HomeMy WebLinkAbout15063 GOLDEN WEST - CofO (3)CERTTFFC'ATE.j F OCCUPANCY Ilk `DE'�i�i'TE1't�F g C'ScA`COf1�iVli�l'TY'"DE�/LCiP T ate -- HUNTING ON BEACH This fs o"c 'Iftf `"" hAat °tlie b f166 t1 giCe8 as t7 fiot izati under`gt Icliri Per Nd L it :� 8Wy aid is ` de i i'M as 150ty3 �,det►west, Iltii�ittrikton Bea�f o`dc��ess Ce1'#,foilt.g and tlesPilid as LAB U'IC85 {ruCe_ S." CO11}�s) _B><r xe s Prd ei ti e 17840 Palk .1 Mhe, in {hQ 6�ifldii2j �a`tii" at _ I► name address _ Coin (� s=`inri{i�' the' pravigio`its of 'all iier: fnc� t� laws, 66 es, ord�n nces. and any it i�o�ed 'cots i is'for ih"ex'O"se'describcd and�Ids3ifft`s ",as an �� �'6c�il�i y. f�hAX iVi' v1` 6ddUP ��1�T`'��OAD'�P�t�¢f% TT b a T�ls'C iftcate of `6cc-up cy Jdh °� Bei re`f "s F b pirector of Building & Ciitrtiunity Development SHAWL%'E 066taa fii a coiil;�5f'c` dtis'PIaCe on the remi, "abd J ' li�not¢be rerriti�ted `axcept P- b7Vzihc'f3 1, i ill. BY ICJ •> � --LIt ' APPI,ICAT76N ' VOII ' CCRI ir- lCATE 'OF 'OCCUPANCY De _ artmen t of 861181, `& Com 6wi e'vela "riierit City bf H*a�t;ii5� Star. Beach i' �.� DATE ' FOR APP_j fCA fT TO FILL IN (Print or type only) 'L11W" pplication is hereby made: for. a Certificate of Occupancy for a: 12 -6r Describe iisiness Use To be kfio0n as Nam of Bu6ifiess L6rated at aush i ess Address 927 it _ Zip.�.. Phone Nor C Name : 23 ftb" NG OWNCR .Address Y THIS 'USE 6UD l F DESCRIBED`'AS : t Neatly "Constructed �3iii lding Change of Owner Chanz�e of. OccupaYt g g Chan e'of Use Additi`ortal doctpa�t Exiatitt Buildin" g Irc�icate 'foJ�rner use if. any zip r Residence Address Name r BUSINESSOWNER Phone No. Business: r-- Residence: NOTICE': 1. Occupancy 'of any build &O' ibited and a business license wi11 not be issiled un!:f l the biildih�j "has `been inspected and a Ce'rt fcate of Occupancy is issued. 2. No electrical service Will'be released for any existing building until the service has been ii"spected and certified safe. All applicants for occupa'hcy ri an existing building are regiired to schedule an electrical "fuse " inspection in the Department 'cif Building aria Community Deve'lopinent at the time this applicatiofi is filed. } ��p y.. '.R - 0' 3 . CHANCE ov OCCUPANCY .OR USE INSPECTION ' FEE . 14henever it is necessary to make e . Lf a Chang insy inspection of a bt�i'ldxng Or premises in order'. tc determine be made in the character of Occupancy or use of the buil.ditg or premises which' would `place the b aildi`hg in 'a -different division of the same group 'of occupancy or in a dif.ferefit group of Occupancy, a change _of Occu ancy r © ? inspection fee of $25.00 shall be paid to the City.�f©� �o --- `(F`OR OFFICE USE ONLY) r, SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION Sqr ft. of bui'ldi g Plan check No. Occupancy ' Group _� Permit No. Occupan"t Load _ _ Admin. Action No. of Stories _`._ _ No. Marking Spaces Health Dept. Approvaj Utilities Released Afi 'RO'VDD B3 CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY FEE $ 5.00 CHANGE Or OCCUPANCY OR USE INSPI CTI(JN FEE _ (#75-039) TOTAL $