HomeMy WebLinkAbout1201 Florida St - CofOf � �/. CERTIrICATE OF OCCUPANCY •'1 '�' �. i ar.tf.:r* f DEPARTMENT ,)F COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT i" MItZTON lfEnui. � p li,t5•�1 .,�Tive 3 Uili F3U41GSh+a lJ.ry %4�f[SiNl �r�4NER, ANAGEk ' — _ Ad t _ t . r'`l _ ._..._.._gi,.t ;rx TQi..,_,_,„_._, i C C,47^' v,cn Ct i This Ccrtificatfl of Occupancy Dr'»PARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT � SHALL BE pos!od in a conspicuous ^facie c4r the premises and shay no! Be removed ex cepl by the Buiiding Official: i �J APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT _ ,f/�1l l Nuvnrx.rcxrirat}a �r o- •,r41,,� .-t o UJ a 71 fig THIS USE WOULD BE DESCRIBED AS: lJEVI0C.;,_i�iiir,_;ll}�1,,� � .... FOTICE: I Occ:uuaney of any butltw,g is prclhnblted art : Ga ba� „crynt.e.` will not t- tfte:auildir y has been i Inspected and <a c ertif, tA!e tit rt:r ap aoc'i 11, i ,LI0 ?. No etectiical Service , d! be EI£,k3 t i f€,r arty l gijt rjq 4e:r +te F' i q a;;; bpert w9perled an'd + U?rtif€ed s of All applicant fov C:a .It:a°t :y In arr isa1i9,Ii r _t are le I i e d t stc �?mule an electrical tuse up' inspection it, the Dopaitt+vent of � �,arrnrut. f, }..ruwei+�.,r i^�rr° ,., in�� t+..r�- f!�is <apuire.ati��n ,�, tiled i 3 Cleange of occupancy or use Inspection fee. JV}rc+r 4 „ t 7 � ar ai r-,a+ tiur:...f a budding or nremisemo,,dettr jt''teftlailt'eai.flit r`:`+134Lemllrkiti^ �ruse ofthebuifdmg txt�iasi t ✓u!,s f JJ. ir9+,1 1 iltit t ,iiGti� r s 1, r� �' d �Ji, tits of 0,!ei a i ff zt4 ,.0 t. a" a ch at!tIle of 567a1i Ali �x,�s'it ttt_aup s ��.' � . I i bo paid to ttt ut i i { ; 4. Huntington Beach Fire Code Section 10 20i a, , it 1, r,� a tt , rrtr am Or ZOW +4 t k n kt:- These number;tt fr ;, We t+7r t 5. Huntington Beach Fire Code Section tit 'ist 4�a fart+ . tt .,C.,,: ! ».r e� tr;.z. astci .jt�trttiuti�rs pEsr the a i' P�1,xtac+na# F`,ff=e r6. iCi 4, tif�,'7 r4 „r�•';iiifl _'t {ia�i'1 ¢rtii@i 1it l x:"y'k f„_ ;i7i'I I _ 1 if OR OFFICE USE ONLY1 SUPPLEMENTAL INFOR VIt3C,1 _..._____...