HomeMy WebLinkAbout15077 GOLDEN WEST - CofO (2)J, APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY CiTY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH • `� DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING $ SAFETY rivrrTwcrcxr MACH aae+NT OR TYPE rNI yj ,.- RAT 'fi 1 ui— I� N Ad��ireus � 6 � Business Name W %Tod 0. Tel Business T e __ ' C r p t5 , _ Oc Groups... 80tLDZG OWNER BUSINES-- r1 ,RtMANAGER Name LDS h P r.5 _ i� ? ! Name-, s� H96 4.0cwi Addre s �—, F'r Vic- Addle ='a Cityl` i ' h`Q"✓ �__. TP z Q city ' `� r i 1 f--' .......Home Te�� r .. t,, { ....� y ...,. � ,,..,...-- _...._, 'rHis USE WOULD BE DESCRIBED AS,. _ El CONSTRUCTED BLDG CHANt3E OF OWNER HAtNGE OF OCCUPANT EXIST,N'G BUILDING I CHANGE OF USE �AGt71T1ONAl OCCUPANT Indicate farmer use. if any_...._ _ _ .. .. ,__ :ax.. C)c,rt�parr4y Gc Div SQUARE FT OF BUILDING TO BE OCCUPtED-1- v— NOTICE , 1 Occupancy of any building is prohibited and a business arise will not be issued until the budding lies been inspected and n certificate of occupancy is issued. 2. No electrical service will be released for any existing building unlit the service has been inspnted and certified safe All applicz ss for occupancy in an existing building are required to schedule an electrical 'fuse up` inspection in the :Department of Community Development at the time this application is filed. 3, Change of occupancy or use inspection le . Whenever it is necessary to make inspection of a building or prrmtses in order to determine if a change may be made in the character of occupancy or use of the building or premises which would place the building in a different division of the same group of occupancy or in s different group of occupancy, a change of occupancy inspection fee of $v. shall be paid to the city, i 4, Huntingto-n Beach Fire Code Section 10,208 requires that building num 5ers must. be a minimum of four (4) inches in height with one half (i/z). inch stroke, and of a contrasting color from the background', These. numbers must be posted on your building in a location that is visible from the street, 5. Huntington reach fire Code Section 10,301 requires fire extinguisher selection and distribution per the National Ftre Prote ion Assoctatinp pamphlet 10 (see reverse aide). e�� pl:,t�..i"&i' Ir.l� d,w v+r i �. _ �► "� � t°�, k�b„tw F75 FFICE USE ONLY) NI ONG , OCCUPANCY GROUP— PLAN CHECK NO ��. NO PARKING SPACES OCCUPANT LOAD PERMIT NO _ _ - HEALTH DEPT APPROVAL. — NO OF STORIES _.-.. _ A w..-_.,.k_» ADMIN ACTION, UTILITIES RELEASLD «' �� a4✓ CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY FEE APPROVED ,BY DOIF � C`HANGE OF USE OR OCCUPANCY KE $ TOTAL S �r F{7RFA:°T:I#9a{r+"aX.=i.ir*`:7iR',,A:.I�i,1�CtaeARa+a=�:9*4� ,gg 4 SUPPLEMENYAL INFORMATION 1.. BUSINESS ADDRESS aor:2. Persen to contact in case of em � 1 Telephone- number: /�, '�Sf --- 3. Does the building in quesi on have electricity? Yes 4No (a) If No, are you requesting that the electricity be C7 Yes turned on? No 4. The building is sprinklered? G Yes JR�'No 5. Operations will produce dust/wood shavings or similar material? 0 Yes No 6. Operations will involve the repair or replacement of 1:1 Yes automobile par:. ?No If Yes: (a) Describe the components repaired or replaced. (b): Does the operation involve the use of an operaflame? YnC! No 7. The business is drinking, dining or assembly use that will result in an occul-iant load oi" more trzan 50 persons. Yes No 8. The following best describes my operation; ' �RetaLil Sale Warehouse Manufacturing Distribution (describe process and end product) rant/Take Out Food Restau- Medical I Dental p Other (describe) , s - ♦. r ."k ik i.ue. .i. -i r SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION 3Ct htinued) Does the operation involve any of the fallow>{i. materials? 0 Yes N If Yes, indicat, quantities. Quantity 1. ". t1 jyyy �ryyt/':''�{�i nater1ia)t� /�1 Flammable liquids Class I -A Mass 1-B :•.wum.n,.i+ur.++•.-ova-w..-�•+rn.+..,,.n.w.•,w+.-�+.,ms..wi,w•...wa•w= w..r+x..,.....n.....e+�-..wm.m Glass i-C mw.uw,:+.,ww�.+x+.�r,.=-.w-......m..re.....•«,w..;.sua�..�w.w,..nw...+w..-,u,E e...u.c .._��.�..�.e.re+r..... �+ ..— _...s..�.�....�.�.�.....w...,*e-e.n..�..ww. nr:r.s.mrwx-.:w..a.�...�w.......n....,.+8....... G�rnbuStikile siilt,"i(�S ..nw.n.k.r+a�n -wpm..,... Class I1 ....=u..+r.us..xr ..+.+.a '«�+�,.,,.•..,:,.-r. «u..mu--r�.m.• Class ill- "v...roewr+M-ev.;rlur...w+,-a.