HomeMy WebLinkAbout15052 Edwards St - CofO (8)"C'A'TE"O F 6 C CERTIFICATE CUPANCY '61T"Y OF HUNTINGTON BEACH I I August 18, ISS2 DEPAR6'T'M'Eht"bO6E'vw'ELOPMENT SERVICES Date HUNTINGTON RACH Address 150 52 Edwards St. District 1 Business'Name XUZ'U'S PROFESSIONAL TAILORING Tel. 09B-4963 Builness'Type TAILORING a moTnHc RETAXL Occ"Group B-2 BUILDING OWNER BUSiNMOWNEW 'MANAGER Namt Willlain Hanshaw Name SADEWIN ?.UZU Horess 5462 Pleadow C!:. Address Addre City— Tel. City Huntington Beach --Home TeLa4n-7r/3 Construction No. of StoriesOccupant!.oad-----3—asprinklered Moace: This 6r"Wicati 6f 6impain, cy DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENTSERVICES Sit SHALLpo-stidIn''a conspicuous place on 'HE the i premises anditiall notf'be removed except by Building 6hicial. the by --- DEVELOPMENT SERVICES r F 0 J� �,,; got APPLICAT 0 FOR�rCERT F CAtE OF OCCUPANCY F-0 CITY,P "NoRTINOTU OEI�GH , DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT SERVICES NUNTMGTON MACH (PRINT OR TYPE ONLY) Address Business Business .( DATE District Tel. %/Z Occ. Group BUILDING OWNER OWNER/MANAGER Name �.�L 1 f l ! Q W1 l �Ct t1,;' /'1[I ail Name /�� - l _U I r% Address —�� ^. Address _ A sstt r�-� � ^7��/ •^�� City Tel. City .T/ ' [ 9�z 9 Tel %�M71L3 THIS USE WOULD BE DESCRIBED AS: NEWLY CONSTRUCTED BLDG. CHANGE OF OWNER CHANGE OF OCCUPANT EXISTING BUILDING El CHANGE OF USE ADDITIONAL OCCUPANT Indicate former use, if any' ,Ju_hzz '_& Occupancy Gr. Div. P ;%fiioft p y not be Issued un the building has�beeniryts ected and'a cer`tt fic. occu anc is issued N6Mr,E: 1. Odd anc of an buiidin pis row ed and'a. business license will 2. No electrical service will bee released for an existin buIIdinguntil enl e y g g the service. has been inspectetl and'cerfff6d safe. All applicant., for occupancy in an existing"building are required to schMA an electrical 'fuse up' inspection'`in` the Department of Development Services at `the"time ttiis rpplica- tion is filed. 3. Change of occupancy or use inspection` fee. Whenever it is necessary to make inspection `of a build- ing or premises in order to deterinineif'a change`may be`fiiade lAhe character of occupancy or Use of the building or pre—nilses which would place the building in a , rfferehi`dIv sign of the same groffo of'occupancy or irla "iiifferent group of occupancy, a change of occupancy inspection fee of $30.00 shall be paid to the"city. ��4. Huntington` Beach Fire Code Section '10 208 requires that„![ hiding"numbers"must be a minim[ in t of four (4) inch6s;'l height with"drib half ('/:)'inchstroke, and of a contrasting color from the ba'bk- und. These'ni'tmbers must ba pasted `an your building'in a loca)ion that is visible from the street. ground. „n v� HU Ington Beach ' Fire Code Section. 10 301 requ ras;flre extinguisher selection and distribution per the National Fire Protection Association pamphlet 10 (see reverse , " -,,f,7, I I �7 1F0 (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) SUPPLEMENTAL' INFORMATION f- I SO ARE FT OF B LoI*NG PLAN CHECK N0. N0. PARKING SPACES CUPANCy GROUP 15 —Z PERMIT NO, HEACW 6110T. AP01'ov .I. OCCUPANT'LOAD 3 S' ADMIN. ACTION. UTILITIES RELEASED � ! NO.OF STORIES • 04, ,, , u L' 0 '':�v CERTICAT'OFOCGUPA e E APPROV� DATE CHANGE OF OCCUPANCY FEE $ TOTAL $ Y 75-039 REV. DEVELOPMFNT SERVICES