HomeMy WebLinkAbout15261 Connector Ln - CofO (8)CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH Date Address 1c EJl District Buslnesz Name I AL( i, G1. Tel. Business Type C1,B-A (;.,L. A1,:ALT l T CAL (I I V 1A 1, H1, Occ. Group BUILDING OWNER BUSINESS OWNER/MANAGER Name Name Home Address 1 C., 1 L E It I (� A h L Address �� L 't, (J. Home 710—� cj,—t ij,11 City Tel, City TeL , fr I, Construction No. of Stories Occupant Load — Sprinklers CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT This Corldficate of Occupancy SHALL BE posted in a conspicuous piece on the promises and shall not be removed except by the by Building Official, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 3lr��y !� td APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT March 7, 1994 DATE MUNnNGTON BF4Q1 (PRINT OR TYPE OriLYI Address 15261 Connector Lane, Hut,[.yngton Beach, CA 92647 District Business Name_CALS(JYIWF JET7Y-MI NTAL LA_BORA ORIES. 'NC. - Tel Business Type CBRUCAL ANAT TT AL LAB POR LN_V_Ig0)WULj SWLES _ Occ Group BUILDING OWNER BUSINESS UWNERIMANACiER p PROPOSED - - !Name C 04S4--t- Q- L.4LA 1?? Name,C-A-scy�ee-Euvi--ronment-a--Labor-afar-ies,-InG. Home Address _11 37 Seaboard-CircleAddress __ _C Mailing TPI (]14).895-549(y__ __,Horne Tel. City Manton - --- THIS USE WOULD BE DESCRIBED AS: ❑ NEWLY CONSTRUCTED BLDG ® CHANGE OF OWNER LJ CHANGE OF OCCUPANT ESEXISTING BUILDING ®CHANGE OF USE ❑ ADDITIONAL OCCUPANT Indicate former use, if any MReseaLclLb�Reye op. nt _ .___ �. _ Or Irp.lncy C7r McDonnel DouS�as Space Science SQUARE FT. OF BUILDING TO BE OCCUPIED_ 7L,177 NOTICE: been 1, Occupancy of any building is prohibited and a business license will not be issued until the building has. inspected and a certificate of Occupancy is Issued. 2. No electrical service Will be released for any existing building until the service has been inspected and certified safe. All applicants for occupancy In an existing building are required to schedule an electrical 'fuse up' inspection in the Department of Community Development at the time this application is filed. 3. Change of occupancy or use inspection fee. Whenever it is necessary to make inspection of a building or premises in order to determine if a change may be made in the character of occupancy or use of the building or premises which would place the building in a different division of the same group of occupancy or in a different group of occupancy, a change of occupancy inspection fee of $ .-.. --- -- shall be paid to the city. 4. Huntington Beach Fire Code Section 10,208 requires that building numbers must be a minimum of four (4) Inches In height with one half (lie) inch stroke, and of a contrasting color from the background. These numbers must be posted on your building in a location that is visible from the street" 5. Huntington Beach Fire Code Section 10.301 requires fire extinguisher selection and distribution per the National Fire Protection Association pamphlet 10 (see reverse side). (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) � � -.�i. SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION Z 7c1N1N(, _. _ OCCUPANCY GROUP .—._----- ____r PLAN CHECK NO `""- `""` Nn PARKING )PACTS OCCUPANT LOAD PT PERMIT NO _ ---- _ _ FIFALTH UFPT APPROVAL ITIE`t REt FASED N0 OF ST RI S '' ' - - Y- ADMIN AC710ty _ UTit �. 