PLANNING HE, ALTH �f r. 1�Ae for �ancy has been requested for the building located and;,described as follows: JOB ADDRESS ��c ?� I C ^J�-�-. ✓ JOB DESCRIPTION: OWNER:- PHDNE: tTSE ,IS', DESCRIBED AS: L�0.BUILDING EXISTING .BUILDING , CHANCE OF _.USE CHANGE OF OWNER J C1YNGE OF OCCUPAN'�'; Please check the sjt�m-tus of this project with respect to requirements og your a?3epartment and contaG.: the owner regarding any holds, �I OCCUPANCY APPROVED: -DATE HOLD C.00UPANCY: I DATE REMARKS -;--THIS FORM IS 'M BE SIGNED._ DATED ;AND RETURNED TO TAE '' DE, 0 TM ENr 0F BUILDING CON-1VNITY, DEVELOPMENT. (403- IOI) � 0EPARTMENI T O:V BUILDING d. COMMUNITY DEVEJ,OPMENT y OCCUPA CY RELEASE; REQUEST LANDSCAPE DATE ROUTED: _ {Di~,t. Pub.Wks FIRE.n-1UBTIC WORKS ;= 'PLANNING HEALTH A release for occupancy hasi bee» requested for the building Ioce-M,ed `land described as follows; JOB ADDRESS: ) 0 " ` m C3 JOB DESCRIPTIOgs=` / 4 � 47� OWNER: U.SE' TS DESCRIBED AS. EW BUlt'DING EXISTING BUILDNG CHANGE OP USR CHANGE OF OWNER CHANGE OF` OCCUPANT _ Please Check the status of this pxaject with respect to requirements of your, Departmext and contact the owned regarding any holds. OCCUPANCY A] PROVED: DAYE HOLD OCCUPANCY: \ J f .DATE r 'H15 POFf1 15 ' 4 BE S DATED AND' RETURMD TO THE _ DEfIARTMENT OF $UtLD NG ;& OM fUN'IV DEVELOPMElt. (at73.001) SHELL BUILDING CERTIFICATE OF ObCUPANCY ; ' NBW BUILDINGS ONLY INDIV. BLDG. Application Received -31z<-h( l9 1FPT . APPI DEPT. DEPT. T'ENP. FINAL ROUTED HOLDS CLEARED UTILITIES PERMITS i RELEASED RECEIVED REMARKS P lur�b iztg Plaunib. Heating Fire _ Electric Buildin& A-d-1 �)-, Structural Public Work» Health Engineerin -- Eng.- Utilities Cond. —' Final Release, Requested Releace Released C. of D. C. of G. REMARKS Received �:ssued issued HOLD . C- AR - tonditi.onal Certificate of Occupancy to expire on. Items to be completed: