HomeMy WebLinkAbout1111 Florida St - CofO (2)116 IS 700 Dr-PAO-Wht"O -1i 61"Nd & co'MMU41ty' 11MVINWON VACIII Apartmems 3 'Vnita under Bdild! n ]EX LS Offilt"At all (&k W01,61hil as J, 1.1 Floridn St Amn ingmil Beaeb and clesdr"INd as Wm. B & Dorottiy Mann in iho 6U4816g"o' wn 6 d t'y Wi I I iM' B & Do-kothyMA at _-LAfieier AM: Dedlkv=__ namo address WhAke, 9,t6h 60M 6)"S 'Wlth­thu "Ptovisi6m of all tportlnohtlaws, cedes, ordinances and any irhpimcl cor ds 16 1&1 6-W as an -AA_M0IYM!-&,"6UOANTr C6AtT'OWMf 010 Oleo. Wit -6f`0&y0'A66v s .SkAUL't t Oditddi lh�� p-Onspic"dous �p ace or( tile 61 * I d sfi'6i'll c;-AW -b6-"r6ii�d eo�%-16pt ses, an B 6V4 mift"di By ii , ig & Co'f'nos6oiftjf Devewoment Jf �F 01 F, NP n Application For Certifirate of Oce6j) City of jbintington"Beach, Cal lforhia DA to p atjt4 y mod, f6k r,, Cortif feat oOcelt t my for a: 1)escribt, Businc's, Isc Name off 1311:: I tie Ss Located at t ti- s I fi Oss Address 6 t 641 Name,, B U I L 1) TV E R Acl e5s city p Phom; No. Thfs use would be described flis., nNew8bil-dih Qftisting Buit'din r_A/ ownerah �J_Ihange of Us L'341i tige f ofige 8 0 of Or..(,upatit I ti'd I ca tv forger :.usc, If ainiy BUSINESS OWNER Ph6tie Residehce Addre.-Ss C. I Bu s I ne ss TICE: I Occupancy of any b6t1ding Is prohibiLed by law and a business titense wl f I Obt be issued until the building has been IfnspeeLed and a Certif-Icate of Oc6uptinty is Issued. 2 No'etectrical service will be.'relea-ved for any ekiM,Iny, (miltilng until the. service lips bee'tt fiispectOd mid certifiod safe. All. applicaifts fiat: occi�l 'h"n'c'y in an existing bbililftig ario. required .to c ho ( U e an 'p.lectricAl "fuse :up" inspec:f; n in the Dd'partmellt of I'lding, and com�lunity e 'D V 16-� ent at the time Me tlifs ap'olii.,-Atioti Is filed. 0 �PIC,4! USF (be low th I "I I r ONLY -fie) C1 G. PUblic Vbrka Ddo6r­tfiiont Da t C DAU, 2. `Plaffifthni Ing I artmefit, t, -A Nnine Date I. 11calth [-�partmwftt N&ne Date a AW�ill-icat iditt Ror C6rtiliGate cif Oc, upabcy City of !{uhtingtoftBeach`, Gil`ifo i is Kftp ` ea t f6h i ihdroby mddc! for a Certificate of a.: ncscrihe Oil irtoss (Isv 'I'o Bc known as 6 Nnmv of...'Blisiness m Date f l,n:ted pit aus iness ,Address Name: DfOR NC `01MER Address 'City 2i'p Phdhct No. mh1s use wo l-d be described as t L._I"e%� Bui lditi : ;;. RN;isting I31i`f) dingDd6 h e of Use i s e of Dwnc i C h e 'bf Cc;cifiiat`t IftdI66te fortner usc, I Name: D iNRSS 0WRER Res dence Address City Ifs, Phone No. - Btis`itiiess : Residence: (?116t I Oceti afic of an 6` f- �d h