1 CERriFIC:ATL OI OC :UPANC.'; I FF $ %APPROVED D TE CHANGE OF USE OR OCCUPANCY FLE _ ... TOTAL - -- - -- 76039 Rev, 11/90 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION PROPOSED 15261 Connector Lane, Ituntington Beach, CA 92647 1. BUSINESS ADDRESS 2. Person to contact in case of emergency.L Peter Wang or (818)446-9533 ;; Steve Lane _ (714)774-4497 Telephone number: e 3. Does the building in question have electricitpt? Yes ❑ No (a) If No, are you requesting that the electricity be ❑ Yes ❑ turned on? No � Yes 4. The building is sprinklered? ❑ No 5. Operations will produce dust/wood shavings or similar ❑ Yes material? eNo 6. Operations will involve the repair or replacement of ❑ Yes CPJr No automobile parts? If Yes: (a) Describe the components repaired or replaced. (b) Does the operation involve the use of an open flame? ❑� Nos 7. The business is drinking, dining or assembly use that will result in an occupant load of more than 50 persons. 0 Yes No 8. The following best describes my operation Office Only Retail Sales Warehouse Manufacturing / Distribution (describe process and end product) CALSCIENCE IS A CHEMICAL ANALYTICAL LABORATORY FOR ENVIRONMENTAL SAMPLES. Restaurant / Take Out Food Medical / Dental Other (describe) CALSCIENCE IS A CHEMICAL ANALYTICAL LjjBORATORY_FOR ENVIRONMENTAL SAHI'LES. SUPPLIMENTAL INFORMATION SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION (CoVUnuod) - Ooon yhe VponoMnn involve any of the foUcw;ag FK Y�� UNo |f _-____-- -_-_-____ Yon. indi_nato guanti�ieo. - -___ -__ ^ Material_(}!!amity -----` ----'--- 1. --------- F{ammablo liquids ' Class | A -~`____-_.-____--_'________- _ -9__ Class |-8 55 Qneo |-C _n 2 Gombusdib|o liquids ' Class U Class U|-/\ V flammable liquids i 4_ Fnnmab|e geyga kx cu. ��~ �� uu4]�-au�� '2UU0e_U�� 5, Liquofied flammable gases Ei F|ammnb|o hbena ' |ooae 7 Fiannmab1e fibers - baled 4 8 _________~____ F)�mrnab|g solids -u _ '-__-~-_----- ' B ��_______ Unatnb|e mstena|o >__-- -,-~_ _-�--.- ---�--- � 1 1U. Corrosive liquids 3p 11 Dxkj|zin� m�tg,|a| - 0� 12. izxng material ~_Uoukda____~______�_ V___ 1�� C}xidbciog material - solids T4,'— Organic peroxides romethane (unstable materials) 16. Ammonium nitrate _ 0_ 17. Ammun|um nitrate compound mixtures / containing more than 806 nitrate -~ / by weight 1 0_,___�_______� q 18. Highly toxic nneteha| and poisonous gas 19 Smokeless powder 20 Black t| d � ! � , . | hereby certify that the above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. _ a�. |/ G|gnadure �-T-- Date CHEMICAL CLASSIFICATION FORM COMMON CHEMICAL MATERIAL QUANTITY QUANTITY LOCATION .r cmic+UnDILr CIMIDFrl **TAT TT4ZP nF TTCF HAZARD CLASWES) ACETONE I Liquid 4 gal 1 gal. SVOC Extraction Flammable I-B (OS) ACETONiTRI LE Liquid 4 gal 1 gal. SVOC Extraction Flammable I B (OS) FREON 1:13 Liquid 4 gal 1 gal. Inorganic Lab Suspect Oaon (OS) De Teter DIETHYL ETHER 'Liquid 8 gal I gal. SVOC Extraction Flammable I -A (OS) ETHANOL Liquid 2 gal I gal. LUFT Extraction Flammable I-B I(OS) HEXANE Liquid 10 gaI 1 gal. SVOC Extraction Flammable I-B (OS) ISOOCTANE Liquid 2 gal I gal. SVOC Extraction Flammable I-B (OS) ISOPROPANOL Liquid 4 gal 1 gai. SVOC Extraction Flammable I-B (OS) NETHLENE Liquid 100 gal 2 gal. SVOC Extraction Toxic, CHLORIDE (OS) Carcinogen and Narcotic METHYL TERT Liquid 4 gal 11 gal. SVOC Extraction 'rlammable I-B BUTYL ETHER (OS) N ET_HANOL Liquid 4 gal I gal. (OS) VOC Extraction Flammable I-B ** Indicate if used in open or closed system, refer to definitions. CHEMICAL CLASSIFICATION FORM CONfMON CHEMICAL MATERIAL QUANTITY QUANTITY LOCATION �* TT VT n1; TTCA HAZARD f T.ACg(F.91 NAME INF.-Mn(a) TOLUENE rviuvi Liquid 2 gal 1 gal. (OS SVOC Extraction Flammable I F, Mlgg Methyl isc-butyl l ketone XYLEN-E T ;q:.;id L Liquid 4 gal 4 gal I I gal_ (OS) I gal. (OS) Metals Analysis Metals Analysis Flammable I-B Flammable I-B Corrosive, Oxidizer SULFURIC ACID Liquid 9 gal 1 gal_ (OS) Inorganic lab NITRIC ACID Liquid 9 gal I gal. OS) Metals Analysis Corrosive, Oxidizer HYDROCHLORIC ACID Liquid 6 gal 1 gal. (Os), Metals Analysis — Corrosive ACETIC ACID Liquid Via( I gal. (OS) inorganic lab Corrosive SODIUM HYDROXIDE Solid 8.8lbs 1.1lbs (OS) SVOC Extraction Corrosive ** Indicate mused in open or closed system, refer to definitions. CHEMICAL CLASSIrICATION FORM UANTITY QUANTi T Y LOCATION HAZARD COT"ON CHEMICAL MATERIAL Q .:n.