HomeMy WebLinkAbout1205 England St - CofO* CERTIFICATE opOCCUPANCY +^ - DEPARTMENT orCOMMUNITY osvccopwEmT England Axa � '�__'_-____ _ x"--�-------------'-----------| �LJLDING�� T«ny T~ ^«sn 285 ObispoMe.,~-�^,__-__'__-___--______._________ o.v Long Beach, ,,._ `*39-5839>'v_*m", w. 1 nE PARTwENT0pCOmMUwh YoEVsDPMENT This Certificate of Occupancy SHALL place on "the premises and shall -----removed uy -- ow 9111118w__ HUNTINGTCN BFACH APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY CITY OF HUNTINGTON BFQrIi iI DEfIARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT Si 1VICES � CClli NT rR T; P .._, � -DATE Address Business Name_ Business Type BUILDING OWNER Name q Y Address — Cii1: Tel — Heme Address City District Tel Occ. Group__ BUSINESS OWNERWANAGER Home Tel. THIS USE WOULD BE DESCRIBED AS: ❑ NEWLY CONSTRI ICTED BLDG. ❑ f;HANGE OF V 1r ER ❑ CHANGE OF OCCUPANT ` I i �C—1 EXISTING BUILDIN3 ❑ CHANGE OF USE ❑ ADDITIONAL OCCUPANT Indicate former rise, if any Gcu,pancy Gr- Div- SQUARE FT OF BUILDING TO BE OCCUPIEDd" NOTICE: 1 . Occupancy of any building i; prohibited and a will not Lutl I the building has been inspected and a certificate of occupan v F Issued I 2 No electrical service will uo roic: ar ea for an r xl ing building until the service has be,?n n prcted and certified safe- All applicants for occupancy ,n an existing building are required lo, schoclule an electrical I 'fuse up' insoection in the Department of Development Services at the time tr-iis-ippitcaiion is filed- _3 Change of occupan° ^y or use inspection fee. Who -never it is ne+ rss pry to muH.e ;, ,pectir)n of a building or premises in order io determine if a change may r7e made :n tt;e charac ter of occupancy or use, of the building or promises which would place the but ildrng in a ditferent division of thc- same grraup of occupancy or in a different group of occupancy. a cfranae of occupancy inspection fee of shall be paid to the city. 4- Huntington Beach Fire Code Section 1 C-2CS reguires thal building numbers must be a minimum of four (.4) inches in height with on(? half Inch stroke, and r)f a contrastirsg co?cr from th,� background. Thee n0rnbels must be posted on Your building in a location that is visible from the street. 5. Huntington Beach Fire Code Section 10.3101 require; fire extinguisher seieclior, an, jistributiort per the National Eire Protection Association pamphlet 10 (see reverse side). (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION ZONINC` OCCUPANCY CROUP-------- ___ PLAN CHFC,K NO No PAR�<INQ &PAGES_ — OCCUPANT LOAD i cFRr."IT NO _` _- _T-.-- HFALTht i1FPF APPRt: VInf.__ NO, OF STORIES __ ._ _ _ ADMIN. ACTT+7N i? APPROVED BY DATE 754.)39 REV C` PTIFICATE i1 0G','_UPANC-Y c[t' HANC'E OF USE CIR O''CiJPANCY t-EE OTAL v F