HomeMy WebLinkAbout1111 Florida St - CofO (4)lie • fit) 1INGION RM14 This is to certify ffi6t the CERTI*Wrt OF OCCUPANCY CITY OF HIM 1 INGTON BEACH september I-jj-__L9j4 DEPARTMtNT'OF BOONG'& COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ... .--ApAr-b= , i�ellt I ils ;W(horizod under Bui 114W P&MIt No. EX4,,q tj ng and is id6niffi6das—MI rl-arl-da-'U', 11Ijntjhgt*on flomr.11,— ,;(ldross Ca I I f0=4 a and described 'as in the btllldlhgowriid by -0,cLj4u--U.—)t&IIj at 10 1 6B—Cle r-- 114 un-e C t 131113 t, -Q 4 n name address j0 VaLiayy CaLifo=ln -complies with the provisions of 611 pertinent laws, codes, ordinances and arty imposed conditidhs for the use describ6d and classified as an 11 --- occupancy. MA)6 MOM 'OCCUPANT LOAD PtRM1'Tt1r--0 N&Ice: This Certificate of Oecupafty SHALL BE posted in a conspicuous place on the premises and shall not be removed except by the Buildlefg'-Official. John F. BeWeMs Direetor of Building & Community Development By App I IcAtion For Certif fcal.v Of Occdpancy of llut)Lltigt'Oti Beach, Califofni;.+ Da Loy 13- A Applice cion is here6y made for a CerLlf Icatc, of 0ccttpA`ficy f<)r a: Aft. 1161ntA1s oescri.be, Business Use To I)e known as solot, H. Young Name of BusIness Located kit M1111 Florida St. Bus mess Address Solo n H. YOtlilg 0168 Clear River Ct.t FoOfitain Valley 92708 •963- 1688 NTaWe7. B I J f 1, 6 —IN _G -6 W-14 %T_ - —Address City Zip 1'11011(.! ,rilts use would 'be descr-ibed as: F-3\1 e -,.j B a i I d i n p&Existing Bui.ldinRf_.,,han_-IC -',c of Us0D,'!jtjhge of owne" 61 of Occdoint ]f [ndicate forincr usv if any Same as above BUSINESS 014NER Rosidence Addr(--ssr cityZ J, 1) . 963-1.688 I Resideuce Phone No Bus * ness prohibited b, y Law and a business No,rl(,'F,: 1. occjjp,6hv_y of any building is will not be issued until 01r., bu-il-di'hg has been inspected and Ce-ttificate of Occupancy up i s issued. a license 2. No electrical service will be released for any existing btAlding until the service has been inspected acid certified safe. All applicants for occo' Ancy in an existing buildtfig are required tt) schedule an electrical p e "fuse tip" inspection in the Dep'6rtm' _nt of Building and C6mAMIty I)evel6pment at the time this a0plication is filed. ON Mr,Trn, U§E ONLY (below this libe) DEPAR,rmr,.NTAI, RMEIVE'b: R . 6.1.1ding Denartm'ent 4. Public Works DePartincht 4-01 zz Date Name Date C1111 . , 2. Planning Department 5. 1 Health Department Date 3 Fire Depo I 4,111C 11 t r"rName Da t e so-POLEM-ENTAL 10ftMATION Sq. ft. of buildi'Aig OrCtipalicy Group Occupant Load TA 77W 'No .'of Stories ­4 (#74-009) ,wamp Plah Check No. Permit No. Admih. Action No. Parking Spaces Utilities Released Date W