is rohibited by law a6d a bustness license .. � Y �'_ g P..' w ill. not -be issu6A-Aiftt:i l the bbil'diftg has b(en iiis` ected ahUn Certificate of t plffi'6y is issued, 2 No electrical ser)vl e "W ul' be 'released for any ekf6f g b-14d1ng u it the sdrvice lids bean 1 pecCed and c rtic ed wife, A1'1' a'i l ica ii�s for oCoiipdhoj� ` Im tin ekis bf`�ig btii lil�itg cite rec�t�'i red t.a,. st:heclt� le an e� lectrica l "tbae �� ins°p 'cti `t i' 'the tea irtm i t3ui l i rind Cnm►nfifty DeVe1dihartt at ttio ti'rnu b1Iis a lication~ i,s fflA ( �iCi; USR b` t' -(be1W th:.is lfliei nLPA T; DENTAL Ah TI` y4A ' R8C i' Cll t ` °�' Bud lditi D ar t�iiMC `V6fks Department m e DAU Name nth to 2. Pla�i i g t epax t6 'fit 5. Nca`l h `Depa�rtrr►ei b "Na�tte late Date Name 3. : Ftrc t7 i irLmeAt Name Unite aUp l:b 9 AL .YNP 0. MAT : Sq . + `f t + .of b`ti% ld ii = ; . ;.Ah'Chb�k No . ---- :,. Oe t`i y Gr'dtip P06, "t No , ccAlit 'r Ltya r Admin.. 'A non No. bf 'stories rb, Parking ' Spaces 7<i�C}tTtlties° Re�leasdri. S r r t- ArBlicat.ion For `- -"" 'r rt. i f i c a I v ()f Occ Ytp.3ncy Vits•. Of Ilt7n,i ington BeA01, c aI I t'ornir" Appi f catic►n is hereby made fr►r vi r:v rt i f• icat f, of. OCI ilpnr,c y fir it; D)!scribe tisc To be khown as Name of Boni ne s s Located at l 77 A%;� / J Acld ess .`.. Y '. 1�j"jy ;ix �«s}.�.4' .:.lie4hii..nF.:m'i ����4fi��n .3.�aA �_ 'tom-.k�a{�- '+#,�' d''aps±.rkra+:Y�ae'�e i�ic+4++�..'s.�i+-3.af C�,: a�nn�+/7,y./#rt�,:t .. �1r.a4S+�,..V '!4tt�`x`_ •.. _., +b>. _ �' Y -i-+:F ii �t e"� _�»�. �,� f 'Pr.J-.....+�_....... �f.� -��<.�C.t� +��...•�.'�y ..._..._. :.��/ V � �� ..,a _w., „� nca- of BOitding Address G♦ Cf ty I'hotty No. 011tc This us(, W-60d be desci,thed tas.: J New Bul 1.d1ngRf� 19t (hj, Bbi lciint,< t.ft anti of of of OcCi4v ttat'(.. i Indicate former use if any atnc� RUSI.M.'sS OWN!:lt t:y Phoiw No. - 1311z s 6:t N4TI:;: A 1)USi11Vss I is v1)Sv wi l I not bk- ; ssuf=ld 'Ont, 11 tltc, bix I(Iitl}" hn,; 'hrrtt itrsr,t .(-trd and a Cxvt tf is atc' of Occ upat"'-y _ s i.:;sued. DEPAR'TMI.NTAI. APPROVALS: 1. P In in ing Dc1partmetiL -Ilcyh nrks U. Vs Name I`a t e .-- Fi r. c 13epnrtmeitt �I :i. tiatilding TOPtirLilleht ?tnat, t;sf • Nat"! c `�► �. Pu1) I ic, Works i)c}prartn:E i1t tdc ;:►r{rks : __ �_.__�.__ _ _____._ _�__. _ ______�._..�_. P'A Nam �� ��__ Irat.{. f ' fENTAL INIFOR*i?TION Sq. 1't. of 1)Uf.Idi;)�, _� Plan t:i)c <.k No./� )cCup ancy GrOi3fl � _._ �� - _ No. Parkins % t)n�cci)I�}Int Lo*j ,� t;}.i . or LU.". No. !4 ,r . o 1 3 t or I C. J _. � t i 4 � 1 Z i l is ,? ► t : ir? 6