•-.+.�.x-m+n••.'«..�u I>. Combination flammable �Iigi.iids_,...w.,.n„.�.�,.,� Liquefied #tarilmalNle eases 6. Flammable fibers - loose '�.� �Iamitiable �:S�ersM baled Flamrncable solids i t... Oxidizing _ mator`.ai. w es Gxidizing material liquids 13. Oxidizing iraterWl solids .M.��...,,»��...r.��....k�...�..,m.=.F..�..,...�...a.-,.-.W.-,...,....w...,..�,,,.....�...�..,....,>~..»__,.,,_..�,...w.,..,..�,n,,a—....-_,,,...,...:....�,.,,...»,..,...... +C„gani+c peroxides w.,,..._�.vw.,......._....,.......,a.._......,,...�.k,.,..... e _ rWrri -nano 'ainst zbie materials) mmonluiri nitrate_ f x �# nrrioi ii m rtitr to i; ,rnfaound—rjxtures containing more th.3n 60% riiWitiy by we ght H- ig-hly toxic material and poisonous gas 19. oXe ess powder d ick forting powder t epy certi th above information is true and correct to se ii sit of isnol, e e. 4ignature K ;ate w A South Coast AIR QUALITY MANAGEMENT DISTRICT ` 21865 E. Copley Drive, Diamond Bar, CA 91765.4182 (900�, 896.2000, AIR QU kLITY PERMIT CHECKLIST for nonresidential buildings only Company Name: I,acatioa f Pxope t ? �t W vs -'t City: t lj YAC, e C r Zip Code: / 7` Contact Person a -G'041 Title:, 1,0 Pi l f ' JJ �1 `' Telephone. �vumber:..._j_„ f L> �' Fax Dumber: .._._, f4 ^ Type of TntiusttytBuszness: To apply for .t nonresidential building permit, you mist complete this cbecklist. Ifyou have any questions about completing this checklist, please call (800) 388-2121. YES �O 1 Will the facility have a charbroiler? 2. Wil.l any internal combustion. engine ;vith greater than, 50 horsepower operate at the facility (excluding motor vehicles)? 3. Will operations at the facility involve mixing, blending, or processing of n , solvents, adhesives, paints or comings`'[ ] 4. Will dust or smoke be generated at the facility? 5. Will refadmg of any liquids or solids be done at the facility? 6, Will any plating or coating of materials be done at the facility 7. Will any combustion equipment rated greater than 2,000,000 1 rr be operated at the facility? [ } $. Will any acids, solvents, or mote! -.del be used or stored a the4 ty"t� ] j Will any organic liquids or gas be reacted or prod 10. Will any ovens be used to dry cure pr elude a ytherac6i'lifty�;71 11. y CFC (Freon recycling, ;:esolierate,�t � ,� Ln-S Applicarst! �, igna (Print name clearl)� If you have marked "NO" in �t1 the bn:ces, air quality permit is � nee _d' at this time, and this checklist is your written release. If you m?rked "YES" in any of the boxes, you, must coacactthe South Coast Air duality Management District (AQMD). Please reach the requirements on the back of the'checklisL (800) 388-2121. r Rr '%mTl GOVEMNWIS Califf n,Ja :eta is Lax (Gove"m'ttert t.oje O'i'K502) pl-ohibit,, d-w x � �g Dcp tea, f . �«s i�l�.t, �. 3.k ��tlus .cw12 -ruin- a final E;esLi?:c e of 0 Cupanc1 -" u:' esi all requi-Lem,=as oi the lo, I fir i�C ity i%;ei3cyaW met, ll'applicr,ztb are -equixed to cofnipletc Lke 2a quality pe=it Oieit kjiit, The c e6kjist a$ designed to 3tt' i G" aPliLaaat for a no xresid zntial build-ing pzrnit a—'4- if'tho Ea?1lwer to Ma N of diw tr." Stion's i;i a yrs. ''t Building l)epu:iR,i ent must obtaiti a written release frorn the local air quality agtnc4� � er$�;�'ir� ^ tly�« �� at ��i� ktr:t is in 1. All nonresidenrrral buildinty must eo.ltplete dus 2 � 44'' t", tSg �t 't �d:E 1 Ra u'ti r:x t ! .. ah-- Bgy utd 'cam; yy# p ' x' ' t ��`", tilt; w�i$',E:kl1 t t��,.» ' L7 ui �.'° &,F6i rlk�`�t�A MY�2o �T"i X�. �E: 6 t 5jY' ,3t the '4N'r't'tt�.�ii r&:lci+ * E�'. If :!v-Ei questtY,.t s Wf ' +�'..., `a`:4 Y:n L`ed �� �I;, e, ,.*$G�. Zpn4c ! ' x `' ng � «. � � <�'r. "'f�y� uli 7�"$��;t :.5 i1u�Zt, tr1`,'', ������ �y' calling f 0) 388 permit: are rquired for anN equipment ipment wl ieb rn4y be oporated 31 th,w site•, if tlty AQ.MD dc-lennines that fir qoality pets are not. requind 07 all N11:1Mrkvnlz, have beeii met: ;a wrinen. l�!ase 1011 be i$$ue' 4, if aix quality pern it:,, are r.quixec l an4 applicAlions have str$t c.en subrrutted, 'the uppliwat Muse subn-itl *,e necc-,s ry ver it application(s) and appropriate fees before a vaitten will be issued. AQ.NfD i,.� committed to expediling, all clearance letter requests. However, it may 4.,0 several weeps to veril 'y co pli=ce w0h all requireractats. I lterefore, you are adNised to toutaet A :MD Immediately, aftcrapptying for building permits. (8€ 0) 388-212 msi d VO