HomeMy WebLinkAbout15031 Edwards St - CofO (3)CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY 10, r tt 1 l g V r CITY OF HUNTINOMN BEACH Uatu ---- - t 9 at1<d 1 3;I7?1hii,`� Address Dls rift ...._. Business Namo----»-- 1b1, Business T;p4 Oaa, Group .._. BUILDING OWNCRUStNE ErN iiiMAIJAt3£Si Name . ,. Name tl'.t� Homo t,e ufs1iTA P TPA 011. 1 ti �7 tf;AII ......a. Addrasc .....�..,..�.....-. Address ._�___... , : t }.�p - 4 ., till, GA �� tr'i�f11Jk i3 4I t 11tla T lmw { 1 tI � � 't t3 b�.+ city Toll CIIy 7 Construction _..._... — No. of Storletl Occupant Load — Sprinklers„ CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL This cortlllosts of Oocuponcy SHALL EE post;d in s conepbtour. 'place on Its promises and shall not be tomo•,od oxcapt by the Building 011lolal, t OEpARTMENT 05 ZO MMUNITY DEVEt.OPMCNT by COMMUNITY CI VULOPMUNT -VaTIPA APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPAN� CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH -e DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 7 '? IKMVOXON KA001 UA—TE— IMINT OR TYPE ONLY) District-- �uslnoss Name Tol siness Typo Occ Group—M BUILDING OWN0 BUSINF1311 OWNEMMANAGEII i3MO �C 4�rTJamo -4, _A 4- - o� " zel, - ;� P N liory,o 11-d V7)n V rZ_i, ,,eV�'11 Addiesq ItHIS USE WOULD BE DESCRIBED AS: IANGF, Of, OWNIER V101,ANGFOP OCCUPANT NEWLY CONSTRUCTEO BLOG EXISTING BUILDING CHANGE OF US[, El ADDITIONAL OCCUPANT Indicate lormor u5e, it ov, unancy (ir CTiv SOUARE FT Or BUILDING TO HL NOTICE,, 1, Occupancy of any bulldlng is prohibited and a business license will not be issuod until ilia building has been Inspected and a certificate of occupancy is issued, 2. No electrical service will be rolenood for any existing building until the servico lim boon Inspected and certified sale. All applicanto for occupancy in an existing building are required a schedule an electrical 'fuse up'lntpoolion in the Department of Community Development, at 1110 time tills application is filed, 3, Change of occupancy or use Inspection fou. Whanovar It IS maccosary to mil(o inspection of a building or promises in order to dotarnii no if a change jymy be made in ilia chniractor of occupancy or use of th a but ld Ing JJJ or promises which would place Ilia building in a different divis; In Of 1110 Game group of occupancy or in a different group at occupancy, a change of occupancy Inspection too Of $ shall )0/30/9be paid to tho city. 4, Huntington Boricil Fire Code Section 10,208 requires that buildin6 MURIUM must be a minimum of four(4) Inches in height with one hall (1,15) b ich atroke, and of a contrasting color from ilia background. Those numbers must be poeted on your building In a locaii�n that Is visible from tho street, 6. Huntington Beach Fire Code Section 10,301 requires fire extinguisher selection and distribution per Ilia NA(IOhAI Fire Protection Association pamphlet 10 (see reverse side). TRAFFIC IMPACT FCC. DATE PAID 17 AMOUNT itECEIVLD NAME.—— SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION M1 (FOR OFFICE USC ONLY) IONIN6, OCCUPANCY (3rl()UF K - __ � _1 - fit AN (;I it, (A No NO PAI1Ik1N(i,(jPAt10 OCCUPANT LOAD lit At Ili lit [IT AIIIIWVAL�. NO Ol"O"'014`8 ADMIN ACTION III[!J ("LlITIPICWT1 of OWUPANCY111' $ APPFIOVLD By DAIL 4;HAN01, 0VU151' 011 0G(',UPAt,1(,`r I I E. - ------ TOTAI 75,030nov ito? COMMUNITY orvrLoPmrNr SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION 1, BUSINESS ADDRESS 2. Person to contact In case of emergency— ��• Telephone number; 3, Does the building in question have electriclty? es No (a) If No, are you requesting that the electricity be p turner, on? No Lq ea 4. The building is sprinklered? C3 No 5, Operations wile produce dust/wood shavings or s;mllar yes material? v '"No 6. Operations will Involve repair or replacement of C3 yes automoblio pp',s7 No If Yes: (a) Descr'be the components repaired or replaced. yuw.e'.