- n'C s TcIP M AMES) NAME NAIM(S)AIR HELIUM Comp- Comp. Gas Comp_ Gas 3 cylinders 3x311 ft3 4 cylinders 4x2,91 fe 4 cylinders 4x261 ft3 3 cylinders 3x304 fe 2 cylineders 2x304 ft3 3 cylinders 3x311 ft3 (cs 4 cylinders 4x291 fP (cs 4 cylinders 4x261 ft3 (cs) 3 cylinders 3x304 f3 (cs) 2 finders cylinders 2}3'?4 ft3 (cs) SVOC , VOC, LUFT Extraction SVOC , VOC Extraction SVOC , VOC Extraction SVOC , VOC Extraction VOC, LUFT Extraction Combustion Support Non-combustible Asphyx;ant Highly flammable, eAplosive Asphyxiant Asphyxiant - hxethane.�on- combustible Ash = ant Ar on P-5 Gas Mixture HYDROGEN NITROGEN 5%)v�ethane in Argon Comp. Gas Comp. Gas Comp. Gas I ** Indicate if used in open or closed system, refer to definitions. A. . SOUTH COAST AIR QUALITY MANAGEMENT DISTRICT (Nonresidential Buildings Only) Location of Subject Property: 15261 i:ONNECTOR LATE, HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92647 Proposed Property Owner Name: cALSeIENCE ENVIRONMENTAL LAB0RAT0RIf*,oA4C.# (714)835-5494 Name of the Person Preparing this form in print and signatur Name: Peter I. Wand Signature:_ff`.1-�1'. 'yy The person preparing this form must be the samd person applying`for building permits. Please answer the following questions regarding your proposed occupancy of the subject building. IF YOU DO NOT KNOW THE ANSWER TO A QUESTION MARK IN THE "YES" COLUMN; AQMD PERMITTING CHECXLIST YES NO 1. Does your facility use any internal combustion engines greater than 50-HI"? 2. Does your facility involve. mixing, blending, or processing any solvents, adhesives, paints or coatings? 3. Does your facility create any dusts or smoke? 4. Does your facility refine any liquids or solids or reclaim any metals? V 5. Does your facility plate or coat anything? 6. Does your facility have any combustion equipment i.e. boiler, furnaces, broiler, baking ovens, etc.) rated greater than 2,000,000 BTU/HR? 7. Does your facility handle or store o�v n s or 8. motor fuel? SEE ATTACHMENT —- Do you use or store any acids? 9. Do you use any chemical process? 10. Do you use any solvents for clean-up? 11. Are you a dry cleaner, restaurant with a charbroiler, body shop, gasoline station, printer, or part coater? 12. Is the subject building located within one f thousand (1,000) feet of any school? U' PROPERTY LINE TO PROPERTY LINE. GRADES K-12. If you have marked "NO" in all columns, you do not need an Air Quality permit at this time. If you have marked any questions in the "YES" Column you must contact the South Coast Air Quality Management District located at: 21865 E. Copley Drive Diamond Bar, CA 91765-4182 Please call: Plan Check (714) 396-2000 (1360D-2) r City of Huntington Beach �i 2000 MAIN STREET CALIFORNIA 92648 DEPARTME14T OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Building 63&-5241 Planning 536-5271 Housing 536.5271 Government Code Section 55850.2(b) requires the City of Huntington Beach Building Division not to issue the final certificate of occupancy unless the applicant has met or is meeting the requirements of the South Coast Air Quality Management District (AQMD). The Building Division must obtain a written. tease from AQMD to show the applicant has complied with this law. The check list on the reverse side is designed to help the, applicant and the building division to meet these requirements. 