HomeMy WebLinkAbout1111 Florida St - CofO (5)A HUNitNGinNRI AC I ----------- OF oCcUPANCY IlU,,T­,,jG,(nN ar'A CITY OF V�L&ME DEPARTMENT 'OF C OMMON 11 as rJ1,11joril0d t Huntinogtolf, This is to C(-rtifY that the 9769 anti is identMet as— under Buildl64 Permit No. and;deWlisod'as at9 Kt3Y ��'addross ------- & Dor . th ldiiliam 9, name rdthonces and 60Y imWed In thetuildifig owned by ro'jisidns Of all pertirlojit, laws, codes, - — -------- COMPlIeS With the I ) ()CC "'e' us(, described and di I assified as an-"' conditions 101 MAXiMUM OCr-UPANT LOAD DevoloplyWrIt bi ding & C01"M tinity NOWCC: Director Of This Ceititicate;of e on of :)jtuNs P13C in a ronsi SHALL BE poste all not be removed except 13Y premises anpf{Icia1. t5h the by the i t Fl Fn App t i c a L i ott Por c0rc i f i cat e of OCC tp£iltey C i.i:y of, hunting" raft Beach, {'al ffornin ' � r . r r pR''llcat'i�c�rt E� l4�trf.� } mrid(I for a c rt:ific.tte of OcrUjv1hcy for a: i� i)�:xc•:i'�isti3u:. tilt-����; ii:;Q: Name of Bttslw s"; er Date .�.�.�. �.�JW .1.75._ Located a t::....�.,/�lt t •�vi� /N�`y ��'d•'�.......__�� f�<'!l �ff�%11.~.� .�__.... Bit ` ;S Addres Name: $LlILl7INC OWNERAclrl).c5s ,,f .y P P116ne No. This iise-wortld be described as! E]New BuildInPoNistin�, Buf4din .h nge cif llsenh(Inge cif «�,rtter :ltitnf;e <.f (){:c:!ll:;attt tndienLe farmer use If Any Name: BUSTNESS OWNER Resonce address City Ii 1) Phone No - Business: � ...._.... _. ; ` NO'F1.Cii: 1. Occuprincy of any bui l.tiing i 13 proli;bi Lf'-d ley law 41ind a Ixusinc:r�.a 1 icr t��,r _�. will. not` lie issued untA l the building, leis been inspected and a .cent Lficat e of Occupancy is issued. 2. No el.ecti.,ical. Service will be re.l.ciased for itny c�xistinf; b�,i`l.{lin�; until dory service has bean inspected and ce.rt:ifled ­.afe. All appticarts` for. oeeupiincy In an existing '60 iding are reg0'ri �d to schedu l ;: an electrical. n Use Up" jn pec t iin in the Department 6f Buil.di.ng and Corvanunity neVelopment at Ow Lime fh s appli.cat f on is filed. f;Fi+ICE USE, ONLY (below this tiw:) DEPARTMENT i. BuINI'iig Department Name C)atc Z. Plaiining Depat• etlt 5. I.., /C r'+ '_...Name _ _. Date 1 3• rise Department WIPAMAts Art'. r r.�►+ Mr.w..w'.r'� .w.yN T.. r� G. �Glxc Works Ut�pArimetrtt 71 to VI! ealto Depa tnient t mczDa te 11 Nama ate Sit 'Pt,EMI;NrAL 11#69MATION h.l Sq'w ft., Of 'btri` din Plat• C cc c Nb.. Occupancy Group Permit No. w �-�_� (�retinr4rit- Lhad �"14 -/l Admin. Action C 6 � K . :