^.watiY.Y+Gxu:�rtcrJ= - `•• F+'»»---�'�'Y'a'u"+'"' ^„-Wetl-.,rw'..* `- 4arctle4WaAntl.......-.-•••.•.• e,4Gsx,-1C#atws'+*tlSw.ei:1Me+tl_V'.x'iu441 (b) Does the operation Involve the use of an riper► flame? O O 7. The business Is drinking, dining or assembly use that will ��cs result In an occupant load of more than 50 persons, � No 5, The following best describes my operatlon; joffloq Onl a es Manufacturing / Distribution (describe proceis and end product) Rostaiurant / Take Out Food Medical / Dental Other (dosorlbe),� SUPPLEMCt YAL,1NFC1RMATIM4 t* t-A SUPPLEN"lliNTAL INFORMATION (Continued) Doe,,:i the operation involve any of the following materials" 0 es o tf Y+as, indicate quantities: Material OuantV 1. Flammable - liquids Class I -A Mass )-13 rcmb—ust-ib—le —Iiqui-d—s - Class 11 Class 111-A V Combination—f—larrima 16 .11'q'-u'—]d—s-'- 4. 17-lamnlable gases 6. liquefied flammable gases 6. --Ii—ammab—leFlammable - T fibers w baled B. Finmmable solids 10, Corroolva liquids 14 OxIdWng roatOrIal - liquids 13. Oxidizing material , solids 14. Organic peroxides,, 46 c is. Nltrorthnnlunstablo truntorials) Ammonium nitrate 17. Ammonium - ''" r'! l' i r a t 0 o i np o u n d mixturos containing meoro than (50% nitnate by we! fit is, Highly toxic material and polaonous gas 19. Smokelops p wdor 20" Black 5pGfOng I hereby Mortify that jthrt, abovo Into rn al tioll is true and owroct to the bes-tv Af My le .Ile Date South Coast AIR QUALITY IVJ-kN DEMENT DISTRICT 21865 E. Copley Drive, diamond Bar, CA 91765-4182 (909) 396-2000 AIR QUALITY P]ERMT C>MCKLIS'T forr nonresidential buildings only Company Name: Location ofPr perty: _ .5 d9- / �'c�4 ��z Ica% �• City:, >? Zip Code: Contact Verson: • r,V a 6 . _ Title: _ e2w» e Telephone Number: ;Zi!_" 82 /— lO 1�1 Fax Number: _ --�`�- Type oflndustryBusiness: To apply for a nonresidential building permit, you must complete this checklist. If you have any questions about completing this checklist, please call (800) 388.2121. 1. Will the facility have a charbroiier? YES Na j ] 2. Will any internal combustion engine with greater than 50 horsepower operate at the facility (excluding motor vehicles)? 3. Will operations at the facility involve mixing, blending, or processing of solvents, adhesives, paints or coatings? 4. Will dust or smoke be generated at the facility? 5. Will refining of any liquids or solids be done at the facility? 6, WilI any plating or coating of materials be done at the facility? ] 7. Will any combustion equipment rated greater than 2,000,000 BTU/hr be operated at the facility? ] �� S. Will any acids, solvents, or motor fuel be used or stored at the facility? [� 9. Will any organic liquids or gases be reacted or produced? 10. Will any ovens be used to dry or cure products at the facility7 ] � -- ? 1, Will any C (Freon) recycling machines operate at a faci ' ? r 1 Applicant; 2-a, v—,, .,, % _ Signature: k c (Print name clearly) If you have. marked "No,, in,- the boxes, an air quality permit is uQt needed at this time, and this checklist is your written release. If you marked "YES" in any of the boxes, you must contact the South Coast Air Quality Management Pistirict (AQMD). Please read the requirri.ients on the back of checklist. (800) 388-2121 A[7r3MONAL SUPPI EWNTAt- IMFORNIAT101`1 (✓ ` c? Lf'f'�h