1. The applicant (the seine person who apnli.es for permits troa t�gDivision) must complete the check list which can be obtained either at the Building Division or at AQMD. 2. If all boxes in the list are checked "no", the .wilding Division can accept the check list as the release, 3. If there are any "yes" answers in the list, the applicant must contact an AQMD engineer by calling (710 396-2000 to find out whether air permits are required for the proposed construction project. 4. If air permits are not required, the applicant will obtain a written release from AQMD. 5. If air permits are required, the applicant must submit the necessary permit applications before the release can be issued. Because of the time it may ta{e for AQMD to go through the above procedures, the applicant is advised to contact AQMD immediately after applying for Building permits. (1360D) South Coast AIR QUAiLI'rY MANAGEMENT DISTRICT 21865 E. Copley Drive, Diamond Bar, CA 91765-4182 (909) 396-2000 DATE: November 17, 1993 TO: Stanton Building Department FROM: �;� Arthur Lawler, Air Quality Engineer SUBJECT: BUILDING PERMITTING UNDER AB3205, WATERS BILL Regarding PLAN CHECK #: LOCATION: Calscience Environmental Labs. Inc. 11631 Seaboard Circle Stan*on, CA. 90680 This site has met or is meeting the requirements of Section 42303 of the Health and Safety Code and the requirements for a permit to construct and operate for the. South Coast Air Quality Management District . APPLICANT HAS ALL REQUIRED PERMITS FROM THE SOUTH COAST AIR QUALITY MANAGEMENT DISTRICT FOR THIS SITE AND/OR PLAN CHECK ONLY. APPLICANT HAS FILED FOR PERMIT'S TO CONSTRUCT EQUIPMENT WITH THE SOUTH COAST AIR QUALITY MANAGEMENT DISTRICT. X PLICANT IS EXEMPT FROM PERMI'' REQUIREMENTS AT HIS SITE AND/OR PLAN CHECK ONLY. Labe. R0* 219 iA 7860 Katella Avenue Stanton, California 90680 • (714) 379-9222 SOUTH COAST AIR QUALITY MANAGEMENT DISTRICT PERMITTING CHECKLIST (Non -Residential Buildings Only) SCAQMD PERMITTING CHECKLIST Address: 11601 Seaboard Circle, Stanton, CA 90680 DBA: Cal-rience EII4i' abnratnri Pa Tnn YES; NO 1. Does your facility use any internal combustion engines greater than 50 ❑ ❑ ' horsepower? ' 2. Does your facility involve mixing:blending, or processing any solvents, ❑ :; .• ".'`.• adhesives, paints, or coatings? 3. Does your facility create any dust or smoke? ❑ ia-� 4. Does your facility refine any liquids or solids? Reclaim any metals? L_ J 5. Does your facility have any combustion equipment Ji e., boilers, furnaces, ❑ ❑ broilers; baking ovens,'etc:)`raced greater'than 2,000;000 BTU/HR? �j 6. Does vour facility plate or coat anything? i—•`J' ❑ 7. Does your faciliity handle,or store solvents'or motor fuels? L-1 ❑ CPer Mr. Moustafa Elsherif, and Mr. Art (-1 El8. Do you use use or store any acids? Lawler of SC:AQMD, Analytical Labs are g exempted under AQMD Rule 219, even ❑ ❑ 9. Do you use any chemical processes?answering yes to question 7 and 8., 10. Do you use any solvents for clean-up? W � ❑ ❑ 11. Are you a dry cleaner, restaurant with charbroiler, body shop, gasoline station, ❑ printer, or part coater? 12. Is the subject building located within one housand (1,000) feet to any school? ❑ PROPERTY LINE TO PROPERTY LINE, GRADES K-12 If you have marked "NO" in all columns, you do not need an Air Quality Permit at this time. If you have marked any questions in the "YES" column, you must contact the South Coast Air Quality Management•:,: District located at: + 21865 E. COPLEY DRIVE, DIAMOND BAR, CALIFORNIA 91765-4182 Please call these offices: Customer Service4/396 2000 Art Lawler 4/396-2533 Moustafa Elsherif (909) 396-3113 }+_; TAKE THIS COMPLETED FORM TO SCAQMD &alscience Zi vironmental aboratories, Inc. March 07, 1994 Department of Community Development 2000 Main Street P.O. Box 190 Huntington Beach, CA 92648 Subject: Site Use Determination; C of O ,& Business License Requested therefore Dear Sir/Ms: Calscience Environmental Laboratories, Inc. (Calscience) respectively requests that the City of Huntington Beach process a Certificate of Occupancy and a Business License and issue a Use Determination to allow the applicant to know whether the proposed use is permitted for the site as described below. As required, included herewith is payment in the total amount $255.00. In support of this request, the following information is included: Location of Proposed Use The site address is: 15261 Connector Lane, Huntington Beach, CA 92647 near the intersection of 13olsa and Springdale. Size of Operation The size Calscience's operation will be 21,172 square feet. Of this total area approximately 30% will be office area while the remaining 70% will be analytical laboratory areas. Number of Employees Calscience currently has approximately 45 employees. As pesently envisioned and planned, within two years, Calscience would have approximately 75 employees working within this facility. ����lly V"`�IeA 1163', Seaboard Circle, Stanton, GA 90680 • TEL: (714) 895-5494 • FAX: (714) 894-7501 J1 �'� Hours of Operation Calscience's normal working hours are from 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM Monday through Friday ( approximately one and one-half shifts). On the weekends it is safe to assume that three to rive personnel will b:; at work each day. It should be noted, however, that, because of automated analytical systems, samples are being analyzed around the clock every day. Types of Proposed Use Calsience is a near full -service analytical laboratory serving the environmental industry. Soils/solids, waste- and drinking water, and air samples are prepared and analyzed by varying techniques including gas chromatography, liquid chromatography, and more traditional methodologies. Included herewith for your review is a copy of a summary Statement of Qualifications (SOQ) which provide more detail into the proposed use. The following information is not contained with the included SOQ but may be imporatant for the Use Determination: - In its operations, Calscience does accumulate limited quantities of hazardous waste which requires short term secure storage external to the building; Calscience's mobil laboratories will be garaged external to the building, - In the future, Calscience, if permitted, does plan to perform radiochemical analysis on drinking water and. other low level radiative waste; and For your further reference, PACE LAB located about 1/2 mile away from the subject site and located on Bolsa is exactly the same kind of business operation.as Calscience. Although we are reasonably certain Calscience would essentially constitute a Research and Development use, as requested, the following material is attached. - A completed Orange County Fire Department, Hazardous Materials Business Information Chemical Inventory Packet - A completed South Coast Air Quality Management Distiict (AQMD) permitting checklist; - Our permit number issued by EPA for the storage and disposal of hazardous waste is CAD 982 525 230 and a copy of our being exempt from permit requirements letter from SCAQMD Calscience appreciates the time and effort of the City of Huntington Beach to reach a speedy determination on the potential of re -locating our operations to Huntington Beach. Please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned should you require additional information or clarification regarding the contents contained herein. Sincerely, -e&- 49 /, �l�/L nvironment Calsctence E Laboratories, Inc. Peter I. Wang Project Manager Enclosures CC: Certificate of Occupancy Div. Business License Div. Planning Dept. Building Dept. Fire Dept.